Wishful Things

Chapter 276 Rattle Drum

Princess Yufeng lowered her voice and said, "It's a mouse..."

Xu Mingyi was stunned.

What's so scary about mice? ——Didn’t you just throw it out while pinching your tail?

However, everyone fears different things and to different degrees.

"She was terribly afraid of mice, that's why we have so many cats in our house... I heard from Ye Mo that my mother and the others fought with the late emperor when they were young. At first, they lived in no fixed place, and they suffered a lot. Once, in a dream, a huge mouse crawled up on the face and bit her nose... From then on, I can't even hear the word mouse."

Xu Mingyi's face wrinkled uncontrollably when he heard it, and he felt that his nose was suddenly tight and itchy.

Although being bitten may not be very painful, but such an experience, the fear and nausea must be more profound than the pain.

If this is the case, then the eldest princess's appearance at this time is naturally understandable, after all, she is still a child now.


"How come there are mice popping up all of a sudden?"

It's not that there won't be any rats in the Princess's Mansion, but since the Princess is so scared, she must be very concerned about catching and preventing rats in the mansion.

And Jiaojiao just said that there are so many cats in the mansion——

If there were any rats that broke in accidentally, even if they were not so frightened that they packed up their bags and escaped from this death-death cave overnight, they would have killed their offspring and grandchildren long ago if they didn't live there for a few days.

"I also find it strange." Princess Yufeng said: "Since I can remember, I have never seen what a mouse looks like at home."

Why is it that whoever is afraid will look for it? What kind of evil fate is this.

Princess Yufeng pointed quietly, and said in a low voice: "And she was bitten again... If not, I wouldn't be afraid of this."

"Your Highness was bitten?" Xu Mingyi was taken aback.

It is said that rats should not bite people if they are not very hungry, right?

And being bitten by a mouse, this kind of thing can be big or small-although the plague will not appear in this kind of place, but you still need to be more prepared.

If there is a high fever later, it will be troublesome.

Thinking like this, Xu Mingyi hastily turned back to the inner room.

Beside the bed, the eldest princess was willing to stretch out her hand for Ah Kui to see.

"This is the one who was bitten by that thing..." Ye Mo said to Ah Kui in a very low voice, lest she would scare the eldest princess again.

Ah Kui looked carefully, with a somewhat puzzled expression.

Xu Mingyi had also approached, seeing the two tiny wounds at this time, he immediately had a judgment in his heart.

It was indeed hurt.

There are also marks left by sharp teeth of animals.

But it's just like—

Not really.

She looked at the eldest princess who barely stopped crying.

Princess Jingrong, you are lying...

Not just lying, but acting.

And such a complete lie, as well as the wound on the hand - is definitely not something a delirious "child" can do.

Xu Mingyi slowly tightened his fingers in his sleeves.

In other words, the eldest princess in front of her is awake...

And tell her in this way that she is awake - this wound can coax Ye Mo and Jiaojiao, but it can't fool people who know medical skills at all.

But the eldest princess acted in such a scene so excitedly, could it be just to hint at her?

Xu Mingyi faintly felt that something didn't make sense.

"Why hasn't elder brother come yet? I want to see elder brother..." Princess Jingrong's voice was hoarse and urgent.

Ye Mo said softly: "Girl, don't worry, you should be there soon..."

If it's just His Highness's eldest brother, then naturally he can see him as soon as he sees him, but besides being His Highness's elder brother, he is also His Majesty today.

If some things get in the way, I'm afraid I won't be able to get out of the palace.

Xu Mingyi's eyes moved slightly.

Is the emperor coming?

"Don't be afraid, Your Highness, this wound shouldn't be serious." She spoke with a soothing tone: "After Ah Kui is cleaned up, the wound will be bandaged with medicine and it won't hurt anymore."

Ah Kui, who didn't know what to do, immediately understood.

The girl must have seen that something was wrong with the wound, and since the girl said to bandage it up, she was asked not to talk too much, and not to let others see what was wrong.

Ah Kui quickly cleaned up the wound, put on the powder, and cut a white wound cloth to wrap the finger tightly.

After doing all this, the princess raised her hand, looked at it, her mouth shrunk, and tears suddenly fell down again.

Ah, why are you crying again all of a sudden? Do you think her dressing is too ugly?

Aoi was a little at a loss - she was indeed to blame for not being delicate enough, how about taking it apart and tying a bow on it again?

At this moment, only the eldest princess choked up and said: "When will the eldest brother come over..."

Yes, when will I be able to come, but hurry up and coax the children.

—— Princess Yufeng said in despair in his heart.

Or she was eager to get rid of it... No, it was because the thoughts of filial piety to heaven and earth were too strong. As soon as the words fell from the bottom of her heart, she heard the servant girl trotting to tell her that the emperor had arrived.

When everyone heard the words, they all went to the outer hall.

Ye Mo hurriedly took the tender pink blouse on the side screen and put it on for the eldest princess.

Yes, she also knew that it was somewhat inappropriate for her Highness to wear this color at her age, but she couldn't do without it.

Emperor Qingming was quickly welcomed in.

As soon as Princess Jingrong saw her elder brother who had been paying special attention to her recently, she seemed to have finally found support, she rushed towards him, hugged Emperor Qingming and refused to let go.

Princess Yufeng was dumbfounded.

There was some pantothenic acid in my heart for no reason.

She also took care of Xie Dingning every day, why didn't Xie Dingning hug her like this? Do you think she is not enough for her to rely on?

It's strange to say that His Majesty didn't come, she was looking forward to someone sharing the burden with her, come, she couldn't help being jealous - it turned out that the feeling of being a mother is so complicated, even if she just became a mother halfway through without pain.

"Okay, don't be a joke..."

Emperor Qingming smiled helplessly, patted his younger sister on the shoulder, and helped her to stand upright.

Jing Rong had never been so close to him when he was young, but after getting along with him during this period of time, he trusted and relied on him a lot.

Maybe it's because since she woke up again, he is the only relative in front of her eyes - after all, they are brothers and sisters whose blood is thicker than water, if Jing Rong is like this for the rest of her life, he can let her live in peace.

After all, he wasn't the one who really wanted to kill all his close relatives.

"Brother, I was bitten by... again, look!"

Princess Jingrong stretched out her wrapped fingers, her eyes full of grievances.

"I've heard all about it, does it matter?" Emperor Qingming said in a gentle tone.

"It's bleeding!" The eldest princess said anxiously, "It must be because the rattle my father gave me is not there, I can't find it anywhere! Brother, do you know where it is?"

Why do you want a rattle all of a sudden?

Emperor Qingming was very confused, so he looked at Ye Mo who was at the side.

Good morning everyone, I am slowly trying to restore two shifts in the morning and one night, and try to keep the time regular~

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