Wishful Things

Chapter 650

"Father, is this what you said from the very beginning that you planned to pass on the throne to me? After you finished speaking, you turned your head and made a will, and every word was completely forced..."

Emperor Qingming's eyes were red, and he looked at the divine case, as if he was staring at someone closely: "...you've been lying to me to the end! You said that the throne is mine, but it's just to reassure me of my doubts!  … You're scheming against me until you die!"

As he said that, he laughed sarcastically: "Not diligent in politics... not friendly to siblings, disrespectful to the Xu and Wu surnames? It's simply ridiculous! ——Is it all my fault? If I don't do anything , will only be devoured by them! I planned for Daqing, but you want to use this to restrain and bind me! What is the reason for this!"

He raised his finger to the direction of the divine case, eyes full of hatred: "The current situation is exactly what you want to see, right? Are you satisfied! This is your revenge, right?"

"No...not right." He frowned suddenly, looked at the edict in Xie Shoufu's hand, shook his head in a daze, and said, "This edict is a fake, a forgery! The real edict has long been burned by me. Into ashes!"

Xie Shoufu looked at him fixedly.

So, this is an acknowledgment that there is indeed a will...

"No, no, it's not right!" Emperor Qingming's face changed suddenly, and his voice was firm: "There is no will at all... There was no edict from the beginning to the end! It's all fake! I don't recognize it!"

Hearing these upside-down and contradictory words, all the ministers were shocked when they looked at the emperor whose expression kept changing, even crying and laughing.


Looks like this is really crazy...

"Jing Rong, you dare to forge the will, do you know what crime you should be responsible for!" Qingming Emperor looked at Princess Jing Rong, gritted his teeth and said: "I shouldn't be soft-hearted...I should kill you again!"

All the ministers have different complexions.

Therefore, killing Princess Jingrong is also a fact!

"It's all my fault, it's my fault for being too soft-hearted, looking forward to the future! I should have killed you all long ago, leaving no one behind!" Emperor Qingming stared closely at King Yan: "It's all because of you...you stole away my daughter!" Everything that belonged to my birth mother was taken away by your mother! All of this should be mine! But in the end, it depends on your kind and generous hypocrisy, as if everything is given by you at will! Why? ? Why?!"

King Yan looked at him quietly, without saying anything.

Looking at those eyes full of murderous intent, Princess Jingrong couldn't help clenching the edge of her sleeves with her hands hanging by her side.

Is this the only thing in the eyes of the emperor?

Growing up in the same place, born of the same mother, why did she and the emperor's brother see completely different things?

Kindness and generosity are hypocrisy, but what about the other way around?

Whatever others do is wrong!

But he will never know his mistakes!

Even if he is defeated, even if all the causes and effects are clearly laid out in front of him, he will only feel that he has not done enough evil, and those vicious methods have not been used thoroughly enough!

In his eyes, not fighting with him is hypocrisy, all good intentions are false, only the resistance when he is cornered is true!

No one can resist...

If you resist, it will become what he said, "I knew it would be like this"!

Don't you really feel sad?

Princess Jingrong clenched her sleeves tightly.

This kind of person can only die...

Only when he dies can it end.

She never thought that one day she would use such "evil" thoughts on her own brother...

But at this moment, she didn't have any other thoughts in her mind. Pity, grief, and disappointment were all gone. She only wanted to let such an evil ghost with bloody hands and only hatred in his eyes that shouldn't exist in the world. Completely disappear!

King Yan looked at Xie Shoufu and Jiang Taifu——

"What he said just now, presumably you have already judged from it, and his past crimes and faults are all clear. I also ask you, my lords, to formulate a theory according to the law of the ancestors."

Xie Shoufu was holding the handkerchief, and Jiang Taifu gave him a slight nod of his head almost imperceptibly.

The emperor, who is already delirious, has no room for refutation so far.

"... Let me see who dares! I am the Son of Heaven! The Son of Heaven!"

Seeing that the King of Yan didn't respond, but made all the officials lose him, Emperor Qingming became more and more crazy under the rage.

He didn't know where the strength came from, and the person who hadn't stood up for a long time suddenly stood up from the chair.

However, after only taking two trembling steps forward, he couldn't support himself and fell heavily to the ground.

His legs were weak, and he almost fell straight upside down, his forehead knocked on the cold stone bricks, his ears were buzzing, and the crown of beads on his head was scattered, and precious beads splashed.


"His Majesty!"

Li Ji and the few officials went forward with mixed feelings.


Emperor Qingming, with blood on his forehead and disheveled gray hair, waved people away, groped for a broken knife with his left hand, held the handle tightly, barely supported his upper body on his elbows, and dragged his scrawny body forward.

As he crawled forward, his eyes were fixed on King Yan all the time.

"I'm going to kill you...kill you..."

He crawled slowly like this, mad and desperate.

None of the internal supervisors stepped forward to stop them.

Even though he was extremely unwilling, but with the last ounce of strength, he couldn't get closer to King Yan.

It is a short distance, but for him, it is doomed that he will never be able to get close to it.

He could no longer support himself, and when his upper body fell down, a large amount of black blood gushed out of his mouth.

Dark blood stained his lips, teeth, and jaw, and soon soaked the hem of his gold-embroidered dragon uniform.


Seeing this, the prince couldn't hold back his tears anymore, ran down the stone steps, and ran over quickly.

He knelt down beside Emperor Qingming, and together with the two imperial physicians who followed closely, they turned him over so that they could sit in front of him.

The boy used his thin body to support the emperor who was also thin.

"Father, Father..."

The boy burst into tears like rain, his voice was choked and trembling, and he frantically wiped the blood gushing out of his mouth with his sleeve for Emperor Qingming.

Yes, he hoped that his father would leave as soon as possible and make atonement as soon as possible, but he could not remain indifferent to his dying father.

"As for the people... come out to me, come out..."

Emperor Qingming's eyes widened suddenly, but as if he couldn't see anything, he stretched out his hands and fumbled wildly in front of him.

The blood was clogged in his throat and it was difficult to make a sound. He tried to swallow it, but spit out more quickly.

The prince's tears flowed more and more violently: "Father, my son is here!"

Emperor Qingming grabbed his hand, then went up his arm, and knocked on the boy's slender neck with both hands.

"Xie Dingchen... I want... I must kill you!"

The prince shed tears and did not struggle.

No need to struggle either.

Those blood-stained hands had little strength, not enough to hurt him at all.

Princess Jingrong walked over slowly.

At this time, the hands pinching the prince's neck suddenly stopped, and then let go of the boy, grabbing towards her.


Emperor Qingming seemed to have seen someone, and fixed his gaze on Princess Jingrong's side.

He called "Mother" in his mouth, his eyes were wide open, and he murmured indistinctly: "Mother, do you still blame me... But you must, must die... Only when you die, father will feel guilty and feel guilty." You will feel indebted to me! If you are alive, you will never be able to compete with that bitch's mother and son... If you can't be the queen, I can't be the eldest son..."

Faintly heard the key point, Princess Jingrong's complexion changed drastically.

"What did you say……"

She looked at the man covered in blood in disbelief.

"No, you can't blame me, I should blame you..." Tears welled up in Emperor Qingming's eyes, his voice was hoarse and painful: "It's you...it's you who failed to give me a glorious background! Even though I tried my best , tried my best... but it was still in vain... and all this is because of you, how can you not complain!"

His hands are still grasping desperately, as if he wants to grasp those things that have already left him, or even never really owned.

"It's you..." Princess Jingrong's voice trembled: "Did you kill mother?!"

She squatted down suddenly, grabbed his hand tightly, and asked repeatedly: "You killed my mother... right!"

Was his mother's death his first move?

It turned out that his killing of his closest relatives had already begun before everyone knew it!

Mother, father, and then to her...

Sheng'er, second brother, second sister-in-law, third brother!

What the hell has he done!

Just for a throne? !

Even though the earth-shattering events such as killing the king had already happened before, everyone was still shocked when they heard the suspicion of killing their mother.

Princess Jingrong was still questioning.

But the man never answered her, and he couldn't answer her again.

She noticed that the hand she was holding was gradually becoming weak, and the other hand was slowly hanging down.

The sky became more and more gloomy, and the black clouds were crowded and surging.


A thunderous sound rolled from the distant horizon.

Emperor Qingming's eyes were still wide open, his pupils were dilated, and his eyes were still full of resentment and unwillingness.

With a soft "click", the first raindrop hit his face.

Doctor Zheng stretched out his hand tremblingly to test it.

"Your Majesty... is dead..."

After a while, he tried his best to raise his voice and shouted——

"His Majesty is dead!"


The emperor is dead.

Died in Lingshan Imperial Mausoleum.

He died when all the unbearable truths were revealed.

It was supposed to be kneeling down like a landslide and crying bitterly, but now it was abnormally quiet.

For a while, apart from the sound of wind and rain, there was almost no movement.

The emperor has been ill for a long time.

As early as years ago, many people thought that it would not last for a few days.

However, the current silence is obviously not just because everyone has expected this day in their hearts——

Before this, they never imagined that the majesty and decency of an emperor could be reduced to such an extent by themselves.

King Yan and Wu Chao came over.

Wu Chao came to his side and slowly squatted down.

He could see that his figure was reflected in those wide-open eyes.

Do you want to die with peace?

But the person who really deserves to die is not him at all, but the innocent people who died at his hands.

The boy stretched out his hand and covered those eyes.

When he slowly closed his eyes for him, he said in a low but clear and calm voice: "Go all the way, Uncle Huang——"

I once heard Ah Yuan say that within half a quarter of an hour after death, people can still hear the voices around them.

He thought that when he was on a grand trip, he should let the other party listen to him call Uncle Huang.

When he got up, the emperor's right hand fingers that were hanging on the stone bricks moved slightly, almost invisibly.

Princess Jingrong looked in amazement at the boy who got up and stood on one side.

——Uncle Huang? !

The prince raised his head in a daze.

Doctor Zheng's pupils shrank suddenly, only suspecting that he had heard it wrong.

But at this time, Ji Xiu knelt down at the side after hearing only a "plop".

What he knelt down was not the dead emperor, but King Yan.

"Because of being deceived by others, and because of narrow-mindedness, I finally made a big mistake. Now the truth is revealed, the enemy is dead, and the sinner, Ji Xiu, has no face to live in the world. Now I would like to apologize with death to express my regret! I only hope that Your Highness can see that the guilty minister still has some merits today, and can leave a way for the only daughter in my family to survive!"

After finishing speaking, he kowtowed heavily.

Cracking his head three times, the strength seemed to shake the stone bricks under his feet.

After kowtowing, when the general straightened up, without any hesitation on his face, he immediately grabbed the long knife on one side, and the sharp blade was unsheathed in front of him, and there was a cold light flashing in the rain——

Just when he swung the knife to wipe his throat, another cold light hit his eyes, and there was a sound of "Dang", and the sound of the sharp blades hitting each other fell, and the long knife in his hand was picked away by the sharp sword and fell to the ground.

Ji Xiu stared blankly at the man with the sword.

"Ji Shangshu doesn't have to be like this." King Yan looked at him and said, "After returning to Beijing, he will have his own legal principles to judge and deal with it."

As he spoke, he looked at the messy four: "The current situation is special, and today's accident happened, and Ji Shangshu needs to deal with the aftermath of everything in this palace—"

Ji Xiu knelt there, unable to recover for a long time.

In the aftermath, why should he do it?

His Royal Highness King Yan is clearly deliberately giving him the opportunity to continue to commit crimes and make meritorious deeds...

If he confesses his guilt in front of everyone today, it will prove the fact that Emperor Qingming killed the king, and there will be no disputes in the court because of it!

This point, Yan Wang will not know.

But the other party was unwilling and disdainful.

Ji Xiu gave a wry smile in his heart, but suddenly flashed in his mind the figure of the young man who was in and out of the military camp all day long, full of vigor and righteousness.

Always following behind the young man are two boys of the same age. When those two children mentioned the Second Young Master, their eyes lit up, and they were willing to obey and follow, going through life and death.

What is it that makes the two children admire... what is it?

He was really stupid back then, his eyes were useless and his heart was blind!

Thinking about what he had done and complained about over the years, Ji Xiu struggled in his heart, and solemnly kowtowed again, when his forehead touched the rainwater on the ground, his vision was already blurred.


In the rain, there was another burst of thunder, dull and heavy, as if trying to split the chaos.

Xu Mingyi looked towards the dark cloudy sky.

Spring thunder is born, and everything wakes up.

With the thunder came the heavier rain.

The officials retreated to the mausoleum hall to shelter from the rain, and Emperor Qingming's body was temporarily restrained.

The rain washed the gloomy sky, and also washed away the blood everywhere.


Goodnight everybody.

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