Wishful Things

Chapter 505

"Old Liu?!" Qin Wu's eyes turned cold: "What is he going to do?"

"Doctor Liu is going to check how the medicine is cooked!" The soldier said all he knew: "In the barracks earlier, Vice General Qin gave his subordinates a few recuperation prescriptions, and his subordinates often decocted the medicine for the general according to that prescription. Medicine or boiled medicinal food tonic soup, Doctor Liu Jun will often come over, saying that his subordinates are not careful enough, and the heat is not controlled enough!"

Doctor Liu has always cared about the general's affairs. Over the years, it is common for the general to personally decoct medicine.

Qin Wu's face changed completely.

In other words, Lao Liu often takes the initiative to come into contact with the general's medicinal food these days...!

"Come on!"

Qin Wu immediately ordered: "Bring Doctor Liu over here immediately!"

A voice came from inside the tent: "And search him as soon as possible to see if there is anything suspicious inside and outside his residence—"

The medicine has just been delivered, and if the problem really lies with this person, then the other party may not have enough time to clean up the poison.

Qin Wu nodded, and immediately ordered someone to go.

While waiting, Qin Wu's face remained tense.

Although he was sure that the person who poisoned him must be by the general's side, but when it came to Lao Liu, he never really doubted it.

Lao Liu's time with the general was not much shorter than him. Although due to different responsibilities, he could not compare with his friendship with Yun Liu who fought side by side through life and death, but in his eyes he could be regarded as a trustworthy old friend!

And the scene between him and the prince just now was not specially performed for Lao Liu, but for everyone. The reason why they also kept it from Old Liu was because everyone is very suspicious now, and there is no relatively clear object of suspicion. Therefore, their intention is to use Old Liu's mouth to spread the news that the general is safe— —

But now Lao Liu has become the most suspicious person!

Doctor Liu Jun was quickly brought over.

"What happened?" Doctor Liu looked confused and uneasy: "I was called here in such a hurry, but the general's body feels unwell again?"

"If you drink this bowl of poison that you have handled, you will definitely feel unwell!" Qin Wu suddenly raised the knife in his hand, pointed at Doctor Liu, and said angrily, "Liu Hongshan, how dare you poison the general! I underestimated you." you!"

"What poison...what poison?" Seeing the sharp knife point in front of him, Doctor Liu's face turned pale for a while: "You suspect that it was me who poisoned you! What reason do I have to kill the general?!"

Qin Wu stared at him bitterly: "I also want to ask you why you are so heartless!"

He had thought about it carefully just now. It is not that there is nothing strange about Lao Liu recently, but he has not really paid attention to it at all. Now that he thinks about it, he only feels that there are many suspicious points in it!

"How could I...!"

Dr. Liu Jun was full of anxiety, an honest person who was wronged but couldn't explain clearly. Just as he was about to go on, two soldiers walked in quickly. Medicine box with you.

"Vice General Qin, I have searched Liu Jun's hospital carefully, and have not found anything suspicious, except that the medicine box is locked and has not been opened for inspection."

"The key—" Qin Wu looked at Liu Junyi and said.

Meeting his eyes, Doctor Liu slightly pursed his lips, and did not speak again.

Seeing this, Qin Wu's eyes became a little colder, he turned around, raised the knife in his hand, and threw it at the medicine box that was placed on the table.


The medicine box was split in half.

Divine doctor Qiu stepped forward, and quickly found the key thing from the medicine box - a small bottle of medicine powder with less than half a bottle left.

After comparison, Divine Doctor Qiu confirmed: "The poison powder in this porcelain bottle is mixed with the medicine bowl, it is the same kind of strange poison."

"What else do you have to say!" The knife in Qin Wu's hand almost pierced Doctor Liu's neck.

Doctor Liu Jun closed his eyes: "It's me..."

At this point, he has nothing to justify.

And at the moment of acknowledgment, there was such an indescribable sense of relief in his heart.

And the general's poison has also been cured, so that's fine...

Thinking of this, Doctor Liu knelt down under Qin Wu's knife, kowtowed heavily in the direction of the bed curtain with red eyes, but was unable to say a word.

At this time, the bed curtain was drawn from the inside, and the person inside got up, got out of the bed, and stood still on the edge of the bed.

Doctor Liu Jun raised his head slowly and looked at the tall figure.

However, the eyes suddenly changed——

"You...you are not a general!"

The other party was wearing a white tunic, and it could be seen from the neckline that not only was he wearing a tunic, but he was wearing a general's cloak... Standing up like this at this moment, you can tell the difference at a glance!

Not only the difference in body shape, but also the appearance is not difficult to distinguish!

Although the other party also has gray hair and a beard, but at this moment he doesn't feel like an old man in his sixties at all!

But just now when he felt the pulse of the other party, he didn't notice anything strange...

Moreover, the pulse condition is clearly the weakness that should be experienced after being poisoned!

From the corner of Dr. Liu Jun's eyes, he could see Miracle Doctor Qiu standing beside him, and a guess emerged in his mind - it is said that those with excellent medical skills have the ability to change the pulse condition...

"Of course I am not." King Yan looked at the person kneeling in front of him, and said, "Tell me where the antidote is, and I can save your life temporarily."

He pretended to be a general this time, and spread the news that the general had awakened, in order to attract the poisoner.

If it is said to be very similar, it is naturally impossible to do it, but with the presence of Miracle Doctor Qiu, it is enough to deceive people in this night when the vision is dim.

As for the sound—

He has not been a quiet character since he was a child. In his mother's words, he only likes to think about weird things that need to be beaten.

When he was about seven or eight years old, his father rescued a group of entertainers. Among them was a gentleman who was good at ventriloquism. He found it novel and interesting, so he followed suit. At first, I just imitated the sounds made by objects and animals. Later, when I learned it well, I was able to imitate the sounds of people around me.

But I haven't practiced for a long time, and I have already become unfamiliar with it. The reason why I was able to get away with it this time is probably because the listener was too guilty and didn't pay attention to the distinction.

It took a while for doctor Liu Jun to come to his senses—so, the general's poison still hadn't been cured after all.

He said, how could there be such a fluke...

Thinking of the words he heard when he got the poison, he shook his head in a daze and said, "I have no antidote... There is no cure for this poison..."

"You fucking fart! How could there be no antidote!" Qin Wu pulled the man up, and immediately raised his fist and slammed it in the other's face, shouting with red eyes: "Hand over the antidote!"

Dr. Liu Jun was staggered by his punch and hit the screen behind him. He fell to the ground with blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth, but he showed a wry smile and said in a hoarse voice, "I heard what they said when I got the things. Solution to the poison... Now that the matter has been exposed, what reason do I have to tell lies?"

Poison without solution? !

These four words exploded in Qin Wu's mind like a thunderbolt.

He looked at Doctor Liu with anger almost to the extreme, with killing intent in his eyes: "The general has never treated you badly!"

But this beast knew in advance that it was an unsolvable poison, but it still used it on the general!

This kind of thinking, even if it is broken into thousands of pieces, it is not an exaggeration!

"Yes, the general has never treated me badly..." Doctor Liu fell to his knees, with a low voice of guilt and sadness: "But if I don't kill the general, my mother, wife and children will die... I have made a plan, after the general leaves, I will definitely follow, and use my life to atone for the general..."

"Atonement? Can you redeem it!" Qin Wu's angry eyes filled with tears: "If something happens to the general, what's the use of your ungrateful life if you die a hundred times! If you really have a trace Conscience, you should tell the general about this matter as soon as possible! According to the general's behavior, how can he ignore your family members?!"

This is not only a rotten heart, but also a downright stupid - he even thinks that a stupid person, how stupid is this!

"At this moment, the general can't protect himself..." Liu Jun said with a wry smile: "The king wants his ministers to die, and there is no way for them to survive... Even if it is not me, there will be other people, even if they are not poisoned, they will die." There will be other means..."

It would cost the general's life, but if it were someone else, he wouldn't choose this path——

Qin Wu's body froze suddenly when he heard it.

King wants minister to die...

Ah Kui's pupils shrank suddenly, and Divine Doctor Qiu's expression changed dramatically.

The mastermind behind the poisoning of General Xu... turned out to be the current emperor?

I think that when General Xu and King Dingnan and the former emperor conquered the Daqing country together, the current emperor is just a kid who sits and enjoys his success and stretches out his hands to eat, and all these years, if he wants to achieve political achievements, he must be able to do it—he has the ability to poison and kill the heroes. ? !

Don't ask, it's because life is too long, the dragon chair is too tight, and I can't wait to get down as soon as possible?

Doctor Qiu was very angry, but he didn't forget the key point, and asked Doctor Liu: "Who prepared this poison?"

Doctor Liu's face was ashen, he shook his head and said, "I don't know, all I have to do is let the general take this poison..."

Qin Wu felt that he could no longer listen to the other party.

If Jin Yi hadn't stopped him, he might have chopped off the opponent's head!

King Yan looked at Qin Wu: "It may be useful to take people down first."

Qin Wuqiang held back his emotions and gritted his teeth in response.

Dr. Liu Jun was taken under custody. Ah Kui looked at the medicine bowl that had been cooled down for a long time, and his eyes changed repeatedly. He asked Dr. Qiu, "Is the poison that the old lady was poisoned by really this poison? I clearly checked it carefully before." The old man's diet has never been found to be abnormal..."

Not only her, before she came, the people around the old man had never been careless under the girl's repeated instructions.

But why didn't they realize that someone was poisoned?

The silver needle poison test is very limited, it is only suitable for arsenic and other poisons with the same toxicity, but what she used to test the poison was obviously the Dragon-Dragon Wood Wooden Bead that Miracle Doctor Qiu used just now... This is what the girl specially asked her to bring!

"The poison that General Xu was poisoned by is indeed the same poison." Doctor Qiu put down the small silver spoon to examine the poison powder, and said, "It's just that the poison is peculiarly poisonous, and this person must have mixed it with General Xu many times before. in the diet, so it is not easy to be detected."

The preparation of this poison is very clever.

If it is taken in small quantities many times, there will be no too dangerous reaction for a while, and ordinary doctors can't judge the symptoms of poisoning at all. Even if you die because of it, using the phrase "overwork leads to exhaustion of the body" to cover up the real cause of death is still possible. of--

The emperor——no, Mr. Gouhun is trying to take General Xu's life away without anyone noticing...!

Aoi nodded with a pale face.

a few times...

That's right, it must be so...

Doctor Liu Jun must have put this poison in the old man's diet day after day. Seeing the old man "woke up" today, he thought the plan had failed, and in a panic, he increased the weight.

If not, I'm afraid there is no way to catch the poisoner!

But what should we do now?

Is there really no cure for this poison?

While Ah Kui was flustered, King Yan had already asked Divine Doctor Qiu the same words: "Now that the general has been found out what kind of poison the General has, dare to ask the Divine Doctor if there is a way to detoxify the General? If there is still a way, if there is a need If there is any problem, I ask the genius doctor to speak bluntly, the life of the general is at stake, and no matter what, we must try our best."

After being silent for a while, Divine Doctor Qiu said: "I don't dare to make a judgment right now, I will test the poison carefully before I can know whether there is any countermeasure..."

Over there, Qin Wu had already knelt down towards Miracle Doctor Qiu with a "plop".

The tall and thick man was about to cry: "My general can't do anything... I hope the genius doctor will try his best to save me! If the genius doctor can save my general, Qin Wu will be willing to work for the genius doctor for the rest of his life!"

He is strong and strong, and when it comes to work, cattle and horses are not his opponents. Yun Liu had praised him before, if he was a donkey, he would be able to overturn the mill - this should be a compliment, right?

Moreover, he is well burned, Divine Doctor Qiu also knows this!

All in all, as long as he can make the general safe and sound, he can do anything, even at the expense of his life!

He can't live without a general.

Xu Jiajun cannot live without generals.

People in the world can't live without generals!

After saying that, Qin Wuzhong kowtowed his head and made a "bang".

Doctor Qiu sighed, bent over to pull, but couldn't move, Qin Wu knelt there motionless like a mountain.

He could only say: "Don't worry, I was entrusted by Miss Xu and Wu Shisun to come here, and there is absolutely no reason why I will do my best."

He even felt that he hoped for General Xu's safety no less than Qin Wu's.

He has two long-cherished wishes in his life, one is to heal his daughter's illness, which has now been fulfilled with the help of Miss Xu's family.

The other is - in my lifetime, I can see General Xu and King Dingnan settle down, get back together, and reunite after a broken mirror.

Besides, General Xu was a wise and powerful man all his life, how could he be so ignorantly succumbed to the tricks of this foolish king?

It's time for General Xu to get better, and drag this white-eyed wolf who will avenge his revenge from that chair!

Thinking of this, Doctor Qiu only felt that there was a fire burning in his heart—he had all his medical skills, but he had never done anything serious in his life. This time, this hero could finally use him. place, he will try his best to keep the general's life no matter what.

But... this matter is destined to be difficult.

It's not something that can be done by shouting slogans from the bottom of my heart and working hard.

And if you think about it from the perspective of shortcuts, the best way is naturally to find the person who made the poison——

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