Wishful Things

Chapter 490 A Bigger Secret

"It can't be wrong." Xu Mingyi stretched out her hand and lifted the hem of the shroud. After the hem of the piled clothes was lifted off, revealing a pair of thick feet, she seemed to be pointing: "This shroud doesn't seem to be cut well. fit--"

Qiao Tian shook his head subconsciously.


His father's shroud was by no means ill-fitting, because his father committed suicide in the imperial medical office, so people from the palace were also involved in the funeral. Most of the things used in the funeral were arranged by the palace. He remembered this The shroud is also made by the palace, and the materials used are all high-quality, and the details are also paid attention to.

But at this time, there is no need to check whether the shroud fits well...

Looking at the position of the foot bone, it was enough for him to see the clue!

His father was more than seven feet long, and his head and feet were almost touching the coffin. Even though the flesh and skin rotted away after death, the corpse in front of him was obviously not seven feet...!

But... could this be his memory gone awry?

He often heard people say that the elders he saw when he was young always felt tall, but after he grew up, he realized that those elders who were as tall as mountains seemed to be completely different from what he remembered...

Qiao Tian's mind was even a little confused at this moment.

But his eyes quickly caught the point again.

The left hand of the corpse was empty—and he clearly remembered that when his father passed away, his mother put a gold inlaid Canan incense wood inlaid longevity character bracelet on his father's left wrist.

There is no left hand, and looking at his right hand, it is also empty!

Immediately, Qiao Tian didn't care too much, picked up his gown and went down into the pit, bringing down a burst of dirt in his haste.

He searched the coffin carefully, but he couldn't find any trace of the bracelet, so he couldn't help but muttered: "No, I will definitely remember that bracelet..."

The height will be biased due to too long memory, but this kind of real thing is different!

Was it the thieves who hired the grave robbers?

But the other burial objects in this coffin are obviously there, and there are many precious objects among these jade objects. If the tomb robbers came, how could they just take away a bracelet?

Hearing the meaning of his words, Wu Chao said: "The clothes are easy to change, but the bracelets that are close to the body...maybe not so careful."


Qiao Tian's face turned pale, and there were mixed but violent emotions surging in his heart: "Young master, what do you mean... After my father was buried, someone secretly replaced my father's body?"

Wu Chao: "At present, it should be so."

The newly buried grave has been dug and reburied without leaving too suspicious traces.

Qiao Tian obviously thought of this too, but he still didn't dare to let the hope in his heart grow too much. He looked at the bones in the coffin, as if he was asking himself, or trying to get the final proof from others: " But what is the use of them taking away the father's bones? Even if the father was forced, he did hang himself, and there are no other suspicious clues on him..."

Under such circumstances, wouldn't it be superfluous for the other party to bother to exchange the corpse?

"Corpse is of course useless." The girl's quiet voice sounded beside her, "But living people are different."


Qiao Tian said with a stiff voice: "I have seen my father's body with my own eyes. When my father was sent back from the palace, there was no trace of heat on his body..."

"There is a kind of medicine that can cause people to appear suspended animation symptoms after taking it." Xu Mingyi said: "And Mr. Qiao also said yesterday that people in the palace will intervene in your father's funeral. With such cooperation, if you want to cover up the past , it will be easier.”

After hearing this sentence, the last trace of suppression in Qiao Tian's heart was completely broken, and in an instant, it was like a flood bursting an unstoppable embankment.

If this is the case...then his father, perhaps it is very possible that he is still alive!

So, the most important thing right now is——

"If my father is still alive... where will he be?!"

Where will it be?

Xu Mingyi's eyes moved slightly.

Judging from the clues from the empress before, the person...maybe in the palace.

And now they are one step closer to the truth.

If the doctor Qiao can really be found, the truth about what happened to the former Princess Yan may become clear.

Maybe even bigger secrets will be involved...


It was two days after the Queen received the letter.

The letter was from his nephew, which clearly stated the fact that Qiao Bingying's "body" had been exchanged.

The queen sat quietly for a long time holding the letter paper, her eyes full of thoughts.

All these clues point to the possibility that Qiao Bing is probably still alive...

Fake death to escape, disappear from the front of the people...

The more complicated the inside story behind this, the more it proves the importance of this person.

She must, find this person...


Gong'e's voice sounded through the bead curtain, and the empress immediately and subconsciously put away the letter paper and hid it under the large sleeve.

"The servant girl saw Tianfu came back just now." That Gong'e only said outside the curtain, but did not come in.

Looking at the cat that had already run in at some time and was walking towards her, the queen smiled and said: "I saw it, let's get back."

"Yes." Gong'e slowly retreated to the outer hall.

"I haven't seen it for a long time, so where did it go?" Jiang Nanny at the side had quick eyes and quick hands, first bent down to pick up the heavy cat, took out the handkerchief and wiped the cat's body and a few sticky crumbs. Spider Web: "...Could it be that he slipped away to a dirty place like the Dark Court again."

dark court...

Now that the queen heard these two words, she couldn't help but think a little more.

That's right, when Tianfu was just sent to her palace earlier, he would run out every now and then, and was seen sneaking out of the dark court several times by the people in her palace.

At that time, she joked with Mammy that such a fat cat might not be a wild cat at all, but was raised by people.

Although she likes her tightly, she is not easy to win people's love, so she didn't deliberately hold her back.

But even if Tianfu slipped out, he would still come back to find her.

She was very pleased with this, and told her mother that she had a fate with Tianfu, and Tianfu also liked her very much.

However, Mammy corrected her very unpleasantly—maybe she just likes the fish in Yukun Palace, and wants to eat two meals for one family of cats.

If this is the case, the food at that family must not be delicious. After all, Tianfu doesn't run around once in ten days and a half months. At most, he is running around in Yukun Palace. something happened.

until this morning—

The cat slipped into the tea room last night for some unknown reason, and pulled the jar that Gong-e used to store the dried yellow croaker off the shelf. up.

She was about to ask the imperial doctor to take a look, but the cat ran away without a trace.

It's time to come back again.

"Could it be that he ate something outside again..." Jiang Nanny saw some brown and black stains on the cat's chin when she wiped Tianfu.

I wiped it with a veil, it was sticky, and seemed to have a faint smell of medicine——

Today is the second day of junior high school, I wish you all a new year greeting again, and I ask you for a wave of monthly tickets~

(good night ^_^)

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