Wishful Things

Chapter 214 His determination

He heard this rumor from his second uncle. He still remembered that his second uncle had a mouth addiction, and he regretted it after talking to him, so he forced him to promise on the spot-never talk about it with his grandfather, if he had to Said that it is not allowed to reveal that it was heard from him.

The content of the rumor is roughly like this -

About seven or eight years ago, his grandfather came to Beijing by order. On the narrow road of Yuanjia, outside the city, he happened to meet Duke Zhen who had just returned from hunting.

Duke Zhen was very good at riding, and with his entourage, he easily surpassed the Wu family's convoy. However, the master and the horse were not compatible. When Lord Zhen's horse rubbed shoulders with his grandfather's carriage, it unexpectedly He took the horse's tail and swept his horse's eyes fiercely, almost shaking his grandfather out of the carriage.

Then, Lord Zhen Guo was stopped.

His grandfather got out of the carriage and had a discussion with Duke Zhen Guo in person.

It was said to be a theory, but the enemies were extremely jealous when they met, they discussed and discussed, and turned up old accounts, and the words of both sides became more and more fierce and ugly.

To put it bluntly, it should be scolding...

The more the two scolded, the more excited they became, and they couldn't stop it, and it happened to be the scorching summer season, and the sun was shining in the sky, neither of them would give in. They scolded for nearly two hours, and the sun had already set——

In the end, his grandfather was defeated and passed out on the spot due to heatstroke...

Although Zhen Guogong never fell because of his old age and strength, it is said that he was picked up by the carriage that the Zhen Guogong came to persuade him to fight. After all, he could not ride a horse.

This incident was spread by the onlookers, and it was jokingly called by the people at that time-two old men arguing about the day.

Because it was really hard to believe, and it was also impossible to imagine that his grandfather, who always valued the integrity of the family, would yell at the Duke of the town until he passed out, so Wu Chao only regarded this matter as a rumor.

But now, seeing his grandfather's reaction in his eyes, he couldn't help but feel that...the two old men's debate is probably true.

But no matter how ridiculous the festival was, he couldn't intensify the conflict now.

"The grandson was rescued by Lord Zhen Guo this time, and he lived in the mansion of Lord Zhen Guo for a few days. After getting along with him, the grandson felt that Lord Zhen Guo was a man with a forthright temperament and a kind heart. people--"

Wu Jun sneered in his heart.

That old man just wanted to be out of his mind, but he probably didn't have that brain.

As for saving his grandson——

Thinking of this, Wu Jun felt a mouthful of blood choked in his throat.

But with his grandson right in front of him, he could only suspend his emotions and said: "I just disagree with him. He saved you. I will remember this kindness."

Wu Chao took the words, coughed lightly, and said, "My grandson also thinks that such a great kindness should be repaid. And this kindness may not be an opportunity to resolve the festival between the two families."

Wu Jun frowned slightly.

If you repay your kindness, you will repay your kindness. Why did you suddenly cough?

If he didn't know that Zhen Guogong is a bad old man, he would even think that his grandson's next sentence would be "the kindness of saving life, which should be promised with his body".

And at this time——

"Grandfather, grandson has a sweetheart." The young man summoned up his courage and said.

Wu Jun's pupils trembled when he heard this thought just now.

...What did A Yuan just say?

'When we get along, I feel that Lord Zhen Guo is a bold and kind-hearted person, and he doesn't seem to be a person with a bad mind'...

—Is that what he thinks? !

Even... at least find someone younger!

When Wu Jun's heart was in a turbulent state, he heard the young man say again: "I will tell you the truth about my grandfather, the girl my grandson likes is the granddaughter of the Duke of Zhenguo—"

It turned out to be the old man's granddaughter...!

Wu Jun breathed a sigh of relief. In comparison, he even felt that this sentence sounded very pleasant.

"According to this, the rumor that was raised in Beijing earlier turned out to be true." The old man's face returned to calm.

Wu Chao was noncommittal.

Previously, the capital said that he was greedy for Miss Xu's beauty - the rumors at that time were actually rumors, but now it seems... more like a prophecy.

He even wanted to find out who was the first to say this, could the other party be a prophet? ——Can you calculate for him when he will be able to marry a wife?

"Grandson has always disagreed with discussing marriage before, because he didn't want to deceive others and himself. Now that grandson has someone he really wants to marry, he should talk to his grandfather about it." The young man looked serious and sincere.

- want to marry?

Wu Jun's eyes changed slightly, but his tone still couldn't detect emotion: "But what if I disagree?"

Wu Chao was silent for a moment, then said: "The grandson will wait until the grandfather agrees."

Hearing this answer, Wu Jun looked straight at him: "Do you still remember the responsibilities you bear?"

"Never forget for a moment."

The young man looked solemn: "As a grandson of the Wu family, my grandson has been taught by my grandfather since I was a child, and I know very well what my responsibility is. I have never evaded it before, and I will never evade it in the future-whether my grandfather agrees to this matter or not, family affairs , the grandson will still take care of it with all his heart, and the Wu family will rise and fall, and the grandson will also do his best to take care of it."

At this point, he paused for a while, and continued: "Only about marriage, please forgive my grandson for not being able to make concessions. My grandson is born with a stubborn temperament and cannot be changed. Even if he is forced to marry someone else, he will never be able to achieve harmony between husband and wife. As far as the clan is concerned, it may be a misfortune rather than a blessing."

As for the continuation of the incense-the first line, in addition to his father, there is also the line of the second uncle.

Even if it is necessary for the long house to continue, then their long house still has Azhang who was born with his same father and mother.

Even if the position of Patriarch really changes to Azhang in the future, he will help each other wholeheartedly and regard the affairs of the clan as his own responsibility.

Wu Jun's eyes softened slightly, and he asked, "Then do you know what the consequences will be if my Wu family and the Xu family get married?"

"Grandson is clear. But Suner believes that this matter is not a dead end. It is a matter of man-made, and there is no conclusion about the future situation, so it may not be impossible to think of a solution to both."

He wanted to marry Xu Mingyi, really wanted to.

But it's impossible to act impulsively and completely disregard the safety of the two families - he wanted to have a happy event, not a funeral.

And the reason why he chose to speak to his grandfather at this time was not out of impatience, but since he already had a sweetheart, he should express his attitude - and also use this to test his grandfather's attitude.

Right now, it seems that his grandfather's attitude is much more relaxed than he imagined.

This is enough to show that as long as he has enough ability to solve the negative impact brought about by the marriage between Xu and Wu, then there should not be too much resistance for his grandfather.

Seeing the young man in front of him full of vigor, tall and straight like a bamboo, with no flinching or fear in his eyes, as if he was ready to take on everything, Wu Jun's heart softened.

Even if he is as harsh as him, he has to admit that his A Yuan is an excellent child.

Whether it's talent, heart, or acquired hard work, restraint and self-motivation——

As for that stubborn nature, it really cannot be changed, and in his eyes in the past, there was no need to change it - what he wanted to raise was never a pawn suitable only for the helm clan, without a trace of selfishness and own opinions.

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