Witch Brigade

Vol 2 Chapter 44: exchange

Watching Penny walk upstairs with long legs, Carol gave Quinnes a thumbs up: "There is a set, there is a set, don’t look at Penny like this, I know her eyes are higher than the top, ordinary things can be I can't move her."

Quinnes smiled and shook his head: "It's nothing more than a benefit."

Soon, Penny walked down with a bag.

"First of all, this is the half pound of Phoenic wood you want," Penny's white jade arm pulled out a black and red branch from his pocket.

Then Penny started her own performance, and Penny took out one thing and placed it on the wooden table. I didn't introduce it, just looked at Quinns with a smile, and wanted to see what Quinnes had learned.

"Tazo Motogen, the third-order seed."

"Tan Yaya, Tier 4 seed."

"Leaf of Tier 3 Spring Water."

"Tier 3 forest cloak."

"Level 2 Green Spirit Wood."

"Oh? Tier 2 "Wood and Tree Puppet"."

"A Tier 3 Forest Bow alchemy drawing."

"The Alchemy Drawing of Tier 3 Vegetation Scepter."

"Level 2 Puzhiluo healing potion."

"Level 3 Steel Wing Alchemy Drawing."


"You have a lot of mess."

"Hmph, I have also participated in several mysterious gatherings."

"There are indeed a lot of things, but I didn't see what makes me particularly heartwarming." Quinnes shook his head greatly. It’s not right to say that there is no heartbeat. At least some of the alchemy drawings of some strange things are still a bit greedy. But now Quinns has too many research projects and time is a little insufficient. In addition, he has recently begun to study blood transplantation. The strange thing alchemy was put down in a short time, so even if the alchemy blueprint was traded, it would not help him improve his strength in a short time.

Penny snorted and took out something again.

A leaf similar to the leaf invitation letter received by the previous four, "Look at what is this?"

Quinnes didn't notice it for a while. It was not recorded in the Soul Witch Book. He lost a discriminating technique. The feedback information showed that although this tender green leaf was only level 3, there was a lot of something inside. Life energy.

Seeing Quinnes's difficulties, Penny proudly said: "This is the leaf of life that I have researched and refined by myself. I hold the leaf in my mouth, and the energy continues to heal the wounds on my body. If it is severely injured, I will just crush it and swallow it How about it that can greatly relieve the injury in a short time? Not bad."

Quinnes picked up the Leaf of Life and looked at it for a moment, "It's really a rare good thing, so I changed it with this one."

"Slow, my leaf of life is refined with a lot of rare things. If you want a slice, you need to add more in addition to the remaining two things." Penny said.

"Add more?" Quinnes thought for a moment, "Yes, what do you want to add?"

Penny suddenly smiled brightly: "Add another set of Cui Ling water."

"It's over." Quinnes shook his head. Cuiling water is not an ordinary thing. This is an alchemy formula he developed from the secrets of golden conch. It is based on the essence of water and is refined by several precious plants. It is said that the complicated process is not lower than that of the leaf of life, let alone a set of twelve: "But for your Xinmu juice, as long as you buy us another drink, the deal will be ."

"Okay." Penny agreed without even thinking about it.

Quinnes once again took out a dead card that sealed Cui Lingshui and pushed it in front of Penny, and took the Leaf of Life and Phoenimus on the table into his arms.

The transaction was completed happily. Taking advantage of her free time, Penny suddenly asked: "There is an event, I wonder if you would like to participate?"

Quinns: "What activity?"

Carol said: "I know, the swamp monster hunting is very exciting."

Buddy: "Swamp monster hunting? There are swamp wetlands in the Ecodinch Forest? Why never heard of it."

Salisbury explained: "The swampy wetland is under our feet. Every year after the mysterious gathering, the forest witch invites some friends to clean up the monsters that are flooding under the ancient Yunluo tree. All the profits from hunting go to individuals. all."

"Oh? The ancient Yunluo tree was actually built on a swampy wetland, and it hasn't disappeared for so many years." Quinnes thoughtfully.

"That's because this swamp wetland is a mysterious place," Penny cast a glance at Carol. "My eldest sister doesn't like to listen to this. I wonder if you want to listen?"

Carol drank the Xinmu Juice in her hand and waved impatiently: "Tell me, this time I was caught by you at the rally and it's enough. It just so happened that a few of them wanted to hear the origin of the ancient Yunluo tree. You can be generous and tell the truth. Qi, what's so nice about this."

"More than three hundred years ago, there was no forest witch in the Ekodinchi Forest. Only this mysterious place under our feet, the Lost Swamp, and all creatures within ten miles of the Lost Swamp, will be involuntarily bewildered and lured by the Lost Swamp. Engulfed in the swamp, these creatures were imprisoned by life, and transformed into various swamp monsters by the corrupted silt in the swamp, protecting and devouring more powerful creatures. As the swallowed creatures increase, the lost swamp is slowly expanding For a while, those who beg for life in the Ecodinchi Forest talked about the discoloration of the forest. If there is no change in the future, there will be no more Ecodinchi Forest in hundreds of years, but only the Lost Swamp."

"It wasn't until a witch who was awakened in Taopapi entered the Ecodinch Forest, that changed everything. In order to control the expansion of Lost Swamp, the witch selected mysterious seeds, cultivated and improved them, and finally cultivated them to absorb Seeds of ancient Yunluo trees that feed on the rotten silt of the lost swamp."

"If you hear this, you all guessed it. The witch I was talking about is the founder of the forest witch, Anasta Griffin, the first generation of the forest witch club leader, the creator, advocate, and spread of the forest witch secret. , The guardian of the Ekodinchi Forest." Speaking of this, Penny's face was irresistibly proud.

Quinns: "Cultivate the seeds of the Yunluo tree, but it is not easy to plant it in the swamp to take root and sprout."

"Of course, only three of the 100 seeds planted survived in the end. They were either destroyed by the monsters in the swamp or corroded by the lost swamp. Griffin will guard the lost swamp for the first time for ten years, in view of personal strength. Thin, the leader of the meeting created the secret of the forest witch with the power of its own witch as the core. During this period, he accepted ten female disciples to guard the growth and expansion of the ancient Yunluo tree. It is based on the three ancient Yunluo trees. The foundation, the three layers of Yunluodi, laid the foundation for the forest witch~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In order for the ancient Yunluo tree to take root in the Lost Swamp, only one of the ten female disciples died in ten years. And this one is the second generation leader of the Forest Witch."

Buddy: "In other words, it's all about women. Wouldn't your generation leader accept a male apprentice?"

Penny looked at Buddy again disgustingly: "I really don't know, Forest Witch Secret, from the name you should be able to see something fictitious, a female character, it means that this secret can only be practiced by a woman. I Now I find that you and my elder sister are quite good match."

Buddy glared at Penny, and when he wanted to speak, Quinnes hurriedly interjected: "Then what's the meaning of the other three words? How to explain?"

Penny: "The word forest is the core of the forest witch. Everything in the forest is within the scope of the forest witch's research and application."

This is a bit bragging.

"As for witches, there are two meanings. One is that all the external manifestations of secret arts look similar to witchcraft; the other represents the spirit of the wizard’s research and exploration, but we put the goal of research and exploration in the forest. That’s it."

Anasta Griffin, who created the Forest Witch Mystery, was very farsighted, and Quinnes thought secretly. When I turned back to think that witches were also a special branch of wizards, I was relieved.

"However, except for the three under our feet, other seeds and cultivation techniques have been lost. I have to say that it is a great pity. Worse still, although the ancient Yunluo tree is a seventh-order mysterious plant, it has to deal with the lost swamp every year. The instinctive counterattack. This is the origin of the swamp monster hunting."

Buddy slapped his thigh: "Yeah, speaking of it, the ancient Yunluo tree is lying on the swamp and sucking its cancerous tumor."

Carol immediately slapped Buddy's head: "Shut up."

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