Wishful Things

Chapter 596

After taking the things, Xu Mingyi took Ah Kui to the queen's residence, and a servant woman led the way.

Here is also a single courtyard, facing a garden on the left, quiet and quiet, just suitable for recuperating body and mind.

Under the corridor of the main room, there are two little maids in blue armor guarding them.

"This is our cousin girl, why don't you hurry up and salute?" The maid who led the way reminded with a smile.

The two maids rushed forward to salute upon hearing the words, both of them were surprised.

It turns out that this is the cousin girl.

Last night, the story of the cousin girl leading soldiers into the city has long been spread—they have only heard of such things in the storybooks about women leading soldiers!

It was the first time that he was so close to the characters in the storybook.

For this reason, everyone is curious and admires Biao girl, especially when they heard that Biao girl is holding a big knife in her left hand and a longbow in her right hand, and she is accompanied by a handsome young man...

After going back and forth, there is a vague but extremely mighty outline in my mind.

But now...

But now the cousin girl in front of me has bright eyes and bright teeth, snowy cheeks and a beautiful nose, raven hair like clouds, a fine silk shirt with pearl and jade buttons, a snow-green skirt, and apricot silk shoes...

This is clearly a little lady like a flower!

No no no, it's still a little different...

Biao girl walks with bigger strides than ordinary little girls, and she is extraordinarily light, and her figure is more upright. Seen from her back, she looks like a lotus plant with straight and tough roots growing in water.

Xu Mingyi came to the outer hall, lowered her voice and asked the woman who was guarding the curtain, "Your Majesty is resting?"

The mother-in-law met her once this morning and recognized her. Now she bowed and was about to answer when she heard a laughing voice from the inner room: "But Zhao Zhao? Come in quickly."

It is the Empress Empress.

Xu Mingyi stepped in, and saw her sitting in front of the vanity mirror, her soft and shiny black hair was being combed by a young servant woman, and she was wearing an autumn-colored satin embroidered with lotus pattern, which was transparent in the setting sun. The window sprinkled on his body, gently coating a layer of soft warmth.

The tranquility of this picture exuded the breath of ordinary years, which made Xu Mingyi a little stunned for a moment.

She used to see her empress, either in a phoenix robe or a palace dress, she has rarely seen such an "ordinary" empress.

These days marching on the road, they are dressed like ordinary female relatives, but they didn't give her the feeling at this time.

how to say……

It was like, at this moment, she suddenly felt that she should no longer refer to the other party as Empress Empress.

"Why did you get up? Is the wind and cold better?" Xu Mingyi came back to his senses, stepped forward and asked.

"It's much better." The queen's face is still a little weak, but her eyes are full of smiles: "I heard that the general will also arrive in the afternoon... Just now, the wife of Shizi sent someone to ask me if I want to have dinner in the courtyard. But I felt that I couldn't lie down anymore, so I wanted to go ahead and join in the fun."

In the past, when she was in the palace, she would avoid all banquets with people in her heart, but now it is different. Just now, she just listened to the little girls whispering in the corridor, and she felt that her heart was about to fly out It seems...

I want to go out and see, walk, and listen.

Just now she got up from the couch in her middle clothes, saw the golden sunset outside the window, and her feet landed on the ground, as if she had stepped into the years before entering the palace.

She hadn't walked so easily in a long time.

The wind and cold and the disease came at "just the right time", the family was taking care of them, and they slept every day except for eating. Zhao Zhao sent her a story book to relieve her boredom. The Queen Mother stuffed her with a candy In her mouth...

Now, most of the illness has passed away, and many traces seem to have been washed away——those traces that Xu Yun said.

She can stretch with her hair down, and she can stand barefoot in front of the window for a while.

The autumn sun was about to set in the west, but she seemed to be alive again.

"...Sit down and talk. I'm tired after being outside all day. Let's sit down and have a tea break. The dessert was sent by Mrs. Shizi just now. I tasted a piece, but it's different from the one in the capital. It's obvious. Try it too."

Hearing these words, Xu Mingyi sat down obediently, with a smile on his face.

Since leaving the palace, the empress has become different day by day.

In the past, the empress was always close to her, but now besides being close, she feels more at ease.

Seeing such a lady, she is also very happy.

Regardless of whether the empress can still get together with the second uncle, she is happy for the empress.

For one thing, only when the empress really lets go of her status as a queen can she have a new start.

Secondly, there is more than love in life. People need to face themselves more often. Only when they are truly healthy can they live a good life.

She thought that the reason why the second uncle made such a confession at the end was because of his intentions - what the second uncle cared most about was that the mother would be well.

"This yard is somewhat similar to the one I used to live in Ningyang. There is also a lotus pond in my yard, and I also raised a lot of fish, so that the girls will feed each one fatter..."

"Linyuan City, I have also been here... The wife of the first son of your mansion is a wonderful person. She led me around Linyuan, and even secretly took me outside the city to watch horses. The two of us made a bet. , and ended up losing all the money I brought to buy makeup... I guess I was only twelve or thirteen years old at that time, right?"

Xu Yun somehow found out about the money she had lost, and one night, he returned the book he had borrowed from her to her.

She took it, and saw that the bulging in the book could no longer be conspicuous.

Just as he was about to open it, he turned around and walked away quickly.

Covered in the book is a box of rouge from Jingfanglou.

Jingfang Building...

She still remembers the name.

Some people are like this, she is clearly talking about other past events, but those impressive past events, more or less, have his shadow in them.

After a moment of trance, the queen turned to talk about the current affairs.

"...Last night, I heard that my father and the Duke had some disputes. The old man of my family spoke a little harshly, and it was a bit unpleasant. He told the Duke not to take it to heart, and treat me well later and make some snacks for the country. Send it to the public, and make a good apology."

Xu Mingyi laughed when he heard it: "If grandfather can eat the snacks you sent, he will surely dissipate all anger."

He continued: "These days, grandfather and prince have quarreled eighty times, if not a hundred times. The quarrels are quarrels, but the business matters are discussed smoothly."

The day before yesterday, she heard Divine Doctor Qiu use a very weird word - noisy at the head of the bed and at the end of the bed.

Although the word is used inappropriately, but the effect is more or less the same.

After all, the way of getting along with each other that has lasted for decades is not so easy to change.

While eating tea and talking, the maid had already tied the queen's hair in a bun.

"Qiao Niang's hands are really skillful, this is a person who lives up to his name." The queen praised the mirror with a smile.

The maid smiled and said, "You are the one who was born good-looking, that's why you look good no matter what you do."

The queen's smile became stronger: "I thought it was just a dexterity, but I didn't think it was a dexterity."

Qiao Niang was somewhat flattered.

She knew the identity of this person. She thought it might not be easy to serve, but she did not expect to be so gentle and approachable. When people approached, it was as if they touched a cloud. It was very comfortable to get along with.

"See which pair you want to use..." Qiao Niang opened the jewelry box and asked the queen to choose.

"This pair of coral bead hairpins is really pretty... The pattern of the chiseled flower hairpins is also exquisite and fresh..." The queen carefully chose and looked at it. For wearing, everything is a "ke".

But now if you don't choose, it's not so easy to choose.

After comparing and comparing at the sideburns, I finally asked the little girl for help: "Zhao Zhao, come and help me choose one and see which one is more suitable."

Xu Mingyi walked over with a smile.

I didn't see it in the past, but Niangniang still has the crux of the difficulty in choosing.

"How about you look at this?"

Xu Mingyi took out the brocade box in his sleeve, opened it and placed it on the dressing table in front of the queen.

The queen was slightly taken aback.

It was a pair of hairpins.

White jade plum blossoms are used as hairpin heads, and under the flowers are a pair of emerald blue butterflies.

"...Why did you bring it here?" The queen looked at the hairpin and asked Xu Mingyi with a smile.

"I thought you might still need it, so I took it with me when I went out."

The queen smiled, her eyes thoughtful: "It's a little thing from my youth, I'm afraid it's out of date..."

"Could it be?" Xu Mingyi said: "You were in the palace before, and you wore a lot of palace clothes, so you naturally had to choose those jewelry that you can't hold back. But now that you've come out, just wear what you really like——"

He added: "If you really don't like it anymore, you can't force it, but whether it's because you really don't like it, or because of the 'unsuitable' you said, you still have to think about it."

Listening to these words, the queen looked at the pair of hairpins lying there quietly.

After a while, the girl's Qing Lingling voice sounded again: "From the perspective of the younger generation, a woman is his own appearance, and what he likes is suitable, and what he uses on himself must first be what he likes."

Use your favorite hairpin.

Similarly, a man should choose what he likes.

Women for themselves...

The queen repeated these four words in her heart.

After a moment of silence, there was a smile in her eyes again, she looked at the little girl beside her through the mirror, and said warmly: "Zhao Zhao, thank you, you are such a good boy..."

"Your Majesty, you don't have to thank me, just be sincere."

This is the confession of the second uncle.

The queen picked up the brocade box, took out a hairpin, handed it to Qiao Niang, and said with a smile——

"Just use this."

Qiao Niang took it and put the hairpin on for her.

Seeing the moment the hairpin sank into his hair, a boot in Xu Mingyi's heart fell to the ground.

Since the empress wears this pair of hairpins, half of them belong to the Xu family.

As for the other half, it depends on the second uncle!

"My cousin chose the pair of hairpins really well." Looking at the person in the mirror, Qiao Niang sighed, "I don't realize it just by looking at it, but after using it like this, I realize how well they match."

Xu Mingyi smiled noncommittally and said, "It really fits your empress' temperament very well."

Things She Didn't Choose—

But the person who chose this pair of hairpins must have put a lot of thought into it.

The queen smiled at the mirror, as if she was smiling at herself, or at girls and servants.

The hairpin certainly matched, but it was too simple, so Xu Mingyi picked out another golden lotus step and a pair of ear pendants, and put them on for the queen herself.

Every time she wears the same one, Qiaoniang will boast about the flowers.

The atmosphere in the house was harmonious and cheerful, with occasional laughter.

After cleaning up, it was already dark outside the house.

Xu Mingyi accompanied the queen to the direction of the dining room, taking a leisurely journey, admiring the scenery of the furnishings in the house.

Not long after the two arrived at the dining room, everyone arrived.

Zhen Guogong sat on the main seat, and Dingnan King and the Queen Mother took the seat.

The rest of the people sat on both sides of the hall, and two people sat on the same table.

Mrs. Xu and Mrs. Cui are sitting at the same place, they already look like relatives. Recently, Mrs. Xu followed Mrs. Cui to learn how to play a horse-sling, which greatly comforted the feeling of missing cats. Before leaving the city, Tianjiao was sent to Xuesheng Tea House, and Mr. Mo took care of him personally.

The two princes also sat together, and after getting along all the way, the two of them felt a sense of sympathy for each other inexplicably.

Doctor Qiu sat with the national teacher who came voluntarily but was not invited, and Yuan Dezhi and the head of the Yuan clan also came.

Xu Yun originally wanted to sit with his nephew, but he walked up to him to have a look—well, the nephew is not alone, there is a big bird squatting on the cushion next to him.

Xu Yun, who was squeezed away by the bird, could only sit alone.

The food and wine were quickly served, and everyone toasted together to celebrate the joy of entering the city.

The queen also picked up the wine glass, but it was replaced with sweet-scented osmanthus tea.

Holding the wine glass, she looked from the main seat to the lower seat with a smile, and when she came to Xu Yun who was opposite, she just collided with his gaze. She didn't evade, but lifted the wine glass to him with a smile, and then drank the honey tea.

"...?!" Xu Yun was completely dumbfounded.

What does she want to do?

What does it mean?

Why are you smiling at him?

Are you coaxing him?

Should he forgive her immediately, or wait and see?

No, he hasn't figured it out yet!

A small gesture caused an uproar in Xu Yun's heart.

She is really like an abandoned wife who is worried about her own gains and losses when her betrayed husband returns.

And the next moment, when she saw the jade hairpin in her hair, there was a bang in her mind, and it went blank for a moment.


This clearly means to get back together with him, right? !

But this kind of thing, don't you have to make it clear first?

He hasn't agreed yet, she...why put the hairpin on first!

Xu Yun, who felt that he had directly lost a part of being coaxed, ate the wine without taste, but the corners of his mouth could not help but slightly raised, fearing that the other party would see him, so he suppressed it desperately.

This meal was the longest meal he had ever had.

It just so happens that I can't finish eating——

The food was almost finished, but another maid brought a bowl of glutinous rice balls.

Inside the white porcelain bowl, the glutinous rice balls with delicate and smooth skin are divided into two colors, one red and one green.

The impatient Xu Yun wanted to frown.

What kind of glutinous rice balls do you eat when it’s not a festival?

Doctor Qiu began his explanation with a smile: "The two-color glutinous rice balls are named Yuanyang glutinous rice balls, and the fillings are different. Princes, dukes, and everyone, please try it..."

Mandarin duck glutinous rice balls?

Tangyuan means reunion, and mandarin ducks mean to be in pairs.

Xu Yun picked up the spoon.

Good meaning.

he can.

Xu Yun put two glutinous rice balls into his stomach one bite at a time.

Duke Zhen Guo and King Dingnan had strange expressions on their faces, and they didn't taste it for a while.

The gaze cast by Miracle Doctor Qiu is full of anticipation——

Duke Zhen couldn't bear this kind of gaze, and remembering that the other party was his savior, he picked up the bowl with a slightly stiff face, and swallowed the glutinous rice balls and soup together.

King Dingnan frowned: "...?"

Thank you Qinghan for the reward of 100,000 coins! Thanks to Chenchun Mushen, Shandong Huagu, Shigandangdangdang, Butterfly Pea Flower, Bright Moon, Qidianyaoyao, Dynamic Cat, ChenLinda, Asking for Yourself, Witch Palan, Congcong Baobao, Tingyuxlh and other book friends for their contributions Reward! There are also rewards from my Tanzi and Brother Jing.

I have received so much support in the past two days, I am really terrified. If you follow the readers, you must know my nature as a salted fish. If you don't make the list, it's nothing to ask for. It's better to give it to authors who need it more. These two times, because I wanted to draw a lottery haha, I begged twice, but everyone gave me so much support. I really felt unreal, and I felt like "I have so many people who like me too".

Although this achievement is not worth mentioning compared to the great master, it is really very satisfying and moving.

I know that I have a lot of problems, and I need to improve a lot, I will slowly work hard to improve to repay everyone's love, very seriously.

There is a lot of nonsense, please don't dislike me and don't laugh at me.

Thank you again, I wish you all sweet dreams and a happy holiday.

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