Wishful Things

Chapter 646 Killing for the second time

When Wang Tong saw this, he inevitably hesitated.

The crown prince trembled slightly, but his posture was firm. He looked at the gloomy and terrifying Emperor Qingming, and said, "It's better to block it than to avoid it. In order to avoid the suspicion between the emperor and his ministers, I also ask my father, the imperial censor, and my aunt to speak." After all, if there is really a misunderstanding in it, you can also return Father's innocence in front of the adults—"

The reversal appeared, only in a blink of an eye.

But for some reason, when he was such a stupid person with extremely poor receptivity, he was only shocked when he heard the words of Ming Yushi and his aunt, without too many doubts...

Killing the king's father, killing his sister and brother...

He believed it all!

He believed that this was something his father could do, and even... this was indeed his father's style!

Especially when my aunt came forward——

He was surprised that his aunt didn't really have amnesia, but he also understood the reason why his aunt had pretended so far in an instant.

For crimes in this world, the identification of the victim is always the most important, because often only the victim knows who the person who wants to kill him is the most.

Just like him.

He had a very similar experience with his aunt.

But at the moment, he must stop his father, and he must not allow him to use the imperial power as a knife to slaughter innocent people!

"...You really don't tell yourself!" Emperor Qingming squeezed out a very weird smile from between his teeth, facing the ministers, gritted his teeth and said: "Have you all seen it? This play is clearly premeditated , the crown prince, the Prince of Daqing, my own son!—to collude with ministers and my sister to slander me, and to put me to death!"

All the officials secretly exchanged glances with different complexions.

Looking at this matter from their standpoint, it is still too early to jump to conclusions. It is impossible for them to trust Yu Mingxiaozhi and Princess Jingrong just because they heard a few words.

Especially those ministers and officials who have heard a lot of gossip recently, they have indeed been unable to get close to the Hall of Mental Cultivation for a long time, whether the prince has ulterior motives or not, it is really hard to say...

Don't say that the crown prince is weak and cannot have the heart to fight for power. Looking at the precedents since ancient times, we can see that his ambition has never been restrained by any obstacles.

But at the same time, at this moment, they can no longer believe in His Majesty the Emperor.

Especially in the minds of some veteran ministers who have experienced the events of the past, the death of the former emperor is not without any doubts... but under the balance of interests and risks, no one would risk their lives for mere doubts when the overall situation is settled. Hit the stone with the pebble.

As the atmosphere was surging, Emperor Qingming lost all reason: "Concerned about the situation of the Daqing Dynasty, today... in front of the ancestors of the Xie family, I will deal with this unfaithful son who is unfaithful, unfilial, usurping power and ruining the country! Someone, drag the prince down and fine him a hundred sticks! Li Ji, you will be imprisoned!"

The blood on Li Ji's face faded.

There was an uproar and vibration.

The rod is responsible for one hundred!

The prince is afraid that even twenty sticks can't hold it up!

This is clearly planning to take the prince's life!

"Your Majesty, absolutely not!"

"The situation is not yet clear, how can you impose such a heavy punishment on the prince?!"

"Your Majesty's move is not legally based on the ancestral system!"

"Your Majesty, please take back the holy order..."

There is no need for Xie Shoufu and others to speak at the moment, the voices of opposition are already overwhelming.

Seeing the important ministers stepping out to block the white marble steps, Wang Tong felt that it was difficult to move an inch.

In other words, he is not a person who obeys orders like Han Yan. The current situation is such that it is difficult to predict who will win and who will win. If a small person like him makes a slight mistake, it will be lost forever.

However, under the urging of the emperor, he had no choice but to grit his teeth and pull out the Feiyun knife, pointing at Zhou Shilang and others who stood up: "Follow orders, and please don't embarrass the lower officials—"

"Before the truth of the matter is known, if anyone wants to touch His Highness the Crown Prince today, he might as well step over the old man's corpse!" An old official with white beard and hair walked to the front, his face flushed with anger.

In such a precarious situation, how could there be a stick to kill the prince!

"Okay... it's reversed, it's all reversed!"

In rage, Emperor Qingming sat in the car seat and leaned to one side, reached out and pulled out the long knife on the waist of the guard beside him, and pointed at the prince tremblingly: "I will personally settle your evil debt collection today. ghost!"

Looking at the emperor who was screaming and killing him and his own father, tears welled up in the prince's eyes, and he said in a hoarse voice: "Father has already killed his son once, so he wants to kill him a second time! "

Emperor Qingming tightened his grip on the saber, and stared at the boy in disbelief with his glaring eyes.

When did this idiot know? !

"Two years ago, at the empress's birthday banquet, the son was pushed into the water by his confidantes. Fortunately, the Xu family girl rescued him and survived—and the person who instigated the servant to slander and frame the king's son that night was not someone else. , it is the father!"

The prince burst into tears, and clenched his hands into fists: "... At that time, the father wanted to have an excuse to send down King Jing's mansion and take back the military power in Liangzhou, so he wanted to put his son and minister to death... Now, in order to cover up the truth, he blocked everyone's mouths, but unexpectedly Do you want to do it again!"

He has never been a bold person. When he learned the truth of the incident, he was so frightened that he fell ill. If it hadn't been for Miss Xu to treat him, he might not be able to survive that test.

He is timid, mediocre, and even too cowardly and soft-hearted. Even when he says this to identify his father, he still has the guilt and fear of being a son of man in his heart...

But he wants to say it, he must say it!

There is no turning back for what happened today, and someone is destined to stay forever—although he has little power, he must try his best to help Ming Yushi and his aunt succeed!

Even if there is a strangeness in it...he is willing to be used by others to facilitate this "strangeness"!

There is no right or wrong means before the big nonsense!

The sentence "I have to kill my ministers a second time" caused an uproar among the officials.

When the crown prince drowned, the spearhead was pointed at Prince Jing. After the prince woke up, Prince Jing was cleared of his suspicions. After that, the matter was left alone, and only a few palace officials were liquidated.

At that time, some people speculated that Concubine Rong was the mastermind behind the scenes, but because she was pregnant with a dragon heir at that time, they didn't go into it.

And thinking about it now...

Looking over vaguely, Emperor Qingming was extremely annoyed: "You opened your mouth full of absurd words! I only had you at that time, how could I use you to make a fool of myself!"

These words made the ministers feel complicated.

It's not just the crown prince at that time, but it's always been...

And this explanation, at this time, does not seem to be very convincing.

——Looking at the long knife that the emperor was unable to lift but refused to let go no matter what, everyone inevitably had a distinction in their hearts.

In this way, someone looked at Ming Xiaozhi again.

People always think twice when they see something. When one thing takes hold in the hearts of everyone, the credibility of another similar thing will also be raised.

The prince's remarks undoubtedly won the Ming Yushi the opportunity to continue speaking in a relatively favorable environment.

Emperor Qingming wanted to say more, but he couldn't help but coughed hastily, he said it was a cough, but the coughing sound was extremely weak, only his chest heaved and heaved with difficulty, and there was a dry, hoarse and hollow breathing sound in his throat.

He trembled slightly, couldn't help but bowed his body, the long knife in his hand also fell, and his palms pressed tightly on the painful heart and lungs.

Several imperial doctors were in a hurry.

There were only a few officials who surrounded them.

Looking at Ming Yushi and Princess Jingrong standing side by side, Ji Dong had an inexplicable premonition in his heart—a premonition told him that this matter so far, these two standing up, might be just the beginning.

This censor lord has never been a person who shrinks back and hesitates. Standing there now, after throwing out those earth-shattering words, he didn't rush to say anything else...

This is not like Ming Yushi's usual quick-fix style.

It's not so much watching the current situation, watching the prince and the emperor confront each other, it's more like...waiting for something.

It seems to be quite calm, as if hesitating, but under this calm, it seems that there is an increasingly raging undercurrent brewing quietly.

The wind and the still life stop.

Inside the golden copper basin, the plain silk and sacrificial rites have been burned to ashes, and there is no spark left.

However, Ji Dong still felt chills on his back. He looked behind him quietly. The protection has become an iron bucket, and no one can break in.

The weak, hoarse and pitiful coughing of the emperor continued, as if he might faint or even collapse at any time due to his inability to breathe.

Xie Shoufu didn't even look at it.

He looked straight at the upright man before the divine case, and asked in a fixed voice: "Even though the Metropolitan Procuratorate never needs evidence to impeach the ruling and opposition parties, the imperial censor of the Ming Dynasty claimed that His Majesty poisoned the late emperor. Let’s talk about ordinary things together—if there is no proof, does Ming Yushi know what kind of crime and fate he will be charged with?”

Even though there are many so-called crimes brought forward by the other party, poisoning the first emperor is the most important one. If this matter can be proved, everything can be proved.

The imperial censor of the Ming Dynasty did not squint, looked at the altar and the crowd in front of him, his eyes were firm and cold: "Zhu Jiu Clan, Ling Chi—"

"...You rebellious officials and thieves, don't play tricks again... Trying to deceive the princes and the world!" Emperor Qingming tried his best, but his voice was still weak: "Detain them, all...all of them! Those who dare not listen to my orders , all will be dealt with as fellow party members!"

Perhaps because of his weak voice and lack of scruples, these words full of imperial authority lost the deterrence they should have at this time.

Civil servants and military generals, almost no one moved for a while.

Xie Shoufu faced all the ministers and said in a solemn voice: "It is not allowed to confuse right and wrong. You are in high positions, and you are not blind people. Can you be deceived by just a few lies! Today The matter is related to the stability of the court, and since Xie is in the cabinet, he has the responsibility to investigate clearly! The word truth should be investigated without fear! Your Majesty, everyone should also know this truth!"

As he spoke, he raised his hands in the direction of Emperor Qingming, folded his hands on his forehead, and said: "If someone really dares to frame the monarch, there is no need for His Majesty to order and urge you, and the ministers can also deal with those who harbor evil intentions according to the law!"

The implication is that if you have no shame in your heart, you shouldn't act to block your mouth.

There was a lot of noise everywhere, and the officials exchanged glances with each other.

Jiang Taifu stood up and looked in the direction of the divine case: "The old man is willing to listen to his words, and to distinguish the truth with you!"

"The lower officials are also willing to discuss together!"

Ji Dong stood up next.

At such a critical moment, is there any reason for students not to follow the teacher's footsteps?

Immediately afterwards, more than ten ministers came out.

Most of these people are disciples of Jiang Taifu and Xie Shoufu.

Afterwards, Zhou Shilang and others, who had always been neutral in the court and were only trying to protect the crown prince, also voiced their agreement after some weighing.

The matter has come to the fore, even if you don't worry about the truth, just for the sake of stability and stability, you have to listen to it.

What happened today is bound to come to an end.

Xie Shoufu looked at the Divine Case Office with a serious expression on his face: "In that case, please ask the Ming Dynasty Censor and His Royal Highness the Princess to show the evidence—we are waiting to hear the details!"

The eldest princess then looked down and said, "Yufeng, invite the witness."

"Yes." Princess Yufeng agreed, walked out from among the female relatives, and retreated slowly.

While waiting, everyone guessed frequently, but the surroundings were silent—not completely silent, there were intermittent weak gasps and reprimands from the emperor.

Half a quarter of an hour later, when Princess Yufeng turned back, there were two more people beside him.

A maid, and an old man sitting on a car seat who was pushed into everyone's sight by the maid.

This is witness?

Who is this?

For such an important event, it is not possible to just find an unknown person to testify and use it as a so-called witness.

If the identity is not convincing, so is the words.

Hearing the sound of discussion around, Emperor Qingming turned his head with difficulty, and looked at the silver-white man, his eyes changed drastically in an instant.

It was Joe Bing...!

Why is this person in Jing Rong's hands? !

How could it appear here!

How did such a living person be brought to Lingshan? Could it be that Ji Xiu and the others were blind!

Li Ji, who was always moody and angry, also changed his expression.

But he immediately felt that nineteen years had passed, and the other party had been imprisoned in the basement all day long, and his description had changed greatly after being tortured. In the past, he was just an imperial doctor, not a well-known big man, so maybe no one would recognize him at this time...

Under such circumstances, if His Majesty denies the identity of the other party, can it be "determined" that the eldest princess falsified the identity of this person, so as to convict the eldest princess and Ming Yushi of framing?

It was Li Ji's subconscious thought that he had seen too much in these years, but just as this thought took shape in his mind, he heard a shocked voice behind him——

"Joe... Doctor Qiao?!"

Doctor Zheng stared at the old man with wide eyes.

Li Ji: "..."


The emperor's way is broken.


Everyone thought when they heard the sound.

Doctor Joe?

Which doctor Qiao?

"I don't know who you are—" Ji Dong asked aloud.

I got used to hearing cases, so I opened my mouth just like that.

"Cao Min's surname is Qiao, Qiao must respond." The old man replied: "Nineteen years ago, Ben was an imperial physician in the palace."

As he said that, he looked around the crowd, as if he was looking for a familiar old face in his memory. After looking around for a while, his eyes fixed on the two people beside him: "But Jiang Shilang, Xie Yushi?"

Jiang Taifu and Xie Shoufu were both startled.

This is their old job many years ago...

After staring at the other party for a moment, Xie Shoufu's eyes flickered slightly.

Dragon Boat Festival Ankang.

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