Wishful Things

Chapter 109 The Landlord's Silly Son

"En." Wu Chao nodded, "There should be an answer soon."

As he said that, he looked at the girl in front of him and said, "If Miss Xu is in a hurry to go back, after I get the news, I will send someone to your residence."

"There's nothing to worry about."

After Xu Mingyi replied, he still asked: "However, why would Mr. Wu think of making people stare at Mrs. Lu?"

She also made people secretly stare at the second young lady of the Xia family, but after listening to Xu Ying's words——

What about him?

"It's not that I'm staring at her alone. I ordered some people to pay attention to the movements of the Xia family. It's only after I found out that she went to the Beijing government office yesterday that I avoided people's eyes, so I assigned a few people to watch her." Wu Chao truthfully. explained.

Xu Mingyi was even more stunned.

She had never asked Wu Chao to help keep an eye on the Xia family——

And this time when he asked her out, she thought it was because of other important matters, but now it seems that he only asked her out for Xu Ying's affairs, intending to discuss the next plan with her.

All in all, to help her.

And before she knew it, she had already done a lot.

In her previous life, she also knew that he was a person with a cold face and a warm heart. He has always acted like you respect him a foot, and he will pay you back. He is a person worthy of friendship.

But it is indeed not easy to get into his eyes and make friends with him.

Now it seems that he really treats her as a friend.

But she didn't seem to help him much.

It was just a few reminders to send that Mr. Fang to him——

But she obviously had a purpose, and she never concealed her intention, in order to cooperate with him for a long time.

But what he's doing right now, to put it more vividly, is that she gave the other party a peach, and the other party directly brought her a mountain of peach trees as a gift in return.

So...Wu Shisun seems to be alert and sharp, but is he so easy to deceive?

Looking at the handsome young man in front of him, Xu Mingyi suddenly became worried.

This is also to meet a kind person like her. If someone with ulterior motives deliberately shows favor to her, wouldn't it be a fool?

Meeting her gaze, Wu Chao was stunned.

What is the reason for Miss Xu's eyes as if she was looking at the landlord's stupid son?

Could it be that she has made arrangements and thinks that he is meddling in his own business and doing useless work?

A voice popped out of the boy's head, who had never cared about other people's opinions, nor liked to explain - he didn't want Miss Xu to think he was stupid!

"I ordered people to keep an eye on the Xia family, not only to pay attention to the Xia family's actions in time, but also to confuse and distract their attention, lest they really find you."

Wu Chao explained seriously, but suddenly felt that what he said made him more superficial.

This is a trivial matter, what can I say in detail?

It seems to be asking for credit, so superficial, it can't help but be looked down upon.

After living for seventeen years, it was the first time that the boy felt that what he did was so unseemly, and it was such an insignificant thing.

The young man who was dissatisfied with himself sullenly raised his teacup somewhat uncomfortably.

Xu Mingyi was surprised again.

He actually still has the intention of deliberately disturbing the Xia family's sight for her?

And he said at the beginning that if she couldn't do this, he would do it.

At this moment, she did it, and he secretly cleaned up the traces and hidden dangers for her without saying a word.

After experiencing the events of her previous life, although she has become less trusting of others and has layers of vigilance in her heart, she has become more and more able to perceive and cherish the kindness from others.

In her opinion, these good intentions are the warm light in this world, which can shine into people's hearts.

"Thank you, Mr. Wu." Xu Mingyi smiled.

Seeing that she seemed a little moved, Wu Chao felt relieved, and said, "It's okay, Miss Xu also helped me a lot. When I entered the palace yesterday, I heard from my aunt that you had seen her many times. , and also sent Fang Zi to the palace for recuperation."

Xu Mingyi smiled.

"The empress treats me very well, these trivial matters are not worth mentioning."

"Well, I can also see that my aunt likes you very much." Wu Chao seriously commented: "She rarely likes anyone like this."

As for being gentle and kind to the outside world, those are just the coat of the mother's world.

Her aunt's love for her was truly from the bottom of her heart.

And he felt that Miss Xu really deserved to be appreciated and liked in this way - the Wu family had always had a good eye, and his aunt was no exception.

Xu Mingyi was not modest, and said with a smile, "Maybe it's because I hit it off with the empress."

Wu Chao took a sip of tea and didn't talk about it any more.

The present is not the time for idle talk.

Seeing that he picked up this topic, Xu Mingyi naturally returned to the main topic.

"Speaking of confusing the Xia family's attention, there is a ready-made candidate right now."

Compared to letting Wu Chao's people divert the Xia family's attention for her, it is of course more cost-effective to replace it with an irrelevant outsider.

Hearing her roughly explain the cause and effect, Wu Chao couldn't help but take another look at her.

I have to say that Miss Xu is especially keen and talented when it comes to where there is wool to squeeze.

Who says the enemy of an enemy is a friend?

For Ms. Xu, the enemy of the enemy can still be the scapegoat sent to her——

However, there was nothing wrong with the other party using the innocent woman's life to test Xia Han.

"It's just that the real identity of the other party has not been found out yet." Xu Mingyi said.

This matter cannot be investigated with great fanfare, so she plans to inform her grandfather about this matter after returning home, and let him arrange suitable people to investigate.

"The owner behind Shangyu Pavilion?" Wu Chao asked.

Xu Mingyi nodded.

"It looks like it's Sun's firm on the surface, but in fact it may be just a cover-up, and there are probably other people behind it."

As soon as she finished speaking, Wu Chao called the man to go upstairs.

"Pass on my words, let someone go and find out who the real owner of Shangyu Pavilion in Beijing is."

"Yes." The man replied, "It's not difficult to find out, but it may take some work."

He didn't dare to guarantee other things, but Shangyu Pavilion is a famous jewelry store in Beijing, and they have never been idle for a day after taking root in Beijing. Every place worth mentioning in the city has already been found out by them. up.

"It's okay to wait a few days." Xu Mingyi said beside him.

But the buddy smiled plainly.

"Miss Xu was joking, there should be a result in half an hour at the latest."

These things are recorded in detail by the people in the building, but there are too many books, and they have to go through them bit by bit.

Xu Mingyi fell into silence after being surprised.

The Wu family is worthy of being the Wu family. After hundreds of years of accumulation, it is destined to be beyond the imagination of people like them who made a fortune halfway through.

"Not going soon?"

Seeing the buddy standing there smiling, Wu Chao frowned.

Where did these people arranged by Jingzhong come from? From secret guards to spies, each of them is more talkative and laughable than the other—not at all comparable to the composure of Ning Yang's servants, just looking at them makes people feel uneasy.

Hearing this urging, the buddy hurriedly ran downstairs.


At the same moment, a woman wearing a veiled hat quickly walked out from the back door of Qingyang Temple.

The woman looked around and made sure that there was no one on the nearby path, so she hurried into the carriage.

"How? What did you ask?"

Seeing the maid came back, Mrs. Lu, who had been waiting anxiously in the carriage, immediately urged her to ask.

Thank you for your monthly tickets and rewards, it’s time for dinner~

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