Wishful Things

Chapter 632 The Right Person

While speaking, she got up and came to the old man's side, knelt down on the wool blanket beside him, shook her grandfather's arm, and said softly and slowly: "Didn't you often say that if a person takes too much good luck , do you want to try your best to repay this world? You see, I have you in pain, and there are two best mothers in the world, my father, my second uncle, Mingshi... and Wu Chao, and so much to give me Well-meaning people."

"I often think that there is probably no one in this world who is luckier than me. Your good luck is obtained by fighting with your own life, but when it comes to me, it is all for nothing. Obviously nothing Doing it, but already got the best of everything. I have to do something to be worthy of such a good fortune, right?"

"You also often say that doing this is not for others, but for your own conscience. The granddaughter is also following her own heart."

"If it were you and Wu Chao, you would have made the same choice as me, but I won't stop you from going."

The girl's voice is sweet and pleasant.

The old man felt sore and hurt when he heard it, and raised his hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of his eyes with his calloused fingers.

The girl who grew up in his arms leaned gently on his shoulder, just like when he was a child.

"Besides, I haven't told my grandfather yet. I had a long nightmare before. In that dream, our family, the Wu family, and the whole world could hardly be saved..." She whispered softly Said: "After waking up from the dream, I was terribly afraid that this nightmare would come true. Sometimes I would often think, why did I have such a dream?"

In this life, from the time she met Wu Chao, having a different relationship with him, to getting to know each other——

Unknowingly, Wu Chao learned the secret of his life experience in advance, which also changed the trajectory of the Wu family.

There is also the eldest princess. At first, she only came into contact with the truth about the accident of the eldest princess for Jiaojiao.

Things like this seem to be strung together in a thread...

This line guides her to move forward until she reaches this step.

The Xu family and the Wu family have all been saved.

If she can use her power to turn the world around and avoid a time-consuming war, then her "dream" will really be worthless.

She is now thinking that a person can have such an encounter, or it is all arranged by God's will.

Leaning on the old man's shoulder, she said in a somewhat rambling manner: "...I know, you never ask me to do anything, as long as I can be happy. And at the moment, this is what I want to do to be happy. To obey Isn't the heart the happiest?"

Like her grandfather, she is nostalgic for her family and the people she likes.

I am also nostalgic for the little fireworks under the stability of this world.

It is human instinct to do something for the attachment.

Duke Zhen just listened quietly.

He knew that the child had really grown into a big child.

Have your own ideas, have your own determination.

Life and death are very important for a person to live, and it is also very important to do what you think is worthwhile.

As an elder, there are many things, perfecting children is more important than protecting them.

At this moment, he had worries, reluctance, fear, but also pride in his heart.

He once said that whenever a child wants to do something, even if it is something he does not agree with, as long as she really decides and thinks it through, then he only needs to do one thing-as far as possible, do it for her. The road is smooth and easy to walk.


"Grandfather promised."

Xu Mingyi's eyes lit up: "Thank you, grandfather!"

It is impossible to do this matter alone, and her grandfather's promise is very important to her.

Immediately afterwards, I heard the old man say: "However, how to enter Beijing needs to be carefully discussed, and we must not act impulsively."

"Yes, it's natural!" Xu Mingyi nodded simply.

Entering Beijing is the first step.

The more adventurous it is, the more cautious it is.

Otherwise, if there is nothing to be done, people will confess to the first step. Wouldn't it be too useless?

She doesn't like to do useless things the most in her life, let alone die useless.

She raised her hand and poured a bowl of tea, and brought it to the old man: "Grandfather, drink tea, let's discuss slowly."

Now that I have received the grace of the old man, I still have to show my filial piety.

Lord Zhen Guo was also very useful. He took the tea bowl and thought about it: "Nowadays, the gates of the capital are closed, and people are not allowed to enter or leave. Unless you are a member of the imperial court, you can't go in and out of the capital at all. If you want to get in, I'm afraid." It is impossible……"

Xu Mingyi nodded.

She had thought about this too.

Now that the capital is under martial law, the imperial court doesn't care about the people's livelihood, and the gates of the cities are closed, so I'm afraid that someone will sneak into the city and it will be bad for the emperor.

This alone is not enough, it is said that there are criminal guards patrolling the city every day, and they will arrest and interrogate anyone who is even slightly suspicious.

Speaking of this, I have to mention the incident that happened in Linyuan City one month ago——

That day my grandfather was stabbed in the street.

Fortunately, Uncle Qin's reaction was fairly quick, and he caught him in time.

That person looked like an ordinary person, and no one cared at first.

After careful investigation and interrogation, it was revealed that it was the court's eyeliner who had been buried in Linyuan City many years ago, and that she was also a police officer under the cover of identity.

And because of this matter, it gave them a chance to remove the eyeliner of the imperial court in Linyuan City in one fell swoop.

The matter was done by my father, and it took nearly twenty days to find out more than ten companions of the police guard in the city.

"It's not advisable to sneak in secretly..." Lord Zhen weighed seriously: "If you sneak into the city secretly, even if you get into the city by chance, there will be no one to cover it after entering the city, and it will be very easy to fall into the hands of the police—"

Xu Mingyi nodded again.

The truth is this truth...

But I can't sneak in secretly, and I can't mix in...

Jiaojiao can't leave the city now...

What's more, it is well known that Jiaojiao is close to her. Even if Jiaojiao resorted to tricks to get out of the city, it would be extremely difficult to bring her in without being discovered. , and had to drag down the princess mansion.

Xu Mingyi was thinking, only to hear his grandfather say thoughtfully: "There is one person who may be able to help with this... I just don't know if I can persuade him."


Xu Mingyi was about to ask, but someone popped into his mind.

"Ming Yushi?"

"It's clear."

The grandparent and grandson spoke almost at the same time.

Xu Mingyi's eyes moved slightly.

I almost forgot that Ming Yushi is still staying in Qicheng now...

The imperial censor of the Ming Dynasty insisted on negotiating peace. Under the current situation, King Yan has captured several cities, and the imperial court’s 70,000 soldiers and horses were almost wiped out in Ningyang. The reason why Anza’s troops in Qicheng can still be stable To live, but not to attack directly, it all depends on Ming Yushi's insistence——

The imperial censor of the Ming Dynasty didn't want war, and his desire to negotiate peace was truly a lesson that the sun and the moon can learn from.

However, in the current situation, all parties have their own positions to consider, and the power of one person is always slim.

But looking at Ming Yushi's desire to reconcile this, it may be a good place to start...

Moreover, although the Ming Yushi is stubborn, he is not a person who does not know how to adapt. She still remembers that when King Yan was in Beijing, in order to expose the collusion of the King of Xiang, he secretly entrusted the Ming Yushi to come forward——

In short, whether it works or not, let's give it a try.


In the evening of the next day, in the Yamen of Qicheng Mansion, a soldier quickly walked into the back hall.

"Why is there such a hurry?" the magistrate of Qicheng looked at the soldier and asked.

"Return to the magistrate, and report to the imperial envoy, just now Xu's army sent an envoy to deliver a letter, saying that General Xu invited the imperial envoy to Linyuan City to discuss peace matters!"

"What!" Ming Xiaozhi stood up from the case, greatly surprised.

Xu Jiajun agreed to negotiate a peace? !

The magistrate of Qicheng was also taken aback.

"Hurry up, give me the letter!" Ming Xiaozhi hurriedly said.

The soldier presented the letter in front of him, he took it, and quickly opened it to read.

"This is indeed General Xu's own handwriting...!"

Invite him to Linyuan to discuss the matter of peace face to face!

"This... two lords, this matter is clearly very strange!" The aide beside the prefect of Qicheng said: "At the beginning when the Xu family army first entered Linyuan, the situation was unpredictable and they were unwilling to negotiate a peace. Now... the current King Yan After winning many battles with the Wu family, the situation is beneficial to the Xu family's army, so why did they suddenly agree to the proposal of peace negotiation? I'm afraid there is a fraud in it!"


The magistrate of Qicheng frowned and thought.

It's weird, it's weird, but if there is a fraud, what is it?

Can't you use this name to deliberately deceive the imperial censor?


What are you drawing?

The magistrate of Qicheng secretly looked at the censor.

Can't you just try to make him speak loudly or make him bald?

Ming Yushi said: "There is no other request in this letter, it just invites me to go to negotiate a peace, and there is nothing unusual about it."

It doesn't make sense to say that he was going to be a hostage - although he is an imperial envoy, he has no weight at all. Taking him as a hostage is nothing more than a waste of food. Can you really expect the emperor to give in for him? Isn't this a dream?

Moreover, when the little prince's identity had not been revealed, Xu Jiajun didn't even bother to offer conditions in exchange, and now it's even more impossible to think of him as mere.

all in all……

Although there was something wrong with this matter, the worst result would be that he made some mistakes in Linyuan City, and this was nothing to fear for him at all.

And being a man always has a little dream.

What if Xu Jiajun secretly talked with King Yan and wanted to turn around?

Full of hope, the imperial censor of the Ming Dynasty took a group of more than ten people and headed for Linyuan City early the next morning despite the persuasion of the prefect of Qicheng.

All is well on the way.

After being welcomed into Linyuan City, nothing unusual was seen.

No, there are still "strange"——

The imperial censor of the Ming Dynasty sat in the carriage, opened the curtain of the carriage, and looked at the shops, vendors and common people on the street, feeling a little touched in his heart.

In today's world, I am afraid that only Linyuan City can have such a stable and lively scene...

The carriage stopped at the Yamen of Linyuan Mansion.

"My general has been waiting for a long time." A soldier invited him into the Yamen and took him directly to the back study.

Along the way, the imperial censor of the Ming Dynasty felt that the ritual sense of the peace negotiation was seriously insufficient.

Especially when only General Xu is sitting in the study——

Oh, and his granddaughter, that little girl is sitting behind the desk writing something leisurely.

Where is the atmosphere of half-disagreement?

That should be all, I wish you all a happy Children's Day~

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