Winner in life

Chapter 947 16 The Martial Arts Hero

"Uncle Thirteen, I am very grateful to you for telling me this, so that I will not be a fool. I know that the leader is your biological brother, so I can think that what you told me today also represents your lineage. What’s your stance on my aunt?”

Lu Jiu blinked and did not answer.

Ruihe smiled: "Thank you no matter what, I remember your care."

After talking to Lu You about these things, Rui He kept it secret from Su Yaoniang for the time being.

When he went to bed that night, he studied the original memory again. In his previous life, the original person and Su Yaoniang met their enemies half a year after they left the valley. He planned to study those people's costumes, speech accents, and martial arts methods over and over in his mind for more than ten times. The original person was still young at the time, six or seven years old, and panicked. His memory of the killer was confused and blurry due to fear, and there were only black figures wearing black clothes. In order to dig out more information, Rui He did not hesitate to use hypnosis for himself to dig deeper into those vague memories.

The risky try yielded results, and he "saw" some martial arts moves.

It’s really the martial arts of the Blood Lotus Sect!

After reading the memory, Ruihe opened his eyes and wiped the sweat from his forehead. He pursed his lips in a serious tone, and really couldn't figure out why the remnants of the Blood Lotus Sect didn't lurk and reorganize themselves, but spent so much effort to reappear in the third year after their destruction, and did nothing else but destroy the Hushan Sect. According to Lu Jie, the Hushan Sect's property was not lost at all. Those people seem to only want to kill people.

People in Jianghu kill people, firstly for treasure and secondly for hatred. Are the remnants of the Blood Lotus Sect seeking revenge?

The Hushan Sect and the Blood Lotus Sect do have a grudge, and everyone in the martial arts world knows about this grudge. To sum it up, the entire martial arts world has a grudge against the Blood Lotus Sect. The Hushan Sect is just one of the forces that encircled and suppressed the Blood Lotus Sect. Why does the Blood Lotus Sect hate the Hushan Sect the most? In all these years, I have never heard of the remnants of the Blood Lotus Sect taking action against other forces in the world.

That's for the treasure. If ordinary wealth is left in place, it means that a certain secret treasure has been taken away. In that case, the secret treasure may not be fully obtained, so Su Yaoniang and her daughter will continue to be hunted. The question arises again, why did Su Yaoniang’s father never ask relatives and friends for help? Does Su Yaoniang's father think it is safer to live in the unknown valley of Jinhu than to seek help from relatives and friends?

Ruihe is unknown to all kinds of things. But he had an intuition that the Hushan Sect’s destruction was related to the Blood Lotus Sect’s treasure.

The next day Ruihe went to see Lu Jie again. Lu Jie really liked him. When he saw him, he came to ask again. For his safety, he couldn't help but tell him again: "How old are you? It is serious to grow up and learn martial arts first. It will not be good for you to discuss the Hushan Sect's extermination case now."

"Uncle Thirteen, this time I don't want to ask about the Hushan Sect, but I am interested in the Blood Lotus Sect. Uncle Thirteen, a few years ago, the dragon in Guituo Mountain turned upside down. Do you know the inside story? My mother and I were There are also Aunt Xiaoniu and the others who are on their way. On the way, many people say that there are treasures in Guituo Mountain, and they all say they want to dig them up!”

"Oh? That happened several years ago. At that time, I went to the caravan in Mobei and didn't go close to see it. But I heard from my elder brother that no sect would benefit from Guituo Mountain."

"Even if there is, no one will say it."

"Hahaha." Lu Jie patted Ruihe on the shoulder, "I really like you more and more. You are really born to be the leader. I still say the same thing, you are only twelve years old, you can do whatever you want now. It's too early. There are many geniuses like you in the martial arts, but many of them are supported by families or forces. Your starting point is much more difficult than others. If you spend too much time on chores, no matter how talented you are, It’s not enough for you to spend.”

What the other party said made sense, Rui He was taught, and thanked Lu Jie for the pointer.

Now he has no connections and no money, so he is limited in what he wants to do.

But for his and Su Yaoniang's safety, he still had to find the answer. He had to ask Su Yaoniang to make her sad. After hearing her son say that this matter was very important, Su Yaoniang tried to think back. It's a pity that she was only five or six years old at that time, and what she remembered was really limited. All I know is that she fell ill that night and fell into a deep sleep. Her father suddenly rushed in, wrapped her in a quilt, tied her to her back, and escaped, and her escape began.

"These are all things left by your grandfather. See if you can use them." Su Yaoniang took out the package and showed her son the things she brought from the valley.

At a glance, Rui He knew that these things were ordinary things. He had secretly turned over them while Su Yao Niang was not paying attention in the valley!

"Mom, I will definitely find out the truth. Grandpa didn't tell you anything before he died, and he won't leave any clues after thinking about it." Seeing that Su Yaoniang was a little disappointed, Ruihe comforted her, "Grandpa just wants you to live well. ”

Su Yaoniang's eyes turned red and she sighed: "I know. At that time, I knelt in front of your grandfather's bed and begged him to tell me. He just looked at me with a smile and refused to say anything. Finally, he touched my face and left. ..." She pushed back her tears and looked at Ruihe worriedly, "After having you, I seem to understand my father's painstaking efforts. Xiaoyu, I know your ambition, and I also want to avenge my family. But I only have you now. Compared with my hatred and your safety, I only care about you." Just like his father chose her between revenge and her.

For the sake of Ansu Yaoniang's heart, Ruihe promised that he would pay attention to safety and would not act recklessly.

Two days later, Chen Yanfang gave Su Yaoniang an explanation, saying that one of the maids who was serving her leaked the information, and her family members passed it off as a funny story while chatting with others. Naturally, the maidservant could no longer stay and serve. Chen Yanfang was very angry and sent her to the mining area under her name.

"Let her have nowhere to talk anymore!"

Su Yaoniang was suppressed. She had some impression of that maidservant. She was actually a young and delicate girl. She was sent to the mining area now? She subconsciously wanted to ask for mercy, but Chen Yanfang waved her hand: "Pingzheng, I know you are kind, but I can't forgive her for this. Alas, you don't know the details of the Hushan Sect's extermination. You were still young at that time, so you probably have no memory. , The methods of those murderers are very horrifying, how afraid I am that they will find you and Xiaoyu and attack you!"

After hearing a lot of past events from Chen Yanfang's mouth and learning about the deaths of her relatives, Su Yaoniang was shocked and sad. She had been absent-minded after returning to the yard and almost cut her hands when chopping vegetables. Zhuang Liu Niang was very worried and told Rui He. Rui He asked with concern, and felt a little guilty after learning the reason why she was hit: "If I had known earlier, I would have told you first. It would be better than you being shocked when I suddenly learn about it."

"You already know?"

"I heard what Uncle Thirteen said."

"Xiaoyu!" Su Yaoniang suddenly grabbed Ruihe's hand, "I finally know what kind of enemy the Hushan Sect is facing, the mummy! My mother, my brothers, nephews and nieces...all the disciples of the Hushan Sect who were stationed at that time , all turned into mummies! No wonder, no wonder my father didn’t tell me anything until he died, he was afraid! He knew how terrible those enemies were, and he didn’t even dare to think about revenge..."

Su Yaoniang cried bitterly, which made Ruihe's heart feel sour. He could only hold her in his arms and let his shoulders comfort her.

After crying profusely, Su Yaoniang calmed down.

However, it took several days for her mood to recover. The mother and son had dinner with Chen Yanfang again. This time, it was just Chen Yanfang and her youngest daughter Shujing. After dinner, the fourth young master Lu Cong came over with his children to say hello. He said he would take the children out to play. He smiled and asked, "Cousin Xiaoyu, do you want to come with us?"

Chen Yanfang made the decision: "Pingzheng and Xiaoyu haven't gone out to play yet, right? You just go together!"

Lu Cong said with a smile: "It's been half a month since my cousin came to Tancheng. The scenery of Tancheng is one of the best in the world. It would be a pity not to take a look around. Today is the Lantern Festival, and the whole Tancheng is like being in a... The sea of ​​lights is so beautiful that you really shouldn’t miss it.”

Without that so-called baby marriage, Su Yaoniang would not refuse the invitation from her aunt and cousin. But since she already knew her aunt's plan, and she had no intention of doing so, she instinctively opened up a relationship with her cousin. She shook her head and refused, saying that she had a headache and wanted to rest early, and asked Lu Cong to take her son out to play.

"And Mavericks." Ruihe interrupted.

"Yes, there is still a calf, so please leave it to my cousin."

Lu Cong received Chen Yanfang's eyes, his eyes wandered around Su Yaoniang's face, and he nodded with a smile.

After they left, Chen Yanfang took Su Yaoniang into the inner room and asked someone to invite the doctor.

"I see that you have worked too much over the years and are not very strong. Let the doctor take your pulse and cure your headache first, and then recuperate your body." Chen Yanfang looked at her lovingly, "You are only thirty. "

Seeing her aunt's concern, Su Yaoniang felt a little guilty for pretending to be sick as an excuse not to go out with her cousin. The environment in which she lives is quite simple, and in the eyes of someone like Chen Yanfang, who has been a housewife in a big family for many years, it is really easy to see through.

After the doctor prescribed the prescription for Su Yaoniang, Chen Yanfang immediately asked someone to go to the warehouse to get the best medicinal materials, and pointed out a maid to bring it back to her.

"Hua Yu is careful, just let her make the medicine for you."

Unable to refuse, Su Yaoniang had no choice but to accept.

"Pingzheng, what my aunt told you before was all out of sincerity. Yes, you rejected me, but I sincerely hope you can think about it again. Have you come up with the result by today? Oh, I know it too. I've wronged you, I couldn't find you all these years, I thought you... Sigh! Now I only have Xiaosi without a wife, so I can only wrong you to continue my marriage." Chen Yanfang held Su Yaoniang's hand and said with tears. "When I see you, it's like meeting my sister. We were so good friends when we were children. I still remember that I was taking a nap in the summer and the mosquitoes were bothering me. It was my sister who sat next to me and fanned me to repel the mosquitoes. Sister In my heart, I am like my mother, but unfortunately she is gone. If I cannot take care of you, how will I explain to your mother when I go underground? "

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