Wishful Things

Chapter 250

"Did she say when she was leaving town?"

"This Miss Xu didn't say anything."

Wu Chao couldn't bear it anymore and clenched his fists—when it was time to ask more questions, he didn't ask again?

"Prepare the horse!"

"Hey!" Sensing that there seemed to be no murderous intent on his young master, Xiao Qi hurried out.

Wu Chao stood still in front of the basin stand, he didn't bother to ask someone to fetch hot water, he grabbed the cold water to wash up hastily, and strode out while straightening his clothes.

As soon as he stepped out of the threshold, he suddenly remembered something, turned back to the room, and grabbed the third eye that was still sleeping soundly.

Xiao Qi didn't know how to call him, but the bird has also slept until now, so no one can worry about it.

Bringing the dazed bird who had just woken up, Wu Chao came outside the courtyard, took the rein from Xiaoqi's hand, and jumped onto the horse's back.

"Young Master." Xiao Qi hurriedly took out something: "This is what Miss Xu ordered her subordinates to return to Young Master last night—"

Wu Chao looked down and saw that it was his own safety talisman. After being slightly startled, he took it just now.

Seeing that person, one riding and one bird disappearing in front of his eyes very quickly, the servants, maids and women in charge who rushed to see him off after hearing the news in the other courtyard rushed to nothing.

Several little maids secretly sighed.

One of them looked particularly bright, and his eyes were full of regret.

These sisters of hers originally wanted to take this opportunity to show their faces in front of the young master, but who would have thought that they had a good fight, but in the end none of them had the chance to get close to the young master——

She is different.

What she set her eyes on was the guest who came with the young master—the young master looked younger than the young master, but he was not inferior to the young master in terms of appearance.

She originally wanted to take a shortcut with less people and less competition, but she also thought that the young man was too young to be coaxed, and those who could be friends with him must have a good family background.

But who knows that young master is also unwilling to let people approach, and the white and tender entourage with him is even more terrifyingly fierce. She went to deliver soup to the young man last night, but was almost thrown out by the entourage.

Hey, why are all the rich men suddenly so disciplined? Where did this bad atmosphere come from?

Now it's getting more and more difficult for these maidservants to find a way out.

Wu Chao didn't stop all the way, and went straight to Yinxian Tower after entering the city.

He entered the city through the west gate, and Xu Mingyi had to go through the south gate when he left the city to return to the capital, so he could not know whether Xu Mingyi had already left the city at the gate guard, so he had to rush back to the Yinxian Building—

There was only one unfamiliar guy in the lobby, so Wu Chao strode straight up to the second floor.

He stopped outside the guest room where Xu Mingyi lived recently, and patted on the door.

Soon the door was opened.

However, what came into view was the well-dressed face of a clerk, who was obviously cleaning the room with a rag in his hand.

"I don't know the guest officer..."

Before the buddy finished speaking, he heard the young man in front of him ask anxiously: "Where is the aunt who lived here... Young Master?"

"You mean Mr. Xu." The man replied with a smile, "Mr. Xu and his party have already moved away—"

"How long have you been walking?"

"It's been half an hour!"—the answer came not from the waiter, but from the room next door, and the voice was very anxious.

Then there was the sound of the door next door being opened.

Qiu Cai'er was supported by the servant girl and walked out, looking at Wu Chao, her weak expression could not conceal her excitement, she hastily urged: "But it is in a carriage, and with a lot of luggage, half an hour, I don't think it will go far... If Mr. Wu goes after him on horseback, he will always be able to catch him before dark!"

Wu Chao was surprised for a moment.

Why did this Miss Qiu tell all the plans in his heart?

He nodded slightly, said "thank you", and hurried downstairs.

Seeing the back of the young man leaving, Qiu Cai'er coughed for a while, but felt very comfortable in her heart.

She didn't see Young Master Wu come to send Miss Xu off today, and she felt very lost and sad because of this, and even in order to delay some time for Young Master Wu, she dragged Miss Xu to talk for a long time——

Fortunately, Mr. Wu didn't come too late, and it was not in vain for her to worry about it.

Wu Chao chased him non-stop for more than sixty li.

Finally, outside a town, he caught up with Xu Mingyi and his party.

The young man rode over the team and stopped in front.

Qin Wu, who was riding a horse to open the way at the front, saw the coming person clearly, pressed back the knife he was about to draw out from behind the cloak, reined in his horse and frowned and asked, "Why did Wu Shisun stop me from waiting?"

Coming here alone doesn't look like provocative, then—couldn't it be to go back to the capital to celebrate the New Year with his girl?!

If that's the case, don't think about having a good time this year!

Wu Chao had already got off his horse, cupped his hands towards Qin Wuyi, and said, "I'll see Miss Xu off."

While speaking, he looked at the carriage that had just stopped behind Qin Wu.

Before Qin Wu could speak, he saw that the thick carriage curtain was pushed aside, and soon a delicate white cheek appeared in his line of sight.

Seeing this face, a smile appeared in Wu Chao's eyes immediately, and he walked towards her with big strides.

The people in the carriage also quickly jumped down.

She had to take a carriage all the way, so she simply changed back to her daughter's comfortable home clothes. This was the first time Wu Chao saw her in her original dress after she came to Ningyang.

Seeing her getting out of the carriage like this, Ah Zhu hurriedly followed, and wrapped a snow-blue cloak trimmed with fox fur around her body.

Xu Mingyi hurriedly fastened the belt, and walked towards Wu Chao without stopping.

"I thought you needed to sleep more." Her eyes were bright with a smile, and her tone was casual but cheerful.

"Why don't people wake me up?" Thinking of being drunk last night, Wu Chao felt a little uncomfortable.

"Seeing that you were in a deep sleep, I didn't call you specifically."

See him in a deep sleep?

So, did she go to see him in his room this morning?

Thinking of this possibility, the young man coughed—fortunately, his sleeping posture is not bad all along.

He looked at the girl in front of him, and said: "I couldn't greet you when you came, but now that you are leaving, I should see you off—I was just on the road and thought, even if I chase you to the capital, I still have to see you off."

Chasing him to the capital?

Xu Mingyi couldn't help smiling.

Chase to the capital—that’s fine too.

"And you have dropped your third eye." Wu Chao said again.

He knew that she probably didn't intend to take this big bird with her at all - but if Tianmu didn't go back to Beijing with her, would he still have a suitable reason to write to her?

As he spoke, he subconsciously looked behind him.

But he saw that the horse was empty, and there was no shadow of the big bird.

At this time, Ah Zhu reminded from the side: "Tianmu has just gotten into the carriage."

"..." Wu Chao frowned.

Did he speak? Did it know that it could go back to the capital with Miss Xu?

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