Wishful Things

Chapter 180 Jingui's Second Brother

"I'm a little tired, the ointment will be delivered later, and I'll leave it to the servants." The eldest princess then covered her mouth and yawned.

Xu Mingyi could only stand up and salute.

However, when she was about to leave, she raised her head to look at the eldest princess, and said: "Jiaojiao once told me that even if she does not marry in this life, she will not worry about the future at all. Protect her."

Hearing these words suddenly, Princess Jingrong was a little stunned.

She could feel the determination of the little girl in front of her to help her.

But if this matter really reaches that point, no one can help her.

As for Jiaojiao...

The eldest princess smiled complicatedly.

Why doesn't she want to protect this girl all the time? This is why she has been so cautious all these years.

But is Brother Huang really worried about her so much?

"It's rare for Jiaojiao to have good eyesight, and she is very lucky to have a good friend like Miss Xu."

Those faces that the girl picked did not look very decent to her.

"This girl can't hold so many things in her mind, so, no matter what happens in the future, please don't talk to her about today's words."

Hearing this confession, Xu Mingyi didn't know what it was like.

But he could only nod in response.

"The junior heard from Ah Kui that there is a medicine that can detoxify the properties of the medicine taken by the eldest princess, and it can keep people awake. After the junior returns home, people will send this medicine. Whether to use it or not is up to His Highness." That's right."

Xu Mingyi said one last sentence, and Fushen backed out.

The cold wind blowing from outside made people shiver uncontrollably.

She never wanted to be a savior, nor was she so self-righteous that she thought she could lead others' lives at will.

From the beginning to the end, her original intention was to help Jiaojiao retain her mother, the most important person to Jiaojiao in this world, by virtue of her rebirth as a prophet.

But as the situation deepened, she gradually discovered that this matter was beyond her control.

And after explaining the matter, the eldest princess still refused her to intervene, unwilling to discuss the matter with her in depth, which meant that she was doomed to be unable to unilaterally force too much.

She knows that everyone has their own thoughts, but she has no way of knowing the concerns of the eldest princess, so she cannot judge whether this is right or wrong, whether it is smart or not——

But no matter what, I still hope that what she said today can be of some use.

She thought that no mother would be willing to abandon her child.

If the internal entanglement in this matter is indeed beyond her control, then I hope the Eldest Princess can come up with a solution in time after recognizing the reality.

Xu Mingyi returned to Princess Yufeng's residence with a heavy heart.

"Why did you come back! I've made three full cups of this egg soup. If you don't come back again, all the maids in the yard will be fed by the craftsmanship of the princess."

Hearing his friend's complaints, Xu Mingyi smiled and said, "You can just heat it up on the stove, so why do you have to redo it?"

"Can the taste be the same? It's hard for me to cook, but I don't want the taste to have the slightest flaw."

Princess Yufeng pulled the person to sit down, ordered the servant girl to quickly bring the things over, and urged Xu Mingyi to "try it quickly".

Xu Mingyi sent a spoonful into his mouth and said, "It's too sweet..."

"You're the only one who has a lot to do." Princess Yufeng snorted.

But seeing that Xu Mingyi said it was too sweet, he still poured spoonfuls of soup into his mouth, and drank the soup cleanly, Princess Yufeng was in a good mood.

"Jiaojiao, thank you, it's much warmer." Xu Mingyi said with a smile.

In the last life, Jiaojiao did a lot for her secretly, but she never saw Jiaojiao again, nor did she have the chance to say thank you in person.

But this time, she might not be able to help Jiaojiao.

"It's just a bowl of soup, is it worth your thanks?" Princess Yufeng glanced at her, and said in a proud tone: "If you really like it, I'll make it for you when you come back next time."

Speaking of which, Xu Zhaozhao must be too lucky, no one in this world has such a blessing.

However, to be friends with Xu Zhaozhao, she is not bad luck.

"By the way, did you reply to that Wu Haoyan last time?" Princess Yufeng became concerned about her friend's lifelong affairs again.

"I'm back."

"So fast?" Princess Yufeng's eyes widened, "What did you reply?"

Why don't you find her as a staff officer for someone who is not enlightened, after all, she is an expert in this field, leaving her as a highly experienced military adviser, can Xu Zhaozhao still do it?

"It's just an ordinary reply." Xu Mingyi said, feeling a little guilty for no reason.

After two full pages of nonsense, this reply...doesn't seem so unusual?

Cough, even thinking about it now, if she sent such a letter, it would be very difficult for Wu Chao not to reply again.

Speaking of which, it has been ten days since the letter was sent out, so Wu Chao should be receiving it soon, right?


The sky in Beijing was gloomy, and Ningyang City, two thousand miles away, was also shrouded in rain.

In the drizzle, a young man got off his horse in front of the gate of Dingnan Palace, and threw the reins to the followers behind him.

The doorman hurriedly greeted him with an umbrella.

"Why didn't Shisun take an umbrella and change to a carriage...Even if he was in a hurry to do something, he couldn't brave the rain..."

"No problem."

The young man stepped up the stone steps with strides, fine drops of water hung on his handsome face, his brows seemed to be dyed with ink, and his skin was as white as jade, but it also added a bit of coldness to his already cold eyes.

Once the nagging doorman looked at those eyes, he dared not say any more.

The servant trotted along beside the young man holding an umbrella.

Back in the courtyard, Wu Chao raised his hand to take off the wet crow-blue cloak, and handed it to the servant A Yuan.

At this time, a figure walked out of the study.

"Second brother, you are back."

The chubby boy of seven or eight years old had just had a front tooth replaced, and his speech seemed to be leaking.

"Why are you here?" Wu Chao glanced at his younger brother, and went inside to change his clothes.

"Come to play chess with you." Wu Ran raised his foot and was about to follow.

Wu Chao longed for the sky.

What kind of chess is this game, the opponent will cry if he wins too soon, it is obviously not bad to ask him to coax the child to play.

And still coaxing boys—

Wu Chao walked behind the screen, took the clean robe from A Yuan, and said, "Go outside and wait."

Wu Ran let out an "oh", stuck out his tongue and walked out.

They are all boys, so what if he sees him when he changes his clothes? Second uncle is right. The most precious thing in the world is his second brother. Can't do it.

I married him a sister-in-law in the future, so I can't do the same, can I?

Wu Chao quickly changed into his robe and came out.

Wu Ran had already asked someone to set up the chessboard.

However, at this time, Sui Jiang came in from the outside to salute.

"My lord, there is a letter from the capital."

good afternoon

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