Wishful Things

Chapter 469: The Truth I Seek

The handsome, outstanding and dazzling young man in the past... how did he grow up to be like this now!

The visual gap was so great that Lao Liang couldn't even distinguish the key point for a while.

When he left that year, the Xie family had not yet entered the capital, and everyone in the army called King Yan a second son——

But...why did King Yan want to find him?

Old Liang was extremely puzzled, and after a moment of silence, he said in a hoarse voice: "Although I was lucky enough to escape death and became a deserter, I was originally a servant of the Ji family. At that time, what I wanted was only to survive, and I had nothing against the prince... I wonder why the prince took such trouble to find him?"

Perhaps because he knew the character of this prince, at this time he did not have the uneasiness full of unknowns when he faced the girl from the Xu family.

"It's for the old things."

King Yan didn't sit down, but stood in front of him and asked, "I want to know what happened to your two sons on their way back to the camp?"

Hearing that he actually asked about this matter, Lao Liang, no, Feng Liang's eyes dodged for a moment.

This matter was the reason why he became a deserter, and it had already become a knot in his heart over the years.

He also heard King Yan asked in a fixed voice: "Is it really the enemy's pursuer who killed Qingyun and Qingcheng?"

Ordinarily, the way the Ji family brothers went back should not be known to the enemy.

After Feng Liang was silent for a moment, he said, "I'm not sure."


"Because they were wearing black clothes...and covering their faces, I don't know who they are." Referring to this past event, Feng Liang's voice became hoarse when he thought of the bloody scene at that time.

The masked man in black?

King Yan's eyes changed slightly: "Since you were able to get away, you think that you were not found alive by the other party at that time. Under such circumstances, did you really not find other clues?"

Feng Liang didn't say a word for a while, the light and dark in his eyes were changing uncertainly.

"It's been a long time ago. The two young masters have been dead for many years...I can't remember many details at that time."

Seeing his concerns and concealment, King Yan said: "Don't worry, since you have nothing to do with what happened back then, I will never hurt you at all. What I want is just the truth."

Over the years, the reason why he has been secretly pursuing this matter, even if the clues have been interrupted many times and he has no clue, he still never gives up, is not to prove his so-called innocence——

In this matter, he didn't say whether he was innocent or not. Whatever happened to the people he brought out, no matter how the process was, it was all his responsibility.

He just wanted to find out the real cause of death of the two friends back then.

"..." Facing such a pair of eyes, Feng Liang finally opened his mouth.

"Those people ambush there in advance, and from their later conversations, we know that the reason why they ambush here is actually to intercept and kill you, Second Young Master..."

To be precise, they wanted to kill all the people who returned, but they didn't expect that the second son was not among them.

King Yan's pupils shrank slightly.

Ambush early...

To kill him?

Hearing this, King Yan almost had an answer in his heart, but his voice became calmer, and he looked at Feng Liang and said, "Please tell me everything you remember carefully."

Feng Liang closed his eyes, lost in memory.

He just said that after so many years, he can't remember the details, so it's a lie.

At that time, the two sons died tragically, and he almost lost his life. Not only did all these situations not fade away with time, but they became more and more profound every day, and they were firmly engraved in his mind.


After hearing what Feng Liang said, King Yan gradually straightened his thin lips.

Xu Mingyi and Wu Chao just listened, did not intervene, and did not help Yan Wang deduce and analyze anything—many old things will not be obscured by the years, but will become clear and clear because of the passage of time.

Under such circumstances, it is self-evident who is behind the scenes.

"We should tell Ji Shangshu the truth about this matter." King Yan, who had been silent all this time, spoke at this moment.

In terms of emotion and reason, Ji Shangshu is the person who should not be deceived the most.

Hearing the name of the former master's family, Feng Liang's expression was complicated and ashamed.

Back then, he didn't dare to go back because he didn't dare to go back to face the master. He didn't know how to explain to the master that the two sons died, but he was alive and well.

These years, it's not that he didn't think about finding the master and explaining the strange things back then, but after thinking about it a lot, he couldn't make up his mind after all.

He made many excuses for himself, for example, the master may have already learned the truth, or for example, people cannot be resurrected after death, and the master is now in a high position, it may not be a good thing to re-examine the past.

Although he wasn't sure about the origins of those men in black, he was so focused on escaping for his life that he couldn't sort out his thoughts, but combined with everything that happened later, and whose hands the Xie family finally fell into, he gradually guessed about it...

Xu Mingyi asked someone to fetch a pen and paper.


In the Mansion of Minister of Military Affairs, Ji Wanyou was doing embroidery work in front of the lamp.

She promised to embroider a sachet for her father herself, but she didn't specialize in studying female celebrities. What she imagined in her mind could not be exactly the same as what her hands embroidered, or even had nothing to do with it.

"Girl, you might as well continue embroidering tomorrow. Doing this at night will hurt your eyes." The servant girl reminded her.

"It's okay, once in a while. And it's still early, and I can't sleep anyway." Ji Wanyou frowned and sighed as she spoke, okay, this stitch was embroidered wrong again, so she looked at the fingers pinching the needle with hatred—talking with her mouth can actually get in the way of your business?

At this time, a second-class maid came in from the outside.

"Miss, someone sent a letter just now, claiming to be Miss Xu."

Miss Xu?

Ji Wanyou couldn't help being startled.

Miss Xu wrote to her?

"Give it to me quickly."

She has been wanting to find Miss Xu recently, whether it is to thank her, or to sit and have tea and talk, she really wants to associate with this girl.

But thinking of the other party's attitude of not wanting to involve too much with their Ji family, they didn't dare to send letters or posts after all.

Now that he got a letter from the other party, his first reaction was naturally pleasant surprise.

But Miss Xu didn't seem to be looking for her...

Looking at the contents of the letter, puzzlement flashed across Ji Wanyou's eyes.

What did Miss Xu want her father to do?

Although she was puzzled in her heart, she didn't delay, Ji Wanyou got up immediately, took the letter and went to look for Ji Xiu.

Ji Xiuxiu was dealing with official business in the study, and when he heard his daughter came, he thought it was to deliver soup, so he put down his pen, intending to have a good time.

However, the door was pushed open, but there was no soup, only a letter in the daughter's hand.

"Father, Miss Xu from Zhen Guogong's mansion just sent a letter."

Ji Wanyou walked to the desk, handed the letter to her father, and said, "The letter didn't go into too much detail, it just said that you should meet a man named Feng Liang..."

Ji Xiu frowned suspiciously.

What Feng Liang Feng is not cool?

Ever since he was beaten up by Duke Zhen, when he heard the words of Duke Zhen's mansion, his heart skipped a beat—couldn't he be tricked out to give him a beating? After all, what absurd things can't the town government do?

However, in an instant, his eyes suddenly changed.


Feng Liang?!

Thank you for your monthly tickets, good night.

See you tomorrow~

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