Wishful Things

Chapter 622

The face was very clean, not a single beard was visible, and it looked extremely delicate after applying the grease, but the complexion was already frighteningly pale, with blood overflowing from the corner of the mouth, dripping down the chin in front of the body, soaking the moon white gown red.

"Subordinates are ineffective in handling affairs and fail to keep an eye on the second master. They deserve death."

A close follower knelt down and pleaded guilty to Wu Chao: "My subordinates are always on guard, and I haven't seen the second master committing suicide recently...but I don't know that he took poison secretly."

Clearly tending flowers and plants every day, incense and practicing calligraphy, nothing unusual——

He came to sit in the garden tonight, and he followed all the way. By the time he realized something was wrong, it was already too late.

Wu Chao looked at the person lying quietly in the chair, and after a long while, he said, "Send someone to tell Big Brother."

The second uncle lost his wife in his early years and never remarried. His eldest son, Wu An, was one year older than him. His wife gave birth to a beautiful baby girl safely last year.

The second uncle was already a grandfather.

However, taking poison...

And it is such a poison that can kill people very quickly...

When did the second uncle hide this poison?

Or is it always prepared, already prepared for the worst of all this?

King Dingnan, Princess Dingnan, and Wu Jingyi and his wife also came over soon after hearing the news.

When Wu An arrived, Wu Jingling's body had already been carried back and temporarily placed in a wing room.

Wu An stood by the bed, staring blankly at the person on the bed, almost unable to believe it was real.

How long has it been?

Not to mention the situation outside...

Ever since the grandfather, uncle, uncle, and second brother had accidents, the family has almost turned upside down...

Fortunately, there was no danger in the end, and everyone came back safely.

But at that time, someone suddenly told him that his father conspired to kill his father and brother...!

He never knew his father had such thoughts!

In the past, when my grandfather was sick, my father always stayed by the couch all night;

The uncle and his father have a deep brotherly relationship, both of them are good-natured, and have never had any disputes...

And the second brother...

Needless to say.

The second brother was watched by his father since he was a child!

When the second brother was punished for being naughty when he was young, his father secretly climbed over the wall to deliver food. He even broke his arm because of this. Afterwards, he was punished by his grandfather to kneel in the ancestral hall with his injured arm hanging. The uncle and nephew knelt side by side, staring at each other Small eyes.

When the second brother first learned riding and archery when he was five years old, his father personally led the horse for the second brother, and it took most of the day to go around the racecourse...

He didn't believe that his father could do such a thing with all his heart!

He came to see his father, wanting to know why all this happened, but his father refused to see him.

When father and son meet again, Yin and Yang are separated, and the gap between life and death that can no longer be bridged by human power lies across the middle.

"I found two letters in the second master's study..." Steward Yin led someone in, and said softly, "One is for the eldest son, and the other is for the grandson."

Wu An didn't know how he opened the letter and how he finished reading it.

His father was ashamed to see him...

Everything I wanted to say to him was left in this letter.

The envelope in Wu Chao's hand contained the words "My nephew, A Yuan -" in large letters, but there were only two lines.

One is to inform that all the secrets about the Purple Star Sect are in the Yingyue Tower.

The second is to ask Wu Chao to leave a glimmer of life for the Zixing Sect members in the future.

Other than that, nothing else...

That night, Songqingyuan regained its tranquility from the noisy footsteps.

Everyone left one after another.

Wu Chao and Wu An sat on the stone steps in the courtyard outside the hall until the sky showed signs of light.

There was fog in the night, and the courtyard where I was located was also shrouded in fog.

Looking at the thick fog that made it difficult to distinguish the surrounding objects three steps away, Wu Chao, who had sat all night and his eyes were red, suddenly stood up.

Wu An, who was still immersed in the complicated emotions of losing his father, raised his head and looked at the abrupt boy.

The tall and tall boy stepped down the stone steps in just two steps, as if he suddenly thought of something, he called out: "Sui Jiang!"

"The subordinate is here." Sui Jiang, who was guarding the corridor not far away, stepped out quickly.

Wu Chao confessed: "Hurry up and send people to each battalion to inquire if there is any change, and you must not take it lightly—"

The fog is so thick this time, I'm afraid that something will happen early...

Sui Jiang took the order and left.

However, just a quarter of an hour after he left, an urgent report reached Wu Chao.

"Deputy General Gao sent people to report that the imperial army suddenly attacked the city! General Wen has personally led the troops to fight against the enemy!"

Wu An's expression changed upon hearing this, and he stood up abruptly.

Is the imperial army attacking the city? !

How could it be so fast!

Wu Chao had expected it just now, but there were no surprises at the moment, so he asked immediately, "Where is the enemy attacking from?"

The soldier who reported the letter felt that the grandson's question was a little strange. The soldiers and horses of the imperial court had been stationed outside the south of the city, and the south gate was the main gate of Ningyang City——

But he still hurriedly replied: "Back to the grandson, it is to the south! Now it has reached ten miles outside the barracks in the south of the city. General Wen led the troops to fight, and also made Vice General Gao strengthen the defense at the south gate."

This means that there are still two lines of defense.

Moreover, in such a foggy day and in the middle of the night, the soldiers guarding the camp were still able to detect movement in time and blocked the enemy ten miles away, which showed that the camp had not relaxed its guard.

This is also due to the deployment and drills in recent days.

Wu An was quite surprised: "...their army is stationed a hundred miles away, and this surprise attack actually took advantage of the dense fog to cover up and travel nearly a hundred miles at night!"

Moreover, the sky has not yet fully brightened, such a marching speed is really rare.

"So there is nothing to be afraid of." Wu Chao said, "Such a fast speed, he must have marched with all his strength overnight, the soldiers and horses must be exhausted, and they will lose after a long battle—"

There is no god behind the speed, which means that a lot of physical strength has been consumed.

And the word "surprise attack" pays attention to surprise, one strike wins, and a surprise attack that is discovered in advance ten miles away cannot be called a surprise attack.

"Yes, Lieutenant General Gao also said that the descendants need not worry too much. If there is any progress ahead, we will report it in time." The soldier said.

Wu Chao nodded.

The mist around the body has not dissipated at all, making people feel as if they are in a daze.

Such an unrealistic environment will always give people a sense of uncertainty and the unknown.

Looking at the permeating fog, Wu Chao still felt a little uneasy.

"How many soldiers and horses did the other party dispatch this time?"

It has been carefully investigated before, and this time the imperial court brought a large army of 20,000 to Ningyang to "negotiate peace".

Seventy thousand——

If it is a battle between one country, the 70,000 troops assembled together are nothing.

But if it is used to besiege a city, it is already a huge and dangerous number.

"The fog is so thick that you can't see where the end of the opponent's army is at the moment, and the cavalry are rushing to the front, and the number of backup cannot be easily determined." The soldier said: "But the leader of the army is here Before the battle, they made false claims, claiming that they would attack the south gate before dark, and they also used the title of "you can take the property in the city by yourself after entering the city" to boost the morale of the army! Vice-General Gao deduced from this that the opponent might have dispatched all their troops , trying to attack the city with all its strength—”

Ningyang City is heavily defended, with military camps set up on the east, west, north, south, and south sides. Due to the degree of difficulty of the terrain, the distribution of troops varies from heavy to light. The southern camp, where General Wen is stationed, has always had the strictest defense.

Moreover, the imperial soldiers and horses have been stationed for many days, so how can the camp be unprepared? Under such circumstances, the opponent wants to attack the city before dark, maybe they are just thinking about farts!

And since they discovered it in time, and now that General Wen is resisting the formation, they have enough time to send troops to the south of the city to support.

Whatever he could think of, Wu Chao had naturally thought of it.

Attack the city from the south with all your strength...

"Who is the leader of the opponent?" He suddenly asked again.

How many soldiers and horses can't be seen clearly for a while, but the leader and coach must be able to see clearly when the two armies are facing each other.

Knowing oneself and the enemy is the most basic thing. In the past few days, he has taken Zhang to and from the military camp, and he has already found out the details of the imperial army from the commander to the military adviser.

"Returning to the grandson, the leader of the army is the general surnamed Hu. This man has always been arrogant, and the big talk of entering the city before dark came from this man."

"Hu Kun?" Wu Chao frowned subconsciously: "Where is Lieutenant General Ma Duanlian?"

After these days of understanding, the commander-in-chief named Hu Kun is indeed a man of courage and intrepidity. On the other hand, the lieutenant general surnamed Ma, on the contrary, has some strategies. It can be seen from every word and every sentence that he is a person who is very good at forbearing and taking care of the overall situation-this is by no means a stupid person.

"Ma Duanlian? Although the villain hasn't come near the battle, I haven't heard that this person is also there..." The soldier thought for a while and said, "Maybe he is among the backup."

Wu Chao thought for a while, and immediately ordered Sui Jiang to prepare the horse.

The matter is so important that the word "maybe" is unavoidable.

"Second brother wants to go to the army in person?!" Wu An quickly followed: "I will go with second brother!"

He is also a person who is familiar with the art of war. Although he may not be able to help, there are many people and multiple ideas-and it is related to the survival of Ningyang City. As a child of the Wu family, he has no reason to hide his head and hide behind.

Wu Chao nodded his head, hurriedly walked, and asked about the past on the way.

Turning on the horse, it was not heading south of the city, but heading west all the way.

Sensing the boy's intentions, Wu An's heart sank.


To the west of Ningyang City, there are several counties outside the city, backed by mountains, because of this natural barrier against the enemy, the strength of the West Camp is also the weakest...

Foggy nights are good for raids and night travel, and naturally it's also good for confusing and covering sight!

At the moment, I am afraid that the surprise attack is fake, so it is true to attack the west, transfer the troops of the battalions of Ningyang City to the south to defend against the enemy, and then wait for an opportunity to attack from the west!

——Only the west side can get through, from the south of the city to the east across the Ning River, the enemy can only go west!

Although the west is covered by mountains, the Wu family opened several flat mountain roads in the early years to facilitate the people in the vicinity to do business and people's livelihood. The entrance of the mountain roads is easy to defend on weekdays, but now the thick fog blocks the line of sight, and it is difficult for all parties. The attention is all in the south of the city, so there is no guarantee that they will not be taken advantage of!

"Immediately hurry up and send an order to Deputy General Gao, wait and see what happens for now, don't be in a hurry to mobilize the troops of each battalion easily, and prepare to call them at any time when the military situation is clear!"

"While defending against the enemy in the south, quickly send pathfinders to find out how many troops the opponent has dispatched, and whether there are any troops left in the camp—"

"If the defense in the camp is empty, you can send an elite cavalry to take the opportunity to destroy the camp, burn food and grass, so as to cut off the way back!"

On the way to Xiying on horseback, Wu Chao had already explained everything he could think of.

The current situation is urgent, and if everything is revealed after the fog clears, it will be too late.

Hearing this orderly arrangement, Wu An rode behind Wu Chao, and his heart became more settled. The more at this time, the less he could be confused.

Once it is messed up, it is in the arms of the enemy, giving the opponent a chance to take advantage of it.

The group of horses did not stop all the way, and when they arrived at Xiying, the guard was surprised to see the young man who had dismounted.

Why did the grandson and the eldest son suddenly come in person?

And it's such a critical moment!

It was only half an hour ago that someone reported to him that there was an imperial army attacking the city from the south, and the attack was extremely urgent. He had ordered all his soldiers, and he was waiting for the military order to arrive, and he would be dispatched to support at any time!

"...The movement in the south of the city may be just a cover-up. General Lao Xiao immediately sent people to the entrances of the mountain roads to check if there is anything wrong!" Wu An said anxiously.

General Xiao Shou was startled when he heard that.

After reacting, he hurriedly agreed to do so, and comforted him: "Don't worry, Eldest Young Master, every entrance is guarded, and if there is any change, we will report it!"

Wu Chao didn't fully agree.

Does no report mean there is no change?

There are not many guards. If he is the leader of the army, in order to delay the time as much as possible, he may first send a team of extremely skilled men to kill them with hidden arrows.

At this time, the people who went to investigate had already been sent out, so he didn't say anything else, just said: "Bring the defense map, is there a sand table in the camp?"

"Yes, there are!" General Xiao Shou hurriedly led the way: "Please come down with your grandson and eldest son!"

Several people entered the camp of the main general, and after discussing with each other, they quickly decided on a strategy to defend against the enemy.

Although it may not necessarily be as expected, there is always nothing wrong with planning for the worst and taking the most comprehensive response.


At this time, the soldiers' emergency calls suddenly sounded outside the camp.

The curtain was lifted, and the soldier stepped into the tent quickly, and said anxiously: "General, grandson, several entrances to the West Mountain have been broken by the enemy! I have seen that there are more than 30,000 enemy troops. I don’t know if there are still enemy troops approaching in the mountains, and Qingsong County, which is next to Xishan Mountain, is almost unable to defend now!”

"What?!" Xiao Shoujiang stared sharply.

What a fucking trick!

Good fellow, he is still here to worry about the situation in the south, and this has already come to him!

"... Grandson! It's the subordinate's weak defense!" Xiao Shoujun Su Rong clasped his fists and begged for orders: "Please lead the troops to defend against the enemy first, and plead guilty later!"

Wu Chao looked at him and said, "General Xiao just needs to act according to the plan he made just now, and be careful when facing the enemy!"

"Yes! This subordinate obeys orders!" General Xiao Shou led the troops and set off immediately.

When the army came out of the camp, the sound of horseshoes was as thick as a mountain falling, and the thick fog was almost scattered wherever it went.

Immediately afterwards, the cavalry who went to the battalions to report the military situation did not delay for a moment, and immediately dispersed and rushed away.

Big Horn: It’s the end of the month, ask for a monthly ticket~~~

Thank you Qinghan, rookie with a heart, Xiangru lghz, Feifan_citouyu, Shandong Huagu and other book friends for their rewards. Yesterday, the editor informed me that there is now an event at the end of the month, starting from today on the 29th. After rewarding the works , you can have the opportunity to redeem the physical gift box for the anniversary of the starting point. If you are interested, you can find out~ There should be a link on the page.

(Good night, big Karma.)

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