Witch Brigade

Vol 2 Chapter 23: Mother of Ten Thousand Snakes

Quinnes did not plan to look through the five books of mystery of rank 6 he exchanged in a short period of time. His top priority now is to update the witchcraft. The five books of mystical knowledge contain a wide range of contents, and he does not have much. The energy is taken into consideration and can only be put down temporarily.

But "The Heraldry of the Mother of Ten Thousand Snakes" is something Quinns can’t wait to study. The Mother of Ten Thousand Snakes has been full of the Church of the Mother of Ten Thousand Snakes since he heard of the name and had some intersection with it. Got curious. But even Buddy, Sr. Schmidt and others have only superficial information about the Church of the Mother of All Serpents.

Therefore, Quinns is very interested in everything about the Church of the Mother of All Serpents.

Specially taking a long time, Quinnes read the "Heraldry of the Mother of Ten Thousand Snakes" carefully. Among them, the most precious is the coat of arms of the Mother of Ten Thousand Snakes, which is the rune language of the mother of all snakes. Of course, it cannot be 100% restored, but at least there are three to four points, as well as a detailed and comprehensive analysis of the coat of arms.

This part of Quinnes only glanced over and put it down. Although it would be helpful for him to create his own rune language in the future, it is like reading a heavenly book now.

As for the rest, some information related to the language of rune within the Church of the Mother of Ten Thousand Snakes.

There are many kinds of images of the mother of snakes in the church. Two of them are widely circulated within the church. One is a giant snake with ten thousand snake heads, and the other is with twelve special snake heads with shadows behind them. Yingzhuozhuo's snake head surrounded.

The coat of arms of the Mother of Ten Thousand Snakes is the second image.

Therefore, the secretive snake girl of order 9 of the church in the Mother of Ten Thousand Snakes also has twelve directions, namely Frost, Petrification, Spirit World, Juli, Fang, Fire Tongue, Thunder Speed, Lie, Beauty, Air Python, and Eating Time. Each corresponds to twelve months.

Frost, January.

Petrochemical, February.

Spiritual world, March.

Juli, April.

Fang, May.

Fire tongue, June.

Lei Su, July.

Lies, August.

Beauty, September.

Empty python, October.

During the eclipse, November.

Did you find one is missing?

It is said that before the Sixth Age, the Mother of Ten Thousand Snakes and Lady Yinyue once had a battle of God, and the result of this battle was that the head of the chaotic snake of the Mother of Ten Thousand Snakes was chopped off by Lady Yinyue, and Lady Yinyue’s One eye is blind, and both lose.

Does it sound familiar?

Yes, it fits perfectly with the legend of Lake Mochizuki, the legend that Lake Mochizuki was transformed by one eye of Lady Yinyue, and the comparison between the two makes Quinns believe in the legend of Lake Mochizuki a little bit.

Going back to the Mother of Ten Thousand Snakes, all the difference between his church coat of arms and the pre-Sixth Age is that one of the heads has become a phantom, which is significantly different from the other eleven heads.

Therefore, it is said that the Mother of Ten Thousand Serpents is the day of hibernation in December, and everything must stop dormant and no longer move. This habit even affects the Church of the Mother of Ten Thousand Serpents. There are only eleven true directions in the secret snake girl, instead of twelve, divided into eleven parts.

The Church of the Mother of Ten Thousand Snakes has a wide range of influence. It has a wide range of believers in the East Continent. It is said that each of the three empires has three empires, and the remaining Air Python and Shishi are located at the headquarters, taking the overall situation.

As for a small country like the Kingdom of Saruna, it is already surprising that there is a snake mother. Of course, from the current point of view, it makes sense for a page of truth. From the side, it is not difficult to see the importance of the ring snake in the Church of the Mother of All Serpents while eating.

What Quinns did not expect was that the Church of the Mother of All Serpents also had its own journal, which was the November issue that Quinns had seen before. For the November issue, the name of this issue, Quinns, wondered for a while, why it was November instead of December. The answer was so terrifying. Not to mention, this November issue of Quinnes can't see any trace of cult terrorists at all, and they are decent. Although some of them promote the idea of ​​ten thousand snakes, they are very hidden. It can be seen that the editor of the publication is Professionals are not inferior to some local newspapers and mystery publications. In fact, some church publications have more or less articles promoting their church concepts, even the so-called neutral demon hunters. The difference is that the Church of Good God does not need to deliberately cover up, while the Church of Cthulhu has set up traps and hints everywhere.

After carefully studying the contents of the Mother of Ten Thousand Snakes Church, Quinnes returned to his original routine, meditation, study, and research without stopping for a moment.

On May 10, it was sunny and windy, and it was a good day for gathering.

Quinns had just upgraded several psychic witchcraft in Ring 1, and the doorbell rang.

Soon, the butler Edie walked in with an invitation card.

"Master, someone sent an invitation." Butler Yidi said softly. After many days of observation, he guessed that the young master he worked for might be a career such as a scholar or a researcher. He sat with a book all day long. It takes a day to sit in front of the fireplace, or to spend a long time in the basement when you are interested.

Nothing important can’t disturb Quinns. This is what Quinnes specifically explained after being interrupted by the butler and the maid’s inspiration. Therefore, the housekeeper usually handles everything he or she has, or gives it to the hostess here. Miss De, although this lady is not very reliable.

Of course, as a housekeeper, the ability to observe words and colors is one of the necessary abilities. Soon, the excellent Edie used his memory to figure out the habit that Quinns saw. When can not be disturbed, when is Kui Ince rested his mind and relaxed, when would he be able to report on the matter.

"Invitation card? Bring it." Quinnes took the luxurious invitation card from the bronzing edge in Edie's hand, and suddenly knew that the owner of the invitation card was not easy.

Butler Edie whispered: "This is a royal invitation."

Quinns said strangely: "Royal invitation? How do you know."

Butler Edie replied: "The Marquis of Percy was once fortunate to be invited to a royal banquet."

"A royal banquet?" Quinnes murmured, suddenly thinking of something, and opened the invitation card to see.

The content of the invitation was very short. It only said that he was invited to the royal dinner three days later, in the name of the return of the three princesses, Vannie Cecil.

It really is her! Quinns knew it.

"I see, go down." Quinnes nodded.

Butler Edie didn't go down, but asked: "Is it going to prepare a dinner dress for you."

Quinns patted his head, he was used to being a wizard, and he didn’t turn his mind suddenly: "If you don’t tell me, I have forgotten ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ this is something you have experience, something you need to prepare. You prepare it for me these two days."


As soon as Butler Edie retired, Buddy and Salisbury came to the door. Needless to say, Salisbury, every time he comes here is to discuss the knowledge of occult medicine with Quinns. Despite his short legs, his brain is very flexible. He has a lot of understanding of occult medicine and is expanding. After learning the basic knowledge of esoteric medicine, he actually developed several esoteric medicines.

"Queens, have you received it? The invitation from the third princess." Buddy yelled as soon as he entered the door.

Quinns was slightly surprised. He thought Buddy would not receive an invitation from Vannie Cecil. He didn't expect the third princess to do everything without leaking: "You just broke in when you received it."

Buddy: "Are you going?"

Quinns shrugged: "Could you not go?" Quinns was recruited by the three princesses at Teague University. He had said to Buddy and even asked Buddy for his opinion, so Quinns Know what Buddy asked him.

"That said, well, three days later, we will go over to see the plan of the princess. The big deal is that we will go back to Tige."

Quinnes: "Relax. It's not as serious as you think. Don't forget. We are members of the Investigation Section. Even if I agree, the Investigation Section will not let people go easily."

Buddy was right when he thought about it. Although the identity of the Quinn wizard is kept secret, it must be known to the upper levels of the Investigation Division. Will a princess beg a corner in her own turf and a wizard to enrich the strength of the secret guard? This is absolutely impossible to promise.

Speaking of this, Quinnes inadvertently saw Salisbury just as a human teacher instructing Bayonita's occult medicine.

Ok? When did these two guys get together. Quinns thought.

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