Winner in life

Chapter 964 33 The Martial Arts Hero

Two days later, Head Su said to Ruihe: "I don't know what Song Yuzhi was thinking. He hid his son so well. He is already an adult at the age of nineteen, but no one has ever seen his son take action outside. People who don’t know think his son doesn’t know how to do martial arts!”

Rui He smiled: "Perhaps I want to make a splash in the New England Competition. The clan uncle doesn't have to worry about me. When the time comes, the soldiers will come to cover up the water and the earth."

As heroes from all walks of life gathered in Qin Yashan, the martial arts conference was finally held.

The first half of the month was a meeting of all the major sects, and the content of the meeting was the major events in the martial arts world in the past five years. Internally, matters that have been settled will be summarized and reported, and matters that have not yet been resolved will be mediated and reconciled. After the internal conflicts have been dealt with, it's time to talk about external issues. The main topic of discussion at this conference is the Blood Lotus Sect. It is now certain that the Blood Lotus Sect has resurrected. Although it is still unclear why they sent dead soldiers to assassinate the orphans of the Hushan Sect, the evil sect has emerged and everyone can kill it. Leader Kuang had already sent a letter to various sects and forces in the name of the Wulin Alliance to inform them of this matter, asking everyone to be careful. He mentioned it again today in order to formulate a more detailed plan and work together to track down the traces of the Blood Lotus Sect.

Half a month later, all matters were discussed, and the Heroes Competition and the New Heroes Competition were announced to begin. Leader Kuang said that the two newly added Nine League seats will be selected from the elite competition. As long as they can be ranked among the top two, and the sects where the top two belong also meet the requirements of no less than 800 sects and have three fixed sects' bases. , you can join the Nine Alliances and build a new Eleven Alliance together. When the news came out, many sects who wanted to join the Jiu Meng and gain the right to speak in the Wulin League complained repeatedly. The Jiu Meng was not just called casually. Not only were their sects powerful, but their talent reserves were far superior to others. Every time the Wulin Conference was held, no matter it was Whether it is the Heroes Competition or the New Heroes Competition, it can be said that the Nine Leagues have taken all the top nine places, and it will take a long time for a dark horse from outside the Nine Leagues to appear. The top two in the Heroes Competition? Once you hear it, you will lose all your fighting spirit.

No matter what, the competition was held as usual. The first one was the New England Competition. There were three rounds of drawings in total. The three rounds were one-on-one competitions. After the three rounds, it was the semi-finals. The remaining players could stand on the stage. Challenge any opponent, the loser will be eliminated, and the winner will enter the finals. Rui He and Ge Qiuyu successfully entered the semi-finals. Boss Su breathed a sigh of relief. He first reminded his apprentice not to be proud, and then told Rui He that it was a good thing that he did not meet Song Hancong in the first three rounds.

"Tomorrow you challenge Yan Yu from the Iron Knife Sect. His martial arts are inferior to yours, and after the Hushan Sect was wiped out, the seat of the Nine Leagues was taken by the Iron Knife Sect. If you challenge him and win, it will be a big blow to both you and the Hushan Sect. There are benefits.”

"That's what I planned too."

But no one expected that when the semi-finals started the next day, Song Peilin, who won after being challenged by others, would have the opportunity to choose his opponent, and he chose to challenge Su Yu.

"Song Peilin is the leader of the disciples in Hanjian Villa, right? Why doesn't he challenge Kuang Ningmao or Lu Bitang, but why does he challenge Su Yu?"

"Who is Su Yu?"

As soon as Song Peilin finished speaking, the crowd onlookers became noisy. Headmaster Su frowned and turned to ask Song Yuzhi: "Old Song, what does your eldest disciple mean by this?"

Song Yuzhi said with a smile: "It's a competition, Pei Lin has his own ideas." His wife Fang Su sat beside him, also smiling: "Master Su, your nephew looks very much like my Han Cong, so we can see that they are similar. It's fate, maybe my Pei Lin felt pity and gave me advice because of this."

"There's no telling who's going to give advice to whom!" Headmaster Su rolled his eyes, unable to understand what Fang Su said.

This is the New England Competition, an arena held once every five years for the new generation of martial arts. Talking about cherishing talents and giving advice is disgusting.

He didn't say this, but his disdainful eyes clearly expressed it. Fang Su looked a little ugly. Song Yuzhi defended his wife: "A few years ago, Su Yu helped Lin'er catch a thief. When Lin'er came back, she treated Su Yu There are many praises. After a few years, Lin'er must have wanted to see how far Su Shaoxia's martial arts has improved, so she took the initiative to challenge. Since it is a children's game, we can just watch, our battlefield is behind us. "

What he said was appropriate, but the alliance leader smiled and smoothed things over.

At this time, the bottom two contestants had already taken the stage, so Leader Su stopped talking and concentrated on watching the competition.

Rui He was a little surprised that Song Peilin would challenge him, but he was not afraid at all and still looked forward to it. The two of them saluted, and then drew their swords at the same time. In the blink of an eye, the two of them had passed seven or eight moves. The sword moves were so tight that the two of them were evenly matched. All they could see on the field was their flying figures, the sword light. Flashing in between.

Hanshan's swordsmanship is famous for its lightness and speed. Song Pei Lin has mastered the essence of it. Keruihe's own Wenxin swordsmanship is no less good. He has practiced martial arts hard in the past few years. In the four years of the Jinyang sect, he has never traveled far away, except for fighting with the Jinyang sect. The family went out to play nearby to relax, and they just worked hard. He knew that his advantage was experience and experience, so expanding his meridians and Dantian to enrich his inner energy became a top priority.

Back then, Song Peilin felt that Su Yu's Qing Gong lasted for a long time and that his inner breath was so abundant that he was surprised. Now four years later, he was making progress, and so was his opponent. After the two fought for a quarter of an hour, he discovered that Su Yu's breath was actually No mess at all! If the fight continues like this, he will definitely lose due to exhaustion first. As soon as this idea surfaced, Song Peilin's breath was confused for a moment. Although he immediately adjusted, Ruihe caught the flaw and slashed his waist with the long sword, forcing Song Peilin to jump up to avoid the sword. However, Rui He seemed to have anticipated his move and followed closely. Soon Song Peilin was knocked down in the air, and his defeat was getting stronger.

A quarter of an hour later, the contest ended with Song Peilin's defeat. Ruihe put away his sword and clenched his fist to salute him as an equal: "I admit it."

"I admit defeat." Song Peilin looked at him deeply and jumped off the stage.

The audience kept cheering. Master Su looked proud, stroking his beard and laughing, and glanced at Fang Su with a vengeance. Fang Su's blood boiled when he saw his look. He opened his mouth to say something, but Song Yuzhi quickly held his hand and shook his head gently. His wife asked his eldest disciple to challenge Su Yu. In fact, he agreed. He was different from his wife's selfishness. He considered the overall situation. Like Master Su, he didn't think there would be any benefit for these two people who looked similar to each other. The winner would be fine, but the loser would definitely be ridiculed. He had confidence in Yan Sheng's martial arts, but Su Yu's martial arts seemed to be not bad either. His eldest disciple had praised him in the past. This time in the New England Competition, he intended to let his son's name officially debut in the arena, and there would be no mistakes! So he acquiesced to his wife's order to the eldest disciple and asked the eldest disciple to challenge Su Yu.

Who would have thought that Lin'er would lose.

"Su Su." Song Yuzhi shook his head at his wife and squeezed her palm soothingly. Fang Su bit her lower lip and suppressed her anger. Who knew that Su Yu challenged Song Hancong after winning on the stage, and Fang Su almost jumped up!

Admittedly, she was usually a dignified and decent wife of the owner of the manor, but she really couldn't have a good face for her husband's illegitimate son. If the child was mud under her feet, it would be fine, she was too lazy to step on it, but the other party was jumping in front of her and wanted to step on her son's name to get to the top, which was unbearable!

How dare, how dare this bastard, where does this bastard get the courage!

"Su Su!" Song Yuzhi pressed his wife down, but he was also very surprised in his heart. What is Su Yu doing? Is he so impulsive? Lin'er challenged him, and he had to challenge Hancong. He was so angry!

The audience was booing, obviously enjoying this kind of drama. Yan Sheng pursed his lips and looked at Song Yuzhi. Seeing Song Yuzhi nod encouragingly, he jumped onto the stage. He smiled at Ruihe: "Looking at you, I feel like I'm looking in a mirror. I'm nineteen this year, how about you?"

"I'm seventeen." Ruihe also smiled at him, "I met your family on the street last time, but I didn't notice it at the time. Later I found out that it seemed that my father and mother had a quarrel in the street. Since I have no friendship with Hanjian Villa, I am embarrassed to ask them. I wonder if Young Master Song can help me solve my doubts?"

As soon as these words came out, countless curious eyes from the audience were cast over, and the couple of Hanjian Villa on the viewing platform also received a lot of attention. Fang Su hated this illegitimate child very much. She felt that this person acted arrogantly and without manners. It was fine if he challenged her son, but how could he dare to talk about such things in front of so many people? That day, she was overly emotional and said some inappropriate words, which must have been heard by the illegitimate son. She asked around and found out that the village girl surnamed Su was also in Qinya Mountain. The village girl must have secretly seen her husband's appearance and recognized that her husband was the man who was injured in the valley that year.

In Fang Su's heart, the village girl who forced her husband was her greatest enemy in this life. The son born by the village girl was not a good thing either. He was just like his scheming and dirty mother, with a lot of bad water in his belly.

Now he is taking this opportunity to ask for an explanation from Hanjian Villa?

When Fang Su thought of this, the anger in her eyes almost splashed out.

Song Yuzhi secretly groaned. His wife was usually dignified and generous, but she repeatedly lost control of her emotions because of his experience in the past. This matter was his fault. When he went out to suppress bandits, he quarreled with his wife because his parents wanted to take a concubine for him before leaving. After that, he went out to do business and disappeared unexpectedly. At that time, his wife was pregnant and suffered a great blow. Later, he went home after recovering from his injury. The child born by his wife had passed his first birthday, but looked frighteningly weak. Han Cong had poor aptitude, which had been foreshadowed. His wife had a difficult delivery and injured her body, and could no longer give birth. Fang Su blamed herself for giving birth to a son with poor aptitude, but he could not really put all the responsibility on his wife. He was also responsible for his son's physical problems. A few years ago, in order to find a substitute for his son, Song Yuzhi had to tell his wife the details and told her about his recovery that year. He still remembered that before he left, Su Yaoniang had not had her menstrual period for two months... That was the first time his wife went crazy and hysterical, constantly questioning him, doubting him, and forcing him, asking him if he was forced by the village girl? Why did he still remember how long the other party had not had her menstrual period?

Song Yuzhi was speechless.

Interrupting the inappropriate thoughts, Song Yuzhi held his wife's hand tightly and comforted her.

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