Wishful Things

Chapter 279

"I'm your brother..."

Emperor Qingming was still approaching her step by step, his eyes were full of mockery, under this mockery, it seemed that he was suppressing boundless resentment and unwillingness.

"Why do you even help him? You want to help him replace me and take away everything from me—even my life, don't you?!"

Princess Jingrong backed away in panic, her feet hit the edge of the flower bed, she fell to the ground with a scream, and the rattle in her hand flew out.

Emperor Qingming leaned slightly and looked at her condescendingly. His tall figure blocked the sunlight, and cast a large shadow on Princess Jingrong. Under the shadow, there seemed to be an endless chill.

The eldest princess didn't seem to be aware of the chill, seeing the rattle was out of her hand, she quickly stood up with her hands on the ground, and picked up the rattle.

Then he came to Emperor Qingming hesitantly, tilted his head, sized him up, and asked cautiously: "Brother, are you angry... Did I do something wrong again?"

Emperor Qingming looked straight into those eyes.

This kind of eyes and demeanor suddenly brought his mind back to the childhood when his memory had long been blurred - at that time, when Jing Rong made a mistake, he would always look at him like this.

He suddenly smiled.

"No, Dingning, you've done a good job." He looked at the younger sister in front of him, narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "You should be thankful that you didn't make a big mistake——if the thing is true, as an elder brother, I can forgive you this time."

His father, his brother, and his younger sister all treated him as a treacherous villain and a scourge...

They treated him ruthlessly, but he couldn't treat them so cold-blooded.

Emperor Qingming raised his hand with a half-smile, and stroked Princess Jingrong's bun.

"Dingning, you have to live well."

After all, there are still many people who will die in the future...

If it wasn't necessary, he didn't want to be a lonely person in the eyes of the world, whose loved ones around him would die.

And Jing Rong had previously told him about the old things of his father buried under this jujube tree - so, her position has been shaken, right? Is it just because of the entrustment of my father that I have to keep this secret?

Of course, what he wants has never been wavering, and he has never been able to tolerate the slightest bit of infidelity.

But only by living well, can she see how he secures the throne to the end, and see how her favorite second brother will end up in the end, right?

Also take a good look for his good father...!

The smile on Emperor Qingming's face became more and more intense, but his eyes were always dark and cold.

He put the silk into his wide sleeves, and told the guards indifferently: "Bury the box again."

The two guards, who had just recovered from the shock, agreed to do so.

"I found the rattle, but are you still scared?" Emperor Qingming looked at Princess Jingrong with a smile.

The eldest princess shook her head, as if she was worried that he was angry.

However, the child's heart is simple, and Emperor Qingming teased her a few words on the way, and she seemed to put the unreasonable uneasiness behind her.

When the two brothers and sisters returned to the courtyard, the eldest princess shook the rattle in her hand and smiled happily: "Look, Ye Mo, I found it!"

Princess Yufeng let out an "ah" and said with a smile, "There really is such a thing."

"Of course, my father gave this to me!" Princess Jingrong proudly showed off, not forgetting to compare: "Did your father give you this?"

"This is really not there."

Not only had she never been given a rattle by her father, she had no father at all.

Princess Yufeng raised her eyebrows at the eldest princess, and her eyes were a bit smug: "However, my mother gave me—not just rattles, but everything you can think of, my mother gave me."

More than that.

Not only were they conceivable, but also a lot of unexpected ones - Xu Mingyi thought in his heart.

"Then I won't lose to you, my mother treats me very well, and my wife treats me very well!" Princess Jingrong said without showing any weakness.

Seeing the mother and daughter talking to each other, Emperor Qingming smiled and shook his head helplessly: "Okay... since Dingning is not afraid anymore, it's time for me to go back."

Princess Yufeng restrained her expression and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, today."

Emperor Qingming's smile was still gentle.

No, he should thank Dingning——

He turned his eyes to the girl standing on the side, and said: "I should thank Miss Xu, thanks to Miss Xu's attention to Jingrong's body these days."

Xu Mingyi lowered his eyes, and his tone was justly apprehensive: "I don't dare to be your majesty's thank you, my daughter and the princess have always hit it off... Besides, this is what a courtier should do."

Emperor Qingming nodded approvingly.

"Miss Xu has helped me many times, how can I not be worthy of a thank you."

Before the prince drowned, and later he developed a high fever, it was also this girl who rescued him.

He even thought it was a bit too coincidental.

But I couldn't find anything unusual——

Xu Mingyi just bowed his head slightly when he heard the words, pretending to be ashamed.

Emperor Qingming didn't stay any longer.

A group of people followed to the outer hall to send them off.

Xu Mingyi raised his head and looked at the leaving back of the emperor.

The back is very calm, but it seems that there are unknown fluctuations hidden under the surface.

"Zhao Zhao, let's go and have a look."

Xu Mingyi came back to his senses and asked, "Look at what?"

"Look at what childish things Xie Dingning has hidden—"

"Jiaojiao, let's not go." Xu Mingyi held his friend's wrist instead.


"Since it was not brought back, it must have been buried again, so don't bother."

Although going to have a look won't cause any trouble, but now she doesn't want Jiaojiao to be contaminated with those things.

"If you don't go, then don't go." Seeing that his friend was not interested, Princess Yufeng's interest also stopped.

Xu Mingyi pretended to be preoccupied, and glanced at the eldest princess who was still talking to Ye Mo, who was still innocent, and said, "Since His Highness is fine, I will go back too."

"She caused a mess today, so I won't keep you any longer. Let's go out of the city and ride horses together in another day." Princess Yufeng said.

Xu Mingyi nodded and said "OK".

"Miss Xu."

Princess Jingrong came over suddenly, looked at Xu Mingyi who was about to leave, and said, "Miss Xu, thank you."

"Thank me for what?" Xu Mingyi asked with a smile.

"Thank you for the snacks you gave me. Didn't my elder brother also say, should I thank you?"

Xu Mingyi's mind moved slightly.

Is it really just these?

Hearing this, Princess Yufeng's face showed a look of relief. There was a feeling that the child had grown up and became sensible, which made her face as an elder very bright.

Without waiting for Xu Mingyi to answer, the Eldest Princess went on to say: "By the way, there is General Xu, I still have something to say to General Xu."

Xu Mingyi looked at the person in front of him.

The eldest princess has something to say to her grandfather?

Thank you for your monthly tickets and rewards.

(I have read everyone's comments about the plot of the eldest princess. I won't explain much because it involves spoilers. I can only say that everything has a reason. The truth and hidden plot will be slowly unfolded later.)

Good night lovely everyone.

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