Witch Brigade

Vol 2 Chapter 17: Warehouse

Malachi walked out of his subordinate's room with frowning brows. His subordinates were seriously injured, so he can only complete the tasks afterwards. It is not a big problem not to get the Blood Shadow Orb in one failure, but if the subsequent refining cannot be continued For the Blood Shadow Orb, it is bound to be impossible to complete the follow-up summoning task in time.

  Walking thoughtfully, Malachi considered whether it was time to change to a subordinate, this idiot could not even deal with a Secret Shadow traitor.

When he walked to the corner, Malachi’s inspiration moved. His shadow element told him that there was an unusual disturbance in the shadow of the corner. When the inspiration moved, his body followed, his body fell backward, and Malachi fell on his own. In the shadow.

   "Do it," Malachi's move could not be hidden from the three Quinns. Knowing that their ambush had been discovered, Quinns acted immediately.

   The secret potion that Salisbury had prepared for a long time gleamed with a heart-puzzling black, and it shot Malachi's shadow directly, almost the front and back feet.

  The secret potion can influence and interfere with the mystery. The secret potion issued by a special occult technique sprinkled a special black on Malachi's shadow, mixing it with the shadow.

   The eerie liquid was corroding the shadow, but it magically did not affect the ground.

  Quines' witchcraft spirit vision turned on, and in the spirit vision, a rapidly rotating shadow steadily held up the black liquid medicine in Salisbury, and then wrapped the liquid medicine in turn.

   "Not good," Quinns thought of the scene last night and shouted: "Hide!" But his hands were not rushed, Elemental Ball·Fire had already shot. Don't worry, slap the wall with your hand, and the elementary water element summons Capybara.

   I saw the wrapped medicinal liquid turned into three, and the three were shot.

   The fire element ball directly hit one of them, sizzling! The originally bursting fire element ball was directly corroded by the liquid medicine, and was silently extinguished. Only half of the liquid medicine was consumed, and the capybara that jumped out of the void was swallowed by the capybara. The thick Dode's tail swung. Go straight to the shadow where Malachi is.

On the other side, Buddy fired with two guns in a row, building a barrage in front of him, blocking the liquid medicine, but cursing in his mouth: "Salisbury, you idiot, you control all the secret medicines you refine. Can't you?"

Salisbury gave Buddy a blank look, and was too lazy to pay attention to him, secretly secreting the secret technique, and the last liquid rushing towards him boiled, directly eroding the enveloping shadow, and turning to one. He turned his head and hit the shadow at his feet directly.

   But it turned out that Malachi was no longer where he was when he was found by the capybara. Malachi saw clearly that the liquid medicine that directly caused him to abandon half of his shadow element was the shortest of the three sneak attackers. In that case, of course the most threatening one must be killed first.

Wandering in the shadows was completed before everyone knew it, but there was only a shadow puppet left in place to attract attention. A shadow stab was launched directly behind Salisbury, and Malachi had not thought of controlling Sol directly. But if you do so, it will definitely take a while, and this time has already made Salisbury's other two companions react.

   But Salisbury is not a vegetarian. As soon as Malachi jumped into the shadow of Salisbury, Salisbury felt it instantly and even responded immediately.

   Shadow Sting was knocked out by the attack of the black liquid medicine. Seeing that Malachi could not take Salisbury within a short time, the cunning Malachi left him directly and jumped from the shadow to other places.

   Buddy: "Where did you go?"

Quinnes immediately said: "Go to the three waste materials." Lilia was Quinnes's second pair of eyes, and she quickly noticed Malachi's movement. After a pause, Quinnes said: " Salisbury, take care of the injured one, at the end of the corridor, watch out for the shadows. Buddy, the two of us go find the boss."

   Salisbury nodded: "Leave the injured shadow apprentice to me."

   Buddy glanced at Salisbury, said carefully, and followed Quinns.

Shadow step stepped on, and in a blink of an eye, three waste materials appeared in front of him. When they entered the eyes, the shadows of the three people on the ground were slowly erecting, and then they were tightly attached to the back of the three people. The ghosts are generally possessed, and this faint shadow is attached to the three of them. As the shadows flow, the blood drops in the pores are torn out and turned into shadows. Soon the shadows of the three of them are cast. A faint **** brilliance.

   Looking at the bodies of the three people, they can only be described as skinny skeletons. It doesn't seem like a good way to see them.

  Queens and Buddy who pulled back looked at each other, and they both acted together.

   Dead Card·Great Axe Tauren! Attack!

  Queens came up and slapped a giant ax tauren. If possible, he was a giant ax tauren who wanted to use a witchcraft card. Unfortunately, this witchcraft card was banished after being used up last night.

   With the great roar of the giant axe tauren, two elemental **** and fire drew an arc from both sides of the tauren one after the other, hitting two waste materials.

Buddy has rich experience. After detecting the abnormality of the three waste materials, he did not rush to attack. The steam shield generator lost three in a row. After covering the two firmly, the white cat and the black bear joined together, and the steel fusion secret technique Launched, the panda steam hand cannon appeared in hand.

  Quines' pupils shrank, and the two waste materials grabbed with one hand, and the fire element ball was directly caught in his hand. With a snap, the blood color on his hand was only dimmed for a while, then the fire element ball was directly grabbed away.

  Quinstein knew from time to time that these three dead men would die today, and Malachi must use secret techniques to force the vitality of the three to play such a thing as catching elemental balls.

   In my heart, the tauren's giant axe was originally an attack, but it turned into a defense. There were three crisp sounds, and three claw marks appeared on the solid giant axe. The tauren was beaten by three strengths for an unprecedented three steps.

"Heavy Artillery·Sun Armor Piercing Bullet!" Since Buddy knew that they were facing shadow apprentices, he began to prepare after returning. A gunner, if he was given targeted preparations in advance, he could definitely play With 300% power, this is Buddy's biggest advantage and weakness after choosing the direction of the secret firearms of the mechanical program.

Tong! After a muffled sound, the head of one of the waste woods was directly beaten to pieces, and the condensed and blood shadows scattered around him.

   "Good job!" Quinns exclaimed, but suddenly couldn't continue. I saw those blood shadows split into two strands and merged into the other two waste materials, and the rich blood shadows directly covered the two waste materials.

"Buddy, can you kill the third one?" Quinns asked, the fire element ball in his hand was constantly harassing, and his question skipped directly over whether the second waste material could be killed by the Sun Armor Piercing projectile, because He has roughly figured it out.

   Buddy's face was gloomy, and the heavy artillery in his hand did not dare to shoot easily: "I don't know, it's not as simple as one plus one equals two."

   Of course it is not simple. In Quinnes's vision, the strength of the two waste materials has doubled after getting half of the blood shadow. This is almost the rhythm of one plus 0.5 equals two. So what if two plus two equals? Fives? Or six? This kind of secret technique superposition is too bullying, and when a blood shadow comes, a single blow may kill them all.

  Quines knows very well that he is only a level 1 wizard, and it is impossible to turn the tide at this time how to leapfrog. When the low-level secrets and high-level secrets are in the low level, they may be inferior in subtlety, but in fact there is not much difference. The real distance between the two is the advanced high-level secrets. There is no way for the biography, but the high-level secrets can climb towards a higher peak.

   Therefore, the blood shadow is so powerful that Quinns and Buddy have no more effective ways.

"Take time, hit them on all fours." Quinnes's thoughts turned sharply, "Such a powerful secret technique, he can't last too long." When the voice fell, Buddy's another sun-piercing bullet was already directed at one of the thighs. Root shot past, obviously, Buddy's on-the-spot response is not much lower than Quinns.


It exploded again~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This time, the Sun Armor Piercing projectile didn’t do all the work. The blood shadow’s leg roots were only half blown, and the blood shadow staggered. When he regained his feet, the leg roots were attached. While the blood shadow of squirming, it turned into the missing part of the leg root like a blood paste.

The two of Quinns looked ugly, his witchcraft’s direct lethality no longer had any effect on the blood shadow, Buddy’s sun-piercing bullets could only play a temporary role, Quinns simply took a shot on the waist. Another dead card, the giant axe, the tauren sprang out. Since witchcraft can only itch the two blood shadows, he controls the tauren with all his heart to delay time. He didn't have anything else, but he had a lot of dead tauren.

Ding Ding Ding, the powerful blood shadow is very efficient at killing the tauren. First, the defensive axe is dismantled by two or three moves, and then there is no defense. The tauren with the open door is easily caught by the blood shadow. .

   This is the time for Buddy to come on the field. The Sun Armor Piercing projectile delays the time of a blood shadow, allowing Quinnes time to summon the tauren to fill the gap. Even so, two or three times a blood shadow rushed in front of the two of them, and several steam shield generators were broken.

   The light and shadow intertwined. The two of them resisted the two blood shadows for five minutes before seeing the blood shadow's light fading, and a blood shadow roared silently, and his body was shot on his head as he retreated.

   Seeing this scene, Quinnes seemed to think of something, and at the same time reminded each other: "Quit!"

   Realizing that they were wrong, the two people moved in one motion and exited the room almost at the same time. Quines waved his hand during his busy schedule and applied two magnetic fields and repulsive forces to the two.

  :. :

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