Wishful Things

Chapter 224 Lesson

In her previous life, she once heard from Divine Doctor Qiu that he once had a daughter who was born prematurely and weak, and fell seriously ill at the age of fifteen...

She could see that even though it had been several years, Divine Doctor Qiu still couldn't let go of his daughter's death.

Of course I can't let it go--

Although his only daughter was sick, she did not die of illness.

And not long after this girl passed away, Divine Doctor Qiu developed a cure for the disease. Under such circumstances, it would make people feel that the world is tricking people, and it would be difficult for anyone to let go of this knot.

On that day, she remembered that it was the girl's birthday. Miracle doctor Qiu was crying and talking, his nose burst into tears, and he lost the slightest bit of his usual quiet and steady appearance.

She can understand that feeling very well.

At that time, she also lost her entire family.

Xu Mingyi withdrew his mind from the heaviness of the past, and said to Qin Wu who was standing by, "Uncle Qin Wu, go downstairs and find out what the doctor's name, what he looks like, and where he lives now—" —”

Qin Wu responded without hesitation.

Although I don't understand what the girl is asking about this, as long as it has nothing to do with Wu Shisun, and he is not asked to do something that helps the tyrant, he is willing to serve the girl.

Qin Wu went downstairs and strode towards the two tables where people were talking.

Seeing him approaching, the two noisy tables suddenly fell silent for no reason.

People's feelings and aura are sometimes wonderful——

When everyone was talking about the excitement, some people came over, and everyone knew at a glance that they also wanted to join the excitement;

But some people came over and took a look, but it made people think... Could it be that they were too loud and disturbed the other party, and - this person is not going to lift their table, or even hit them with his fist?

Qin Wu was born tall and mighty, and he was sharpened from the battlefield, so he has a bit of evil spirit on him, which inevitably makes people panic.

Sensing the suddenly quiet surroundings, Qin Wu didn't feel that there was anything wrong, and asked the man, "Your Excellency just said that you have seen that miracle doctor with your own eyes?"

"It's true..." The man visibly became nervous.

"I would like to ask Your Excellency, what is the name of this miracle doctor, what does he look like, and where does he live now?"

It turned out to be a doctor!

The man breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly replied: "...The appearance is just ordinary, but the appearance is a little bad. There is a black mole the size of a bean on the lower jaw."

Xu Mingyi upstairs was slightly shocked when he heard it.

It seems that this is indeed Qiu Miracle Doctor right!

"I'm living in Linxi Town outside the city right now. The yard seems to be leased. As for the name, I haven't heard it. I think I don't want to disclose it." The man said to Qin Wu: "If a strong man wants to find someone, he will It's simple, just go to Linxi Town to inquire, and you will definitely find someone."

As for the rule set by that miracle doctor that those who are not dying and heal at most two people a day, he should not talk too much—after all, the temperament of this strong man who beats people at the slightest disagreement is really strong. too strong.

Qin Wu didn't ask any more questions, he raised his hand and saluted, said "Thank you", then turned and went upstairs.

"Girl—" Qin Wu came to Xu Mingyi's side.

"I heard it all."

Xu Mingyi turned around and wanted to go back to the guest room, while confessing: "Uncle Qin, pack up and follow me out of the city."

Qin Wu glanced at the sky outside the hall.

But I went down immediately to prepare the chariots and horses.

In less than half a quarter of an hour, Xu Mingyi walked out of the guest room with Ah Zhu.

Qin Wu drove the car, and after the three asked the way, they rushed out of the city before the city gate closed.

Linxi Town is only more than fifty miles away from Ningyang City, and it takes about half an hour to arrive.

After arriving in the town, it was easy to find out where the genius doctor lived.

It was an ordinary residential area, and the lights were sparse at this time. Because the road in front of the gate was narrow, the carriage stopped when it reached the entrance of the alley.

Xu Mingyi got out of the car, A Zhu carried the wind lamp, and they walked deep into the alley.

According to the information they inquired, the genius doctor lived in this alley, the penultimate household.

A few people walked halfway, and suddenly heard the sound of closing the door and the sound of cursing from the front——

"My young master came to see him to see a doctor. It was to give him face, to think highly of him, and to give him a chance to become famous! This old man is so ignorant... What kind of benevolent doctor is this!"

"After she deserved it, she got such a short-lived daughter... Bah, what a retribution! Thanks to the kindness of my young master, I saw that the little lady was quite pretty, and I wanted my father to find someone for her , think of a way to save your life... ungrateful thing!"

It was clearly a man's voice.

What's more obvious is that this is because he was turned away from embarrassment when he came to seek medical treatment and was rejected.

Even from these words, it can be seen that the purpose of visiting the doctor may not be pure.

"My lord calm down, why bother to be as knowledgeable as them..."

"Calm down? I can't swallow this breath!" The man gritted his teeth and said, "When we get back, I will bring someone over to teach them a lesson, and let out a good breath of anger!"

It's just two foreigners, even if they die, no one will hold them accountable!

Since the other party toasted and refused to eat fine wine, then he let it out first, and then he got the old man's secret knowledge, and he had fulfilled his father's confession!

As for the short-lived little lady—

Thinking of that pale and frail face that was so beautiful, a strange light appeared in the man's narrow eyes.

At this moment, a light flashed into his sight.

Followed by a questioning voice: "How do you plan to teach them?"

The man frowned and looked over.

It was vaguely visible to be a young man, but before he could clearly see the face of the other party, he saw the other party approaching him in two steps, and before he and the servants around him could react, a gust of wind swept over——

Xu Mingyi raised his leg and kicked the opponent's right neck neatly, sending him flying to the base of the wall beside him.

"Is this the lesson?" She straightened her robe and asked.

Ah Zhu was stunned.

Why is the girl more impulsive than her?

However, with those words just now, she heard her fists harden.

"Ah! My neck!"

The man who fell on the ground clutched his neck and screamed, and the stunned servant ran over belatedly, "Young Master! Young Master, are you all right!"

"Who are you...do you know who I am!" The man sat against the wall and asked angrily.

"I don't know, tell me, it's convenient to find you in the future."

The voice was clear and pleasant, and the tone was casual, but it made the man tremble inexplicably.

What does it mean?

Do you still have to chase him to his house and beat him!

But do they dare!

The man gritted his teeth and reported his family name——

"The Lin's pharmacy and Lin's medical hall in Linxi Town are all run by our family!"

Thanks to book friends such as Qinghan, Chenjian, Fufu, etc. for their rewards, and thank you for every monthly ticket.

Good night.

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