Wishful Things

Chapter 246 Do you have a sweetheart?

"I've also thought about this possibility." The girl in front of me was obviously very concerned about this issue, so Wu Chao analyzed it seriously with her patiently: "But there may not be other possibilities—"

Other possibilities?

Did he discover something else?

Xu Mingyi looked at him, waiting for him to continue.

"Sui Shan said that when I was assassinated that day, he saw someone who wanted to take the opportunity to kill me." Wu Chao said: "If there is such a thing, then this person is probably also a member of my clan I will pay more attention to this matter, and I have already informed my grandfather."

Hearing this, Xu Mingyi's whole body was chilled instead of diminished.

In this way, there are really many dangers around him.

Then, whether his death in the previous life was an accident, or there was other inside information, if there is an inside information, what the inside information is, it is still impossible to judge for the time being.

But if there is really an inside story, even if there is no answer today, as long as the other party still makes a move, other clues will surely be revealed in the future——

Xu Mingyi calmed down his mind.

No matter what happened in the previous life, the most important thing in this life is that Wu Chao can live well.

"It's a good thing to have these discoveries right now." She looked at Wu Chao and said, "At least being able to be more prepared is far better than knowing nothing."

Wu Chao nodded in agreement.

"That's right, I thought so too. Just like the dream you had before, maybe it was because I was prepared and didn't give the other party a chance to avoid the catastrophe in the dream."

These discoveries seemed to be drawn by Xu Mingyi in the dark.

From introducing Mr. Fang to bluntly reminding him——

Therefore, Miss Xu is not only Duke Zhen's lucky star, but also his.

And it suddenly occurred to him that the ignorance and unknown situation he was facing now might be his test—he considered himself lucky, whether it was his background, or having the honor to meet such a good woman.

But I heard that people's luck is limited, if it is true, he would rather and not be afraid to suffer more setbacks, so as to keep all the good luck, so that he can have enough luck to be with her.

He had never calculated such illusory things so carefully.

But now when facing her, he can't help but be cautious, like holding a very fragile rare treasure, and he is young and ignorant, impulsive and reckless, I'm afraid it won't be safe enough.

It's not even like him anymore.

"Miss Xu helped me a lot—"

Wu Chao temporarily suppressed his emotions, picked up his wine glass, and said seriously: "I toast you."

Xu Mingyi followed suit and drank with him.

Then he filled another glass of wine, raised it up and said, "I want to toast you too, you have helped me a lot."

As for who helped whom first, and who helped whom more, she didn't want to calculate it carefully now.

She is a person who will repay her kindness.

But for him, her mood is no longer to repay his help, or to make up for the past of "killing" him in her previous life——right now, she just looks at the young man in front of her, and thinks from the bottom of her heart Be nice to him.

"How does Miss Xu drink?" Seeing that she drank a few glasses of wine happily without frowning, Wu Chao asked curiously.

"My drinking capacity..." The girl didn't know how to describe it. After thinking about it, she said, "To be honest, I've never been drunk."

Ask him again: "What about you?"

Wu Chao said, "Coincidentally, I've never been really drunk."

Xu Mingyi couldn't help thinking—is this a meeting between a bosom friend and an opponent in wine today?

Speaking of which, it might be a long time since she had had a drink with anyone.

But after drinking the fourth jug of wine, Xu Mingyi realized that something was wrong with the person in front of him——

The speed of speaking slowed down significantly, and his eyes gradually lost their usual clarity and sharpness.

Holding the wine in the glass, Xu Mingyi glanced at the jugs, and frowned inexplicably—that's it?

Do you dare to claim that you have never been drunk?

She put the glass down.

If she had known that he had such an ordinary capacity for drinking, she would not have ate one cup after another like this with him just now. After all, eating and drinking is about having fun, and the purpose is not to get people drunk. That is not only a waste of good wine, but also a manifestation of the lack of kindness of the wine—their Xu family all have the same wine. It's better to wait a while.


When she raised her head, she was looking at the drunken eyes of the young man, and there was a smile in those eyes at the moment. This smile was uncharacteristically pure and clean, even a little silly——

But because the owner of these eyes is too good-looking, he is stupid, but also reveals an indescribable temptation, as if he can suck people into the vortex full of stars at any time.

Looking into these eyes, Xu Mingyi was momentarily stunned.

How about... give him a few more drinks?

Cough, after all, he looked happy too.

Dazzled by the beauty in front of her eyes, the girl thought unprincipled.

Fortunately, she was still sober enough, and quickly killed the thought of being inferior to a beast.

She took the wine glass in front of him and put it aside together with the jug.

There was always a faint smile in the boy's eyes, and at this moment he asked in a low voice, "Aren't you going to drink?"

"Don't drink anymore." Xu Mingyi asked him with a teasing smile, "Is this what you said you've never been drunk?"

"It's true that I've never... I've never had a drink like this with anyone."

Xu Mingyi was taken aback.

The one who co-authored him has never been drunk, so there is no chance to get drunk at all!

She looked at him with her cheeks raised, couldn't help but smiled and said, "Then it's different if we've never been drunk..."

Hers has never been drunk, that is, she has a good capacity for alcohol and is sure of her capacity for alcohol.


He said that he had never drank like this with anyone, so it must be impossible to find someone to drink with.

She knew from the previous life that he was not weak on guard, and he was always sober and self-disciplined——

So, being able to get drunk like this with her is actually because he was unguarded in front of her, right?

Thinking in this way, and looking at the young man in front of him who was getting more and more drunk, Xu Mingyi's eyes became more smiling.

"Miss Xu..."


"Do you have a sweetheart?" The young man's voice was slightly slurred, and there seemed to be a trace of sober seriousness in the eyes fixed on her face.

Xu Mingyi was startled when he heard this, and then he sat up straight suddenly.

Facing those eyes that seemed to be trying to stay awake, she suddenly couldn't tell whether he was drunk or not.

But she soon saw that he was really drunk.

Because she hadn't answered yet, he continued to talk to himself, saying, "I have—"

What does he have?

—Is your sweetheart?

Xu Mingyi immediately leaned in his direction, without blinking his bright black eyes, he asked softly, "Who is it?"

Her voice was very soft, as if she was afraid of waking up the dreamer, and she seemed to be trying to trick a child out of her tone.

She wants to hear it.

Thank you for your monthly tickets~

Good night, I wish you all sweet dreams.

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