Wishful Things

Chapter 611: Undoubted Death

Hearing that he opened his mouth twice, asking if she was okay, Princess Yan felt bitter in her heart.

He always treats her like this, never treats her badly, respects everything, so impeccable, yet so alienated.

But she...has nothing to complain about at all.

All this is as it should be.

But as usual, she would not dare to stay longer at this time, lest she disturb him and annoy him——

But this time, she was really disturbed...

"My lord...have you really thought it through?" Even though she wasn't a neat temper, she didn't try to beat around the bush. She knew that he had a lot of things to deal with, and she couldn't help wasting his time slowly.

She was used to being extremely cautious in front of him and trying to be as thoughtful as possible.

"You know all about it." King Yan glanced at her, and was not surprised. The entire Palace of King Yan was only this big, so it was normal for the news to reach her ears.

And he didn't intend to hide it from her.

"I'm about to get someone to tell you and Sonny that I will leave Mizhou tomorrow. You and Sonny just stay in the palace with peace of mind. I will leave enough people to ensure your safety."


Concubine Yan couldn't react in time, and asked subconsciously: "My lord...where are you going?"

While arranging the documents in hand, King Yan said, "You don't have to ask about military matters."

Princess Yan grabbed her handkerchief tightly.

Yes, the important matter of the march is a secret, she shouldn't ask more...


"My lord is going to be in danger, I am worried..."

Seeing that she hesitated to speak, King Yan said: "Don't worry, if I fail, I will also secretly try to send you and Sang'er away from Mizhou. At that time, you two only need to hide your identity. Some days are peaceful and ordinary. I have asked He Feng to arrange everything in advance, so you mother and daughter don't have to bear the risk with me."

This should be the case both emotionally and rationally, and he has no reason to let Hai's mother and daughter bear the possible consequences of what he did.

Princess Yan's eyelashes trembled slightly: "I don't mean that by myself..."

She's just worried about him...

But how is she going to open this mouth?

The nanny always said that she has a chance, only she has the heart, and one day she will be able to warm the heart of the prince...

But she herself knew very well that she had no chance at all, not even a single chance.

She raised her eyes slightly and looked towards the inner room of the study separated by a screen.

Except for the servant and He Feng who were serving him personally, no one else is allowed to set foot in this study of the prince.

But even so, she still knew that there was always a portrait of a woman hanging in the inner room of this study...

About three or four years ago, Sonny sneaked in once, saw the portrait, and knew that her father had someone else in his heart, so she cried and made a fuss, and said many things such as "Father No wonder Wang and A Niang are so separated, they are not close to our mother and daughter", "I still miss the woman next to me, what's the good of a dead person" and other words, and finally made a fuss and even wanted to remove the portrait Come down and tear up—

That was... that was the first time she had seen the prince scowling and losing his temper at Sonny.

The prince stood by the screen, and coldly uttered a very short but heavy sentence to Sonny who was holding the portrait - "Put this thing down and get out."

Sonny was so frightened that she went out in a daze without even crying.

When he came back to his senses, he threw himself into her arms and cried for a long time.

Thinking of this past event, the person in the painting that she had only seen once but seemed to have been deeply imprinted in her mind flashed before her eyes.

she has no chance...

Fortunately, no one will have this opportunity.

She suppressed many complicated thoughts, and said softly: "Since the prince has made up his mind, this concubine hopes that everything goes well for the prince..."

King Yan nodded: "You are not in good health, go back and rest earlier."

"Yes." Yan Wangfei blessed her body: "Master Tang, remember to drink, and I will resign."

She backed out slowly, the rain had just stopped outside the study, and when she looked up she could see that the accumulated rain was still dripping down the corners of the eaves and corridors, the door of the study behind her was closed by a servant, a gust of wind blew up, and a cold air hit her body Come.

The chill even made her cry.


The nanny who was waiting by the stone steps came up to meet her and held her arm.

"Go back." Princess Yan said hoarsely.

The nanny glanced at the brightly lit study room, and didn't dare to ask any more questions, and helped her own princess back to the bedroom.

Two quarters of an hour later, King Yan delivered the two letters to He Feng.

"Hurry up and send them to Ningyang and Linyuan respectively."

"Yes." After He Feng answered, he asked hesitantly: "My lord...do you really want to lead the troops out of the northern border in person?"

In this way, the prince will always bear the infamy of treason.

"Naturally." King Yan didn't hesitate at all.

The defection of the Xu and Wu families together out of Beijing caught the imperial court by surprise, and indeed made the imperial court momentarily confused——

But only for a while.

Daqing was only established in the early twenties, and it was a world won by war. Even though the national power was weakened because of the emperor's ineffective governance, there were many things to criticize in various systems, but it was difficult to change the fact that there were no shortages in the hands of the imperial court. soldiers and horses.

Once the court is given enough time to come up with a truly usable countermeasure, this will be a protracted battle that will take a long time.

Or it will be so long that the court can't afford it, and they can't afford it either.

Now that the Xu family occupies Linyuan, even though the Wu family can support the situation for a while by relying on the advantage of being big and deeply rooted, it will be difficult to break through the siege of the imperial court if there is no assistance for a long time.

Therefore, he must not hide in Mizhou and wait to sit back and enjoy the success. He only needs to wait for the bloody results of Xu and Wu's fight to be presented to him, and then make a gesture of "I have to sit in this position for the sake of the world's stability".

Selfishly rebelling against it, it is not bad for this last act of solidarity.

No one is blind.

He also couldn't hand over all the dangers to his father-in-law and the general for the sake of a false name.

Instead, he is the one who should be at the forefront.

He Feng didn't ask any more questions, and left with the letter.

King Yan washed up and lay down on the low couch in the inner room.

Lying like this, you can just see the portrait.

The person in the painting is full of smiles, and King Yan couldn't help but smile along with it.

"Really..." He put his arms behind his head and sighed, "I miss our son, and I don't know if this brat misses my father."

He also said rather nonchalantly: "What do you think he is doing at this time? I don't know the specific situation in Ningyang City. I went all the way from Mizhou, and there must be many obstacles along the way. I don't know when I will see that kid... "

"You have to watch him a little bit, this kid is very similar to me, no matter how you look at him, he doesn't look like such a quiet master, he has a lot of ideas."

After thinking for a while, he nodded and said: "Fortunately, I still look more like you..."

"By the way, I forgot to tell you last time that this kid's marriage is roughly settled. It's a little girl from the Xu family, the general's granddaughter. He picked it himself. Oh, no, no...it was picked by the girl. Him." He said with a smile: "This little girl has more ideas than him, if you are still here, you will definitely like her very much..."

Speaking of this, his voice was already slightly hoarse, and his smiling eyes gradually turned red.

He looked at the painting and saw that she seemed to be laughing at him, so he wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes with his fingers, and then gave a smirk.


Thousands of miles away, under the dark night, a group of chariots and horses slowly stopped.

After driving for more than half a day, both the man and the horse were tired.

It was close to a dense forest, and the terrain was fairly hidden. After asking for instructions in a low voice beside a carriage, Sui Jiang got off his horse and ordered everyone to light a fire where they were, and feed the horses to rest.

After Sui Jiang personally delivered the food to the two carriages, he sat in front of the fire and drank water.

"There are still two days' journey at most..." A follower said while baking a piece of naan bread.

They did not take the official route on this road, nor was it an easy-to-guess shortcut, but to ensure safety, they detoured two cities, which added three or four days to the journey.

But apart from some bandits blocking the way, the road was indeed safe, and I didn't meet any people from the imperial court.

Sui Jiang nodded.

Two more days...

If someone wants to do it, most of them will choose night.

And if you wait another day, you will be too close to Ning Yang...

Therefore, he bet that tonight will not be peaceful.

To be honest, he is indeed not as smart as Suishan's head, but he still has the keen intuition and judgment accumulated from his background as a dark guard.

It is precisely because of this that he chose to rest here, secluded and uninhabited, and further out of the dense forest, there is an excellent place to die.

Sui Jiang drew out his long sword behind him, and wiped it against the fire with a piece of cotton cloth.

The night sky above the head was pitch black, not a single star was visible, and a round moon hung dimly in the middle of the sky, as if a pearl covered in dust had been obscured from its light.

The night wind swept across the treetops in the dense forest, making a rustling sound, and the autumn leaves on the ground became thicker.

The wind stopped, but the sound did not disappear.

Except for Sui Jiang, a group of six attendants immediately showed signs of alertness, pressing the long sabers to their waists in unison.

Behind him, behind the half-person-high green and yellow grass, a black shadow approached suddenly.

"Protect the masters!"

Sui Jiang stood up suddenly, the long sword in his hand gleamed coldly under the firelight.

There is more than one black shadow.

More and more shadows were approaching, and Sui Jiang took a cursory glance at the fight between the two, and saw that there were at least fifty or sixty black shadows half-melted into the night!

And all of them have extraordinary skills and fierce shots!

It's clear that he wants to succeed with one blow, and he doesn't have any patience for a long time.

And those people didn't have any verbal communication between them, but they were orderly and had a clear goal-they wanted the lives of the people in the two carriages!

The disparity in the number of the two sides is too great, and it won't take long to fight hard.

Realizing this, Sui Jiang didn't delay for a moment, and when the long sword in his hand pierced a person's chest, he ordered loudly: "Go! Protect the masters and leave!"


Several attendants responded in unison, and immediately jumped onto the shaft respectively, grabbed the reins and started to drive the horses.

"Stop them!" A man in black issued an order, speaking the first words since he appeared.

A group of men in black flew forward, attacking like locusts covering the sun, and almost surrounded the carriage.


The horse raised its hooves and neighed, being forced out of its instinct to escape from danger, and the two carriages rushed out of the crowd one after another.

The long knife of one of the men in black slashed at the window of the car, and half of the knife fell into the car.

Under the swaying wind lamp, the figures in the carriage were faintly visible, slightly flustered.

"Let the arrow!"


One after another, the cold arrows pierced through the oncoming night wind, making a "swoosh" sound.

As Sui Jiang saw just now, the group of people was in order. At this moment, dozens of people rushed forward with bows, and disappeared into the dense forest with the carriage, and more than a dozen people quickly left here to go not far away. Take the horses and chase them.

As for the few people who were dragged in place by Sui Jiang and another close follower in front of them, the sword moves were not tricky, and the swords came straight to take people's lives.

"Are you from the imperial court?!" Sui Jiang's eyes were red, and when he was forced to step back, he gritted his teeth and asked, "This road...how did you catch up!"

The masked man snorted coldly with disdain: "What's the use of asking when you're about to die!"

Sui Jiang's eyes dimmed.

The fight was noisy just now, and he couldn't distinguish the other party's accent, but now he could hear it clearly——

It is indeed the official dialect of the capital, but the accent is not concealed very cleanly...

"Let's go!" Sui Jiang, who was injured, stopped dragging the fight, and turned his head to confess to his companion beside him.

With the cooperation of the two, Sui Jiang quickly escaped from here under the cover of night, relying on his previous observation and understanding of the surrounding terrain.

"They are injured, it is impossible to escape far, catch up, don't leave alive—"


Two of the men in black were ordered to catch up.

Among the other two, the one who spoke just now was obviously the leader of the operation. He glanced at the direction in which Sui Jiang and the two disappeared, and did not stay here for long.

A subordinate brought a horse, and he jumped on the horse's back, and the group of people immediately chased towards the forest where the carriage escaped just now.

However, to their surprise, there was a cliff just a few hundred steps away from the dense forest.

"...The path down the mountain is on the right side. Their horses were in a hurry. Before they could see the road ahead, the horses were already running crazy and couldn't stop them, so they just fell down." The man in black in the first scene said: "Some of our people followed closely, and one of them accidentally fell off the cliff."

The leader heard the words and came to the edge of the cliff, looking down at his feet with the torches lit by his subordinates.

The night is dark, and there are tall and low vegetation on the edge of the cliff. It is indeed confusing in the dark night.

And looking down, the bottom of the cliff is pitch black and you can't see the bottom. There are strange rocks and vegetation overlapping, layers of black shadows of branches and vines swaying with the passing mountain wind, like teeth and claws, with strange shapes.

"This mountain is called Longqi Mountain. Judging from the terrain, this cliff is at least a hundred feet high. If you fall from here with the horses and chariots, you will definitely die." A subordinate said beside him.

Another person glanced down, but hesitantly said: "But the patriarch of the Wu family, the sons and grandsons of the family, really died in our hands so easily?"

In the storybook, these big characters fall off the cliff, usually they will not die, and maybe there will be some adventures.

The leader said with a sneer: "So what about Patriarch Wu, all the way to cover up people's eyes and ears without the surrounding people around, but it's just a mortal body, if you fall like this, I'm afraid it will become a puddle of flesh."

But there is one-

"If you die, you have to see the corpse, otherwise you won't be able to do business."

Goodnight everybody.

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