Wishful Things

Chapter 473 Blood Rain

What did he hear?

Sonny...has a crush on A Yuan? !

After being surprised, King Yan's mood became more subtle.

Although it is true that this is not the case, at least on the surface it is indeed a mess...

"No." King Yan looked at the girl and said with a serious expression as much as possible: "It is absolutely impossible for our Yan Palace to marry Dingnan Palace."

Listening to these decisive words, Princess Sang Yun's expression froze, she just felt a basin of cold water pouring down from her head, she thought that her father might disapprove, but she never thought that the words came up with such no room for change.

Suddenly, grievances emerged in her heart, and she couldn't help asking: "But didn't my father once say that I can decide who I want to marry in the future?"

So, her choice must be based on the premise of her father's permission after all, right?

Is this also called doing whatever you want?

"Of course you can choose by yourself." Yan Wang looked at her and said seriously: "But there are some things that can't be achieved by you making a choice—Sang'er, do you really think that our Yan Wangfu is married to Dingnan Wangfu? , will it be allowed?"

Facing those overly serious eyes, Princess Sangyun was both aggrieved and afraid, but still mustered up the courage to ask: "...If Father really loves Sang'er, why can't he think of a way for Sang'er and ask for a Allow?"

Looking at each other, seeing the stubbornness and grievance in the girl's eyes, King Yan shook his head slightly.

He didn't spend much time alone with this child on weekdays, and he didn't have much experience in how to deal with his daughter's worries.

However, this matter has gone far beyond the scope of the daughter's family's concerns, and there is absolutely no reason to expose it perfunctorily.

At this moment, Yan Wang's eyes were full of burdens: "Sang'er, you are not young, and you shouldn't be so ignorant. You know that once you say something, no matter what the result is, it will lead to helplessness. The disaster of redemption—this permission, the one who asks for it may be suspected of rebellion."

Hearing these heavy words, Princess Sangyun's face turned pale, and he grasped his hanging fingers tightly.

Suspected of rebellion?

Is the father deliberately scaring her?

"There are not only good men in this world who are the descendants of King Dingnan. You are still young, and in the future you will always meet a truly suitable person." King Yan's tone eased slightly: "At that time, King Father will definitely Complete you."

Princess Sangyun lowered her eyes trembling with tears, tightly pursed the corners of her mouth and did not speak.

The real right person?

Appropriate or not, but just a word from the father, right?

She had heard about it. Back then, when the father asked to marry the daughter of the Wu family, not everything went smoothly, but the father insisted on it regardless of opposition...

Now that it was her, there was only a cold "impossible"?

To marry or not to marry, in fact, she doesn't have too strong thoughts now.

She likes that Wu Shisun, but it's not to the point where she doesn't want to marry him.

At this moment, what really made her feel sad was her father's attitude of not caring about her feelings... She had already noticed that her father didn't really love her at all!

The thorn that had been hidden in her heart since she was a child popped out, she lifted her teary face, her eyes were angry and finally confirmed and asked: "So I can't marry Wu Shisun, and I can't stay in the capital, right?"

"Yes." King Yan looked at her: "This is for Prince Yan's mansion, and for you as well."

for her?

Princess Sang Yun wiped away her tears: "My daughter understands, my daughter shouldn't bother my father at all tonight."

Saying that, Fu Fushen is about to leave.

However, whether it was the tense jaw or the stubborn eyebrows, they all exposed her true thoughts at this time.

This is dissatisfaction.

King Yan could clearly see this dissatisfaction. He has met many people in his half life, and it is not like he has encountered the kind that doesn't make sense. There are many people in this world who don't understand the truth. I really don't understand the knowledge, some people are unwilling to calm down and try to understand because of their selfish desires.

If it is in the military camp, it can only be controlled by military law.

He didn't want to copy the set in the military camp to the back house, especially the mother and daughter.

But let’s forget about the trivial things on weekdays, the current situation is different from the past, now it’s really a matter of moving the whole body, and there is no room for the slightest mistake.

Looking at the girl who opened the door and retreated, King Yan said, "Dong Yao——"

The maid who was guarding outside walked in quickly.

"The servant girl is here."

"Be optimistic about the princess."

"The servant girl obeys."

Hearing these two lines of conversation, she felt that Dong Yao was chasing after her quickly, and Princess Sang Yun, who was walking down the stone steps, seemed to have a fire in her heart.

Dongxuan already restrains her everywhere, how can she be optimistic about her? Could it be that she was going to be tied up!

Princess Sang Yun walked a few steps quickly, seeing that the direction of the bedroom was still lit, and thinking of her mother who had a low eyebrow all day long, she felt more and more wronged in her heart, so she walked quickly to the direction of the bedroom.


Seeing her coming with tears on her face, Princess Yan, who was already a little uneasy because she went to see the prince, became even more nervous, "What... what's the matter? But you were reprimanded for offending your father?"

Ordinarily, the prince should not be someone who would easily reprimand children...

Could it be that Sonny had done something terribly out of line?

Thinking of this, Princess Yan suddenly felt flustered.

Princess Sangyun's tears fell even more fiercely: "Why must I have offended my father! In the eyes of my mother, is it true that no matter what I do, my father will be displeased!"

Don't make your father unhappy...

Mother's background is not good, we can't make it public...

Your royal father is good enough to us, don't go any further...


Words like these made her ears callous!

She grew up listening to these words!

But why?

The mother's background is not good, but she is the only child of the father, the princess who was proclaimed by the emperor!

What is publicity and what is aggressiveness?

When she was young, she felt apprehensive when she heard it, as if she was not facing her own father, but a stranger who was so high above that she could not have the slightest presumption!

She often couldn't help but wonder, did the king really dislike her and mother from the bottom of his heart, that's why mother was like this?

And what happened tonight seemed to confirm this point!

Her father doesn't love her at all!

"What's wrong with your child..." Princess Yan hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed her daughter's arm, "Keep your voice down, don't let your father hear..."

This sentence is tantamount to throwing oil on the fire——

"Enough!" Princess Sangyun shook her mother's hand heavily, but her voice became louder: "You yourself are afraid all day long, and you don't look like Princess Yan at all, but you still want me to follow along with you! Because of this, now that my father is not getting close to me at all, now you are finally satisfied!"

After saying that, he turned around and ran out.


Princess Yan chased after two steps, and couldn't help frowning: "This child is becoming more and more disrespectful now, he is not as sensible as he was when he was young, what should we do if this continues..."

Mammy sighed helplessly.

The concubine and the princess were not up to the mark one by one, which made the servants like them tremble with fear.

However, for the sake of the future, the mother still persuaded patiently: "I want this old slave to tell me that the life of this family is nothing more than other things. Sometimes you really overdo the county governor, and the prince is not a rigid person..."

But it seems too late to say this now...

I still remember the first few years when the princess was born, the soft and glutinous dumplings, the prince liked it when he saw it, but every time the little princess hadn't pulled the corner of the prince's clothes, the princess was so frightened that she hurriedly brought the princess back. That posture looks like a defense against Hanako!

It is true that the princess is afraid of offending the prince, but what should the prince think?

Hey, this is really a typical person who was held up to his job by God, but overturned it...

"Mother, you should know my difficulties..." Princess Yan also felt very wronged: "I did this for the good of Sang'er, if it wasn't for her, how could I be as restrained as she said... "

"Yes, this old slave understands. But the princess is stubborn, sometimes the more you restrain her like this, the more it will backfire..."

"But how can it be done now? Just keep it like this, if you really let it go, she will definitely cause trouble."

"..." Mammy thought for a while, and felt that this was indeed the case.

As far as the princess looks like now, it doesn't matter.

After all, it is not a two or three-year-old child.

And if he didn't develop closeness with the prince when he was young, if he tried to work hard on this aspect now, it really wouldn't work.

Thinking like this, Mammy didn't have the strength to persuade her anymore.

Princess Yan sat back on the couch, weeping alone for a long time.

In this way, when I left early the next morning, the redness and swelling of the eyes had not disappeared.

Good thing she's not alone.

Because the mother and daughter both looked like this, there was a ready-made reason - presumably, the mother and daughter exchanged a few words, and there was nothing serious about it.

The mother and daughter were sitting together in the carriage, and the atmosphere was inevitably a bit dull.

Equally depressing is the gloomy sky today.

In half a day, people and horses were eighty miles away from Beijing, and a muffled thunder rolled in, and soon it began to rain.

King Yan, who was originally riding a horse, changed to a carriage. Because the rain was not too heavy, there was no place to shelter from the rain, and there was a post house ten miles ahead, so the group continued on their way despite the rain.

In recent years, some official roads have not been maintained, and most of them have already been run over by passing vehicles and horses. When the rain soaked and horseshoes stepped on them, they soon became muddy.

Gradually, the wind picked up, and the rain blew wildly, slapping people's faces. When the vision was blurred, I had to slow down the speed of the journey.

The turbulent wind passed through the grass and trees, making a whirring and rustling sound.

Having received the confession early, the guarded elite attendants looked around without any trace.

During the flurry of wind and rain, a hidden arrow suddenly flew out from behind the bushes on one side, and went straight to a carriage in the middle!


The sharp arrow pierced the wall of the car, and all the arrows sank, making a lingering sound and trembling.

"There are assassins! Protect the prince!"

The sound of the sword being unsheathed was heard one after another.

Continuously shooting arrows at the carriage - the other party has a clear purpose, what they want is to force the person in the carriage to show up and take the other party's life!

There were attendants guarding the carriage, swiping their knives to cut off the oncoming cold arrows.

Swift figures quickly appeared on both sides of the grass.

Those people were all dressed in black, covered their faces with cloth scarves, and held long knives, bows and crossbows, full of killing intent.

"Take the head of Xie's dog thief!"

The leader gritted his teeth and shouted in a concentrated voice.

For a while, the sound of swords clashing and fighting was deafening.

"Who are these people...!"

In the carriage, Princess Yan had already turned pale with fright in the face of this sudden assassination.

Princess Sangyun's hands were trembling, and he hugged his mother's arm tightly, not caring about losing his temper.

Mammy bravely lifted the curtain of the car and looked out, just in time to see a man in black whose arm had been cut off amidst the chaos, his face turned pale with fright, and he shrieked and shrieked and quickly withdrew his hand.

"A lot of assassins..." Mammy exclaimed in surprise, "It's almost as small as ours!"

What? !

Princess Yan's eyes widened in shock.

There are regulations on how many entourages and soldiers the feudal king brings with him when he enters the capital. There are more than 800 people including their servants and maidservants during their trip.

Are there so many people on the other side?

Mammy obviously didn't dare to look carefully just now, her words must have been exaggerated, but it also shows that this group of assassins is definitely not just dozens of people!

And at this time, they are already hundreds of miles away from Beijing, so who can help them? !

When Princess Yan was trembling with fear, she suddenly felt the body of the car shake, and the screams of unknown enemy and friend rang in her ears.

Then there was a "bang", and a sharp long knife pierced into the car wall!


Seeing the cold knife tip, Princess Sangyun screamed, and threw herself into Princess Yan's arms with her eyes closed.

"Protect the Princess Princess!"

The voices outside the car became more chaotic, but it was vaguely discernible that more of our own people surrounded them, desperately trying to ensure their safety.

As a result, Ben Hu's number of soldiers beside King Yan's chariot suddenly decreased a lot, and dozens of men in black took the opportunity to attack, and one of them, who was excellent in lightness skills, jumped onto the roof of the chariot while the two sides were fighting, Pull out the wide-backed sword behind you, raise the sword and chop!

This man's swordsmanship was thick and powerful, and he split the roof of the car in half!

Just as he was about to raise the knife and slash into the car again, his eyes suddenly changed.

There was no one in the car!

"Xie's dog thief is not among them!" This person stood on the roof of the car and reminded his companions angrily.

But just as his voice fell, a long arrow came with the wind and rain, and passed through his chest with a puff.

The man in black froze, and fell heavily from the roof of the car into the muddy water before he could see his attacker clearly.

King Yan, who was wearing a black cloak like many of his followers, sat high on his horse and shot two arrows in succession.

When he shot and killed, he picked the leader among them, with the intention of deterring them, but even so, the offensive of this group of people still did not weaken in the slightest.

At this point, the king of Yan really had the answer in his heart, and said decisively: "Choose half of the troops, and quickly escort the princess and princess to the posthouse!"

After He Feng hesitated for a moment, he still responded, and immediately arranged for people to escort the princess away.

The car started to move again, this time it was no longer stable, it was bumpy and turbulent during the rampage, Princess Yan hugged her daughter tightly, shaking her head in tears, she didn't want to leave, she wanted to stay with the prince!

But she has long been used to obeying arrangements in everything, and she is even more afraid that staying will drag down the prince...

The chariots and horses rushed out of the crowd under the escort of a group of entourages, but the fighting between the two sides became more and more intense. People kept falling down, and the rain under their feet had already changed color.

King Yan swung his knife and beheaded another man.

It's ironic, at this time he is only a hundred miles away from the capital, but the danger now is even more dangerous than on the battlefield!

The situation was hard to distinguish between strong and weak, and suddenly there was a sound of hooves approaching.

Today two chapters are combined into one, good night everyone.

Thank you Qinghan for your reward, thank you for your monthly pass~

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