Winner in life

Chapter 949 18 The Martial Arts Hero

"Xiaoyu, Bining is still young. You are so many years older than him, how can you beat him?" Lu Cong looked at Ruihe with disappointment, "I think you know etiquette and etiquette, and your aunt often praises you, You really disappoint me!"

"It was Lu Bining who scolded my aunt first!" Xiao Niu couldn't help it and said angrily, "It was their brothers who bullied my brother first. They pushed him! If you don't believe me, ask others!"

Lu Cong didn't quite believe it. He looked at the guards, who didn't dare to speak.

"Tell me, is what this kid said true?"

The guard leading the protection of the young gentlemen came out and nodded: "Disciple did see the two young gentlemen pushing Young Master Su Biao first."

Lu Cong felt a little embarrassed.

"Dad, I pushed him lightly, but he slapped my brother!"

"He wanted to kill my brother with a dagger!" Maverick picked up the dagger from the ground and showed it to Lu Cong.

Looking at the dagger broken into two pieces in Maverick's hand, Lu Cong recognized it as the birthday gift he gave to his second son. Although this dagger is not a masterpiece by a famous artist, it can even be said that it is more ornamental than practical, and is not as useful as a dagger that is not really used to kill people. However, it is also a truly sharp weapon. How can it be broken so easily?

"Fourth cousin, I dare to take responsibility. I slapped cousin Bining, but he insulted my mother. He deserved this slap unjustly!" Ruihe took the dagger from Maverick's hand and threw it to Lu Bian's feet were so frightened that Lu Bian took two steps back. "Cousin Bi'an wanted to stab me with a dagger, so I destroyed the dagger. If cousin Bi'an attacks me again next time, it won't be as simple as breaking a dagger."

He showed a sinister smile to Lu Bining, successfully frightening the young master who had never experienced any hardships to take a step back, and then looked at Lu Bining, "I grew up in the wild outside, and it's not like I haven't seen blood! "

"Su Yu!" Seeing that Ruihe dared to threaten his two sons in front of him, the embarrassment that arose instantly disappeared.

Seeing that his father was on his side, Lu Bining was happy and proud. He hugged his father and got carried away for a moment, shouting at Ruihe: "I am telling the truth, your mother is a prostitute——"


Lu Cong felt his eyes flash, his arms empty, and then there was a slap in his ears.

Lu Bining was pulled out of Lu Cong's arms by Rui He and slapped again.

This time Ruihe used his inner strength, and Lu Bining fell to the ground with a scream, spitting out two bloody teeth.

Lu Cong was stunned. He was also a person with martial arts skills. Although his martial arts skills were not outstanding due to limited qualifications, he practiced martial arts at the age of five, and now he has been practicing martial arts for thirty years. Su Yu was only a few years old, and he was so fast. He snatched Bining out of his arms without a trace, but he couldn't react at all? The surrounding guards were also shocked, with similar expressions to Lu Cong, especially the guard leader, who also had a serious look on his face. Lu Cong knew the capabilities of the guard leader, and his martial arts must be much higher than his. Even the leader had such an expression, which showed that Su Yu's move made him feel difficult.

His thoughts spread uncontrollably: If Su Yu had targeted him just now and cut his throat with a knife, wouldn't he be able to escape? Even the guards won't have time to react?

He couldn't think about it, his scalp felt numb just thinking about it!

When he looked at Su Yu again, Lu Cong's eyes were full of fear and defensiveness. He didn't even care about his son who fell to the ground. It was Lu Bian who rushed over to help his brother up.

"Dad! Su Yu has gone too far!" Lu Bian shouted, "He lives and eats for free in our house and even beats people up. Get their family out quickly!"

"Fourth cousin." Rui He walked back to Mavericks and waved his hand, "My mother brought me here to find relatives. I am very grateful to my aunt for taking care of our family these days, but this is not the reason for Lu Bining to wantonly insult my mother. ! You heard what he said just now. If you can't give me and my mother a reasonable reply, then I can disown your family on behalf of our family. Of course, your family has a big business and you don't look down on our little one even if you think about it. We are a small family, so we just broke up, and we will never have any contact with each other from now on!"

He acted like an impulsive teenager, and his mother was insulted. As a son of a man, no matter how extreme he behaved, it was understandable.

"My mother didn't want to marry you at all! I don't know where Lu Bi'an and Lu Bining heard the news, and they came to warn me that they would not let my mother in. Damn! My mother doesn't care about entering your house at all! Next time If I hear you disrespecting my mother again, I will kill you!"

There were quite a few people watching, and they came around one after another when they heard the movement. When Tingruihe said this, many people's eyes became gossipy.

Lu Cong's face became extremely embarrassed. Is Su Yu crazy? He said this in public? !

Of course Ruihe is not crazy, he just wants to stop the "baby kiss". With things like this, he wanted to see how this marriage would continue.

He didn't know why Lu Cong's two sons suddenly turned on him. These two children, one eight years old and the other six years old, how could they have heard about this marriage that hadn't even started yet? Even if they had heard about it, they shouldn't have had such great malice towards him and Su Yaoniang. He had already inquired about it and knew that Lu Cong was not a good man. Before Lu Cong married his wife, he had a beloved concubine. It was said that the concubine was offered by the village under the jurisdiction of the Zhenyang Sect. Lu Cong fell in love with her at first sight and immediately took her into his room. Before they got married, they had a son and a daughter. His wife came from a declining martial arts family. After entering the house, she had no confidence and had no way to deal with Aunt Wu. She died of illness after being depressed for several years. From then on, Aunt Wu became the actual "mistress" of the small fourth room among the four rooms. When Chen Yanfang saw that the small fourth room had two legitimate sons, she turned a blind eye to the matter between her son and the concubine, and did not urge him to remarry.

As a result, Su Yaoniang appeared, and Chen Yanfang wanted to marry her niece to the youngest son as a remarriage.

When Chen Yanfang mentioned the child marriage, how much of it was true love and how much of it was for profit? Ruihe believed that there were both, but the latter was definitely more.

Lu Bian and Lu Bining's behavior tonight was too much. It seemed that they were instigated by someone, but Ruihe didn't care whether there was someone behind their insults to Su Yaoniang tonight. He only knew that Lu Cong was not a good match and it was impossible for Su Yaoniang to marry him. Lu Cong's child jumped out to hand over the handle, and he should seize this opportunity.

"Su Yu, these are all misunderstandings." Lu Cong judged the situation and knew that it was not good to make a big fuss now. Temporarily suppressing his anger, he asked his two sons to apologize to Ruihe, and bowed to explain to the audience around him, saying that the children at home were playing unruly, making everyone laugh, and they were really sorry for disturbing everyone's lantern viewing.

Tancheng is the territory of the Zhenyang faction. It has been operating for hundreds of years and has a very high deterrent power in the local area. Everyone likes to watch the excitement, but they dare not watch the excitement of the Zhenyang Sect's disciples openly, so they all agree and say it's okay.

The group hurried back to the sect's residence. Lu Bian and Lu Bining are young, but they know what's good for them. They know that they have caused trouble. The two brothers hugged each other with sad faces.

Su Yao Niang fell asleep after drinking the medicine, and rested in Chen Yanfang's courtyard. Chen Yanfang was in a good mood. Tonight, she had a long talk with her niece. After several sets of words, it was obvious that she had persuaded her niece. After all, she has not been carefully trained and has no qualities of a daughter of a famous family. Fortunately, she is just a mascot of the wife, so she doesn't need her niece to be very capable.

Unexpectedly, the happy mood only lasted for a while. When the youngest son and grandchildren came back and brought back bad news, Chen Yanfang was in a bad mood.

"Who taught you to say those nonsense?!" After listening to Ruihe repeating what Lu Bian and Lu Bining said, Chen Yanfang, who was angry that her nephews and grandchildren dragged her family down and made them look bad outside, had to blame her two grandsons first.

She had been immersed in the harem for many years, and she knew that these two children were instigated by someone. Who did it?

No need to think, it must be the concubine in the youngest son's harem!

Seeing her loving grandmother being so strict, Lu Bining cried with her face covered and said: "Everyone said so!"

"Everyone?" Chen Yanfang was disappointed with her grandson and looked at Lu Bian, "Tell me, which 'everyone' said so to you."

Lu Bian was spoiled by Chen Yanfang since he was a child, and he wanted his grandmother to give her justice, so he choked and said: "I just heard a few maids chatting, they all said so, I didn't see their faces, I don't know their names..."

Chen Yanfang's face was extremely ugly: "It's absurd, which maid dared to make up and teach you bad things! It doesn't matter if you don't know the name, you can always remember the voice, right? Where did you hear it?"

Lu Bian said it was in the big garden.

This made Chen Yanfang even angrier, and she couldn't help but glare at her son, and slammed the table in his inexplicable sight. "Although you were deceived, it is true that you believed the maid's rumors and disrespected your elders. Why don't you apologize to your cousin Xiaoyu!"

"Grandma!" Lu Bian was dissatisfied. Why did his father and grandmother ask him to apologize? It was obviously his brother who was beaten and he was bullied! He loved and cherished the dagger so much, but Su Yu broke it without mercy. He hated it so much that he didn't want to apologize again.

"Well, you made a mistake and don't repent. How can I have a grandson like you." Chen Yanfang looked disappointed. This silly child! Being calculated by others is stupid, being caught in the street is stupid, and still not seeing the situation clearly is stupid! She regretted it. If she had known earlier, she would have brought these two grandsons to her side to raise them so that they would not grow up to be so stupid now.

"Xiaoyu, it's your aunt who is sorry for you." Chen Yanfang apologized to Ruihe, "They lost their biological mother and lost some education. I can only shamelessly ask for your forgiveness. I will definitely discipline them well in the future."

"Aunt, this is not your fault." Ruihe raised his chin stubbornly and agreed to Chen Yanfang's request, "Anyway, I have taken revenge."

Looking at Lu Bining's red and swollen face, Chen Yanfang's face trembled twice.

"Good, good child!"

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