Wishful Things

Chapter 200

Emperor Qingming had already left the inner hall, so Xu Yun subconsciously looked at the queen who was still sitting upright.

Sensing his confusion, the queen shook her head slightly.

How did she know what kind of thoughts this inhuman emperor had?

Seeing her shaking her head, Xu Yun regained consciousness slightly.

...What was he subconsciously looking at her just now?

Sure enough, he didn't get enough sleep, and his brain was not working well. It seemed that he needed to wake up.

Xu Yun lifted his foot out of the side hall.

He did not stay in the outer hall, but went to stand under the corridor outside the hall.

The cold wind pierced his bones, causing him to shiver involuntarily, and his neck couldn't help shrinking.

In just a moment, Xu Yun turned back to the outer hall——Okay, that's enough, he's awake. In other words, he suddenly felt that he didn't really need to wake himself up in this way.

Xu Yun sat down in the outer hall, took the tea brought by the palace servants and warmed his hands.

In the side hall beside her, the empress still described herself as dignified, sitting there quietly.

After waiting for about half an hour, I saw Emperor Qingming come back.

"Mr. Xu has been waiting for a long time."

With a smile on his face, Emperor Qingming brought Xu Yun back to the inner hall, looking in a better mood than when he went there.

The queen smiled.

It seems that the child has been coaxed and stopped crying.

And Yongfu Palace even coaxed two of them.

"Bring people in." Emperor Qingming ordered Li Ji after sitting down.

Li Ji responded, and soon brought a person in.

It was a woman.

About twenty-three or twenty-four years old, wearing a green skirt, covered with a smoke-colored loose robe, hair bun and jewelry are simple, but looks well-born, with beautiful eyebrows and eyes.

She knelt down and bowed her head in salute.

"Slaves see Your Majesty, Empress Empress."


Xu Yun glanced at it.

This person is not dressed like an ordinary court lady, and her demeanor and tone are not cautious, but she looks like a girl from a scholarly family.

"Get up."

Emperor Qingming spoke softly, and said to Xu Yun, "This is Mr. Cai Fengyun's granddaughter, who was punished into Yongxiang ten years ago—"

Cai Fengyun?

Xu Yun understood.

"It turned out to be a descendant of Mr. Cai."

Mr. Cai was a great Confucianist in the former dynasty. He was imprisoned in Beijing for punishment because he was found to have secret contacts with the remnants of the rebellion in the previous dynasty. After that, he hanged himself in prison.

"Although the matter of those years was handled according to the law, Mr. Cai is a generation of great Confucianism, and I still admire his talent in my heart."

Emperor Qingming said: "A few days ago, I heard by chance that Mr. Cai's granddaughter is very good at painting lotuses, and she is a bit like Mr. Cai. It just so happens that there must be a lotus painter in Wanfu Building, so I chose Cai. The girl is painting for Wanfulou—does Mr. Xu feel that this is a good move?"

"Xu believes that there is nothing wrong with it."

Xu Yun said: "And it can demonstrate the magnanimity of the imperial court and His Majesty, regardless of previous suspicions, especially for scholars in the world—"

At this time, there is nothing else to say except flattery.

Emperor Qingming smiled.

"I just feel that since it is the Empress Dowager's birthday, I should accumulate more merits for her elderly—after Wanfu Tower is completed, and Miss Cai is successful in painting, I will pardon the female family members of the Cai family to leave the palace and restore their freedom."

Xu Yun raised his hand to salute, and sighed: "Your Majesty is benevolent!"

"It's a pity that Miss Cai has been in the palace for many years, and she has missed the best age for marriage." Emperor Qingming looked at Cai Jin and replied with a smile: "A few days ago, when Miss Cai was painting, she mentioned it to me and admired her very much. Mr. Xu's talent—"

Xu Yun raised his heart slightly.

The next moment, I heard Emperor Qingming say: "It just so happens that Mr. Xu has never married a wife. Miss Cai is worthy of both talent and appearance. I thought that if a marriage can be achieved, it must be a good story to spread."

Xu Yun's mood sank.

It turned out that this was the "reward" to be given to him.

"I don't know what Mr. Xu wants?" Emperor Qingming asked with a smile.

Xu Yun raised his sleeve and said: "Your Majesty's kindness should not be rejected, but Xu is lazy by nature, he is not a good man, and he is not worthy of being a husband. He really dare not delay Miss Cai's good marriage."

When the woman heard the words, she hurriedly said: "Mr. Xu misunderstood...Your Majesty also misunderstood. This servant only admires Mr. Xu's talents and learning, and has never dreamed of being able to marry Mr. Xu..."

As she said that, her cheeks were already flushed, her voice lowered a little, and she said again: "I only want to be able to follow Mr. around, even if I am a slave or a servant, I just do some rough work, and I am satisfied."

Xu Yun just felt incredible.

She can say that?

If Mr. Cai finds out, the coffin boards will surely be overwhelmed.

"Mr. Xu, listen to me." Emperor Qingming sighed with a smile, and persuaded him in a joking tone: "If you put your sincerity here, how can you bear it?"

Xu Yun smiled bitterly and said, "I'm afraid Xu really doesn't have this blessing."

The smile on Emperor Qingming's face continued: "I have no intention of forcing you, but if I don't give it a try, how can I be sure that I won't get along? From my point of view, the two of you must have similar temperaments. Why don't you let Miss Cai first?" Go back with you, when the Wanfu Building is completed next year and Miss Cai regains her freedom, if the two of you agree with each other, I will decree to marry you——

If Mr. Xu still doesn't have this kind of intention at that time, then I will let Miss Cai leave Beijing, and only say to the outside world that Mr. Xu and Miss Cai are teachers and students. "

After finishing speaking, he looked at the queen beside him, and asked with a smile, "What does the queen think of this idea?"

The queen smiled, this idea - of course it is disgusting.

"Your Majesty is very considerate. Not only has Miss Cai shown her sincerity, she might be able to find a good relationship for Mr. Xu."

Emperor Qingming looked at him: "Then what does Mr. Xu think?"

Xu Yun lowered his eyes slightly.

"In that case, I would like to thank Your Majesty for your kindness."

The words have reached this level, and he has no room to refuse.

If he is really just Xu Yun, and there is no Zhen Guogong's mansion behind him, he can ignore it and refuse to the end.

Of course, if he wasn't the second son of the Duke of Zhenguo, how could he have the honor to make His Majesty act like a street matchmaker and not give up until this "marriage" is facilitated.

When it was getting late, Xu Yun took Cai Jin out of the palace.

In the carriage, Cai Jin wanted to say something, but the man in front of him began to fall asleep as soon as he got into the carriage, without giving her any chance to speak.

But she soon discovered that it wasn't a slumber—

The man in the car began to snore, even drowning out the sound of the wagon wheels rolling.

Cai Jin's mouth twitched slightly.

This is the famous Mr. Xu?

... I'm afraid it's not just talent and fame that can move the world in him, right? The snoring alone can shake the sky.

The carriage stopped outside the gate of Duke Zhen's mansion.

Cai Jin followed Xu Yun all the way back to his courtyard.

Entering the hall, just as Cai Jin was about to speak, Xu Yun asked in front of him: "What are you going to do?"

Cai Jin said modestly: "My servant has a little knowledge of calligraphy and painting, and I have read some poems. I have written some poems over the years, but it is inevitable that it is a bit cold, but—"

Xu Yun shook his head and interrupted her: "That's not what I said."

Cai Jin looked at him puzzled.

"Can you wipe the floor and wash it, chop wood and make a fire?"

Xu Yun asked, with an impressive expression in his eyes—didn't he mean to be a slave or a handmaid?

good night~

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