Wishful Things

Chapter 409 Who is going to be unlucky

"Confucius Confucius, have you ever heard of it?"

"..." Cai Jin narrowed his eyes, showing a very puzzled expression.

This doubt does not mean that she will not know who Confucius is.


How did Mr. Xu come up with such a ridiculous joke?

"Okay, I won't tell you more." Xu Yun was afraid that the other party would enter the kitchen again, so he got up during the gap, brushed his sleeves, turned and left: "I have to go back and take a nap."

Seeing Xu Yun leave the pavilion, Cai Jin sighed slightly.

She is really curious.


Xu Mingyi's claim that he still needs to go out for business is not all an excuse, but he did make an appointment with Wu Chao to meet at Xuesheng Teahouse in the afternoon at Shenshi.

When she arrived, Wu Chao was already sitting where the two of them used to sit, waiting for her.

"After lunch earlier, I thought it was still early, so I went to drink tea in the second uncle's garden, but the tea not only didn't refresh my mind, but made me fall asleep." Xu Mingyi sat down opposite him, and said: I came a little late, but I kept you waiting?"

"I've only just arrived." Wu Chao spoke softly, lifted the teapot and filled the teacup to seventy percent, put the teapot down, and pushed the teacup in front of her, the simple movements were smooth and pleasing to the eye under his hands .

"Try this refreshing or not," he said.

Xu Mingyi picked up the teacup and took a sip, then nodded seriously: "Well, it's really refreshing, it makes people feel refreshed, and the seven orifices are cleared."

Wu Chao heard a smile in his eyes.

"I asked you out today because I have something to talk to you about." Xu Mingyi quickly got to the point.

Wu Chao looked at her: "What's the matter?"

"The day before yesterday, at the Empress Dowager's birthday banquet, I took Ah Kui to Concubine Jing's Yuxiu Palace. Do you remember this?"

Wu Chao nodded.

"I met that Imperial Master Xuanqing in Yuxiu Palace." Xu Mingyi lowered his voice slightly, coughed lightly, and said, "I asked him to do something for me in your name—— "

In the Pingqing Pavilion the night before, she planned to explain to Wu Chao, but she didn't find a suitable opportunity.

National Division?

Wu Chao was slightly taken aback when he heard this - he almost forgot that there was such a person.

Remembering it now, he just nodded.

"...Don't you ask me what I asked him to do?" Xu Mingyi looked at the calm young man and couldn't help asking.

Wu Chao asked, "Is it difficult? What do I need to do?"

He originally thought that since he only thought of telling him now, it should be a trivial matter, so he didn't rush to ask more questions.

"..." Xu Mingyi couldn't help feeling that this person's head seemed to be quite different from that of ordinary people.

Her original intention was: "It's not that tricky - but aren't you afraid that I will cause trouble in your name?"

Although she herself has always acted in a consistent manner, it is still reasonable.

Getting into trouble in his name?

A sincere smile overflowed from the boy's eyes: "I can't ask for it."

He has never had the opportunity to deal with her aftermath, and at this point, he has secretly envied Duke Zhen more than once.

Facing those smiling eyes, Xu Mingyi felt uncomfortable for a while, but he didn't hide the smile on his face. Thinking about his dream in the garden, he looked very frankly and said: "Then I really want to thank you for your kindness." mind."

Wu Chao looked at her, and vaguely felt that what she said seemed to be referring to more than just this matter.

Did something else happen?

The girl didn't give him a chance to think about it, and said immediately: "This matter is not too big, and it is not too small. It is related to Zhanyunzhu..."

Xu Mingyi roughly recounted the conversation with the national teacher that night.

Wu Chao nodded and said: "This method is feasible, even if the emperor may not believe it completely, or will not immediately dislike this person because of this, but there will definitely be a grudge in his heart—"

And once the heart disease is born, it will be easier to deal with it in the future without the greatest support of the emperor's heart.

"Well, that's exactly what I thought." Xu Mingyi put down the teacup in his hand and said, "There is another matter. It is said that the Minister of Rites is planning to propose that while the princes are in Beijing this time, they can accompany the emperor. Go to the imperial mausoleum to worship the late emperor—"

"Worshiping ancestors?" Wu Chao thought for a while, then asked, "Where did you get the news?"

He didn't seem to have heard anything.

"This is what Mrs. Wen, the wife of the Minister of Rites, said, so I can't be wrong." Seeing his confusion, Xu Mingyi said: "Sometimes, the information on the card table in the back house is as well-informed as a spy. "

After hearing this, Wu Chao couldn't help feeling that he had touched a blind spot of cognition.

But I couldn't help feeling a little awed by the fact that my future mother-in-law was playing a horse hang.

He thought about it and said: "If the Minister of Rites really proposed this matter, all the civil servants will definitely agree, and the emperor will only nod at that time—"

The three princes have not returned to Beijing to worship their ancestors for many years. The Ministry of Rites made this proposal. It is reasonable and reasonable from the perspective of filial piety. The emperor has no reason to refuse.

But the rules for worshiping the ancestors are cumbersome, and the imperial mausoleum is at the foot of Mount Ling three hundred miles away from the capital. As a result, the princes will stay in the capital for half a month at least.

In the past few days, several princes have already gone to the Taimiao to offer sacrifices, so it is not necessary to go to the imperial mausoleum in person.

But if the Minister of Rites mentions it, then he must not go.

Therefore, when the Lord Shangshu talked about the observance of rituals, he really obeyed the rituals, but he was really not afraid that the emperor would not be able to sleep.

"Will you go with me then?" Xu Mingyi asked.

Wu Chao thought for a while and said, "Maybe I'm going."

Although it is said that the prince worshiped the ancestors, the emperor must also go in person. According to the regulations, there must be relatives of the emperor and ministers accompanying him.

Although he is obviously not a member of the Xie family's clan, but as a grandson of the Wu family and the empress' nephew, since he is in Beijing, he probably needs to accompany him.

However, he is not an important person in the end, it is just incidental, even if he finds an excuse to refuse to go, no one will care.

All in all, it is optional to go.

"If you have a chance, you should follow." Xu Mingyi said.

Wu Chao looked at her with some doubts, thinking that she must have a reason for what she said, so he waited for her to continue.

In sight, I saw the girl seriously whispering, "I've been having a dream lately..."


Inexplicably, Wu Chao felt a chill down his back.

I don't know who is going to be unlucky this time?


The next day, the Minister of Rites really mentioned in the early court that several princes who had not returned to Beijing for a long time should go to the imperial mausoleum to worship their ancestors.

Several civil servants stood up and echoed.

Zuodu Yushi Ming Xiaozhi, also known as second.

Ji Xiu's scalp tingled when he heard that.

These old guys who stick to the etiquette system are really terrible - what good is it if King Yan stays in Beijing for a long time?

Taking another look at the emperor who nodded gently in the face of this proposal, Ji Xiu silently sympathized.

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