Wishful Things

Chapter 591 A Delicate Situation

Seeing that Yuan Dezhi didn't react, Zhifu Fan looked at him, sighed again, and said with a slightly hoarse voice, mocking himself: "I'd rather switch with Commander...he guards the city, I guard the city." Besides... In this way, even if he died in battle or was taken prisoner by Xu's army, he could still protect his family..."

So... Brother Xian, can you understand me?

After all, there are government servants around, so it's hard for him to speak too bluntly.

"..." Yuan Dezhi looked at Shangfan Zhifu's strongly suggestive eyes, and his eyes that seemed to contain some kind of longing, after a moment of starvation, he suddenly realized.



His Yuan family and Xu's family were not clear at all, and he didn't mind being the villain, so he decided to achieve the best of both worlds - he could let the Xu family's army enter the city without fighting, and at the same time, he could preserve the name of his friend's loyalty, so as to save the Fan family's family. Suffering from entanglement.

But...it happened so suddenly, he was unprepared!

He is empty-handed, why can't he just be so bare-handed?

Although he travels all the year round for business, he has learned some simple kung fu to strengthen his body, but if he just strangles the other party's throat and tries to hijack him, I'm afraid it is somewhat unconvincing...

After all, I am not an expert...

While Yuan Dezhi was thinking, he heard Zhifu Fan speak again: "Tomorrow is the day when the Xu family's army will attack the city. At that time, Fan may have to die to show his loyalty. I hope this can reduce some casualties..."

During the conversation, after a helpless sigh, he was relieved as if resigned to his fate: "Yes, this may be the last time I sit and drink tea with my brother...Your brother may as well try this crispy pear, which was just in the backyard today. picked."

Yuan Dezhi also sighed.

The friend even said the words of loyalty, if he is still in the mood to eat pears, is he still human?

But he still subconsciously looked at the fruit plate on the small table at his elbow.

In the white porcelain fruit plate, the peeled and cut pear flesh looks crystal clear and juicy.

And next to the fruit plate, there is a burnt blue-handled fruit knife——

Seeing this fruit knife, Yuan Dezhi was slightly taken aback.

If I remember correctly, he gave this fruit knife to Zhifu Fan last year. The other party cherished it very much, and rarely used it on weekdays...

Not only is the handle and scabbard beautifully fired, but the blade is also extremely sharp.

"It's not sweet to taste the sweetness." Prefect Fan urged.

Yuan Dezhi nodded, picked up a fruit fork, tied them together and put them in his mouth.

“Sweet and crispy…”

After giving affirmation, he put down the fruit fork and put the fruit knife into his sleeve.

He picked up the teacup with the other hand, took two bites, and then said: "Brother Fan, don't be too pessimistic. In my opinion, there may not be a turning point for tomorrow..."

Seeing that he seemed to be planning a strategy, Prefect Fan's eyes moved slightly, and he asked tentatively, "I don't know what advice my virtuous brother has?"

"Brother Fan, would you like to hear it?"

"Naturally!" Prefect Fan hurriedly raised his hand to signal: "My dear brother, please speak clearly."

Yuan Dezhi glanced around hesitantly, then got up, and walked two steps forward to the side of Fan Zhifu: "Please listen to Brother Fan."

Prefect Fan leaned slightly and approached him.

"..." Yuan Dezhi bent down.

In the next moment, the fruit knife hidden in the sleeve was across the neck of Fan Zhifu.

Prefect Fan's expression was startled, and his face was snow-white.

This blade is too sharp, he is really afraid!

After hesitating for a moment, his hand still shook and dropped the teacup he was holding. This is the first time he has no experience in acting. Thinking about it carefully, it seems unreasonable not to shake his hands in this situation.

The voice also trembled: "You... what are you going to do!"

The two yamen servants were shocked when they saw this sudden change.

"Let go of your lord!"

At special junctures, the yamen servants were all equipped with long knives around their waists, and they all drew their knives immediately.

"Don't act rashly, both of you." Yuan Dezhi sneered, and said: "A certain businessman in Yuan, his subordinates have no importance, if you accidentally hurt Brother Fan, it will be bad."

Prefect Fan was surprised but secretly satisfied.

That's right, that's the taste!

He already had that feeling of being held hostage!

Brother Xian brought the whole scene to life in an instant, which shows how important it is to have a good partner!

"...I originally thought that I had wronged you by detaining you in the government office because of the matter of the Xu family's army, but now it seems that I have misjudged you! You and the Xu family's rebels really have a relationship Collusion!" Prefect Fan was heartbroken and furious.

"Who made your lord so obsessed with obsession, Yuan has no choice but to do this!" Yuan Dezhi said, the blade almost clinging to Fan Zhifu's throat.

"You... what are you going to do?!"

"Yuan has no intention of hurting your lord's life, as long as your lord is willing to cooperate, open the city gates, and welcome Xu's army into the city, Yuan XX promises that you won't hurt your lord in the slightest—"

"Don't even think about it! I will never agree!"

"Your Excellency can't help this!" Yuan Dezhi forced him to get up from his chair, looked at the dozen or so yamen servants who surrounded him, and said firmly, "Get out of the way, otherwise don't blame the knife in my hand for not having eyes!"

"..." After all the yamen servants frowned and exchanged glances, they finally got out of the way.

The magistrate must not have any accidents, otherwise there will be no one in Linyuan City to take charge of the overall situation!

Well, that's what they think, and it's definitely not other thoughts...

Yuan Dezhi took Fan Zhifu out of the gate of the government yamen, and a group of yamen servants followed vigilantly with knives.

Outside the government office, the gathered people have not yet dispersed, and there are more and more people.

After all, the Xu family's army was going to attack the city tomorrow, and the magistrate knew that he couldn't stop it, but he still wanted to toast and not eat the fine wine, which was really disturbing.

At this time, seeing Prefect Fan was hijacked by Yuan Dezhi, the crowd was shocked and rioted.

Seeing so many people present, Prefect Fan said loudly in grief and indignation: "If you want to kill, kill! Even if I die, it is absolutely impossible to betray His Majesty and Daqing!"

He looked like a peerless loyal minister who would rather die than surrender.

The crowd became noisy and chaotic, and the discussions were deafening.

"Treasurer Yuan, what is this going to do..."

"Master Zhifu is a good official..."

"Yeah, don't really hurt the magistrate!"

"Could it be to let Xu's army enter the city?"


"Master!" A few figures squeezed forward from the crowd, they were people from Yuan's firm.

Yuan Dezhi immediately confessed: "Prepare the carriage! Call Lao Liang!"

After learning about Lao Liang's background, he also knew that the other party was not weak. Although it was an act at this time, it was also a guarantee to bring him by his side.

The carriage arrived quickly.

Yuan Dezhi escorted Zhifu Fan into the car, and Zhifu Fan tried to struggle, but it didn't help.

"Quick, catch up!"

A group of yamen servants followed immediately on horseback.

"Where is Shopkeeper Yuan taking the magistrate?"

"Let's go, let's go and see..."

Outside the car, the sound of horseshoes behind him shook, and the atmosphere was tense. Inside the car, Prefect Fan let out a long sigh of relief—the first half of the game was considered complete.

Just to ensure the efficiency and the connection and fluency of the whole scene, shouldn't someone be secretly reported to the Xu family's barracks?

This is also a problem...

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

At this time, several loud explosions of fireworks suddenly sounded in the air above the roof of the car.

Prefect Fan looked at his friend in astonishment: "Could it be...a secret signal between Brother Xian and Xu Jiajun?"

There is no collusion!

So... he was kidnapped this time, could it be that his friend is playing tricks and making a fake show for real? !

Yuan Dezhi smiled and explained: "It is indeed a secret code, but there is indeed no connection between my Yuan family and the Xu family's army in this matter. Using fireworks as the name is just an old agreement between the Yuan family and the Xu family for many years That's all."

Even if there is no such so-called agreement, Xu Jiajun will definitely send people to come to inspect the fireworks in the city at such a critical moment.

After all, the city is about to be attacked tomorrow, and fireworks are set off suddenly at this time, isn't that sick?

And what he said has no connection with Xu Jiajun, nor is it a lie.

The Xu family had an incident, but he didn't know it beforehand.

But when she went to the capital for the last time, the girl once confessed to him alone that if there is any trouble coming to Yen Yen's house, she must send a letter to Xu's house in time——

He had a vague premonition at that time, but he was not sure.

Thinking about it now, it should be today...

And Xu Jiajun chose to occupy Linyuan first, and in his mind, he might not have no thoughts of keeping the Yuan clan...

The Yuan family and the Xu family supported each other many years ago. Before the death of the former boss, he chose to disperse most of the property and business, and took his name as a secret, confessing that the members of the Yuan clan should not get too close to the Xu family. Thinking about it carefully, it is also well-intentioned.

Now it seems that my uncle's intentions have not been let down.

Listening to this explanation, Prefect Fan nodded with complicated emotions.

Why doesn't he have a relative like Zhen Guo Gongfu?

The carriage galloped all the way to the direction of the city gate.

When Yuan Dezhi and Lao Liang escorted Zhifu Fan up to the tower, there was indeed a little torch light in the night, and with the sound of horseshoes, they rushed from the direction of Xu's army barracks like a mountain and a sea.

Just by listening to the sound of the hooves of the horses, one can tell that it is definitely not a small group of people who came to check the situation.

The leader is a pair of young faces.

The two sat on the horse in armor, with Qin Wuban on one side.

The army pressed down to the city, and countless torches were blown by the night wind. The flames reflected the spears of the soldiers and horses, and the black shadows cast on the city wall also surged, like a giant beast trying to open its mouth, as if the city would be destroyed in the next moment. Swallowed into the stomach.

Both Xu Mingyi and Wu Chao looked at the top of the tower.

Under the light of the torch, Xu Mingyi saw a familiar face.

It's Yuan's cousin——

Taking another look at the man under control, although she had never seen him before, she could guess his identity by the official robe on his body.

"It's the magistrate of Linyuan, Fan Ying." Wu Chao said.

Xu Mingyi nodded.

Biaojiu finished what she and Wu Chaoyuan planned to do.

But... Looking at this situation, why doesn't she look like it was done by her cousin alone?

Although there are quite a few people around my uncle, he is not vigilant enough. If there are good archers lurking in the dark, it should not be a problem to rescue Fan Zhifu.

It can't be that the fact that Prefect Fan was hijacked... is really what everyone expects?

"Beware of fraud." Wu Chao also felt a little strange, and reminded him aloud.

In such a situation, and with their eyeliner in the city, even though the possibility of the other party's deceit is unlikely, they still need to be very careful.

Qin Wu has ordered people to erect the shield.

"Prefect Fan has thought about it!" Qin Wuchong asked the people upstairs.

"My officer... um..." Magistrate Fan just opened his mouth when Lao Liang tightly covered his mouth.

He didn't know that the other party was acting, he only knew that when the other party refused to cooperate, it would be better to shut up.

"Brother Fan, this is the end of the matter, you should order the city gate to be opened!" Yuan Dezhi persuaded: "No matter how stubborn you are, the result will not change, so why insist on blocking the traffic with your arms!"

Prefect Fan couldn't speak, but still shook his head resolutely.

Seeing this, Yuan Dezhi didn't want to say any more, and shouted to the soldiers guarding the city: "Open the city gate! Otherwise, Fan Ying will be killed!"

The fruit knife lying in front of Zhifu Fan's neck has been replaced by a long knife, shrouded in a cold light in the night.

The army was approaching, and the magistrate was held hostage again, and the morale of the soldiers defending the city was gone.

Hearing this request, his mind was shaken.

Everyone knows in their hearts that they have no chance of winning against Xu Jiajun in this battle——

Of course, as a soldier defending a city, there are many precedents of fighting to the death in order to fight to the death.

But that must be turned into strength with grief and anger as the premise-there is no such atmosphere now!

Xu Jiajun said that entering the city will not harm any plants or trees, and that he is willing to wait for so many days without attacking. This is the real sincerity, and everyone can see it!

They neither rob nor kill, nor are they aliens.

However, the current imperial court is unpopular, and the Daqing dynasty was only a generation old. When mentioning the heroes who saved the world, the first thing many people think of is Zhen Guogong and Xu Jiajun. Hanging the statue of Lord Zhen Guo, it can prevent thieves and exorcise evil spirits, and it can also stop children from crying.

In this way, they really couldn't feel grief and indignation, and they couldn't mobilize the desperate mood at all!

Therefore, the current situation is strange...

Just at this time, a young voice sounded: "My lord, if something really happens to you, Linyuan City will not be able to keep it either!"

Prefect Fan recognized the voice—it was his confidant Xiao Wang.

"My lord is loyal and upright. If you can't let your lord let go, Xiao Wang will be the villain!" The voice was firm and powerful, with the power of self-sacrifice, and said in a concentrated voice: "Here is the token of the prefect. Open the city gate!"

Prefect Fan frowned.

If you are a villain, you will be a villain. What is the matter with this kid reporting his name in public!

Isn't this really an opportunity to make a good impression in front of Xu Jiajun?

Good guy, ordinary people are still hesitating whether to open the city gate, but smart people have already paved the way!

It's hard to justify not being a master in the future!

The soldiers guarding the city gate were obviously shaken.

Everyone knows that compared to a magistrate's token, the real and living magistrate is on top of the city tower, and which one to obey is obvious——

But the current situation, to put it bluntly, just needs a push.

One of the soldiers took the chain.

At this time, a stubborn voice sounded from above the city tower: "Don't open it! Never let these rebellious officials and thieves enter the city!"

This is a crossbowman.


While the man was speaking, he pulled the crossbow trigger, and several cold arrows flew out immediately.

Prefect Fan's eyes widened when he saw it—there are really people who can't think about it everywhere!

The so-called loyalty to the imperial court is loyal, but it takes time. If you have to go against the trend at this time, isn't that harmful to others and yourself!

If the Xu family army is provoked and the situation is disrupted, then his efforts tonight will be in vain!

Today I recommend Taotao's new book, "My Whole Family Brings Gold Fingers", have you read it? If you still haven’t read it, hurry up and add it to the bookshelf. Taotao said that there will be explosive changes when it goes on the shelves on May 1st.

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