Wishful Things

Chapter 546 The Anxiety of the Head of the Family

There was a haughty coldness in this voice, and the detective Wei Xunsheng looked at the cold phoenix eyes full of anger, and his expression changed immediately.

He quickly got off his horse.

"The villain has no eyes, but he has never seen Princess Yufeng here! I hope the princess will forgive me!"

While apologizing, he took a look at the young man in the moon white gown who was lifted up, saw that young man was handsome, and immediately understood the identity of the other party——

Just when she was about to make amends again, Princess Yufeng frowned and said impatiently: "Go away."

She felt sick to see these bullshit things now.

No matter what time it is, you still only think about oppressing the people!

But what Zhaozhao said is right, it is useless to kill all these people, the root cause is not from them, if one is killed, there will be thousands more.

"Yes, thank you, princess...!" The police guard hurriedly responded and left.

"How? Are you injured?" Looking at the young A Huai who was being helped to the front, Princess Yufeng asked with a slight frown.

"The villain is fine..." Ah Huai glanced at the child who had run away, and said, "The villain just saw the child and thought of the younger brother for a moment, so he lost his sense of proportion..."

Saying that, he bowed to Princess Yufeng: "Ah Huai acted recklessly, please punish Princess Yufeng."

Thinking of his experience of losing his family due to the famine back then, Princess Yufeng didn't say anything to blame, but said: "Be more careful next time."

But she was really in a bad mood.

Looking up at the three or five skinny beggars on the side of the street who didn't pay attention, Princess Yufeng quickly took off the ruby ​​red gold bracelet from his hand, took off a pair of jade rings from his ears, and tied a coral pearl hairpin. , stuffed it into Shi Shi's hand, and said: "Let them take it to exchange for some food, and the money on your body will also be distributed on this street."

She didn't pay much attention to her actions, and Shi Shi did what she thought of doing, even though she felt a little inappropriate, but she still followed her advice.

But at the end of the day, these jewelry can't just be given away, otherwise saving people won't be enough to cause trouble, and they still need to be broken into pieces of silver and distributed to more people.

"Go home."

Princess Yufeng turned around and got into the carriage.

Ah Huai hurriedly followed, and asked in a low voice in the car: "Isn't the Princess going to Baohua Building to look at jewelry?"

"I'm not going." Princess Yufeng said in a muffled voice.

When she went out, the common people were miserable, so she didn't have any interest in looking at jewelry.

Ah Huai didn't know what she was thinking, he only thought that she was upset by him, so he lowered his head and dared not speak any more.

Seeing his reaction in his eyes, Princess Yufeng sighed from the bottom of her heart—Ah Huai is indeed kind-hearted, but after all, she grew up in the countryside since she was a child, and without a broad horizon, she naturally does not understand what she is doing And upset.

In other words, she was more worried at this time.

After returning to the eldest princess' mansion, Princess Yufeng subconsciously went to Jingrong's residence first.

"Why did you come back so soon?" The eldest princess was wearing a goose-yellow silk thin gown and her hair was half loose. She was crouching on the couch and reading a picture book with various animals. When she saw her coming in, she turned around and asked. : "Where's my candied haws?"

"I can't find anyone selling candied haws."

Princess Yufeng sat down beside her, leaned on the couch and said perfunctorily.

Princess Jingrong frowned in dissatisfaction: "... Did you look for it with your eyes closed?"

Princess Yufeng didn't seem to have the strength to argue with her, so she just pretended not to hear her.

Princess Jingrong snorted angrily, and immediately frowned: "Where's the jewelry on your body? Where did it go?"

"Give it to those beggars." Princess Yufeng leaned on the couch, leaning on her temples with her white hands, sighed slightly, and said to herself: "You don't know what is going on outside now, I have never seen it before. So many victims and beggars."

And these determinations are not all, and there will be more outside the city.

Princess Jingrong looked at her: "I haven't noticed it on weekdays, but you really care about the country and the people."

"I'm worried about ourselves." Princess Yufeng stretched out a finger and poked the princess's forehead: "You don't need your brain, which is shrunk to the size of a melon seed kernel, to think about it. The capital is in such a mess. How long will this corner of our eldest princess's mansion be safe?"

As he spoke, he sighed again, leaning on the couch and looking up: "I tell you that you don't understand, how can a child who only thinks about eating candied haws know the worries of the head of the family."

The eldest princess curled her lips and let out a "tss".

"But having said that, your elder brother is really capable. The Daqing dynasty was only established in its early twenties, and it has been corrupted so far by him... This is a prodigal son, so let people say something." Yufeng County The Lord murmured with hopelessness in his eyes: "This defeat is not serious, and we will also suffer along with it."

"..." The eldest princess did not answer, picked up the apple on the table and took a bite, lowering her eyes to hide the fluctuations in her eyes.

When I looked up again, looking out the window, the banana leaves that had been green all summer had turned yellow.

Autumn has come quietly.

Soon winter will come too.

And when winter really comes, nothing in the world can escape...

The eldest princess ate the apple slowly, but it was just tasteless.


Another two days passed, and the forbidden army outside Yukun Palace still hadn't withdrawn. In the words of the emperor, if the assassin was not caught, he couldn't help but worry for a day.

The queen didn't care about this, she just hugged Tianfu to read in the bedroom, and didn't leave Yukun Palace.

"Hasn't Xiao Chenzi sent any letters in the past few days?" There was no one else in the hall, and the queen asked Mother Jiang in a low voice, her eyes still on the book.

"Not at all." Mother Jiang said: "He is always clever, maybe he doesn't want to be caught by someone at such a critical moment."

But the queen put the book down: "What did you hear from the dark court?"

Qiao Bing has been out of the palace for several days, and she always feels that everything seems to be going too smoothly...

"The news in the dark court is tightly sealed. I can't find anything useful for the time being, and I don't dare to inquire too much, for fear of being suspected..." Mother Jiang said: "But Xiao Chenzi is the same as the little girl in the dark court. The eunuch must have exchanged news, if something goes wrong, Xiao Chenzi will definitely not fail to notice."

Since no letter was sent to the empress, there is no big problem if I think about it.

Although this child is not very old, he always knows the priorities.

The queen nodded, logically speaking, it was true, but she always felt a little uneasy.

Especially when the emperor was here that day, the inner eunuch sent a message, clearly saying that there had been 'progress'...

Is she really worrying too much?

"After the limelight, let's try to send Xiao Chenzi out of the palace... After all, the affairs of this palace are roughly finished." The queen said softly: "This child is different from others, and he At a young age, I always feel that he shouldn't stay in this palace for the rest of his life."

The child's eyes were bright and bright, and so was his heart.

Thank you Qinghan for your reward, and thank you for your monthly pass. I will ask you for a monthly pass in the second half of the year.

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