Wishful Things

Chapter 149 Opening

"My daughter found an eminent monk a few days ago... He is willing to perform the Dharma for my second brother, to wash away the debts of his life, so that my second brother can be reincarnated..."

Before Xia Wan could finish her sentence, Xue's eyes fluctuated slightly, and Xia Xi's face suddenly changed.

"Second Sister, what do you mean by that!"

Xia Xi's red eyes were full of questioning: "Evil debt? Does the second sister also think that it is the second brother who is wrong!"

Xia Wan was stunned.

It was the second brother who was at fault—the facts are in front of us, is there any doubt about this?

In this matter, she never said anything wrong with her second brother in front of her mother, but it was because she didn't want to make her mother sad, and she also thought that he was her own second brother. I have no intention of exporting any more accusations.

But how could my younger sister feel that the person who was wrong was not the second brother?

Are you all talking about the same thing? ——The unbelievable Xia Wan couldn't help but doubt it.

"Can't the second sister see it? From the very beginning of this matter, someone was planning to kill the second brother behind the scenes!" Xia Xi wept, and said bitterly: "If it wasn't for that, the second brother is still in the Imperial Academy. !"

That is her own brother!

Even though he was stricter with her on weekdays, this brother who is outstanding in every way is her pride and confidence just like her father!

But now this confidence has turned into shame.

It has been more than ten days since she dared not go out to face the obscure and strange eyes of outsiders!

Moreover, the atmosphere between father and mother was always stiff, seeing the concubine's room in father's backyard gradually becoming restless, and the gang of concubines and concubines began to vaguely want to step on her head...!

All in all, the second brother's accident changed everything!

But can she blame her second brother?

Her mother taught her since she was a child that in this world and in this mansion, only their four siblings are a family, and what a family should do is to support each other.

Besides, there was nothing wrong with the second brother!

As my mother said, which of the sons and daughters of officials in Beijing does not have a few romantic debts? The second brother just fell in love with a lowly folk woman, such an insignificant woman would die every year, how many times did she come to her second brother, and the trouble became so uncontrollable?

To put it bluntly, it was just because someone wanted to use this to harm her second brother!

"Xi'er, I'm also very sad that my second brother had an accident, but after all..."

Xia Wan wanted to say something, but seeing her mother's expression changing, she didn't say much.

Forget it, she didn't get along much with this younger sister who was one year younger than her, and even if she said it, the other party couldn't listen.

"Second sister doesn't look sad at all. Does it mean that second sister feels that when she is married, the honor and disgrace of her natal family has nothing to do with second sister?" Thinking of her recent situation, Xia Xi couldn't help but sneer.

Xia Wan couldn't help frowning.

In the past, she only thought that this younger sister was a little arrogant and willful, but now this appearance reminded her of the mad dog that she had seen on the side of the road and bit people indiscriminately.

"You all go out—" Xue said coldly.

Xia Wan secretly sighed in her heart, "That's exactly what I meant", stood up and blessed her body, and said: "My daughter will go back first, mother take care of her body."

Xia Xi also stood up suddenly, crossed Xia Wan with an ugly face, and strode out.

Looking at her back, Xia Wan felt more and more unhappy.

Is this to comfort the mother, or to vent the boredom in my heart?

The youngest sister in this mansion is really spoiled.

The next day after Xia Wan returned to her in-law's house, someone from Xia's family quietly came to deliver a letter, saying that Mrs. Xue had fallen ill.

Ignoring her youngest son who was suffering from the cold, Xia Wan hurried to her mother's house again.

Another three days passed in a blink of an eye.

While the discussions in the city about Xia Han's death sentence had not faded away, on this day, on Xiyi Street in the city, a burst of firecrackers dispelled the coolness of the autumn morning.

People passing by heard the sound and looked at it one after another.

The first day of the opening of "Suyufang" was far more lively than Xu Ying imagined.

The news that she was going to open a jewelry shop inevitably spread as early as when she rented the shop, but thinking about her "reputation" in Beijing, she originally thought that the business would be deserted at the beginning.

But she obviously overlooked one point——

No matter where you are, there is always no shortage of people watching the excitement.

Faced with the probing or other strange eyes of those guests, Xu Ying did not avoid, nor did she feel annoyed.

Since I chose to open the door to do business, I am naturally not afraid of others' scrutiny.

But if it's just a matter of looking at it, the voices of a few women in ordinary clothes are getting louder and louder.

"Tsk, the things in this shop are nothing more than that. Let's just talk about this piece of Kodama. The quality is far worse than that of other places. Could it be that they want to make black-hearted money by taking advantage of the sympathy of others?"

"Compared with this, it's not as honest as the beggars on the side of the road."

Hearing these harsh words, Xu Ying still smiled and replied: "You get what you pay for. If you want to see good quality, I will ask someone to take a few of you to the inner room."

"Let's forget it, we don't dare to buy things from your store..."

The women staggered Xu Ying's gaze, turned their backs, and sneered and commented: "Isn't it? It's really not easy to come out and open a shop when you encounter such a thing."

"Haven't you heard? Her younger sister who was murdered was also in her twenties and hasn't been engaged yet. I think the two sisters are not serious girls..."

"It's said that parents died early and were left uneducated... I don't know what's going on behind the scenes..."

Xu Ying's eyes gradually sank.

It's not that she can't bear bad words, but she can't see these people insulting her sister with such bad words.

While she was trying to restrain her emotions, the women were still talking.

"Let me just say, at her age, many people who got married earlier will start to worry about their children's marriage proposal..."

A few people spoke and laughed.

Just at this moment, a young girl's voice suddenly came clearly.

"According to this, at your age, many people have already died. Why don't you learn to die, but still live well?"

He said again: "Or is it that the stinking breath is left just to embarrass the women who are also women, even though they have encountered misfortune, but they can still live more beautifully and freely than you?"

These words were quite blunt and sharp, and there was a sudden silence in the noisy shop.

Those women immediately changed their faces, and turned their heads to look at the past with an ugly expression.

Seeing this, the ugly words he wanted to say were immediately tied up in his mouth, and he hurriedly swallowed back, not caring about being afraid of being choked.

The girl who walked in with the servant girl had beautiful eyebrows and delicate eyes, a tall figure in an apricot-yellow shirt and a moon-white skirt. At this time, she glanced at several people one by one with her cool eyes.

Good night everyone~

Thanks to book friends such as Qinghan, Kekeweitian, and the dynamic cat for their rewards, as well as every precious monthly pass.

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