Wishful Things

Chapter 170 Past Life Rumors

Mrs. Xue's expression turned cold, she looked at the mother-in-law beside her, and said in a very calm tone: "I remember that tomorrow morning, I will send someone to the Lu Mansion to deliver a message and tell the Lu family that Mrs. Lu was unlucky and died of a dystocia."

The mother-in-law's heart tightened, she lowered her head and answered "Yes".

Hey, sooner or later you will die, it’s better to be happy, it’s better than to be tortured day after day by being insane and nobody cares about you...

Soon, two rough envoy women entered the inner room with white silk in their hands.

The voice of the woman struggling came out.

Xue Shi listened, her expression remained unchanged.

Xu felt something, and the child in her arms burst into tears.

"Don't be afraid, this is what she deserved... From now on, grandma will raise you up well." Xue said softly, "You will still be the same as before, in a good and good manner..."

The cold wind poured into the inner room through the window lattice, and the woman whose neck was tightly bound by the white silk gradually became silent, with only a pair of bloodshot eyes open, as if staring at something with all her strength.

The infant child was carried by the mother-in-law and left the small courtyard behind Xue Shi.

Soon, the news that the second young lady of the Xia Mansion, Lu Shi, left behind a son who died of dystocia spread in Beijing.

With the matter of Xia Han first, people couldn't help but think about the matter of the second young lady.

But the disappearance of such a human life can't stir up too many splashes.

Even the Lu family didn't say a single word.


On this day, Xu Mingyi went to the eldest princess' mansion.

The weather was already cold, and the garden was no longer a good place to go. The two girls stayed in the house, playing chess and talking.

"Didn't you find out anything about that face named Lan Zhu before?" Xu Mingyi had already asked about this matter a few days ago, but there was no result.


Princess Yufeng looked at the chessboard and said: "It's true that we think too much, and mother doesn't want to bother with him about the maid, so let's keep playing the piano to make mother happy."

Seeing his friend's indifferent appearance, Xu Mingyi sighed in his heart.

But think about it too.

It's just that the same maid sent a letter. If you conclude that this person has ulterior motives based on this, it will indeed seem like nothing.

If she hadn't known that the eldest princess would have an accident this month, she probably wouldn't have paid too much attention to such a seemingly inconspicuous incident.

But now the Princess's mansion has not found anything unusual...

Could it be that she really thinks too much?

Or is it true that what happened to the eldest princess is actually related to the rumor she heard in her previous life?

Although she didn't believe it herself, Jiaojiao had categorically denied this possibility with her in the previous life, but now she really has no idea, and therefore, she doesn't want to let go of any possibility easily.

"Jiaojiao, I want to ask you something that shouldn't be asked—"

Princess Yufeng couldn't help but look up at her upon hearing this.

What makes Xu Zhaozhao think he shouldn't ask, how wrong is it?

This aroused her curiosity on the contrary, said: "You ask me to hear."

"Do you know where your shameless biological father is now?" Xu Mingyi asked.

I wanted to scold animals as inferior, but it seemed that even Jiaojiao scolded her together, so I could only use shamelessness to briefly express her position and desire to survive.

Princess Yufeng's complexion suddenly changed.

"How do I know where he died? Well done, why do you ask him?"

Could it be that he felt that he couldn't beat her in this game of chess, so he tried to use this matter to disturb her mind? ...Xu Zhaozhao risked his life to win?

"I just thought of it suddenly." Facing his friend's death stare, Xu Mingyi bit the bullet and continued, "I was thinking, after so many years, you and Your Highness the Eldest Princess should let go of this knot. .”

What she meant by letting go was not forgiveness, but that she should no longer care much about the existence of this person.

"It's just a piece of mouse feces. It's disgusting, but it can't be called a knot." Princess Yufeng said angrily: "Mother said earlier, since he has been divorced, he will die or not." Life has nothing to do with us.”

Xu Mingyi nodded.

"It's good that the eldest princess can think about it. Such a person is really not worth it."

Jiaojiao told her the same way in her previous life.

But at that time, there was a rumor in the capital—it was said that the man returned to the capital and humiliated the eldest princess in public. After a few days, the man died, and some secretly speculated that the eldest princess vented her anger out of revenge. And moving his hands, these words reached the ears of the eldest princess, and she fell ill in a panic. This disease will soon disappear.

Others said that it was the eldest princess who still couldn't let go of that man, and the face-raiser was trying to numb herself deliberately, so after hearing the news of his death, her sick body, which was already living a life of lewdness and fun, completely collapsed.

All in all, no matter what kind of argument it is, in the eyes of everyone at that time, the death of the eldest princess was inseparable from the death of that ex-husband.

But Jiaojiao firmly does not think so.

Jiaojiao told her very firmly that her mother never cared about that man's death at all. As for the rumors outside——If Princess Jingrong is someone who cares about other people's opinions and opinions, then she can't keep going. The first time to raise noodles is today.

Thinking of this, Xu Ming unconsciously raised his eyebrows.

Perhaps, she should ask someone to inquire about the man's whereabouts.

Even though he may not be related to the eldest princess's 'disease', she, who knows nothing about it, can only use this stupid method to investigate and eliminate them one by one.

"How is the Eldest Princess recently?" Xu Mingyi asked.

In the final analysis, the physical changes of the eldest princess are the most important.

"I drank less wine, and I became more energetic."

Princess Yufeng didn't want to lose her temper with her friend, so she suppressed her bad mood at this moment, and said in a normal tone: "I was summoned by His Majesty this morning, and I went to the palace."

"Why does Your Majesty want to meet the Eldest Princess?" Xu Mingyi asked subconsciously.

Thinking of this His Majesty the Emperor, who even praised him for being a beast, Xu Mingyi's guard was erected again.

She felt that she was like an owl squatting on a branch and staring at the six directions, and she couldn't help but think about it at the slightest sign of trouble.

If things go on like this, maybe the eldest princess will have no accidents in this life due to many changes, but her owl will fall ill instead.

"I don't know about this, I didn't ask carefully." Princess Yufeng said: "But it's nothing important to think about."

After all, she wouldn't look for her mother if there was something urgent.


In the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Princess Jingrong was sitting in a chair, fiddling with her fingers painted with vermilion Kodan in boredom.

"How long will it take for the emperor to come here?"

Really bored of waiting, she asked the little eunuch beside her.

Add more chapters~

(Recently, the happiness tree at home has bloomed. It’s the first time I know that the happiness tree will bloom after so many years. I’m shocked (I’m ignorant, hahaha) I heard it’s a good sign, and it also dispelled my recent bad mood , put it in the egg to pass on the good luck to everyone

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