Wishful Things

Chapter 264 Gift

"I don't know what is in here?" Ah Kui couldn't help asking.

Shouming shook his head and said with a smile: "This is the grandson of my family who sent someone from Ningyang to the capital on a special trip. He just arrived in the capital this morning, and he only said it was a New Year gift for Miss Xu - we can't just open it and look at it casually." of."

Ah Kui's eyes brightened: "New Year's gift? Did it just arrive today? Today is the first day of the new year, what a coincidence!"

Shou Ming smiled noncommittally.

How can there be so many coincidences in this world? Many coincidences are just piled up by thoughts.

"This box looks a bit heavy, and you have to be careful, I have to ask someone to carry it." As Aoi said, she confessed to the servant who was guarding the back door.

The servant immediately ran to find someone.

"Brother Shouming, would you like to come in and have a cup of tea to warm yourself up?" Ah Kui invited.

"You don't need tea..."

Shou Ming was talking, his eyes dodged a little, but in the next moment, he still took out an object wrapped in red cloth from his arms, and handed it to Ah Kui.

"It's not easy to come empty-handed on the first day of the new year. This should be my New Year's gift to Miss Aoi."

for her?

Aoi accepted it unexpectedly.

Because the red cloth was simply wrapped outside, she took it and spread half of it, revealing the blue book cover inside.

"It's a book." She smiled and said, "How does Brother Shouming know that I like reading?"

Could it be that her learned and motivated temperament is too exposed?

"Guess." Shou Ming smiled and said, "This is not an ordinary book, but some new and rare things. I took some new and old things in Beijing as examples, changed the name and identity, and wrote it down. Treat it as a story book to relieve boredom!"

"You actually wrote this?" Ah Kui's eyes widened: "You can also write scripts!"

God, in the circle of servants in the capital, has someone more knowledgeable, motivated and ambitious than her appeared?

Shou Ming coughed lightly, and said with some embarrassment: "I have nothing to do, just pass the time."

Aoi hugged the booklet in front of her very dearly.

The book written by brother Shouming must be the only one that cannot be bought outside, and it is a real person!


"I didn't even have time to prepare a New Year's gift for you." Aoi was a little embarrassed, and subconsciously touched the purse at her waist - she didn't bring any lucky money.

So he said seriously: "You wait for a few days, and I will prepare well!"

Shou Ming smiled and scratched his head: "How embarrassing..."

As we all know, the meaning of this sentence has always been--I accepted it after being polite.

The two talked for a while, until they saw the servant returning with someone.

Shou Ming looked over and saw only a servant girl following him, feeling puzzled, but when he took a closer look, he saw the appearance of that servant girl—oh, it turned out to be another big servant girl next to Ms. Xu, so it's all right.

Ah Zhu walked over by herself, without letting Ah Kui carry it, she easily carried the box on her shoulder, turned around and left.

Akui waved at Shouming, and trotted to follow.

In Xi Garden, Xu Mingyi looked at the box and was also surprised for a moment.

"Girl, here is the key."

After Ah Kui handed the key to her daughter, she took Ah Zhu out.

This is something Wu Shisun gave the girls, if they see something they shouldn't see, it will be bad.

Xu Mingyi squatted down, opened the box, and could not help but see surprise in his eyes.

It was an extremely exquisite longbow!

It should be to prevent bumps, and the bottom of the box is specially made with grooves to fit the bow body.

The girl took out the bow tied with a piece of red cloth and looked at it, then tried to stand up again, and pulled the bowstring—a little force like this, you can see that there is a very familiar good beast mixed with beating. The tendons and thread winding are also very particular. It must be the hands of an expert who is very good at making bows.

But...how did Wu Chao know that she likes to use bows?

She never mentioned it to him, and never used bows and crossbows in front of him.

Could it be——

Xu Mingyi glanced at the thin calluses on his fingertips and the tiger's mouth.

However, this can only prove that she often practices archery. She has been practicing martial arts since she was a child, so she must have dabbled in archery—how could he be sure that she would really like it?

And if this bow is just a gift he chose at random, it can be seen everywhere that he has put a lot of thought into it.

And on the bow arm, there seems to be engraved words——

Xu Mingyi looked intently, only to see a line of four characters written on it: Mingyi Anshun.


Does it mean stability and success?

She couldn't help thinking that when he was in Ningyang, he asked her what kind of life she liked, and she answered him with the word stability.

As the fingertips rubbed against the well-proportioned seal characters, the smile on the girl's cheeks grew stronger.

She likes this bow very much.

However, she suddenly wanted to carve one more line...!

As soon as the idea came out, Xu Mingyi hurriedly rummaged through the room with great interest.

But the carving knife she put in the box was nowhere to be found, and even the scissors that Ah Kui kept in her sewing basket on weekdays were nowhere to be found.


"Hey, the servant girl is here." Ah Kui walked in quickly.

"Where's my carving knife?"

"Ah, the lady's carving knife..." Akui withdrew her eyes from the bow held in her own lady's hand, and hurriedly said: "Miss, you forgot, today is the first day of the new year, so the servant girl put these things away early It's all packed up."

In the custom of Daqing, it is very taboo to touch these sharp objects on the first day of junior high school.

Only then did Xu Mingyi come to his senses, hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded.

"Then wait until tomorrow."

"Girl, there is still a letter here." Ah Kui pointed to the open box on the ground and reminded.

Xu Mingyi hung the bow casually on the wall, took the letter from Ah Kui and opened it.

After reading the letter and replying to it again, half a day has passed.


On the second day of the next day, early in the morning, Xu Mingyi went to his second uncle's courtyard.

Hearing the servants pass on the news, saying that it was my niece who came, Xu Yun who was under the blanket felt miserable.

Why is my niece here again?

Didn't we all celebrate the New Year yesterday! ——Could it be that she still wants to have another fake first day?

Or do you think he gave too little lucky money yesterday?

But the niece's small coffers are very rich, so how could she think about his three melons and two dates?

"Let people come in."

Xu Yun sighed and sat up and leaned against the head of the bed, yawning, and the servant put on his coat for him.

"Second uncle?"

The girl entered the room, but didn't approach in a hurry, but stood outside the screen and shouted.

Xu Yun said helplessly: "Come in..."

Only then did Xu Mingyi walk in, with his hands behind his back, and explained his purpose with a smile: "Second Uncle, I have something I want to ask you for help."


Xu Yun raised his dry and sleepy eyes to look at his niece.

In sight, the girl took out a bow from behind and shook it towards him.

"...?" Xu Yun's pupils tightened.

He didn't say he wouldn't agree... But there's no need to be so anxious?

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