Wishful Things

Chapter 515

As soon as the words fell, the boy suddenly turned around and hugged her gently.

"Sister, everything at home has worked hard for you..."

This is what he has always wanted to say but can't get out of his mouth.

After Xu Mingyi was startled, he patted the boy on the back: "It's not hard."

Living alone like that in the last life is hard work.

"Why don't you work hard..."

Xu Mingshi whispered, and quickly let go of her, his face seemed a little uncomfortable, but more determined.

He will definitely work hard.

Try to make yourself enough to support the Xu family as soon as possible, so that she will not have to work so hard, so that she can still shoot archery and cause trouble like before, and drink with Master Yufeng County. As long as she is happy, he will try to take care of her as little as possible. Yes—but you must not visit the small restaurant.

But... that seems to be out of his control, maybe someone is more anxious than him.

"...Then I'll go back." The boy collected his thoughts and said, "It's really late today, if you can't get up tomorrow morning, then you don't have to send me off, just sleep."

Seeing the little nagging in front of him, Xu Mingyi smiled and said, "Got it, let's go back."

After Xu Mingshi went out of the gate, he turned around and took a look back. Seeing that she was still standing there, he urged, "Go back quickly."

Xu Mingyi couldn't bear it any longer, and said helplessly, "You are really long-winded."

"..." The boy with chubby cheeks glared at her, and then walked away quickly with the servant.

Seeing his figure disappear, Xu Mingyi turned back to the hall.

In the hall, Xu Mingshi's pen and ink just used are still there.

Looking at the pen and ink lying there quietly, Xu Mingyi suddenly felt a little empty in his heart - what her sister did, she actually made a bit of a mother's feeling out of thin air. That's it.

"Girl, the hot water for bathing is ready."

Ali came over and said softly.

Xu Mingyi came back to his senses and nodded in response.

The summer nights are short and the sky brightens early.

Xu Mingyi woke up earlier than usual, with his hair curled up high, and practiced arrows for half an hour as usual.

The long arrow leaves the bow, breaks through the wind, and stably enters the bull's-eye.

It was still early in the morning, and the heat was unbearable, Xu Mingyi put down his bow, took the handkerchief from A Li, wiped off the sweat from his forehead, and went to the ear room to take a bath.

After changing clothes, I had breakfast and went to the front yard.

Outside the front hall, one could see Xu Yun wearing a dark blue gown, talking to someone standing in the corridor not far away.

Xu Mingyi took a closer look and recognized that it was Qiao Tian, ​​so he didn't step forward to disturb the two of them, but just walked into the hall.

In the hall, the Yuan family, who had just entered the city early in the morning, was talking to Mrs. Cui, Xu Jin. Seeing her come in, Yuan Dezhi got up and raised his hand to salute: "Miss."

"So it's cousin who came." Xu Mingyi saluted.

"The elders in the clan heard that the Duke of Guo fell ill in Dongyuan City, so they asked me to ask." When mentioning Duke Zhen Guo, Yuan Dezhi spoke respectfully and gently, with genuine concern in his eyes: "There is nothing in the clan that can do it." Where I can help, I just collected some medicinal materials and supplements, hoping to be of some help."

"Thank you cousin, please also thank the uncles in the clan for me."

Xu Mingyi had never doubted the Yuan family's intentions for the Xu family.

For example, at present, the news that her grandfather was "ill" in Dongyuan City is known to everyone, and all the officials in the court are the most sensitive to it. In such a situation, no one can't help but speculate one more layer——

Therefore, there are very few people who come to the door in recent days.

Fear of being implicated is human nature and understandable. Stay away at this time, there is absolutely nothing to blame.

But this kind of juncture is still the same as usual, this kind of intention is also extremely worth cherishing.

The Yuan family has been in close contact with the Zhen Guo Mansion over the years, and has always maintained an appropriate distance. The Yuan family business has been going downhill since her grandfather, but the Yuan family has never approached Zhen Guo for business matters. Guogong Mansion.

It is said that this was her grandfather's confession before his death.

Grandfather seemed to have foreseen the future direction of the Yuanshi Company, or in other words, this was exactly his original intention - if not, he would not have split up the family property like that before he passed away.

It was originally the No. 1 firm in the previous dynasty, and it was also related to the government of Zhen Guo by marriage. The establishment of a new dynasty may be a big hit.

In this way, it will not fall down, the water will flow, and the clan and livelihood will be preserved, or the best result.

And after the accident in the Zhen Guogong's mansion in her previous life, she was thinking again, maybe her grandfather did this intentionally to reduce trouble for their Xu family.

But no matter what kind of intention and painstaking effort it is, it can't stop the emperor's greed and suspicion.

In the hall, Xu Mingyi sat down and talked with Yuan Dezhi.

Qiao Tian, ​​who was in the corridor, had eyes full of shame and guilt: "...In any case, my Qiao family is responsible for this matter. Qinghu, I am sorry for you."

The poison was given by his father, no matter what the reason is, it can't change this fact.

Xu Yun shook his head slightly, and said: "Don't talk about this, you and I know who the wrong person is - if you really feel sorry, after I return to Beijing with my old man, I will eat you That's the wine."

Qiao Tian's eyes were slightly sore, but he showed a smile: "Okay, I will serve wine to make amends, and wait for the country's justice to return to Beijing safely."

"The old man likes to drink strong alcohol, so you have to remember it." Xu Yun said with a smile, and said: "You can't rely on him all the time. After recovering from a serious illness, the alcohol should not be too strong."

At the end, he seemed to be distracted, more like talking to himself.

At this time, a woman's voice came from behind him.

"Mr. Xu."

Xu Yun turned his head and followed the prestige.

At the other end of the corridor, a young woman in azure-colored robes was walking towards him.

"Miss Cai?" Xu Yun was slightly taken aback.

Cai Jin had already walked over, raised his hands to salute Xu Yun and Qiao Tian respectively.

This is Miss Cai?

Qiao Tian looked at the young woman in front of him who was dressed as a female wife, with a good demeanor and a bookish air, and thought that this was slightly different from what he had thought before.

Thinking of the many rumors between Miss Cai and her friends, she said at the right time: "Qinghu, I'll wait for you in the living room first."

Xu Yun wanted to say "no need", but his friend slipped away very quickly.

"Why is Miss Cai here?"

"I'm not an official, why can't I come?" Cai Jin didn't shy away from anyone, and said half-jokingly.

He looked at Xu Yun again and said, "Besides, I have such a relationship with my husband. If I don't come and see him off, wouldn't it appear that this play is too fake?"

Xu Yun couldn't help laughing.

It's such a time...

The stage is about to collapse, but it's still going on.

"It's better if you don't come." He sighed slightly, and said: "If you don't come, the palace probably won't remember you in this troubled time."

Cai Jin put away his jokes when he heard this, and said: "Mr. has encountered a problem at home and is going to travel far away. I should give it away."

Good evening everyone ^_^ Thank you for your monthly pass.

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