Wishful Things

Chapter 126 Emperor Heart

"Look, there seems to be water flowing over there..."

"It's raining, how can there be water!"

Xia Tingzhen frowned and walked out.

The door was pushed open, and the sky in front of him was faintly red.

"Like the direction of Fengtian Temple!" an official exclaimed in surprise.

Xia Tingzhen's face changed slightly, and she quickly walked down the stone steps.

"Old Xia Ge!"

Several officials yelled a few words, but before seeing Xia Tingzhen turned around, they all hurriedly followed.

A group of people went in the direction of Fengtian Temple. On the way, they met many palace people rushing to Fengtian Temple to put out the fire.

And the cause of the fire was naturally known to Xia Tingzhen and others soon.

By the time they arrived at Fengtian Hall, the flames had almost spread to the entire main hall, and the red flames were throbbing in the rain, but there was no tendency to weaken at all!

What's more terrible is that at this moment, it rained for a day and a night, and it stopped!

The palace people in charge of fighting the fire almost cried.

There is rainwater to help water it and it can't be easily extinguished. Now that the rain has stopped, it will be even more difficult!

To put it bluntly, this damnation is too obvious, right?

——If this is not considered divine punishment, then the precedents of divine punishment recorded in the past dynasties will become meaningless!

The palace people were busy half anxiously and half frightened.

Xia Tingzhen temporarily suppressed the surprise in her heart, and calmly directed the palace people to put out the fire.

"The Emperor is here—"

A eunuch's high-pitched singing came into my ears, making the originally noisy surroundings much quieter.

Xia Tingzhen, Han Yan and others greeted him.

Emperor Qingming looked at his most trusted and capable minister in front of him, and couldn't help feeling more complicated in his heart than usual.

On the way, he had already heard that Xia Shoufu was handling official business in Wenyuan Pavilion all night, and he heard that Fengtian Hall was on fire, and he came to preside over the situation in person regardless of the danger——

"Xia Aiqing has worked hard."

Emperor Qingming took a deep look at Xia Tingzhen, and then looked at the dilapidated Fengtian Palace.

Standing so far away, there are still billowing heat waves blowing in the face, and the air is full of burnt breath and dust debris, flying and filling, making people suffocate and depressed physically and mentally.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, it's just a natural disaster, it happens from time to time, but this time it's too unfortunate." Xia Tingzhen calmly said from the side: "Although this matter is troublesome, it is not a problem that cannot be overcome."

There was not much joy or anger in Emperor Qingming's tone: "No matter what kind of troubles you encounter, Xia Aiqing can always comfort me in such a timely manner."

Xia Tingzhen faintly felt that these words were not as simple as they sounded on the surface.

Just as he was about to say something, he heard Emperor Qingming preach again: "Although natural disasters happen from time to time, it depends on the degree of natural disasters——According to Xia Aiqing, this thunder and fire is really God's punishment for not being a king. Yin?"

His tone was not harsh, but Xia Tingzhen's face changed slightly when he asked such straightforward words.

The rest of the officials exchanged glances and lowered their heads as if they hadn't heard.

The emperor's heart is unpredictable, and some words cannot be answered.

They are not those stupid guys from Yushitai who want to be named or killed.

"Your Majesty is serious. Your Majesty is wise and benevolent, so why talk about punishment from heaven." Xia Tingzhen said seriously.

Emperor Qingming nodded.

Looking at the main hall in the fire, he said in an unclear tone: "I also think that behind this warning from the heavens, there must be other ominous things at work."

Xia Tingzhen's eyes moved slightly.

After a while, he said: "It must be so."

It's just that His Majesty is implying that he is doing something, or is he saying...

Thinking of a possibility, Xia Tingzhen's mood sank.

This thunderstorm came at an untimely time.


At the time of entering Zi, there should have been silence in Beijing.

However, due to the vision that half of the sky was dyed red, many people who had fallen asleep near the palace turned on the lights again.

The town government is no exception.

In the Xi Garden, Xu Mingyi, who hadn't slept all this time, put down the pen in his hand and walked out of the study.

Previously, when Wu Chao talked about the officialdom and even the old affairs of the major officials, she was no longer familiar with it. Apart from admiration, she made up her mind to learn more and listen more. So tonight, she went to find her father and started to understand from the most basic official relationship.

She just wanted to know the basics at first.

But who would have thought that the father of her family, who seemed mellow and muddled, was actually very good at many complicated official affairs.

After eating half a roast chicken and a jug of wine she brought, they chatted freely.

After she listened to it, she was afraid that she could not remember clearly enough, so she thought of taking notes. First, she could use it to trace and deepen her memory, and second, she could take it out for comparison at any time in the future.

The third is - waiting for the lightning to strike Fengtian Temple is also waiting, and find something to do to avoid sleepiness.

"Girl, it looks like the fire is burning so badly that it's not easy to put it out..."

In the corridor, Ah Kui stood behind her girl, and said with a dazed expression.

She vaguely heard the conversation between the girl and Wu Shisun in the Xuesheng teahouse that day.

She didn't take it seriously at first.

After all, a girl who claims that she has effective dreams and rarely dreams is obviously lying... You know, girls not only love to dream, but also talk in their sleep!

But...it seems that the palace was really struck by lightning!

How many surprises will her girl bring to everyone!

Ah Kui thought tremblingly in her heart, not knowing whether to cry or laugh.

"Yes, the fire must be extremely large." Xu Mingyi looked towards the red night sky.

Wu Chao said that he would try to reduce the casualties, but it is not yet known how much the casualties have been reduced.

When she was distracted, she suddenly heard the cry of a big bird in her ears.

Xu Mingyi looked up.

I saw that the big bird that was supposed to be sleeping in the bird's nest under the corridor was awakened at some point. After circling in the yard for a while, it was now frightened and crawled back to the corridor. Running towards her.

Aoi was surprised.

"Girl... Is Tianmu sleepwalking?"

A bird that can't wake up no matter how much it calls on weekdays, how can it seem crazy if it sits in the middle of the night and can't sleep?

Xu Mingyi was also stunned for a moment.

Before she could react, the big bird had already rushed in front of her, flapped its wings and bumped into her arms.

Xu Mingyi subconsciously reached out and hugged Big Bird.

Aoi was even more astonished.

...How can there be a vulture that can be hugged? The Tianmu must have misunderstood the species it belongs to, right?

But fortunately, she washed the bird tonight, otherwise the girl would throw the bird eight feet away in disgust.

Xu Mingyi glanced at the big bird who was hiding in her arms with her neck shrunk.

She almost forgot that the third eye is extremely afraid of fire.

I think I sensed danger at this time.

In the previous life, she was curious about why Wu Chao kept such an ugly big bird by her side, and thus learned about the origin of the Celestial Eye from Wu Chao.

It turns out that Tianmu was picked up by Wu Chao during a hunt.

It is said that at that time it was still a thin and small young bird with burns on its body, unable to fly, lying pitifully in the grass and crying.

It's Wu Chao who doesn't dislike raising such an ugly one that people will laugh at it and pull it up with shit and piss.

Thinking of this, Xu Mingyi slightly bent the corners of his mouth.

Immediately, he didn't know what he thought of, and the smile quickly froze on his cheeks.

good morning~

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