Wishful Things

Chapter 523 Return to Beijing

Zhou Shilang's face was calm, and he looked at Yue Pei who couldn't show his anger from the corner of his eye without any trace - the young man had too little experience, probably he had never seen such a person who played cards out of routine, so he had to be a little more angry You have to get used to it.

"..." Yue Pei stared straight at Qin Wu, and Qin Wu also looked at him without fear.

Under the stalemate between the two, Xu Yun took two steps forward with the imperial decree in one hand, and said: "Throw it, it is naturally impossible to lose it, such an important thing, if you don't take it with you, it must be taken by your father." It was properly hidden... From my point of view, there is nothing to worry about, why don't you just listen to me?"

"..." Hearing this persuasive tone, Yue Pei slowly turned his head to look at him.

The Xu family actually acted as peacemakers?

This situation is undoubtedly quite weird, but he can only say: "Second Master Xu, please tell me—"

"It's the time for the imperial court to use troops, so there should be no delay." Xu Yun said with a face of reason: "With or without a soldier talisman, and with the presence of Vice General Qin, he can lead his troops back to Beijing. As for the soldier talisman, after returning to the capital, When my father wakes up, it will not be too late to hand it over to His Majesty."

This proposal was very cooperative, very kind, and practical.

He said again: "Why don't you and Vice General Qin lead the troops back to the capital? As for my father's body, the doctor has already said that there is nothing serious about it. You just need to take care of it on the way, and it won't affect your journey if you think about it."

Yue Pei's face changed when he heard it.

Just let him and Vice General Qin lead the troops back to Beijing?

Wasn't he here forcibly added in out of comfort? Without a soldier talisman, what business does the leader have?

Not to mention that Duke Zhen would also go back together!

Therefore, there is nothing wrong with these words at first glance, but the more people think about it, the more they feel wrong——

In this way, he was left as clean as he could be... He couldn't get any hands in the army, overtly or secretly!

——Is the co-author here specially to welcome Duke Zhen back to Beijing?

Thinking of all these things, Yue Pei, who never expected to be in such a situation, felt extremely complicated.

However, the second master of the Xu family was so business-like and thoughtful that no one could find anything wrong with it, even if he wanted to have an attack, he couldn't find a reason.

It was at this time that Zhou Shilang said: "In my opinion, this is indeed a good proposal without delay...it's better to decide like this."

...Why is it a good proposal?

Yue Pei looked at Zhou Shilang.

But seeing the other party looking at him with suggestive eyes, he said: "The most important thing now is to lead the troops back to Beijing to report to His Majesty..."

Seeing his eyes, Yue Pei's heart moved slightly.

That's right.

Doing so can at least bring back the soldiers and horses. If you insist on holding on to the military talisman here, it will only delay time or cause other changes.

It's better to agree first, as for the others, we will make careful plans on the way...

After some weighing, Yue Pei only nodded, knowing that there is no better choice now.

Seeing this, Xu Yun said: "Since that's the case, it's not too late. It's better to set off in two days. I don't know what you two adults think?"

Yue Pei's eyebrows moved slightly.

Still in a hurry?

Zhou Shilang nodded in response: "I will order people to go down and prepare."

As he said, he looked at Qin Wu: "I will trouble Vice General Qin and Mr. Yue Qian to arrange the matter in the army as soon as possible."

Yue Pei: "..."

Piggybacked again?

But it is also good to go to learn about general affairs in the military.

Therefore, he raised his hand to Qin Wudao: "Vice General Qin, please—"

"Please." Qin Wu also looked very graceful.

The two-day preparation time was undoubtedly a bit rushed for the army.

Fortunately, since the truce with the Lizu, the army has already started to prepare for the departure of the camp and return to Beijing. Qin Wu's side can't do it, but because of his familiarity with these trivial matters in the army, he has his own rules, and everything is arranged quickly. In the early morning of the third day, he led his troops to leave on time, leaving only a small number of people behind to sort out the finishing matters.

Duke Zhen was placed in a comfortable and spacious carriage, with Divine Doctor Qiu accompanying him, never leaving his side.

Yun Liu and King Yan hid among the soldiers, arranged and covered by Qin Wu, and they were not worried about being noticed.

After marching for three days, there was a heavy rain in the evening, and it was difficult to continue on the road. We just passed a post house. After discussion, we decided to rest here for one night.

As soon as the army settled down, the rain stopped.

However, it was already getting late, so it was not good to order to start again, and there was originally a rest on the way, so it was just a rest.

After dinner, King Yan, Qin Wu, Xu Yun and others sat around and talked in the Zhenguo public house.

"...In the past two days, there have been a lot of rumors in the army." Qin Wu frowned and said: "We have dealt with a few suspicious ones, and issued military orders, but they can't be suppressed."

Those who say that the general is seriously ill--

What's more, he actually claimed that the general had already left for the west, and at this time he was just escorting the body back to Beijing. In order to stabilize the morale of the army, he never said it to the outside world!

If there is a rebuttal, it is just one sentence - if the general is really just sick, why hasn't he shown his face in front of others again?

Not to mention that there are people who try to speculate on the so-called overall situation of the government...

Among them, there are people with ulterior motives, and there are also those who really can't figure out the situation and feel uneasy.

No matter how brave the Xu family's army is, it is mostly because they have managed well for many years and are well-known outside. When they are respected by the people, people will unconsciously think that they are really brave, and they will have more confidence and hard work when fighting. Strength - but not everyone is sober and wise, and most ordinary soldiers are just ordinary people, and their hearts will inevitably waver after hearing various rumors.

Therefore, the rumors became more and more intense, and under such influence, there were deserters for two consecutive days!

It can be seen that the army's morale is scattered and panicked...

"No need to think about it, it must be Yue Pei's secret method, in order to control the morale of the army in the chaos." Yun Liu thought about it: "But there is no big problem, now we just need to suppress it first, and wait for the general After waking up, these rumors are self-defeating."

"These rumors really don't need to be taken to heart." Yan Wang said: "Yue Pei's move is nothing more than because he has determined that the general will never wake up again, otherwise he is just doing useless work - but he himself It's been five or six days since I saw the general, and I haven't been able to wait for the news I want to hear, so I'm afraid I already have some guesses about the general's poisoning..."

Xu Yun was at the side, frowning slightly and said: "What the prince said is not unreasonable, and he will return to Beijing soon..."

From the very beginning, the emperor probably never thought about the possibility of letting his father come back alive——

Several pairs of eyes are facing each other, and there is a difference in the hearts of several people.

The rain outside the house had subsided, and a few stars appeared on the gray-blue night.


In the middle of the night, the wind blows, and everyone has fallen asleep.

Xu Mingshi, who was sleeping soundly, was suddenly awakened by a movement.

Thank you Qinghan for the reward, thank you for the monthly pass ^_^

Goodnight, everyone.

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