Wishful Things

Chapter 231 Similar

What is the justice that the grandfather wants to seek for the eldest aunt?

And... why did grandfather mention him in the 'front' of the late eldest aunt?

Is it because the grandfather mentioned the Wu family's foundation just now? ——He is a descendant of the Wu family, so he is naturally closely tied to the foundation of the Wu family.

It makes sense to explain it this way...

But Wu Chao still faintly felt that there was a trace of unusual emotion hidden in his grandfather's hazy tone.

He subconsciously wanted to listen to something more to distinguish, but there was no sound from the inner room for a long time.

When the old man's voice sounded again, it had become extremely calm and distant.

"I remember when you were eight years old, when you saw that I was injured, you hugged me and cried a lot. You also asked me when the battle outside would be over, and asked if I could not go out again, and could I close the door ...don't bother with anything..."

"After that, you woke up from a dream at night, and it was still snowing heavily, so you ran outside the courtyard where your mother and I lived, and kept watch all night without letting anyone pass it on..."

"And the second time I stayed there all night, it was to beg your mother and I to promise you to marry Dingchen... That time, I was softer than your mother."

The old man slowly talked about his daughter's childhood and life.

Although Wu Chao didn't hear what he wanted to hear, his mood became heavy with these words.

Grandfather always looks majestic and steady in front of people, like a big mountain, no one can shake it, but it also loses some human touch.

Although he also knew that his grandfather was not as cold and cold as he seemed on the surface, but tonight he was really like the father of an ordinary family, missing the eldest daughter who died early, and slowly recalling the eldest daughter It was indeed the first time he had seen it before.

It can also be seen from these words that grandfather must love his eldest aunt who died young very much.

It's just that this kind of love is probably buried very deep, and it's not easy to show it——

Just like coming here, you will only choose at night when no one knows.

In this way, about half a stick of incense passed before Wu Jun left.

Not long after, the courtyard door was re-locked from the outside, and the surroundings returned to the silent darkness.

Wu Chao came out from the side room without a sound.

For a moment just now, he thought about standing up and asking his grandfather about all the confusion in his heart on the spot.

But it was just a momentary impulse.

If grandfather really concealed some things from him, then he would not tell the truth just because of his few words at this time.

Even the grandparents and grandchildren, there will be trade-offs here.

He still respects and is willing to believe in his grandfather, but he has to keep his own thoughts.

He still needs to find out what he can find out before he really alarms his grandfather—at least, whether there is really any so-called secret hidden in this Xizhenyuan, he must find out tonight.

Only when he knows more, when he discusses this matter with his grandfather, and when faced with his grandfather's reaction, can he have more ability to distinguish.

Thinking of this, the boy walked into the inner room.

The torch in his hand was lit up again, and he saw the portrait hanging on the wall almost at a glance.

Think this is the eldest aunt?

Grandfather just now must have been talking to himself in front of this portrait.

Wu Chao looked at the portrait subconsciously. Under the dim light, on the yellowed drawing paper, there was a young girl in her prime wearing a pink and blue dress, fresh and beautiful.

She was leaning on a wicker chair, with a bush of thick green plantain behind her, holding a book in her hand, with a smile on her brow and eyes.

Wu Chao was a little dazed watching it for a moment, and a strange feeling slowly rose in his heart.

In this inner room, the furnishings from the owner's lifetime are obviously preserved, and beside it is the woman's dressing table. Apart from the dowry and other things, there is also an expensive and rare mercury mirror on the table.

The young man moved his eyes to the mirror, looking at the reflection in the mirror, the feeling couldn't help getting stronger——

He seemed to have some resemblance to the person in the painting.

However, it's not too strange that the aunts and nephews look alike.

Thinking this way, his gaze still involuntarily fell back to the portrait.

In the next moment, he took two steps forward and raised his hand to pinch the edge of the right half of the drawing paper.

Really wrong...

Just now he noticed that the edge of this drawing paper seemed to be a little different from other places, and when he touched it now, it really felt obviously worn and thinned.

Wu Chao held the edge and slowly lifted the drawing paper.

In the next moment, his eyes could not help but change slightly.

... There should be a mechanism here!

He touched the wall brick that was obviously about to sag, and he really noticed the traces of mechanism technique.

Most of the traps on the walls are the entrances to underground chambers.

Wu Chao was not in a hurry to do anything, he just put down the drawing paper, turned around and left the room.

He knocked on the door quickly a few times.

This light and quick knock on the door is a little waking in the silent surroundings, but it doesn't have much penetrating power, so it won't spread too far.

Xiao Qi, who had been guarding the dark place outside the courtyard, heard the pre-agreed signal, and immediately turned into the courtyard.


"Follow me."

Wu Chao brought the man into the inner room and opened the mechanism behind the portrait.

Xiao Qi was a little surprised.

The young master secretly explored in his own mansion, and actually found out a secret room! ——This is the 'surprise' that can only come from a big family. You know, when he was picked up and adopted when he was a child, he knew exactly where there were mouse holes and ant nests in that family's house .

It was precisely because I knew it clearly enough that when I was beaten by the couple many times and wanted to escape, I was able to run away along the dog hole.

"Stay here. If anyone comes, hide immediately." Wu Chao ordered, "If I don't come out in a quarter of an hour, you can follow in."

At present, it cannot be ruled out whether Sui Shan colluded with others, set up this trap, and deliberately lured him in——

That's why he was not in a hurry to go in and check immediately, but brought Xiao Qi over first as a contingency.

Although in the Wu family, it is unlikely that someone can reach out to Qizhenyuan, but there is nothing wrong with being cautious.


Xiao Qi responded with a serious face, and after seeing the mechanism close in front of him, he immediately got up and paid attention to the movement around him.

In the narrow corridor at the entrance of the secret room, Wu Chao stepped into the depths cautiously.

The line of sight gradually widens, and it can even be seen that there is a candle lamp in it that has not been burned out.

After looking around at the furnishings and realizing the usefulness of this secret room, Wu Chao stopped in his tracks.

This place is more like a residence than a secret room.

Not only are there desks and benches, there is also a bookshelf behind the desks with pens and inks, and the shelves are densely packed with books.

Quite a bit of simplicity and elegance.

There is also a 40-fold green bamboo screen——

There was clearly someone behind the screen.

The sound of even and long breathing...

It is the living and sleeping people.

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