Wishful Things

Chapter 528

"Miss Xu is not only smart and intelligent, she acts decisively, and her vision and insight are even more extraordinary than ordinary girls." King Yan praised: "When I was in Beijing, I often felt in my heart that the general really raised a good granddaughter."

He was full of admiration for King Yan's pair, and seemed to be a little... grateful? His eyes, although Duke Zhen felt a little weird, but the smile on his face couldn't help but grow stronger.

He just likes to hear the truth!

Then he stroked his beard with eyes full of satisfaction and said, "It's not that I raised it, this girl's disposition is just born like this."

In short, he himself can be humble, but he can't be modest when it comes to his granddaughter, no, he doesn't need to be humble-it's obvious, if he comes and goes to be humble, doesn't he open his eyes and talk nonsense, making him seem too hypocritical?

Then there is a sentence that every acquaintance wants to say: "This girl is the lucky star of my family!"

What happened this time is a good proof - at the critical moment, he had to rely on his granddaughter.

Hearing the word "Fu Xing", King Yan nodded with a smile.

Well... soon it will be his family.

"That's right." The two drank tea for a while, and Duke Zheng just asked the main topic: "I don't know if the prince is going to Dongyuan this time, but there are other things?"

"Yes." King Yan put down the teacup and said, "After being assassinated, he has always worried about the general's safety, but besides that, there is another important matter that needs to be discussed with the general."

"Oh?" Duke Zhen had already expected the general idea, so he put down the teacup and looked at King Yan.

King Yan had stood up, gave a deep salute, and said solemnly: "The student wants to invite the general to discuss important matters—"

"..." Lord Zhen's eyes moved slightly, he didn't know what he was thinking about, and after a while, Fang said: "My lord should know that this old man is just a reckless man. My lord invited me to go with me, but I'm worried that I will ruin my lord instead. Is it a big deal?"

King Yan let out a hearty laugh when he heard the words, and asked with a smile: "General, it is not true that someone thinks you are a reckless man?"

If so, then he must have been deceived by the general's appearance.

In his eyes, the general has never been a brave man.

It is only because the general has always chosen the path and done things in accordance with the righteousness in his heart, truly put the overall situation of the world first, and what he seeks is not his own selfishness, but the well-being of the world—so people will misunderstand that It is the performance of "not smart".

"If it's not a reckless man, what else is it, and he's already an old reckless man." Duke Zhen couldn't help laughing, the two looked at each other, the atmosphere was relaxed, but it didn't seem at all that they were planning something related to the general trend of the world.

This reminded King Yan of his childhood and the time he spent in the military camp when he was young.

I still remember that he always likes to follow behind the general. The general intends to test him, no matter how hard or tired he is, he is willing to follow.

Later, the general reluctantly recognized him, and asked him to listen to him when he was discussing tactics against the enemy. When he was older, he would discuss with the general—that was the atmosphere at that time, the general was always at the same time. He was joking, half-cursing at his wife, and decided on the tactics.

The general has a natural cheerfulness and calmness. No matter what kind of difficulties you encounter, as long as you work with the general, the people around you will feel inexplicably more stable in your heart, and the atmosphere around you will always become relatively relaxed, which is enough to dispel most of the uneasiness and pessimism. .

This is an indescribable aura, and it cannot be learned by others.

Therefore, it is not only a blessing, but also a pleasure to have a general to help you.

"There is no outsider here, so there is no need to be so serious, just sit down and talk." Duke Zhen raised his hand to signal King Yan to sit down.

King Yan nodded, and sat back as he said.

"To tell you the truth, my lord, before I led the army to go out this time, I already had a rough idea and plan in my mind about the future, and I wanted to have a good talk with my lord..." Zhen Guogong said: "My lord can make a decision in time. Determination is also a good thing.”

He still knows what King Yan is like - it is not an easy task for King Yan to make such a decision.

So does he.

It's getting old, if there is no other way out, who wouldn't want to be quiet and peaceful?

And if you want to put it that way, the dog emperor is really capable - he has a fucking way of forcing people to rebel!

King Yan replied: "Yes."

That's why he found the general.

If it was changed to a few years ago, even though he had a premonition of the arrival of this day, and he was not completely unprepared in secret, but he would never find the general, and he could not drag the general into the water hastily if the result was undecided——

But the situation is completely different now, the general is already in the deep water, if he doesn't resist, he can only wait to be drowned in the water by that big hand.

Such was the general's situation, and so was he.

Therefore, there is no need to talk about such a lofty ambition for the people of the world. He and the general are only seeking to save themselves.

Self-rescuers must break off the deadly chains around their necks before they can talk about saving the world.

The two talked for a long time in the room.

Until the sunlight pierced through the chaos, came in from the gap in the window lattice, and landed on the tea table between the two of them.

A pot of tea has been drunk.

The people guarding the door knew that they were talking about something in the house, so they dared not come in for tea without being summoned.

It wasn't until the conversation was almost over that Duke Zhen called for someone to exchange for a pot of hot tea.

Such a major event cannot be discussed thoroughly in a day, and now it is only a rough plan. As for more, we need to watch as we go, and discuss in detail according to the changes in the current situation.

But one thing is for sure—

This dog emperor, he has changed!

If it doesn't work, just change it - this is the usual style of his old Xu's family.

Qin Wu came in to change the tea himself, and then went out after changing it—nothing else, I really missed the general, so I wanted to show my face in front of the general more.

"In addition to this matter, there is actually one more thing that needs to be discussed with the general." Yan Wang held the warm teacup, with a hint of a smile in his tone: "In other words, the general nods to agree."

Duke Zhen was very puzzled.

What is it that can make King Yan use the word "begging"?

"Your Majesty, please speak frankly—"

"To tell you the truth, General, I want to marry Miss Xu, the daughter of your mansion, as a wife for the dog in my family." King Yan said with a smile.

Duke Zhen couldn't help being taken aback.

Because he didn't meet King Yan all the year round, many things didn't form a very clear subconscious mind, so the first reaction in his mind at this time was - ask to marry his granddaughter? This is not acceptable!

"I understand your lord's intentions." He sighed with a smile, shook his head and said: "But the old man is a man, and the lord should also be aware that he will not stick to these formal fetters. Since it has been agreed today to conspire in this matter, then There will be no more changes!"

In other words, there is no need to rely on the marriage of children at all, so as to achieve the purpose of making the cooperative relationship more reliable.

King Yan just smiled when he heard the words, but was not in a hurry to answer.

But Zhen Guogong's expression froze suddenly.



Where did the prince get his son? !

Good evening everyone, I’m asking for a monthly pass, I’m asking for a monthly pass, please give me one (°‵′)

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