Wishful Things

Chapter 141

"To tell you the truth, Miss, Pindao has been having doubts in her mind for the past two days. The girl asked Pindao about the soul-locking technique before... Later, she showed Pindao a very detailed house layout plan ..."

Speaking of this, Yao Jing observed the girl's face, and then asked in a low voice: "I don't know if this matter...is it related to the case of the second son of the Xia family?"

He also thought that maybe he shouldn't ask too much about this matter, but he couldn't help thinking about it, his heart was scratching like a cat, and the food didn't taste good!

But if the girl refused to tell him, he would not ask a second time.

After all, he is also a sensible person.

While Yao Jing held his breath and waited, the girl nodded calmly without any hesitation.


The girl's tone was so normal that she was talking about something that should have been done.

Yao Jing's eyes widened.

The girl admitted it so readily, is it really all right?

In other words... Mr. Xia was really sent to prison by his girl? !

The girl is so capable, does the general know that!

Even if she had already thought of such a result, Yao Jing couldn't calm down at this moment.

"Sir, don't worry. Before I did this, I had my grandfather's permission." Xu Mingyi comforted him.

Yao Jing's expression was complicated.

He completely understands the general's confidence in saying "Are you looking down on my Xu's granddaughter"...

This is really a dare to do, a dare to pamper.

With this fearless grandpa and grandson on the table, Yao Jing couldn't tell what kind of mood she was in for a while.

"Is there anything else you want to ask, sir?"

The girl's tone and expression were both frank and frank, as if she knew everything she wanted to say.

Yao Jing tentatively said: "I don't know about the Fengtian Palace being struck by lightning..."

Xu Mingyi said seriously: "I guess God has eyes."

Yao Jing breathed a sigh of relief.

He said that this kind of thing can only be a coincidence!

Ah Kui showed a difficult smile and did not speak.


Yao Jing generally calmed down, and then warned: "These things, the girl can't just mention these things to others... Although our Zhen Guogong is not afraid of troubles, it's better to avoid the troubles that can be avoided."

After exhorting, I couldn't help but feel that the development of this situation was a bit strange.

Isn't it the girl who told him to keep a secret and not talk too much?

Why is it now that he is worried, afraid that the girl will tell the matter?

Mr. Yao sighed heavily in his heart.

It's really too easy for a girl's secret to be asked out.

Even the girl's overly casual attitude gave him the illusion that "this is not a secret at all".

Seeing Mr. Yao's heart-broken appearance, Xu Mingyi couldn't help smiling, and said, "Don't worry, sir, I know the seriousness."

As for why he made no secret of it in front of Mr. Yao——

Is it out of sheer trust?

No, it was more because I knew that the previous matter was out there and it was impossible to hide it, so I didn't bother to lie.

Yao Jing didn't know that the girl in front of her was thinking of such a simple way of saving trouble, after thinking for a while, she only felt that after the previous outstanding performance, she had already been regarded as one of her own by the girl.

This recognition made Mr. Yao feel that the responsibility on his shoulders was heavier.

"If there is nothing else, sir, I will go out first."

Glancing at the food box in Ah Kui's hand, Yao Jing couldn't hold back and asked, "Excuse me for being so talkative...I don't know which house the girl is planning to go to?"

"Go to the princess mansion."

She made an appointment with Jiaojiao yesterday.

Yao Jing breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and raised his hand in salute.

Perhaps it was because he still had lingering fears about the matter of the second young master of the Xia family. At this moment, he only felt that it was a very normal thing for a girl to visit the residence of the eldest princess who raised her face.

Xu Mingyi took Ah Kui out of the mansion.

Just as they were about to get into the carriage, they suddenly heard a faint sound of quarreling and crying coming from the front.

Xu Mingyi looked subconsciously.

However, the Zhen Guogong's mansion occupied most of Qingyunfang, she was still outside the main entrance, looking from a distance, but she couldn't see any other people.

Xu Mingyi didn't care about it either, and got into the carriage with his skirt up.

As the carriage drove forward, the voice she heard earlier became more and more clear.

However, she has excellent hearing, and it is difficult to pretend that she cannot hear.

"How can you do this! My father and brother just had an accident...you are going to take our house away! Why!"

"Why? Back then, your grandfather was able to build a house here because of the support from the whole family! I thought that your grandfather was a scholar, and your father was a scholar at a young age. Knowing that he committed such a crime, let the entire clan be ashamed!"

"We just took back the house, didn't pursue anything else, and left you with enough belongings, for the sake of your orphans and widows!"

"Besides, your unworthy elder brother threw himself into the river, and half of your family is gone. Sooner or later, this house will belong to the clan!"

"Don't bother me any more, or don't blame us for being merciless—"

A series of male voices came, and Xu Mingyi roughly understood the cause and effect.

It seems that the Zhan family's mother and daughter are about to be kicked out of Qingyunfang by the Zhan family.

It is normal for people to feel warm and cold, and she doesn't know whether the Zhan family's mother and daughter are good or evil, but thinking of the world's evaluation of Zhan Yunzhu, Xu Mingyi still wants to sneer.

His father was imprisoned, and as the only male in the family, he left his mother and sister behind, and without any explanation or arrangement, after identifying the son of the chief minister of the dynasty, he chose to "throw himself into the river" alone—this is what the people A talented man with integrity and integrity who is not afraid of power and integrity.

I have to say that the world's tolerance for hypocrites is really high.

"Etc., etc!"

Suddenly, a girl's hurried voice approached.

Seeing the girl in green who broke into the car, the coachman hurriedly reined in his horse.

"Girl, it's the second girl of the Zhan family." The coachman reported in the direction of the carriage.

Zhan Yunjiao heard this, and hurriedly stepped forward to pat the carriage and said, "Sister Xu, right? My mother and I have been made things difficult by these clansmen. Please, sister Xu, help me and my mother!"

Xu Mingyi is the only daughter-in-law of the Duke of Zhenguo's mansion, and what he says carries great weight. These clansmen are bullying and afraid of being tough. If Xu Mingyi comes forward to protect their mother and daughter, they will definitely not dare to go against the Duke of Zhenguo's mansion!

When the members of the Zhan family saw the government emblem on the large oil-walled carriage, their expressions changed slightly.

Zhan Qian's family is close to Zhen Guogong's mansion, and they naturally know that - the reason why they devoted their whole family's efforts to cultivate Zhan Qian's father's lineage, they sent them to Qingyunfang with all their heart and soul. That is to say, to be able to have some relationship with the nobles in the workshop.

But now that Zhan Qian has committed such a thing, all the hard work for so many years will be in vain.

But I heard that the girl from Zhen Guogong's mansion has a disregarded temperament...

Maybe it's possible that he doesn't care about occupying the family, but just wants to protect the girl he has a good relationship with?

The surroundings fell silent, and while the clansmen were thinking about the pros and cons, they could only hear a girl's calm voice coming from inside the car.

Good night everyone~

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