Wishful Things

Chapter 186: Heaven Fails

Xu Mingyi lowered his eyes slightly.

It is not an exaggeration to say that such a performance is a guilty conscience.

"That's right."

Princess Yufeng said contemptuously: "Someone saw him secretly exchanging letters with a rough envoy and maid before, presumably they have been in touch for a long time - I told my mother back then that such an unclean man cannot be kept by my side. !"

The queen couldn't help but glance at Emperor Qingming when she heard the words.

Who said no?

——Less to say, this one who has followed a hundred or so people is really too dirty a long time ago.

Emperor Qingming didn't bother to pay attention to the Queen's gaze, and his eyes were slightly cold when he heard this.

... The people Xia Aiqing arranged were so unclean, no wonder there were accidents.

Fortunately, he was only suspected of having a secret relationship with the maidservant. If the eldest princess's mansion had really been investigated in the first place, the situation would have been even more troublesome.

"Have you caught him?" Emperor Qingming asked.

Princess Yufeng said: "I searched for the whole night, but I still have no whereabouts, or I don't know if I escaped from the mansion."

It rained heavily last night, it was easy to hide the whereabouts of the blood, and it was not easy to search for it.

"I will definitely order someone to bring this person back to seek justice for Jingrong." Emperor Qingming said with serious eyes.

Xu Mingyi sneered inwardly.

If this majesty really wants to seek justice for the eldest princess, then the only way is to commit suicide.

When Princess Yufeng wanted to say something more, Shi Shi came in from the outside.

After Shi Shi saluted, he said: "...the blue bamboo was found, but it was already dead, and it was found in the well in the backyard."


Princess Yufeng's face sank: "It's really cheap for him!"

"Didn't you say that there is another rough envoy and maidservant?" Emperor Qingming said: "Who saw this person passing the letter with the maidservant that day? You can ask him to go and identify them one by one - if it is really just a personal relationship, let it be, I'm afraid it is They colluded secretly and were instigated by others to murder Jing Rong's life."

As an emperor, he should think further ahead when encountering problems. If he can't even think of this level, then it can't be justified.

Princess Yufeng paused for a moment when he wanted to speak.

Then he said: "That day when the two of you exchanged letters, Shi Shi, the maidservant beside me, saw it. It's just that I was far away, so I couldn't see the maidservant's face clearly."

Anyway, the answer is the same, there is no need to involve the government of Zhen Guo.

Shi Shi quickly responded: "Yes, it was the servant girl who saw it with her own eyes, but the maidservant's appearance is ordinary, so it's really hard to tell them apart."

She is the best at taking responsibility for things like this. Last time, Aoi asked her for advice—how to carry a responsibility well, how to recite it calmly, as well as the speed and on-the-spot reaction of taking responsibility. exquisite.

Emperor Qingming said: "Even so, we must investigate carefully, we must not leave such trouble behind."

Princess Yufeng nodded.

The nanny in charge in the mother's yard is already doing this matter. Even if the clues are limited, if you ask them one by one, you will gain something.

As soon as this idea fell into my mind, someone came to report the news.

"...When Nurse Kuang led people to investigate in the front yard, she found that a maidservant was missing and was not there, so she immediately sent people to look for it, but who knew that maidservant hanged herself in the room... this maidservant On weekdays, she is in charge of tending flowers and plants in the garden, but she entered the mansion five years ago."

Everyone has different expressions.

Doctor Shan's hands in his sleeves trembled.


Another one died...

Just...just miss him? !

If it was said that when he knew that he was going to do this errand, he only felt that he had stepped half of his foot into the coffin, then at this moment, he seemed to have seen the scene of his funeral...!

"Five years ago... Lanzhu was almost five years ago!"

Princess Yufeng's complexion changed and he said: "Could it be that someone really wanted to harm my mother, so that these two people were placed in the mansion one after another?"

Naturally, she and Zhaozhao had thought of this a long time ago, but Zhaozhao said that it is not a bad thing to act stupid occasionally in front of her emperor's uncle.

"I will let people thoroughly investigate this matter." Emperor Qingming said solemnly.

Then he said worriedly: "But the most important thing right now is Jing Rong's body—"

At this moment, just as Zhu Yuanping and others arrived, a group of imperial physicians surrounded Princess Jingrong for inspection, all of them had bad expressions.

Emperor Qingming stayed at the Princess Chang's mansion for more than half a day, until someone from the palace urged him, saying that there was an urgent report to Beijing that needed to be presented, so Emperor Qingming rushed back to the palace with the empress.

On the way back to the palace, I did not forget to ask the empress: "I can't leave the palace easily on weekdays, so I will ask the empress to visit and respect her for me these days... As for the empress mother, let's be optimistic for now, lest Her old man was too worried, and hurt her body again."

"Yes, the concubine has written it all down."

Emperor Qingming's mind echoed what the imperial physicians said——

"More bad luck than good luck"...

"Now we can only see the good fortune of the eldest princess"...

Right now, Yufeng is not leaving Jingrong's side, and the princess's mansion is extremely guarded. It is impossible for the imperial physician Shan to do anything, so let's wait a few days and see...

He originally wanted Jing Rong to go away more quickly and suffer less pain, but in the end it was heaven's failure to fulfill his wishes.


Princess Jingrong burned repeatedly for six days.

"Fortunately, the fever has subsided, but people still haven't been able to wake up..."

Inside the Hall of Mental Cultivation, the Empress Tongqing said to Emperor Ming: "Today, the concubine specifically asked Zhu Yuanpan, and Zhu Yuanpan only said... Under such circumstances, it is extremely rare to survive until the fever subsides...As for the others, It’s hard to say now.”

As for why the fever was cured, it wasn't all due to overcoming it. As far as she knew, it was Aoi's credit—but it would be a crime to say such a credit in front of the emperor, so let's not mention it.

Emperor Qingming sighed.

"Jing Rong will definitely make it through."

The queen nodded: "It will be as Your Majesty said."

In this way, another seven or eight days passed.

Princess Jingrong is still lethargic, and can barely survive by feeding some liquid food every day.

According to an imperial doctor, there have been examples of people with brain injuries who never woke up.

In this case, due to long-term bed rest and difficulty in eating, they usually can't survive for several months, so they passed away silently in lethargy.

After hearing this, Emperor Qingming went to the eldest princess' mansion again, and sat by his sister's bed for a long time, speechless.

After half a month, it entered the winter moon.

It snowed in Beijing yesterday.

On the long street with few pedestrians, the carriage slowly rolled over the snow on the road, leaving behind ruts.

In front of the gate of the Princess' Mansion, Xu Mingyi took Ah Kui out of the carriage.

The other carriage stopped immediately, and Xu Mingyi said to the people in the carriage: "Second Uncle, I will come out as soon as I go, just wait here."

"Hmm..." The person in the carriage replied vaguely, obviously lying down in the carriage again.

When Xu Mingyi turned around, he saw a pearl-tasseled eight-treasure chariot parked not far away.

——Presumably the Empress Empress is also here.

good night~

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