Wishful Things

Chapter 496 In the Dark Room

It is not without reason that Emperor Qingming said this sentence from the bottom of his heart at this time——

Half a month ago, he had personally written a secret decree, which was sent to Ningyang Dingnan Palace.

Just yesterday, he received a letter from King Dingnan——

Thinking of the letter that didn't even look like it was written by Wu Jun himself, the emperor felt a fire burning in his heart, which made his internal organs dry and painful.

He explained the current situation and the difficulties the court is facing with Wu Jun in detail on the secret decree, but the old man only replied to him——Since the situation is like this, I hope His Majesty can come up with a countermeasure as soon as possible to solve the predicament.

Doesn't he know to deal with it as soon as possible?

And the reason why he passed this secret decree to the past is obviously to let Wu family try to help him settle the chaos as soon as possible!

This old guy is pretending to be confused, waiting to see his jokes...!

He has long seen that the Ningyang Wu family, who has always boasted of being superior, has never put him in the eyes of the emperor!

Even sending a daughter into the palace to be the empress back then, she also had a high profile, as if she didn't think highly of his royal family, agreeing to his marriage proposal was like a great kindness, condescension...

Since he received the reply yesterday, he has been thinking, if the person sitting in his chair today is his second brother, would the Wu family still stand by like this?

And no matter how many times he thought about it, the answer was the same—never!

Therefore, these so-called gentry are actually the most hypocritical and hateful!

Including his queen, she has never been with him at all...

In the sight of the willow branches swaying gently, the breeze blowing the blue waves, and the cat sleeping soundly on the boulder, this is a cool and leisurely picture, but it can't calm the anger in the emperor's heart at all, but instead makes him an anger that has no place to flourish The more Sheng, eager to find an outlet to vent.

"Stop—" Emperor Qingming said suddenly.

Hearing this order, the dragon chariot was quickly put down smoothly.

"Your Majesty, do you want to enjoy the cool air?" Li Ji smiled and said, "This is indeed a clean place. Your Majesty can sit in the pavilion for a while."

Emperor Qingming was noncommittal, and walked towards the boulder unhurriedly.

The sun shines through the branches and leaves of the willow tree, and sprinkles a little bit of gold on the cat's body, making the well-groomed fur even more beautiful.

However, as Emperor Qingming approached, under the shadow brought by his tall figure, the golden color of Mao'er's body was completely covered.

At this moment, Tianfu seemed to sense the danger approaching, and suddenly jumped up vigilantly.

The moment he met those dark eyes, the hair on the cat's body stood on end, and he began to look fierce, and let out an unfriendly cry.

Seeing this scene, Emperor Qingming let out a sneer from his lips.

It's not that he has never seen him before, but he still has such a ferocious look that is ready to pounce on him at any time. He really is a good cat raised by the queen!

"Catch this beast..." Emperor Qingming's eyes were extremely cold, but there was a faint and strange look of excitement: "Be careful, if you accidentally fall into the pool, the empress will be very sad. "

After understanding the meaning of these words, Li Ji couldn't help being startled.

Why is the emperor competing with a cat?

This is obviously dissatisfaction with the Wu family, but it is not easy to explode, so I want to vent this dissatisfaction on the empress's beloved cat...

Although His Majesty's situation has never been too big, it is so small... Could it be that he is about to be driven crazy by the recent troubles?

Looking at the vigilant cat with a silver lock around its neck, it was evident that it was carefully raised. Li Ji also had two cats in private. Li Ji, who was also a cat lover, couldn't bear it, but the emperor's Commandments cannot be disobeyed.

I had to order the palace people to come forward and surround the cat.

Behind the flower cat is the pond, and seven or eight palace people surrounded the escape route without leaving a single gap.

An eunuch rushed forward to catch the cat.

The cat was agile and quickly avoided it, but at this moment a guard took out the slingshot used to repel the cicada, and a flying stone hit the cat's hind leg heavily.


Tianfu was frightened and hurt, and let out a piercing cry.

Emperor Qingming's mood was inexplicably more comfortable, but also a little regretful——unfortunately, he didn't get hit on the head.

As soon as this idea appeared, his pupils suddenly shrank the next moment.

The cat seemed to have gone crazy, it jumped up and rushed towards him!

A cat that doesn't look that big, with such a jump and a ferocious expression, it's like a beast that makes people fear. Emperor Qingming retreated subconsciously, but it was still too late——

The tabby cat threw itself on his chest, its four paws hung tightly on his robe like sharp hooks, its two front paws raised, it hit and scratched at him!

Li Ji was shocked.

He has kept cats for many years, how could he not know that once the cat is startled...it is a different animal! Don't look at the small size, it can really beat you to doubt your life!

Although he couldn't help feeling that the emperor deserved it, but the emperor was the emperor after all, Li Ji could only yell "Protect!", trying to tear the cat off.

With the joint efforts of the two, the flower cat was "pulled" down.

A group of inner eunuchs gathered around again.

In the chaos, one of the inner eunuchs seemed to have tripped over something, and fell down with an "Aiyo".

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Tianfu jumped over the eunuch's body and ran away quickly.

The inner eunuch sat up, and the face he raised was Xiao Chenzi Wubu.

"Where's the cat?"

"It seems to have run away!"

"It doesn't matter if it's a cat or not... quickly help His Majesty go back, and invite the imperial doctor!" Looking at His Majesty who was scratched badly, Li Ji said nervously.

Emperor Qingming, whose neck and jaw were scratched until blood was seen, was helped back onto the dragon chariot, trembling with anger.

He was beaten by a cat!

And this group of trash even let the cat run away!

Glancing quietly at the embarrassing emperor, Li Ji sighed in his heart.

So, if you are in a bad mood, you are not good, so what are you doing to provoke other people's cats...

Does the emperor now feel that he was in a good mood before?


Shocked, Tianfu ran out of the imperial garden all the way, followed the path of no one, and ran outside the dark court.

Even in the daytime, the gate of the dark court is closed.

The cat easily found the dog hole in the corner and got in.

The old small courtyard door in the dark courtyard had long since been broken, Tianfu squeezed in through the gap under the door panel, and came to a room where half of the roof collapsed and a big hole was leaking.

The house that has long been unoccupied is filled with a musty smell due to rain leakage. A bed and a wooden cabinet are all old and worn out.

Tianfu walked around behind the wardrobe placed against the wall.

It is said that it is placed against the wall, because the corner of the cabinet is against the wall, there is some gap in the middle, Tianfu is able to follow the entrance hidden under the cabinet, and go down to the basement along this gap—— When he came back, Huamao thought he was lucky to find the mouse nest, and was about to kill it.

At the entrance is a stone staircase, on which the cat's claws stepped lightly and silently, but the people in the secret room still noticed it.

"You came……"

It was a hoarse and somewhat slow voice.

Tianfu let out a "meow", as if responding.

In the darkness, the man sat up and stretched out his hand towards it.

Tianfu ran over and rubbed his head affectionately against that hand.

Hugging it in front of his body with his big hands, he quickly noticed the abnormality: "Injured?"

Naturally, Tianfu couldn't answer, and the man didn't need it to answer. For the time being, he put the cat on the blanket in front of him, moved his body and stretched out his hand, groped for the torch on the small case beside him, and lit an oil lamp.

The small secret room was quickly filled with light.

The person's appearance also became clear.

His gray hair was loosely tied on top of his head with an old shiny wooden hairpin, his gray robe, his complexion was so pale that he hadn't seen the sun all year round, even tiny bloodshot eyes could be seen under the skin.

He sat there and inspected the cat's injured leg.

"Fortunately, it's not serious... thicker skin is also good." He took out a bottle of medicine from the box at the end of the couch, crushed it and pressed it on the wound of the cat, tore off a cloth towel, and wrapped it tightly Live, and there is a small bow tied at the end.

"Remember to be more careful next time, how many times have I taught you that it's best to avoid people when you see them..." He sighed and said, "It's a good thing to have someone to take care of you and enjoy the blessings, but don't lose your guard. "

Tianfu didn't know if he understood what he said, so he let out a "meow" from time to time.

While speaking, the man's hand touched its neck and skillfully opened the longevity lock.

It's a reply...

Sensing that there was something hidden inside, the man took out the note with trembling fingers.

From the moment the flower cat walked into the secret room, he was thinking whether he would bring a reply. First of all, he chose to bandage the cat with medicine. hurry to check...

He is afraid of seeing bad news.

Over the years, he has endured all that ordinary people can't even imagine. The reason why he can survive until today is because of his responsibility to his wife and children. This responsibility has long become the only sustenance for him to live...

If something really happened to his wife and children...

Even if he just thought about this possibility, he felt unable to accept it.

But after taking out the note, his movements uncontrollably became urgent again.

Looking closely at the lamp, the man's eyes were shocked and delighted.

It's Tim...!

When he left that year, Tim was over twelve years old. He had been teaching the child to learn calligraphy since he was four years old. It was written by Tim!

His son is safe.

The man heaved a sigh of relief, and his heart was lifted.

But looking at what was written on the note, I couldn't help feeling worried and suspicious again.

Some time ago, he was indeed ordered to prepare poison. The person who came to spread the word brought many requests, which were colorless, odorless, without symptoms and solutions, so he had to try his best to do so...

Who the poison was used against was not his business, nor even his concern.

A person who has been imprisoned here for eighteen years can no longer even be called a complete person, and has long been numb to all the so-called right and wrong outside.

The note in his hand was small, and there was very little room for writing. It was difficult to explain in detail with a few words, and it was impossible for him to distinguish too much.

But just relying on Tian'er, how did he find him step by step?

There must be others helping...

Looking at the flower cat lying in front of him, the man's eyes hesitated.

Human death can also be divided into two types.

One is physical death, the disappearance of consciousness from this world.

The other is his kind - no one knows that he is still alive, and he can no longer appear in front of people.

Therefore, he has always felt that he has been dead for many years.

But at the moment when his family found out that he was still alive, he seemed to come back to life suddenly, regained his original identity and position in this world, and reconnected with the world... "Resurrected from death", naturally It's a great joy in life.

But he would rather die forever—

It's better than now that Tian'er is taking all kinds of risks for his affairs, and he doesn't even know if he was taken advantage of by someone with a heart, thus being dragged into the extremely dangerous vortex!

His usefulness is not Tian'er's complete life-saving talisman...

If Tian'er is safe and stable, and doesn't make troubles, then everything is easy to talk about, but if he really touches a secret that shouldn't be touched...

Because of all these uncertainties, the man didn't know whether the letter should be answered or not.

While hesitating, the sound of the wooden cabinet being moved suddenly came from above.

The man's eyes changed, and he wanted to blow out the oil lamp but did not blow it out. After the oil lamp was lit, there would be a smell that could not be dissipated for a while.

So I just put away the note and picked up the medical book on the side.

"Don't make a sound..."

He whispered to the cat in front of him, and hid the cat behind the couch.

Walking in was a gray-haired eunuch, thin and not tall, holding a food box in his hand.

"The lamp is on." The eunuch's tone was very casual.

"Hmm." The man held the medical book and looked at him, "Why did you come so early today?"

Usually come at night.

"I have other errands in the evening, and I can't help others, so I had to come here earlier." The eunuch came over, bent down before the case, and laid out the food in the food box: "Eggplant roast meat, fried chicken breast... It's still hot."

The man didn't speak, took the bowl of rice, and started eating with chopsticks.

His diet, in this dark court, there should be no other person who can match it.

After all, someone needs him to live well, and to live as long as possible.

After eating, the man asked the eunuch as usual: "Have you heard about my son recently?"

It's a question he asks every few days.

"Everything is fine, except that I have been running to the city more often..." The eunuch told him the news he had received: "Meet an old friend, had a great time drinking and eating."

This was a question he had to answer. These news were medicines used to renew the other party's life.

But to be honest, he didn't know if it was true or not.

Most of them should be true.

After all, the other party is still very useful, and his thoughts can be called meticulous. If he brought lies from the beginning to the end, it is expected that it would be impossible to hide the truth from the other party for eighteen years.

"Old friends?" Qiao Bing asked, "Is it the second master of Zhen Guo Gong's Mansion?"

Although he has never left this secret room in these years, he still has a general understanding of Tim's situation, some of which are out of a father's genuine concern, and some are extended temptations to distinguish whether the words he heard are true or false.

"That's right, I heard that he went to the 'Pingqing Pavilion'..." The eunuch was already accustomed to his temptations, and only answered what he knew truthfully.

The man nodded, with nothing unusual on his face.

Tian'er frequently went to the city, and met quite a lot with the second master of the Duke of Zhen's mansion...

So... will it be the government of the town?

Thank you Qinghan for the reward, thank you for every monthly ticket and recommendation ticket, good night everyone.

(This chapter is a combination of two more. Some book friends asked why the price of each chapter is different, because it is charged according to the number of words.)

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