Wishful Things

Chapter 133 - A Bet

Wu Chao's face changed slightly, and he took a sip of tea uncomfortably.

He always felt that Miss Xu's eyes admiring his appearance just now were too straightforward...

After all, he had seen this kind of sight a lot.

That means he is in a better mood today.

If he was stared at like this in the past, it would be impossible for him to sit here with such a good temper.

Seeing the young man's expression tense, Xu Mingyi immediately reflected on his actions just now.

Although everyone loves to appreciate beauties, people with a temperament like Wu Shisun are destined to only watch from a distance. If he is a little careless, he may have to provoke him to blow his hair, or he will have to think about it again.

At this moment, Zhu Xiu, who was supposed to be guarding the carriage outside the teahouse, went up to the second floor.

"Girl, Ah Kui just sent it over, saying it was a letter from Mr. Zhan's family to the girl."

Zhu Xiu handed over a letter.

What Mr. Zhanjia?

Wu Chao frowned slightly.

The letter was delivered as soon as it was delivered, and it was delivered to his teahouse. Could it be that this Mr. Zhan's family is very important to Xu Mingyi?

So much so that even her maid rushed to deliver the letter to her when she saw this person's letter?

And sometimes Miss Xu was very slow to reply to his letters. Thinking about it this way, he didn't have this kind of treatment...

Xu Mingyi immediately opened the letter and read it.

When she unfolded the letter paper, Wu Chao glanced at it 'casually'.

With such a sweep, the word "Zhaozhao" was scanned.

The other party's surname is Zhan, obviously a foreigner.

How can there be such no rules in addressing?

As a result, Wu Chao lost the slightest impression of Mr. Zhan, whom he had never met before.

Xu Mingyi quickly read the letter.

There is not much to say in the letter, but it is true that Zhan Yunzhu's handwriting is correct.

What is roughly written on it - the previous incident was my father's fault, and I failed to detect it in time. But today's game was all planned by Zhao Zhao, which really surprised me. At this point, the grievances in the family can be written off. From then on, I hope Zhao Zhao cherishes herself.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Xu Mingyi's mouth.

Sure enough, it was still the same as in the previous life. After the incident was revealed, he easily blamed his father for all his faults, and he was always the one who "didn't notice".

A write-off?

The account of Zhen Guogong and Zhan Qian can roughly be offset.

But he took advantage of Yunzhu, so he had to make another calculation afterwards.

"Let people continue to keep an eye on him." Xu Mingyi pressed the letter under his hand and instructed Zhu Xiu.

Listening to the meaning of the other party's letter, there is a bit of farewell.

Of course you can if you want to go.

But keep your head.

In the past few days, Xia Han's matter has not come to fruition. In order to prevent accidental complications, and she has a thought that Zhu Yunzhu might be able to help, so she has been just secretly keeping people watching his every move.

After Zhu Xiu agreed, he immediately retreated.

Wu Chao's expression was slightly relaxed.

He is not without judgment.

From Miss Xu's expression alone, it can be seen that this young master of the Zhan family is indeed very important.

Important enough to be watched all the time.

Cough, he doesn't want such preferential treatment.


The sun is gradually moving towards the west.

The people surrounding the Beijing Yamen did not decrease but increased.

Because Li Ji and others did not come back for a long time, Ji Dong had to rest temporarily and went back to the backyard to drink water and rest.

Xia Han was also invited to sit in the inner hall.

Xu Ying refused to leave the courtroom, and stood there, facing the crowd behind her with her thin but straight back, pointing and pointing at those who were still full of malice.

But at this time, these voices of discussion were suddenly transferred——

Everyone's attention was attracted by a young man who suddenly appeared.

"My lord, someone has come to the front office, saying that it is about the case of Young Master Xia, and there is important evidence to be presented!" A servant of the office quickly stepped into the backyard, and reported to Ji Dong.

Important evidence?

Okay, here we go again.

Ji Dong thought for a moment, put down the half-eaten biscuits in his hands, took a cloth towel to wipe his mouth clean, straightened his official robes, and went to the front hall.

But the result was completely different from what he expected.

I thought it was the Xia family's way to exonerate Xia Han, and he just had to act with him against his conscience, but unexpectedly, it was a young man he was familiar with.

The son of Zhanqian.

He was also the apprentice that Xu Yun accepted in his early years, a well-known talent in the capital——

"Zhan Yunzhu, the son of the sinner Zhan Qian, has physical evidence to present to Mr. Ji."

A young man in plain white robes knelt in the hall, his slightly pale and tired face revealed a firm look at this moment: "In the case of Miss Xu, Zhan only knew that my father was right after seeing this letter. There is no excuse for being an accomplice. However, it is true that my father was threatened by a letter from the second son of the Xia family to take all the blame!"

As he said that, he knocked his head down heavily, and said in a concentrated voice: "My father should bear the consequences for the crimes committed, but the real culprit should not be allowed to go unpunished! A mere scholar in a certain district is now the son of a sinner. You can speak lightly, but you must not just sit and watch the truth be buried, and the victims cannot seek justice—"

Xia Han, who had just been invited back to the hall from behind, changed slightly upon hearing this.

The nearly two hours of waiting in the yamen was unprecedentedly long for him.

This invisible suffering made him gradually lose his usual calmness and patience.

Seeing the frail young man who appeared suddenly and spoke out against him generously, he almost couldn't help sneering.

Although he has always only passed on news to Zhan Qian, and he didn't have much contact with this young master of the Zhan family, but if he said that the other party knew nothing, he would not believe it at all.

It's a showman.

It's just that if the other party confronts the Xia family so directly, does it mean that he thinks he died too slowly?

There are more and more lunatics getting in the way!

"What? It's a crime?"

"What's going on here?"

"Tsk... If that's the case, this young master of the Zhan family is also a scholar with a passion for right and wrong..."

"Mr. Zhan's family is a famous talent. Originally, he was going to participate in Qiu Wei this year... But now something like this happened at home, and his bright future was ruined overnight."

"It's really a pity..."

While everyone was discussing, Ji Dong had ordered someone to present the letter.

What is said in the letter is exactly what Mr. Zhan's family said, and it can be seen that Zhan Qian is indeed taking the blame for others——


"My lord Ji, I have never written this letter, and my lord can also ask someone to verify the handwriting." Xia Han said coldly.

This was expected by Ji Dong.

It was also expected by Zhan Yunzhu.

A single letter apparently written by someone else can prove Xia Han - he is not so naive yet.

But what he can't do, others can do.

It doesn't matter if he misreads the situation.

You are already at a dead end, so why not be afraid to take a gamble.


The golden crow sank to the west, and the afterglow bloomed between the sky and the earth.

In the Xia Mansion, a large pile of soil has been dug out from the flat ground after the rockery was removed.

At this time, the face of a guard who was holding a shovel and sweating profusely changed suddenly.

He looked nervously at the man in charge, and said, "Second steward, there seems to be something under here!"

Goodnight, everyone.

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