Wishful Things

Chapter 440: Change

Ji Xiu's clenched fists trembled.


"Your Majesty, if you want to tell the truth from what Concubine Sun said, it's actually not difficult." An official said after deliberating, "Just bring the maid mentioned in Concubine Sun's words and tell everyone where the night is. In time, everything will be clear."

After the accident, Concubine Sun has been held incommunicado for interrogation, so there is no need to worry about the possibility of communicating with the maid in advance.

Logically speaking, this is the case - Ji Xiu's expression keeps changing, he just feels that everything in front of him is unspeakably weird, he is thinking, who is Zhan Yunzhu working for this time...

Is it Xia Tingzhen?

Xia Tingzhen convinced Concubine Sun?

But, how did this old fox do this under the eyes of the emperor?

The thoughts in Ji Xiu's mind were complicated and chaotic, until the maid was brought up, and the confession she gave out in fear was almost exactly the same as Concubine Sun's.

Ji Xiu stared at the maid: "...you master and servant must have agreed in advance how to slander me!"

"Your Majesty Ji is too worried." Han Yan said expressionlessly: "Concubine Sun is being held and interrogated by the subordinate officials. During this period, let alone a personal maid, she has never seen a fly from outside. You can agree to speak with anyone at any opportunity."

Hearing this sentence, Ji Xiu felt chills from the deepest part of his heart.

Concubine Sun has never met anyone?

Haven't even seen Xia Tingzhen?

Then who persuaded her, and who agreed a confession for her and this maid? !

Thinking of a possibility, Ji Xiu looked at the emperor sitting on the seat, and said in a concentrated voice: "Your Majesty, in order to protect King Xiang, Concubine Sun has enough motives to slander her ministers, so this letter that can be easily forged, and A mere two-sentence confession that has no physical evidence to prove it... I am afraid it is not enough to convict the minister! And the minister has never done something, and he will never admit it!"

Emperor Qingming looked at him noncommittally.

These alone are indeed not enough to convict immediately.


"Han Yan."

"The minister is here."

"Immediately lead people to search Ji Shangshu's residence carefully, and don't miss any corner."

Han Yan responded immediately.

Emperor Qingming said to Ji Xiu: "If this matter is really not done by Ji Shangshu, I will never wrong Ji Shangshu——I sent people to search to prove this matter."

Ji Xiu's face was tense: "I understand."

After Concubine Sun identified him, the police guard went to search his residence, but he was just following the rules.

But judging from today's situation, maybe something that doesn't belong to him will be found...!

Facing this unknown situation, Ji Xiu was impatient and apprehensive.

The police guards quickly arrived at Ji Xiu's residence in the palace.

"Gentlemen, this is the residence of my master Ji Shangshu... I don't know what you are doing?" the servant in charge asked in confusion when he saw a group of policemen with knives on their waists coming menacingly.

Did these people come to the wrong place?

A police officer next to Han Yan said in a calm voice: "Ji Shangshu is suspected of murdering the Queen Mother, I will come and search for your Majesty's order!"

"Murder... murder the Queen Mother?!" The servant lost his voice: "This is absolutely impossible!"

A group of people naturally ignored him, and immediately rushed into various places to search.

Ji Wanyou, who was standing in the porch and dressed as a servant, looked at these people with trembling eyes.

Murder the Queen Mother...

Such a crime is enough to destroy her Ji family forever!

"How could it involve the master..."

"Didn't you hear that the murderer was Concubine Sun?"

"Where is the master now..."

"What are we going to do?"

Hearing the flustered voices of the servants beside her ears, Ji Wanyou's face turned pale, and scenes of scenes by the lotus pond this morning flashed through her mind, those beautiful pictures that should have made her happy and sweet...

The police guards searched everywhere, and Han Yan's solemn and stern voice sounded from time to time: "Don't miss any corner! Don't miss any suspicious thing!"

Something suspicious?

With a pale face, Ji Wanyou looked in the direction of the bedroom with the door wide open.

Han Yan walked in himself.

The servant in charge also hurried in, and said anxiously: "There must be some misunderstanding in this, my lord will never do such a thing..."

Han Yan turned a deaf ear to this, and only led his subordinates to search every place carefully, with an air of business.

A moment later, a security guard found an unremoved sachet on an indigo robe hanging on the screen.

The security guard held the sachet to his nose and sniffed it, and said, "My lord, there seems to be a smell of herbs in it."

"Herbal medicine?" Han Yan's eyes flashed, and he said, "Take it."


The security guards' search methods have always been meticulous, and they have carefully inspected the entire courtyard inside and out, and even opened up the slightly loose floor tiles in the courtyard to see, and they were only three feet away from digging the ground.

After searching like this for more than half an hour, the security guards in charge of searching everywhere returned to the courtyard one after another.

"My lord, search them all!"

Han Yan nodded and said, "Follow me back and report to His Majesty."

Watching a group of police guards leave the courtyard, Ji Wanyou forced herself to step up her trembling calves, and quickly followed them.

She is going to find her father!

She wants to see it for herself!

"Girl..." the servant in charge called out in a low voice, seeing the girl didn't look back, he sighed and hurriedly followed.

Han Yan and his party quickly returned to the meeting hall, carrying a series of suspicious items.

Eliminate them one by one in public, and finally focus on the sachet.

"This sachet belongs to Ji Shangshu?" Emperor Qingming asked confirmingly.

Ji Xiu's tone did not hesitate: "Return to Your Majesty, this is indeed my subject's property."

It was sewed for him by his daughter herself, and it was given to him just this morning. It is said that it contains something to soothe the gods and ward off evil spirits. Change into regular clothes.

Hearing his confession, Emperor Qingming nodded slightly.

Just admit it.

Now that he has admitted it, then everything that follows is doomed to have no room for reincarnation.

He can be regarded as giving a reasonable explanation to the people of the world and King Yan.

"It is said that Imperial Physician Zheng came to inspect this sachet." Emperor Qingming ordered.

Li Ji agreed and immediately arranged for it.

Physician Zheng rushed over quickly.

Under everyone's watchful eyes, the contents of the sachet were poured onto the tray, and Imperial Physician Zheng held silver tweezers and carefully checked and identified them.

Finely crushed cinnabar, dried wormwood, sliced ​​rhino horn...

There's another... Fragrant pill?

Doctor Zheng picked up the brown "fragrant pill" with the tweezers in his hand, and took a closer look in front of his eyes.

At this time, Concubine Sun, who was kneeling beside her, suddenly said, "Your Majesty, this is the poison!... It was this that was handed over to Cuizhu by Shangshu Riji!"

Ji Xiu panicked when he heard the words, and hurriedly said: "It's ridiculous! If it is really the poison, if it is such an ironclad evidence, I won't destroy it as soon as possible, why should I put it in the personal sachet! This planting is too much Far-fetched!"

Concubine Sun sneered and said: "Destroy? I saw with my own eyes last night that the pear soup was sprinkled on the blanket, and it changed the color of the blanket within two quarters of an hour... You must know very well that this poison is extremely poisonous. Dissolved in water, poured in the soil, it will definitely leave a strange appearance, there are traces to follow... and the Queen Mother just had an accident last night, so of course you dare not destroy it easily in this palace !"

Under such circumstances, it is only reasonable to hide it in a sachet full of herbs next to your body!

"...I know what a fart!" Ji Xiu was so angry that he couldn't choose what to say on the spot: "Why this poison is in this sachet is still unknown!"

This intense dialogue made Imperial Physician Zheng couldn't help but click his tongue - he could tell it was poison just by looking at it, how could these people be so capable?

He hasn't even spoken yet.

"Everyone, this is not some kind of poison..." Imperial Physician Zheng crushed the incense pill lightly between his fingers, and said, "It's just a sandalwood incense pill."

"...?" Concubine Sun, who was arguing with Ji Xiu, froze, why was it different from what she said beforehand?

"Xiangwan?" Emperor Qingming squinted his eyes: "Did the imperial physician see clearly?"

"Return to Your Majesty, I will never make a mistake, and this thing is not difficult to identify." Zheng Taiyi said, put the crushed incense pills into the small silver cup on the side, and took out a candle from the candlestick on the side , light the incense ball.

Soon, there was a faint aroma of sandalwood.

Several officials nodded slightly.

"This is indeed sandalwood..."

"Hmm... the fragrance is good, the fragrance is quite good..."

"It smells like Jiexiang residence system..."

"When you talk about sandalwood, you have to count Yufu Pavilion."

——Still commenting here?

When it is the Fighting Fragrance Conference!

The uncontrollable situation appeared before his eyes again, and Emperor Qingming was very restless in his heart. Enduring his anger, he looked towards Zhanyunzhu's direction without a trace.

This broom star can't even handle such trivial things well, how dare he promise that he will be safe?

It seems that it is just a piece of trash who can't do anything practical by just talking with one mouth!

Sensing the emperor's gaze, he was always calm and rational in front of others, and at this moment, a trace of panic could not help showing in his eyes.

Recently, the emperor seems to have a deep prejudice against him, and this matter is equivalent to his only chance to turn around...

For this reason, he even had to choose to use the entire Ji family as a bargaining chip!

And even without these, just based on the importance of this matter, if he fails, the consequences will undoubtedly be unimaginable...

But he clearly put the pill in by himself, so why did it turn into a fragrant pill? !

Who did it!

Looking at the silver cup that was still emitting faint green smoke, Zhan Yunzhu's hands were filled with cold sweat.

Xia Tingzhen, who was sitting at the head of the civil servants, still couldn't see the slightest difference.

"Your majesty...it's him..." Concubine Sun came back to her senses, and said: "Ji Xiu instigated me to poison the empress dowager is the truth, that letter..."

"Your Majesty, I'm innocent!" Ji Xiu interrupted Concubine Sun's words with a determined voice, and looked at Emperor Qing Ming, with stubbornness in his reddish eyes.

Today is the last update. The number of words in this chapter is one and a half of the usual chapter. Please ask for a monthly pass. Thank you.

Good night.

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