Wishful Things

Chapter 453 Collaborating with the Enemy and Treasoning the Country

Whether the King of Xiang has anything to do with poisoning the Queen Mother or not, this point has been discussed many times in the dark, and some eyes are bright enough, and they probably guessed it... So if you only talk about this, there is really nothing surprising.

But colluding with Dongwu... This will make people not sleepy at all!

If what the censor of the Ming Dynasty said is true, what is the difference between King Xiang's move and collaborating with the enemy? !

In the midst of the restlessness, Ming Xiaozhi had lifted his robe and knelt down, and said seriously: "This matter is of great importance. The King of Xiang has colluded with the enemy and treasoned the country, plotted against the law, and his wolfish ambitions are clearly revealed. Your Majesty, please investigate thoroughly!"

After finishing speaking, he knocked his forehead heavily on the gold brick, and held the bamboo tube high with both hands.

Looking at the strength of the teacher's kowtow, the young censor Song Dian was quite distressed - he suddenly felt that the teacher's hairline should be receding more and more due to the kowtow, and he was too frightened to move forward easily.

The word collaborating with the enemy and treason is too heavy, and the atmosphere around is boiling and surging.

Fang Shen was equally astonished—he never expected that the other party would pull out such a big move from his sleeve.

So here comes the question, can he still act in this play?

Feeling the atmosphere around him, Fang Yushi quietly stuffed the things in his sleeves, he should wait and see...

The road is really a bit steep, he is afraid that if he accidentally overturns the car and throws His Majesty the emperor out of the car, it will be too ugly...

Emperor Qingming looked straight at the bamboo tube held up in Ming Xiaozhi's hand, but first asked: "Where did Ming Yushi get this thing?"

There is something strange about this matter, he must not be carried away by a moment of anger.

"Returning to Your Majesty, last night I was having a barbecue and eating wine in the garden. Suddenly, a white pigeon fell down. When the servants picked it up, it seemed that it was no longer good. There were rats in the back alley of the minister's house. Someone once sprinkled old food mixed with rat poison, and it was specially used for poisonous rats. It must have been eaten by the pigeon." Only then did I know that it was the King of Xiang's secret letter—"

He has always given people the impression that he would rather bend than bend. This is certainly true, but it is indeed a persona he deliberately created.

After all, the persona of Ning Bending and Not Bending is really useful - if the same lie is said by him, no one will easily think that he is lying.

"It just happened to fall in the Ming Yushi Garden. It's a coincidence..." Emperor Qingming's eyes were uncertain, as if he was distinguishing something.

"I also think it's very coincidental. What's even more coincidental is that after returning from the Lingshan imperial mausoleum, I dream of the late emperor every night. The late emperor gave me many instructions in my dreams, but I forgot them after waking up. I have been restless for several days because of this..." Ming Yushi was sincere, with a hint of sadness in his tone: "Now that I think about it, it may not be the late emperor's spirit in heaven warning me, guiding me to reveal the truth!"

Is this a lie?

of course not.

It's just a small trick used by improvisation to exaggerate the atmosphere.

Hundred officials began to discuss in a low voice.

Emperor Qingming stared fixedly at the bamboo tube that Ming Xiaozhi was still holding high, and said slowly: "Li Ji, bring it here for me to see—"

Li Ji responded "Yes", went forward to take the things in person, and presented them to Emperor Qingming.

The moment Emperor Qingming saw the pattern engraved on the bamboo tube clearly, his eyes turned cold again.

He took out the letter paper inside and unfolded it slowly, one dark and one light, one black and one brown writing came into view.

This handwriting is indeed very familiar...

Emperor Qingming's icy eyes moved one after another, and when he finished reading what was written in the brown handwriting, frost seemed to have formed on his always gentle and benevolent face, his eyes seemed to be shrouded by gloomy black clouds, making people fearful.

"It's very strange to say that there was originally only half of the family letter on this letter paper. I read it last night. I just thought it was the family letter of the king of Xiang. It was an accidental acquisition by the minister. I planned to order someone to return it early this morning..."

The imperial censor of the Ming Dynasty raised his head at some point, and said at this moment: "At that time, the minister was half drunk, so he just put this letter casually beside the oven, but when he finished drinking and wanted to go back to the room, he picked up the letter paper again, but there was half brown writing on it! After a closer look, I saw that the original half writing was written by the same person, and it was actually a secret letter written to the King of Dongwu! From this, it is considered to have discovered this shocking conspiracy!"

The ministers were astonished.

At first glance, it was only half of the face, but after a while, there were other handwritings?

"Is there such a rare thing?"

"It's unheard of..."

Naturally, these are all euphemisms. If you put it more bluntly, it would be—isn't it ridiculous?

Quite a number of officials showed faint doubts. It can be seen that the Ming Yushi kneeling there had a firm and solemn look on his face, and he couldn't help but waver - how could such an upright person like Ming Yushi lie? Even if you want to tell a lie, people from Yitong Academy are always serious-minded, why not tell a relatively unreasonable one?

At this time, Song Dian asked hesitantly: "The teacher just said that he put this letter next to the oven?"

Ming Yushi slightly turned his head to look at him: "That's right."

"This made the lower officials think of a possibility..." Song Dian had already stepped out of the queue as he spoke.

He raised his hand and saluted upwards, and said: "Your Majesty, as far as I know, there is a kind of fruit in Guijun called lemon fruit. Its juice is used as ink, and it is written on paper. After drying, there will be no traces. However, if it is baked with a small fire, the handwriting will reappear in brown..."

Don't ask why he is so good when he is also an official in the imperial examination - it's just a normal operation as a student of Yitong Academy.

The hall became noisy again.

Xia Tingzhen also frowned slightly.

If you talk about anything else, that's all, but, Liguo...

He remembered that the king of Xiang came to Beijing this time, so he offered this object to the palace.

He even has impressions of things, how can the emperor not know?

Xia Tingzhen slightly raised his eyes to look at Emperor Qingming after the dragon case, and saw that the emperor, who had always been calm in front of the officials, was now full of stormy looks.

Emperor Qingming pressed the letter paper firmly under his hands.

After a while, he suddenly got up from the dragon chair, and said in a deep voice: "Bring the king of Xiang into the palace immediately to see me!"

Looking at the emperor who was trying his best to suppress the fury of thunder and left suddenly, all the ministers hurriedly knelt down to send him off.

Outside the main hall, black clouds rolled over and over in the sky, and there was a faint sound of thunder rolling in the distance.

When the summer rains come and go, the air is always sticky and hot, as if even breathing makes people feel uncomfortable.

The plan failed and he was grounded for many days. King Xiang, who was in a mood not much better than this day, was leaning on the couch and impatiently flipping through a miscellaneous book. He picked up the teacup on the small case and took a big sip but was burned. He was so annoyed that he spit out the tea.

"Trash! You don't know how hot or cold you are pouring tea for this king!"

Good night everyone (3[▓▓]

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