Wishful Things

Chapter 401: The Truth Back then

In the elegant room on the second floor, the boy's voice broke the silence.

"Is father still going to say nothing?"

Looking at the young man, Wu Jingming's eyes changed, he sighed softly, and said, "Ah Yuan... there are some things, you will know sooner or later, you don't have to be so stubborn, you have to search for something too early..."

"Eighteen years, isn't it late enough?" Wu Chao asked calmly.

He knew that the aristocratic family, especially his grandfather, always had their own rules and regulations, and no one was allowed to break the original arrangement——

But, is grandfather so distrustful of him?

Is it because of his so-called stubborn temperament, if he learns about this "too early", will it disrupt their plans before the situation is settled?

Or, even if there was only a slight possibility of destroying the plan, grandfather was unwilling to bring it up with him, just because—an arrangement was an arrangement, and there was no need to discuss with him at all, and it was even unnecessary to inform him in advance?

As if aware of his thoughts, Wu Jingming said in a complicated tone: "Your grandfather...he also has his own thoughts. He is not only your grandfather, but also the head of the family...Father knows that you must be able to understand."

He once asked his father when he planned to tell A Yuan the truth.

His father said that although Ah Yuan was disciplined by the family rules since he was a child, he was too independent and stubborn in his bones, and it was extremely difficult to change what he had decided, and if he could not be persuaded, unnecessary troubles might arise.

I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at the Wu family and King Yan, and if they are exposed a little, it will bring disaster to Ah Yuan himself.

On balance, it is even more foolproof to explain the truth after arranging all the follow-up matters properly and completely.

"Even if I don't agree with it, but as a descendant of the Wu family, I can understand grandfather's thinking—" The young man's tone has obvious persistence: "It's just that now, does father really think it can be hidden?"

What should have been guessed has already been guessed.

But now, he needs to know the more complete truth.

"Ji Ping—"

King Yan was talking to Wu Jingming, but his eyes fell on the young man's face: "He should know."

He thought that the child knew the truth.

But they didn't expect the Wu family to hide it so tightly all these years.

After Wu Jingming was silent for a moment, he said, "Sit down and talk."

King Yan nodded.

Seeing the two elders sitting back, Wu Chao just sat down at the bottom.

"..." Wu Jingming seemed to be at a loss as to where to start. After opening his mouth, he paused for a moment, then nodded and said: "...Ah Yuan, he is indeed Sister's child."

After a pause, he said again: "Sister...and the prince's child."

Hearing these words, King Yan's thoughts even froze.

For a moment, he couldn't think about anything else, only these two short sentences echoed back and forth in his mind.

this is real kid...

It's true, with his child...

"..." Wu Chao lowered his eyes halfway, making it hard for people to see the overturned emotions in him.

Although there have been speculations, but when you really hear it with your own ears, it is still different.

It turned out that the person in the portrait he had seen in Qizhenyuan was his biological mother.

"I really shouldn't have kept this matter from you until today..." Wu Jingming's voice was slightly hoarse at this time.

Saying these words to A Yuan personally is not only revealing the truth of an old incident to him, but also telling himself and everyone that from now on, this child will no longer be his child.

He felt pity for the child at first, and transferred the guilt towards sister to the child.

Later, watching the children grow up little by little, love and appreciation gradually overshadowed everything else.

Sometimes he would even forget about the existence of that incident, and seeing the child getting better day by day, he would still think complacently - he is indeed my son of Wu Jingming.

When I suddenly think of it, I feel in a trance.

But this day will come sooner or later... Finally, it really came.

"Back then...what happened?" King Yan managed to recover, his voice was hoarse.

"That year, the prince was ordered to go to war, and not long after the prince left Beijing, sister was diagnosed as pregnant. I still remember that the former emperor gave many rewards to Yan Palace because of his long face..."

Wu Jingming recalled and narrated the old events.

"At that time, I heard that the prince's war was tense, so my sister did not write to the prince about her pregnancy, fearing that the prince would be distracted by it... But not long after, the late emperor fell ill, and the situation in Beijing changed drastically. Elder Sister is naturally sensitive, so she worries about it all day long. Not long after the late Emperor passed away, Elder Sister suddenly suffered from abdominal pain, and her due date was delayed by more than a month..."

"Because it was a premature birth and the fetal position was not right, the situation is particularly dangerous... When the Empress Dowager heard about this, she didn't care to guard the spirit of the late emperor. The child is born."

Although it is known that it is an old thing in the past, it has been crushed into powder in the years, irreversible, but listening to these, King Yan still feels as if he is in it, his whole body is tense, his eyes are extremely red, and his face is also white every inch down.

"In the end, even the two midwives that my Wu family had arranged in Yan Wang's mansion were helpless... When the elder sister was still alive, she begged the empress dowager..."

Speaking of this, Wu Jingming's eyes were already red, and he took a deep breath before he continued: "Elder Sister knew that she was dead, so she begged to cut out the fetus in her womb as soon as possible..."

Later, according to the eldest sister’s dowry maid——

"The empress dowager refused to allow it, and insisted on saving the elder sister's life no matter what, but at that time the elder sister was dying, and there was no return to the world...The elder sister begged again, saying that no matter whether the child lives or dies, she I just want to take a look, and I only hope that the Queen Mother can fulfill her last wish."

The intention of these words is obviously to "coax" the queen mother to promise her to cut out the child as soon as possible, but under such circumstances, how can the queen mother have the heart to refuse?

Fortunately, this child was very lucky, when he was cut out, even though his whole body was blue, he was still alive.

He thought, Eldest Sister should be smiling at that time...

"Later, people from the palace came to inquire about the situation, and the queen mother made a decision to hide the safe birth of the child from the palace people, and only told the public about the dead body and two lives... At that time, my second brother was traveling around the capital. The news came and questioned the Empress Dowager and the new emperor. There was something wrong with Sister's death, so there was a big fuss in order to ask for an explanation—"

It was precisely because of this trouble that the emperor's sight was confused.

At that time, the emperor had not ascended the throne, and the situation was unstable, so he didn't dare to offend the Wu family again, and expressed his guilt in every possible way, so as to appease the second brother.

Elder Sister's funeral was also arranged by the second brother alone, so no one in the royal family had the opportunity to get close to Elder Sister's body.

Later, my father rushed to the capital.

A Yuan, who was still in his infancy, was held in his arms by his father, and he left Beijing in a carriage without anyone daring to approach him for inspection.

Now speaking, everything seems to be easy and easy, but perhaps only the empress dowager who experienced the thrills at that time is the most clear.

The Empress Dowager, and their Wu family—if the two were replaced by other people, it would be absolutely impossible for this child to be preserved quietly.

"...Why did you hide the child?" There was a tremor in King Yan's tense voice.

If Zhenzhen and his mother hadn't noticed something, why didn't they dare to let others know that his child was born safely?

He didn't know this at all back then. When he returned to Beijing, everything had already been covered up. What was in front of him was that his father, his wife and children were all gone.

"At that time, the situation in Beijing was complicated and turbulent. The prince had no news and didn't know when he would be able to return to Beijing. The wish of the Empress Dowager was nothing more than to keep A Yuan safe."

At this point, Wu Jingming's eyes turned slightly cold: "Besides, the elder sister's premature birth was very strange."

King Yan looked at him closely: "What else did you find?"

"At that time, the prince lost his message, was in a dangerous situation, and his life and death were uncertain. When the military report was introduced to Beijing, the empress dowager wanted to hide it from my sister, but the person who sent the message sent the news back to the Yan Palace first."

If it's just a coincidence, let's forget about it, but later they found out a key point.

"Sister was very worried when she heard about it, and almost couldn't sleep at night, but even so, she still knew that she was thinking about the child in her womb——what really caused sister to give birth prematurely was what she 'accidentally' heard from a few servants. A few rumors made Sister mistakenly think that the prince is dead, and that the body has been found, but she didn't dare to tell her right now, everyone is hiding it from her."

Hearing such words suddenly, how could sister be able to hold on?

And it was precisely because he found out this point at the beginning, when he talked about it with his father, the second sister heard it, which made the second sister make up her mind to enter the palace.

"The lord thinks that the rumors that spread to sister's ears back then were really just accidental?"

King Yan's hand on the tea table clenched into a fist, and the fist was even trembling.

Under the tense situation at that time, it is impossible for anything to happen by so-called accident!

And if it wasn't by accident, if something really happened, it would be because of someone else's plan!

Eighteen years later, he didn't think that his doubts at this time would still be impulsive and blind to right and wrong... And these doubts, before hearing these words today, had already taken root in his heart.

But these so-called calculations and entanglements are not the most painful existence in his heart at this moment.

His ears are filled with those words of Wu Shizi just now.

Really learned of his "death"...

Zhenzhen was tortured during childbirth, and Zhenzhen begged the mother to cut her abdomen and take the child...

How scared and how painful should I really be?

But at that time, he never stayed by her side to protect her.

For countless days and nights, he was thinking about why he recommended himself to lead the troops to fight that battle. Although the battle was difficult, did he really have to do it? Why has the country in this world lacked him alone to protect it?

What he should protect is his wife!

As a husband, not only did he fail to protect her well, even everything Zhenzhen experienced was caused by him!

This thought that had tortured him for countless days and nights reappeared in his mind, imagining the pain and fear his wife suffered before she passed away, and he seemed to be in it, but he could only watch her suffer, unable to change at all. all of these……

Many intermingled emotions were like a surging and stirring billow, enveloping him and making him unable to breathe. King Yan's lips were livid, and he tightly covered his chest with trembling palms.

"My lord—"

Wu Jingming saw that there seemed to be something wrong, and before he could ask a word, he saw the man who was sitting there with his back straight tilted, and the whole person and the chair fell to the ground!


There was a muffled sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, and Xu Mingyi's face in the backyard changed, and he subconsciously looked towards the elegant room with the lights on.

Can't we fight again?

But when the three of them looked at it, it was clear that none of them were impulsive people - and this kind of thing, how could they not have to do it, right?

"...Ah Yuan, hurry up!"

Hearing this faint urging voice, Xu Mingyi knew that something must have happened, so he hurried to the front hall.

At this time, there are no guests in the hall, and the door of the teahouse has been closed to welcome no guests.

As soon as she reached the stairs, she saw Wu Chao striding down the stairs.

"What happened?" Xu Mingyi hurriedly asked in a low voice.

"My lord suddenly fell to the ground and passed out—" Wu Chao said hurriedly, seeing the assistant walking quickly, he immediately ordered seriously: "Quickly invite the best doctor in the neighborhood to come and see him!"

The buddy didn't dare to neglect, he answered "yes" and hurried to go.

Xu Mingyi glanced at the direction the guy was leaving, and hurriedly said, "I'll go up and have a look first!"

Wu Chao nodded, and the two went upstairs together.

In the elegant room, King Yan, who had just been helped back to the chair in a hurry, had apparently lost consciousness, and Wu Jingming was supporting King Yan's shoulder anxiously.

"It can't be like this." Xu Mingyi immediately said: "Quickly help the person to the inner room and lie flat—"

Wu Chao immediately followed suit, and Wu Jingming didn't bother to question anything, he gave his son a helping hand, and helped King Yan onto the low couch in the inner room.

After Xu Mingyi took a general look at King Yan's situation, he said to Wu Chao: "Quickly loosen the prince's robe so that he can breathe as smoothly as possible."

As he spoke, he looked at Xiao Qi who heard the noise and walked in: "Xiao Qi, hurry up and get some Baoxin Pills from the nearest medicine hall—"

"Yes, this subordinate will go now!"

Looking at the back of Xiaoqi who quickly took the order to leave, Wu Jingming's untimely illusion reappeared.

Xu Mingyi pushed open the two windows in the inner room.

"Miss Xu, do you know what's wrong with the prince?" Wu Jingming roughly saw that the girl knew medicine, so he couldn't help asking.

Xu Mingyi turned around, looked at the person on the low couch, and said, "My lord must be suffering from a heart disease. This disease is caused by the stasis of Qi and blood in the heart, and the emotions should not be subject to major shocks."

Otherwise, if the symptoms are triggered by excessive emotion, it will not only lead to coma, but in severe cases, if not treated in time, it may even be life-threatening.

"Heart disease?" Wu Jingming murmured, "My lord is physically strong, and I have never heard of him suffering from heart disease before..."

Wu Chao, who had just untied his robe and tie for King Yan, straightened up. Hearing this sentence, he said in a low voice, "That must be the disease he suffered from in the northern border these years—"

Wu Jingming fell silent.

It seems that the prince has really had a hard time these years.

If not, how could I have accumulated such a disease...

Thank you Qinghan for the rewards~

Thank you for your monthly pass.

These two chapters talk about old things, I want everyone to have a good time together, so I put them together (I believe I am not the kind of person who deliberately breaks chapters)

See you tomorrow.

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