Wishful Things

Chapter 461

Judging from the fact that the other party tricked her into entering the secret room, as well as the inconsistent words, it was probably a lie.

But she was still uneasy.

Grandpa was naturally safe and sound before he left Beijing, but what about after he left Beijing? What if someone really got the emperor's order and secretly tampered with it?

"According to the days, the Duke should have just arrived in Dongyuan City, just at the beginning of the war. The safety of the commander-in-chief of the first army is related to the morale of the army, and even the success or failure of the war—" Wu Chao analyzed objectively: "Even if the emperor wanted to do something, he probably wouldn't choose it at this time."

Xu Mingyi nodded, she naturally understood these reasons, but the dog emperor has never been a human being, so she really couldn't feel at ease and treat it according to common sense.

Wu Chao didn't bother to reassure her, and then said: "But the Li clan's battle, the Duke has a good chance of winning, and the Duke is not a belligerent person. As long as the other party is willing to surrender, it may not take long to end the war. In the current situation, we really need to be more prepared. We can send credible and astute people to Dongyuan as soon as possible to secretly inquire about the Duke's situation."

This is exactly what Xu Ming wanted to hear.

Although she had repeatedly told Uncle Qin Wu that if something unusual happened, he must send a letter back to Beijing in time, but she was afraid that Uncle Qin Wu would not be able to detect some things in time, or that something might go wrong in the process of sending the letter.

Therefore, it is better for people to go and see.

"If it's really about the safety of my grandfather, maybe we need to ask a person who is proficient in medical skills to accompany him, so as to really prevent accidents..." Xu Ming said thoughtfully.

Although there is an accompanying military doctor, she still prefers to trust the person she sent.

At such a juncture, there must be no carelessness or fluke.

And an ordinary doctor may not be useful...

Xu Ming couldn't help thinking of Ah Kui.

Although Ah Kui usually takes the blame for her more, but the little girl is really eager to learn and make progress, and has some foundation, so this year, she has learned a lot of real skills from her.

Seeing that she seemed to have made up her mind, Wu Chao said, "This matter must not alert the emperor's eyes and ears. You need to cover up your eyes and ears along the way. Be careful. Even if you are near Dongyuan City, you should not go directly to the barracks with great fanfare."

"That's right." Xu Mingyi nodded. He thought carefully and long-term. Even though the Xu family's army was very strict, he never dared to say that there was no eyeliner of the emperor.

In order to prevent being targeted, it is better to do everything secretly, so as to take the initiative.

"I'll write a letter to Uncle Qin Wu first, and ask him to make arrangements early."

"There is no need to be so troublesome. Since we have to leave as soon as possible, the letter may not arrive before the others." Wu Chao said: "Dongyuan City has hidden stakes from the Wu family, and there should be a secret contact with the Duke. I will ask Xiao Wu to go with him. It will be more secure and smooth if he arranges all the way."

When it comes to the hidden forces and connections in various places in Daqing, the Xu family is undoubtedly not comparable to the Wu family.

It would be great if Xiao Wu accompanied Aoi to escort her.

At the moment, safety is the priority, Xu Mingyi has no reason to refuse, turned to look at him and said, "I'm going to trouble you again—"

Hearing this, Wu Chao's footsteps were slightly slow, and he also turned his head to look at her. Just as he was about to say something, a wind blew up and the rain slanted towards him.

Subconsciously, he took another step closer to her, and half-turned his body in front of her, blocking all the wind and rain behind him.

Xu Mingyi looked at the tall and tall young man who was close at hand, thinking about everything that happened tonight, no matter how big or small, he seemed to always be in front of her like this.

At this time, it was raining heavily, and the wind blew wildly, but the small world she was in seemed to be protected from the wind and rain by him.

Shelter from the elements.

These four words have been heard a lot, it seems to be a very common illusion, so it seems that there is nothing worth pondering, but at this moment, feeling his protection, the stability and touch in her heart is beyond words.

When the wind stopped, Wu Chao continued to lead her forward with an umbrella.

However, in the next moment, a hand suddenly held under the hand holding the umbrella——

The girl's fingers were slender and cool, half holding the handle of the umbrella, half touching his hand, she used some strength in her hand to straighten the umbrella body that was leaning towards her, and the man moved closer to him, so that both of them could be under the umbrella.

Although he is willing to protect her, she is not someone who just wants to be protected.

Aware of her intentions, Wu Chao was slightly taken aback, and a smile appeared on his brows and eyes.

In the rain and fog, the two gradually walked away.


There is nothing to do on a rainy night, and most of the people in Beijing have already rested at this time.

Master Ji in the Beijing Yamen is not so comfortable, he is still dealing with official business in the study at such a time.

Recently, Beijing and China seem to be not much different from the past on the surface, and everything is still in order, but in fact it has become more and more unstable.

Ji Dong, who is the governor of Beijing Yafu, knows this better than anyone else.

Not to mention, recently he has not had a moment of leisure during the day, and he is dealing with new cases almost every day.

And these cases are different from the common ones in the past, "the old Wang's dog ate Lao Li's chicken", "the vegetable seller and the tofu seller got into a fight over the stall, and finally they all lay down on the street to report to the police, and they couldn't get up" and so on.

Now the level of the case is gradually different...

Many common people fought violently because of a few quarrels, and theft happened endlessly, and there were even several murder cases.

In Ji Dong's view, this is not just an issue of law and order, but a manifestation of people's hearts beginning to shake and disperse, their trust in the imperial court declining, and their respect for law and order lost.

Thinking of this, Ji Dong couldn't help but sighed slightly, not only the people were worried, but he himself was no exception. Now when the salary payment approached, he couldn't help but secretly watch the wind and grass, for fear that the court would make excuses to default on the payment.

He even couldn't help thinking, if the court really refused to give him a salary, would he continue to occupy the position first, or would he find a reason to resign? Which option is more cost-effective?

After all, he doesn't want to work for nothing.

With this kind of skill, you can earn tens of pennies by working on the dock for a day.

But exhausting physical strength is not a long-term solution, and being an accountant is more rewarding.

Mr. Ji thought about it, and his thoughts began to drift away. With the pen in his hand to annotate the official document, he almost wrote a line of "one hundred ways to make money after resigning from office".

At this time, the door of the study was knocked suddenly from outside, interrupting Mr. Ji's train of thought.

A yamen servant with rain on his body came in: "My lord, someone from the front yamen has come to report to the officials."


Ji Dong's head hurts from hearing this.

Doesn't it stop during the day, and doesn't it make people take a breather at night? Could it be that rainy nights make people pessimistic and sad, making trouble more likely?

"Why did you come here?"

Good evening, everybody.

Thank you Qinghan and vanfic for your rewards, and thank you for your monthly pass.

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