Wishful Things

Chapter 414 Lingshan ancestor worship

— Concubine Jing had a miscarriage.

After Emperor Qingming heard this, he didn't say much, he only confessed that Concubine Jing should take good care of her health.

Disheartened, Concubine Jing, who had only waited for such a sentence and did not see Emperor Qingming coming, lay on the bed tightly hugging the brocade quilt, but still felt extremely cold all over her body, as if she had fallen into an ice cellar. middle.

Failed to keep this dragon son... Will she be completely rejected by His Majesty in the future?

Emperor Qingming hadn't come yet, but the empress, as the lord of the six palaces, quickly came to Yuxiu Palace with her maidservant.

The queen sat on the edge of the bed and softly inquired about Concubine Jing's physical condition.

Concubine Jing, who was leaning on the bedside, shed tears when she heard this, she couldn't hold back, and started crying while hugging the queen.

"Sister, why do you think the life of a concubine is so hard!"

The queen can only sigh for the smooth transition of the other party having a pregnant empress and calling her sister when she is not pregnant.

But in any case, for a woman, losing a child in her womb is indeed a very uncomfortable thing.

The queen patted Concubine Jing on the back lightly and said a few words of comfort.

"It's all the concubine's fault. I shouldn't have followed His Majesty out of the palace to Quanheshan in the first place. Otherwise, what kind of evil would have been brought in..." Concubine Jing choked with regret.

The queen sighed softly: "It's not your fault."

It's not the fault of any evil thing, and the evil things are not all blamed for everything.

In the final analysis, the only one to blame is the emperor for committing too many crimes.

Seeing that Concubine Jing couldn't stop crying, the empress could only persuade again: "The most urgent thing now is to take care of your body. You are still so young, and you have taken care of your body, are you afraid that you will not have a chance in the future?"

Concubine Jing cried for a while, raised her head, and looked at the dignified and gentle empress with tears in her eyes, the defense in her heart dissipated unconsciously: "Does the concubine really have a chance?"

Will His Majesty really not neglect her because of this?


"Even if the concubine still has a chance, next time, will she be a prince?"

It is not unreasonable to say that I just want to conceive the prince and stand on the pinnacle of life. The queen heard it in her ears, and guessed that this person should be really stimulated. If she doesn't comfort her well, she might go crazy. ...

Thinking in this way, the Queen's voice became softer: "Don't worry, this child is only going back temporarily, and will come back soon."

Unexpectedly, as soon as these words came out, Concubine Jing's tears fell even more fiercely.

If the Empress hadn't said this, she would almost have forgotten——

"That day the national teacher also said that he wanted to surpass the child in the womb of the minister and concubine, but now the child may have run away..."

The queen was a little surprised.


But she felt that even if the national teacher didn't give Chaodu, the child would probably have to run away without looking back. Which one wouldn't be better than being the emperor's son?

"Sister..." Concubine Jing grabbed one of the Queen's sleeves and asked with tears in her eyes: "Is it true that the courtiers and concubines will not be able to go to the imperial mausoleum sacrifice in a while?"

"Just don't think about it anymore." The queen looked at her: "I just said that the most important thing is to take care of your body."

The dowry mother on the side also said distressedly: "Yes, the confinement child has to sit for a full month, so the empress can take care of it with peace of mind."

As a woman, if you don't even know how to cherish your body, how can you expect a man to cherish it for you?

Knowing that there is really no way to follow this time, Concubine Jing nodded her head with eyes full of disappointment.

On the other side, Concubine Rong in Yongfu Palace was leaning on the imperial concubine's couch with the maid on her shoulders. Hearing the news from Gong'e that Concubine Jing had had a miscarriage, a sarcastic chuckle came from her moist red lips.

"When I just came back from Quanhe Palace, I still thought about showing off my power with this palace. What a joke."

In this palace, just being pregnant with a dragon heir is nothing, and being able to give birth safely is the real blessing.

Concubine Rong looked at the child who had just been put to sleep by the nurse on the small bed, a faint smile appeared in her eyes.

She raised her hand, signaling to the maid behind her not to press it anymore, Shi Shiran stood up.

Behind the screen, several palace maids are preparing the clothing and jewelry to be worn during the imperial mausoleum sacrifice.

Although it is said that we can leave in six days, but in order to ensure that there are no omissions, it is natural that we need to prepare in advance.

"Take this too."

Concubine Rong slenderly pointed to a silver-red embroidered white plum double-breasted jade-button cloak on a sandalwood carved ganoderma lucidum hanger.

The palace maid took a look and reminded softly: "Your Majesty is going to worship the ancestors with His Majesty this time. With such a bright color, I am afraid that those censors will use it to make a fuss..."

"Obviously you have to wear sacrificial attire during the sacrifice, don't they care how I wear the ordinary clothes in private?" Concubine Rong sneered disapprovingly: "I will bring this one."

Seeing that the servant girl responded and carefully folded it into the cage, a faint smile flashed in Concubine Rong's eyes.

He, he likes to see her wearing silver and red the most.


In a blink of an eye, it was the day to go to Lingshan Imperial Mausoleum to offer sacrifices.

Today's weather is a bit gloomy, but luckily it didn't rain, which just saved the accompanying guards from a scorching sun.

In a group of cars, a person who should not have come was mixed into Princess Yufeng's carriage.

Xu Mingyi supported the two pearl flowers on the top of his head, one left and one right, and asked, "Is it still manageable?"

Shi Shi, the maidservant of Princess Yufeng, smiled and nodded: "At first glance, I really can't recognize Miss Xu."

The girl in sight was wearing the same cyan bijia as her, with the same hanging bun, and her eyebrows and complexion were carefully groomed.

"It's enough if you don't recognize it at first glance." Xu Mingyi put his hands down, straightened his sleeves and said.

She will rarely appear in front of people, and this appearance is enough for her to get away with it.

Of course, it doesn't matter even if someone sees through and recognizes her, she came here with Jiaojiao this time - as long as she doesn't make any big troubles, two little girls who have never been very disciplined get together and play around No one will care about anything.

"Since you want to follow me, what kind of maid are you pretending to be." Princess Yufeng looked at her friend, raised her eyebrows and said, "It's better to pretend to be a pretty boy and follow, and you can look more like it."

"You are going to worship the ancestors on this trip. If you still bring a mask with you, you are not afraid of angering the ancestors?" Xu Mingyi took two mouthfuls of tea from Shi Shi while speaking.

Princess Yufeng thought for a while, nodded and said: "That's true. Xie Dingning always told me before that my grandfather treated me very well before he passed away. It is indeed not appropriate to anger him."

As he said that, he looked at his friend who was having tea, and asked, "Speaking of which, why did you follow to Lingshan this time?"

It will take at least eight or nine days to go back and forth for more than six hundred miles, including ancestor worship. I have to pretend to be a maid when I go in and out, isn't it tiring?

"Idle at home is also idle." Xu Mingyi put down the teacup.

"I didn't realize that you still like to join in such occasions before. You are obviously the person who is most afraid of trouble." Princess Yufeng looked at her friend suspiciously, and said in a meaningful tone: "Xu Zhaozhao, don't you? ..."

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