Wishful Things

Chapter 534 Reliable

If this person really had an affair with others without his knowledge, and was related to Xu Qiwei's detoxification, then what he just said must be all lies!

And even though the other half may be there, or he is just too suspicious, Qiao Bing is different from others. The secrets that the other party knows are destined to make it impossible for him to take any risk——

No matter how useful the knife is, once it threatens its owner, it can only be discarded.

Li Ji responded and retreated slowly.

Seeing Li Ji leaving the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Xiao Chenzi's heart beat fast.

Is there anything that needs to be explained and arranged by Jigong himself?

On the one hand, it can be seen that this matter must be important, and on the other hand, it is because it does not want to be known by too many people...

The wooden box that had just been lifted before his eyes flashed, Xiao Chenzi suddenly covered his abdomen, and said in a low voice patiently: "Xiao Yuanzi, my stomach hurts really badly, and someone will come to change it with us in half a quarter of an hour. It's worth it, you watch for me..."

He has always been good at communicating with people, the inner eunuch called Xiao Yuanzi glanced around, then nodded, and said in a low voice: "Go quickly, be careful that Ji Gong just went out, don't be caught by him..."

Everyone has three urgencies, this small favor is nothing, not to mention that Xiao Chenzi often helps him.

Xiao Chenzi thanked her again and again, and walked quickly with her head bowed and her head bowed.

After slipping out of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, he quickly ran along the uninhabited path.

Half an hour is not long—

But if life is really in danger, it is all about life in the blink of an eye!

Xiao Chenzi ran all the way to Yukun Palace, the gatekeeper guarding the back door leading to the garden was an old eunuch who made a mistake in the early years and was sent to guard the gate here. , Then he woke up with a start, hurriedly put on his clothes and got up, and pulled his shoes out of the house.


The old eunuch asked tentatively through the door.

"Grandpa Dou, it's me!"

"Xiao Chenzi?" The old eunuch was slightly startled, and hurriedly took out the key hanging on his waist and opened the door: "Why is this hour coming! Could something have happened?"

"Your Majesty told me to keep an eye on the matter before, and there is a movement, so I need to report it to your Majesty immediately..." Xiao Chenzi was out of breath.

"At this time, the empress has already rested..." The old eunuch frowned, thinking, "Wait, I will find a way to tell A-Jiang!"

Xiao Chenzi knows the importance and will never come here in the middle of the night for trivial matters.

Knowing that the A-Jian he was talking about was Nanny Jiang who was beside her, Xiao Chenzi hurriedly nodded—Grandpa Dou even told him privately that when the situation allowed in the future, he and Nanny Jiang would adopt him as a foster son. , a family of three living together... It's just that this statement seems to be just Grandpa Dou's wishful thinking, and Mother Jiang doesn't seem to agree, and even wants to tell Grandpa Dou to go away.

The old eunuch hurried away, and Xiao Chenzi waited anxiously.

Fortunately, the queen will arrive soon.

Tonight's vigil is a trustworthy person, otherwise it would not be easy to get up and go out at such an hour.

"...First of all, a man in black came to announce the news. It seems that he came back from the east. I don't know what news he brought back. The emperor was quite angry about this, and immediately invited Xia Shoufu into the palace..."

Xiao Chenzi succinctly explained what happened in the Hall of Mental Cultivation tonight.

Including the visit of the imperial physician Xuanzheng, and the suspicious box.

The Queen's eyebrows, which were tightly frowned because of thinking, suddenly relaxed.

The news brought back from the east angered the dog emperor? Summoned Xia Tingzhen into the palace overnight?

Thinking about it, the Duke must have turned the danger into a breeze!

Since the Duke is safe, he must be safe...

So she can rest assured.

But Qiao Bing over there...

The queen's eyes repeated for a while.

If the Duke is out of danger, even if the Emperor Yigou doesn't doubt Qiao Bingying's virtue, he will definitely get angry because of it... In a fit of rage, he will go crazy, I'm afraid he can do anything...

This possibility had already been mentioned in the secret letter A Yuan sent to the palace before, so she asked Xiao Chenzi to keep an eye on it.

But at this point, whether to save or not is still a problem...

Since the person was sent back to the dark court, according to the emperor's style, the delay would not be too long, and most likely he would strike in the dark court - a person who has been imprisoned in the dark court for eighteen years, if this Die stealthily without even leaving a trace.

The queen put her fingers together, and all kinds of pros and cons flashed through her mind.

Just when Xiao Chenzi was about to ask what to do, the queen said: "Mother Jiang, pick a few good hands and go to the dark court to adapt!"

Mother Jiang couldn't help being surprised.

"Your Majesty..." Is this going to rob people directly?

The queen interrupted her: "I have my own measure, this matter cannot be delayed, go and arrange it quickly, no matter what, we must save Qiao Bing's life!"

Qiao Bing can't die——

The secret of this person may not only be the truth about sister's death...

Such a crucial, even the only remaining clue, if she just watched being destroyed by the emperor and did nothing, then what would be the point of her all kinds of patience in the palace all these years? ——If she just wanted to save her life, she wouldn't have chosen to enter the palace in the first place!

If the meaning of dormancy is not to do something useful one day, then why is she still dormant so exhausted?

Although Mother Jiang disapproved in every possible way, she was still ordered to make arrangements.

"Is that little Jiezi in the dark court still reliable?" The Queen turned to Xiao Chenzi and asked.

She knew that Xiao Chenzi had been secretly in touch with Xiao Jiezi.

Using bodyguards to save people is the worst strategy and the most risky one. If there are other options, she only intends to use the former as a backup strategy——

It is impossible to take no risk at all, but it needs to be reduced as much as possible.

"Xiaojiezi..." Xiaochenzi rolled his eyes, as if he understood the Queen's intention, he nodded immediately and said, "It's reliable!"

"Well, you do as I told you. When you arrive in the dark court, first meet the person arranged by Mother Jiang, and then go find Xiaojiezi..."

After Xiaochenzi listened carefully, he left Yukun Palace without delay.

This is the first time he lied to the empress.

Although Xiaojiezi was very attentive in inquiring about the news, it was nothing more than being fed and wanted to continue to be fed. If it is reliable, it is obviously unreliable-this guy can do things, of course, he has a share Clever and quick-witted, but once caught, two whips down may be all tricks.

But even if Xiao Jiezi confesses, he will only be recruited, and he doesn't know who he is working for—in other words, although Xiao Jiezi is unreliable, it is enough for him to be reliable! He is reliable, so the lady can use this method!

He knew that he had made up his own mind, but he was the same as Mother Jiang, and he was unwilling to ask the empress to use those guards to take risks unless it was absolutely necessary.

Those people are different from him, they can save the life of the empress at critical moments!

Good evening everyone~ Thank you for your rewards from book friends such as 渃 Qinghan, yukihe, the most gorgeous vest, and thank you for your monthly tickets.

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