Wishful Things

Chapter 192 Coax the Children

Thinking of what the imperial physician said just now, Emperor Qingming said softly, "I'll be back soon, you can sleep peacefully first."

"But..." Eldest Princess Jingrong seemed to want to say something more, but she swallowed it back and nodded obediently.

A faint smile flashed in Emperor Qingming's eyes.

This is indeed the way Jingrong got along with him when he was young - she always felt that his big brother liked to control her too much, and she never dared to use his willful and coquettish skills on him.

After giving some instructions, Emperor Qingming walked out of the inner room, and confessed to Princess Yufeng: "Over there at the Supreme Hospital, I will let people find a cure as soon as possible... Anyway, the most important thing right now is to take good care of it." Your mother. If there is anything unusual, please remember to tell me in time."

Princess Yufeng responded, saluted and sent the Empress off.

After the empress got into the carriage, the empress comforted softly: "Anyway, it's a blessing that Jingrong can wake up safely..."

Emperor Qingming nodded and sighed slightly.

"Perhaps it's God's will... I know that because of Jia Jun's matter, Jingrong's past few years have not been going well. It's better to forget about these things."

The queen nodded agreeingly: "Yes, everything has pros and cons, who can say it must be a bad thing."

At least he no longer has to worry about how to keep his life under the hands of his inhuman brother.

But she guessed that even so, it might not be able to completely let the emperor let go of his guard...

I have to say, it was really difficult.

Becoming a family member with this emperor was really a sin in his previous life.

Emperor Qingming calmed down, then looked at the queen's bun, and asked with some doubts: "By the way, the queen's bun today seems a little unusual?"

Although he didn't know much about women's hair buns, it was obviously not a hairstyle in the palace.

"The concubine went to Hanming Temple today, and because she didn't want to disturb the people in the temple, she asked Nanny Jiang to temporarily change her hairstyle."

I didn't intend to bring this up with him at first, but at that time I was a little anxious because of the matter of respect, so I didn't have time to change back to the original bun in the future.

"Hanming Temple? The queen went to worship Buddha?"

"Yes, my concubine went to ask for a peace talisman for His Majesty." The Queen calmly replied without blushing.

If it was specially for Jing Rong, she was afraid that the emperor would really vomit blood.

After all, Jing Rong really woke up...

Maybe it's because her heart is too sincere?

But she absolutely dare not accept the credit.

"How could you think of asking me for a peace talisman?" Emperor Qingming asked with a smile.

"I see that Your Majesty can't sleep well these days..." The queen took the peace talisman handed over by Nanny Jiang, and said, "I heard that the safety talisman of Hanming Temple has the effect of warding off evil spirits and calming the gods, so the concubine made her own decision." I brought one back for His Majesty."

"The empress has a heart." Emperor Qingming took it and put it in his arms, with a look of cherishing it very much.

The queen smiled.

It doesn't matter, anyway, I heard that it is of no use to people who have done too many bad things.

The treasure car drove away slowly.

In Princess Jingrong's bedroom, Princess Yufeng was sitting on a drum stool next to the bed, looking at her mother curiously.

"Zhao Zhao, tell me...is there really such a rare thing in the world?"

"There are no wonders in the world." Xu Mingyi replied aside.

It's just—is Jiaojiao's reaction as if he was looking at something novel really all right?

"What do you always see me doing?" the eldest princess said displeasedly.

Seeing her swollen appearance, Princess Yufeng burst out laughing.

She raised her hand and rubbed the eldest princess's head, and said——

"Your name is Dingning...Xie Dingning, right?"

"So what... who are you?" The eldest princess knocked her hand off, and went to grab the snacks on the side plate to eat.

"Me, my name is Xie Jiaojiao."

The eldest princess chewed the snack, and said vaguely: "Your surname is Xie?"

Princess Yufeng nodded.

"Yeah, isn't it a coincidence?"

The eldest princess ignored her and just cared about eating snacks.

When I ate the second piece, I didn't know what was going on, and suddenly burst into tears.

"What's wrong?" Princess Yufeng suddenly became nervous.

A child's tears come so quickly... But she hasn't had time to accumulate her experience in coaxing children!

Seeing that the eldest princess only cried but did not speak, and gradually began to cry, Princess Yufeng looked at her friend for help, "Zhao Zhao, what's wrong with her—"

Xu Mingyi, who is also not good at coaxing children, bent over beside the bed, and asked as gently as possible: "But isn't the snack delicious?"

She paid close attention, the eldest princess's symptoms at this time are not easy to describe, it may not be just pretending.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she asked this sentence, the eldest princess cried even louder.


Xu Mingyi and Princess Yufeng looked at each other in a hurry.

Xu Mingyi was indeed gone.

After all, in this situation, she usually chooses to knock the opponent out.

Seeing this scene, Ah Kui inexplicably had the illusion that "the couple who were parents for the first time were at a loss in the face of the crying child".

"I don't have a mother anymore..." the eldest princess cried, her tone seemed filled with countless grievances.

"Hold me..." Xu Mingyi said hastily.

A hug might be fine, after all, a hug is the most powerful comfort in the world.

Princess Yufeng quickly leaned over and hugged her mother, and comforted her softly: "I can understand your feelings, I almost don't have a mother these days..."

And quickly promised: "But don't be afraid, I will be your mother in the future, protecting you and taking care of you."

Anyway, Ah Kui also said that there is no major problem with the mother's body now, so let's be naive if she is naive—the mother has been her mother for more than ten years, then let her be the mother to take care of the mother.

Xu Mingyi couldn't help curling the corners of his mouth.

Jiaojiao entered the role quickly enough.

"That can't be done, you are not old enough to be my mother..." The Eldest Princess protested dissatisfied.

"Then I'll be your sister, okay?"

"It doesn't work either..."

"Why not?"

"I'm the eldest daughter in the family!"

Princess Yufeng rolled her eyes: "Xie Dingning, you were so difficult to deal with when you were young!"

When Xu Mingyi was watching the play with relish, he suddenly heard a servant girl's exclamation from outside the window.


"Where did the eagle come from...!"

Xu Mingyi stood up as soon as he heard it.

——Has the Celestial Eye been found?

On a very cold day, shouldn't you lie down in the nest?

Ah Kui ran out quickly and explained: "Sisters, don't be afraid, this is raised by our girls... it doesn't hurt anyone."

Several servant girls looked at each other when they heard the words.

Miss Xu actually raised a vulture at home?

But after thinking about it, the maids around Miss Xu can become genius doctors, so what's so special about raising a vulture?

What's more, their princess also raises noodles.

After all, it was the servant girl of the princess' mansion, so she quickly accepted it calmly.

Tianmu walked into the hall with his head held high.

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