Winner in life

Chapter 960 29 The Martial Arts Hero

After listening to Su Yaoniang's words, Ruihe felt very complicated.

He originally thought that the past between Su Yaoniang and Song Yuzhi was a drama about a scumbag cheating on her and marrying her. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a mountain girl who forced her to marry the owner of a famous village. He respected Su Yaoniang even more, and the mystery that troubled him was finally solved. answer. Song Yuzhi's unfeeling love for Su Yu in his previous life turned out to be not the child he expected to be born, which can even be called evidence of shame!

"Originally, I wanted to hide this matter for a lifetime. Who would have thought that we would be in this situation today? You have never asked me about your biological father in the past few years, but I know that you must have some suspicions in your mind. There are constant actions over there, and today you even sent someone Here comes the assassin, I don’t know who it is - I am telling you the past story between me and your biological father to remind you that the person who wants to kill you and me may be your biological father. After all, your arrival was not his original intention. , he must hate me and regard me as a shame, and he probably won’t have much love for you. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have sent someone to capture you five years ago and take you back to be a substitute for his wife’s son. Maybe he won’t need you five years from now. As a substitute, I want to get rid of this stain on you and me. Don't blame Mom for being too cruel. Mom is afraid that you will have illusions about him and be hurt by him in the future. You can't regard him as your father. You have to be careful of him! , stay away from him!"

Su Yaoniang held her son's hand and said, "What I want to tell you is that you are my greatest treasure. I love you very much. You are the result of my wish to God. I have never regretted giving birth to you and raising you." You don't need to be ashamed of your origin. You are a child of the Su family. Hanjian Villa has nothing to do with you! From now on, you will be the descendant of the Hushan Sect. No, it doesn't matter even if the Hushan Sect is not rebuilt. You are Su Yu, no one else. "My illegitimate son, your father is dead, do you understand what mother said?"

"Mom, don't worry, I know who I am, I won't have any illusions about him, and I won't be hurt by him."

Su Yaoniang didn't want to tell the truth if she could. She would rather her son thought his father abandoned his wife and ran away than know the truth about her parents' union. But in the face of the bloody murderous intent, she couldn't care less about any shame. She had to let her son know his biological father's attitude towards him, and not have unnecessary illusions about his father's love.

"Xiaoyu, aren't you surprised at all?" Seeing that her son accepted it well, Su Yaoniang felt unsure.

"Mom, I'm surprised, but maybe it's because I never had any expectations for him, so I don't feel too sad. If he really wants to kill me, then I will kill him in the future. Mom, don't worry anymore. You have been worried since we followed Uncle Thirteen to the Zhenyang Sect."

Su Yaoniang smiled bitterly: "I can't help it. Things happen one after another. To this day, I don't know whether it is right or wrong to come to Jinyang Sect. We are like duckweeds on the water, constantly drifting with the tide."

"When we are stronger, everything will be solved."

"I just want you to grow up safely."

"Mom, I will definitely be able to grow up safely."

Su Yaoniang likes to see her son's self-confidence the most, which gives her a sense of accomplishment in raising children, and this time is no exception. Seeing that her son was very confident, she exhaled and echoed her son: "Mom, I believe in you."

It was a good time to come to the Jinyang Sect. Leader Su treated them with great courtesy. Although the Jinyang Sect was not as powerful as the Zhenyang Sect, and the total area of ​​the sect's headquarters was more than half smaller than that of the Zhenyang Sect, but maybe this is the place. Many of the core disciples are surnamed Su, and they belong to the same lineage as the Hushan Sect. Su Yaoniang actually felt like "home" after staying there for a long time.

Headmaster Su knew that she was interested in doing business, but now that the enemy was in the dark, doing business was unrealistic. After discussing with Ruihe, he proposed to let Su Yaoniang help in the sect: "You and your sister-in-law can also come to the dining hall to help. I'll let someone open a stove for you. Whether you make sesame cakes or other food, the sect will pay you a reward, do you think?"

That's okay, Su Yaoniang doesn't want to cause trouble to the Jinyang sect, but she will wrong Liu Niang. Being a sister to her, but also being implicated by her. Zhuang Liu Niang said hurriedly: "If sister has such thoughts, it will make me feel ashamed! Thanks to sister and Xiaoyu, Xiaoniu and I have been enjoying blessings in the past few years. Xiaoyu's kindness to us, That's something I won't be able to pay off in three lifetimes. Besides, we are a family, and a family must advance and retreat together. Isn't it the same as doing business outside and helping in the sect's canteen? You can also take care of the home. "

So they cleaned up and went to the canteen to help. After working for a few days, the two of them became more and more enthusiastic. Su Yaoniang smiled and said to Ruihe, "They are all children as old as you. Seeing how much they love to eat the sesame cakes made by Liu Niang and me, I felt so happy. Quite happy.”

That's good. Ruihe and Mavericks are quite adaptable to the Jinyang sect, but they just changed their martial arts practice in another place. The cooperation with Head Su is promoted by Head Su, and Rui He usually doesn't care about it.

Leader Kuang has just taken office and is really busy with affairs. The nine sects formed the Nine Alliance. Based on the Nine Alliance, they gathered the forces of other sects in the world and formed the Wulin Alliance. The leader of the Wulin Alliance has always been elected among the Nine Alliances. There is no term of office. As long as there are no mistakes, he can always hold office. Go down. The previous leader was Master Huizhi from Putuo Mountain. He had been the leader of the martial arts alliance for thirty-two years. After resigning due to illness, Leader Kuang defeated other competitors at the previous martial arts conference and took the position of leader. This location has natural scenery and many benefits, but it is really tiring. If he wants to be an alliance leader that others cannot find fault with, he needs to put in a lot of energy.

The Zhenyang Sect sent two messages about the deceased members of the Blood Lotus Cult. No matter how busy he was, he had to find time to deal with it. It is true that he still has old grudges against the Hushan faction, but this is the first major incident he has handled since taking office. If he does not handle it well, others will say that he does not distinguish between public and private matters, and that he is not worthy of his moral integrity.

Leader Su and his three families received a reply, asking them to bring out a property list and send it to the Wulin Alliance. If there is any increase or decrease, they must have evidence. The Wulin League preserves the paperwork and information on the Hushan Sect's legacy. He will sort it out at that time, and then invite everyone to the Wulin League to witness the matter together.

With such a huge inheritance, Chen Yanfang, his wife and Zhang Jinhe hold the most valuable part in their hands. Over the years, they have built more shops, and money has made more money. Their assets have multiplied countless times. According to the agreement that year, they only need to return the original part, and the increased value can be retained for themselves as compensation for management. The reduction in production except for natural disasters needs to be made up. Chen Yanfang carefully took care of this property and even kept accounts in the early years. More than 20 years later, she thought that her brother-in-law and niece were long gone, and she regarded the property as her own. Now the accounts are in chaos and it is impossible to unpack the original ones. The face is gone.

After receiving the letter from the alliance leader, she was in a bad mood.

Then I received news from Xiaoyao Valley that the owner of Xiaoyao Valley had devoted all his efforts to diagnosis and treatment, but his youngest son's injury had been cured.

My sister-in-law, who knew the situation, seemed to be kind-hearted and tried to persuade her, "Fortunately, Twelve has no shortage of children now, so it's not like we've lost our roots." Secretly, she was laughing at her family for stealing the chicken but losing the rice!

Chen Yanfang was in a bad mood, and Zhang Jinhe was also in a bad mood. He is now caught in the troubles of internal strife in the sect. The successor he has chosen cannot suppress his disciples. One of the disciples is better than his successor in both literary and military skills. He is five years older and already has a considerable say in the sect. . After that disciple revealed his intention to compete for the position of the next leader, the sect's internal strife began. The heir is his biological son. Since he does not have the absolute advantage to suppress his competitors, he has been questioned by others for putting personal interests before the interests of the sect.

At this moment, he really wasn't in the mood to take care of property matters. But it's not enough to ignore this matter. His situation is similar to that of Chen Yanfang. Those properties have long been mixed with his private property, and it will be unclear for a while.

"Chen Yanfang has a big appetite, but her brain is not clear." Zhang Jinhe told his son, "Now that we have found the Su mother and her son, if we are not sure about them, we should simply get rid of them to avoid future troubles. But she is too greedy. Staring at this thing in my hand will end up beating you up." After Elder Zhang Qi came back, he told him the farce at the dust-washing banquet, and he used this to warn his son, "I will do my best to help you sit on the throne of the young master. Sir, you should at least put a stop to Zhang Tian's murderous intentions! Nothing good can happen again. You win over Zhang Tian as the young master, but you still want to kill Zhang Tian. Don't tell me that the second elder won't tolerate you, Qing Shui. I can't tolerate you harming your brothers and sisters like this, do you understand my painstaking efforts?"

Zhang Yan was impatient: "Dad, you have said it twice, stop saying it, I am upset."

Zhang Jinhe looked at his only son, thinking that this child still needs to be tempered. This kind of temperament is the type that makes people stab him without knowing it when he walks in the world! Worried, worried, heartbroken, Zhang Jin congratulated, "I'll leave this matter of the Hushan Sect's inheritance to you. Can you do it?"

"What do you want to do? Kill Su's mother and son?"

"You need to curb your murderous intentions!" Zhang Jinhe had a headache. "Don't always say you want to kill people. Didn't I just tell you that the remnants of the Blood Lotus Sect sent two groups of dead soldiers to assassinate them? They failed both times. Su Qianlu They must be guarded even more tightly. How do you want to kill them? Go and do the accounting! I will give you all the original ledgers, and you can sort out the ledgers and return the things that should be in the 'account books' to the Hushan Sect."

"Trouble! Just kill him, dad. Hesitation is the stupidest thing. Blood Lotus Cult's dead soldiers can't kill Su's mother and her son. That's because they are incompetent. If you want to kill people, you can't just do it carelessly. Most of them are assassinations. Means. Dad, if you believe me, let me be responsible. I will ensure that they die quietly, and it will be an accident for anyone to check!"

Zhang Jinhe thought for a while and finally agreed.

But Zhang Yan failed in the end. Rui He had rich experience in guarding against assassinations. He did not trust Chen Yanfang and Zhang Qi, the two disciples left by their mother and son respectively. After arriving at the Jinyang Sect, he used the hands of leader Su to separate them. Leader Su gave him a new group of people to protect himself, six people in total. Rui He frequently hinted that these six people were absolutely loyal, and he left them all to Su Yaoniang. Ruihe gave some training to Su Yaoniang, Zhuang Liuniang and Xiao Niu. They should not eat food of unknown origin from outside. They should only eat food prepared under their own noses. Don't go alone to strange and secluded places. , don’t talk to strangers...etc.

Zhang Yan was very motivated, but he didn't find a chance. Chen Yanfang was also the same.

Head Su proudly asked Rui He for credit: "There has been a lot of noise around you and your mother and son in the past three months. If I hadn't protected you, you would have died long ago."

"Winner in Life [Quick Travel]"

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