Witch Brigade

Chapter 46: Retreat and Rune Language

   A group of people crowded Her Royal Highness toward the Iron Rose Mansion in the Noble Quarter, and Quinnes did not join in the excitement. Otherwise, the staff of the Investigation Division have a certain degree of freedom, and even the matter of welcoming Her Royal Highness is based on the principle of freedom, or if there is no one in the Investigation Division, the shotgun will force Quinns to make up the number. Quinnes could ignore this welcome ceremony. For this reason, Quinns also got 5 credit points, which everyone in the Investigation Division has. Tig's Investigation Division is also unable to do it. If there are only three directors and deputy directors to greet him, it would be too shameful. So as the price of being forced, 5 credits are definitely worth the money.

   But since he came out, Quinns didn't plan to return to the sub-game and continue to retreat. In fact, his retreat has been effective for several days.

   First of all, the success of the renewal of the meditation thought, which made him more handy when controlling the psionic energy. The spiritual crystal ring around the psychic pool was also filled with 4 spiritual crystals under the operation of the meditation thought. Yes, more than four days have passed since completing the meditation thought. Quinnes only reserves 4 spiritual crystals. It is not that Quinns does not want to go faster, but the psionic energy needed to condense 1 spiritual crystal. It's too big.

  With the continuous operation of meditation, after Quinnes finds a balance between consumption and replenishment, it takes about a day to condense a spiritual crystal.

It’s not that Quinnes can’t use the psionic energy in the psionic pool to condense the spiritual crystals with all his strength, and even this requires only half a day, but the next half day Quinns can only spend in meditation to replenish the psionic pool. The emptiness in. In this way, it is better to turn meditation thinking into instinctive operation. Although the efficiency of this kind of shallow meditation is much lower, it can only slowly condense spiritual crystals, but it can find a good balance between consuming and replenishing psychic energy.

In addition, Quinnes directly used the book of truth from the Flintlock Library and exchanged it for a "Encyclopedia of Witchcraft" recommended by the old man (level 0), which contains everything from ring 0 to ring 9. , Very comprehensive. For the witchcraft model Quinn's disaster, he knew that sooner or later, he had to exchange it. He was very clear about this, just to deal with the next major event, he would exchange it sooner, and increase his strength earlier.

Quinnes enjoyed the benefits of a formal wizard for the first time. 0-ring witchcraft is very easy for Quinns now. After picking out a few very useful 0-ring witchcraft, Quinns In just two days, he mastered and instantly cast 0-level witchcraft.

   After doing these two things, there is not much time left, but Quinnes still studied the content of inscription literature in "Anders Multiverse Witchcraft".

  Inscription literature, before studying, Quinnes thought it was a prerequisite for learning alchemy, but after reading all inscription literature, Quinnes realized that inscription literature is not only the basis of alchemy, but also the basis of all subjects.

   Speaking of inscription literature, I have to talk about the inscription literature circulating in the East Continent today. In the East Continent, the inscription literature has actually been incomplete, and the real inheritance is Fu literature and some inscription literature.

The origin of the inscription is untestable. Even the legendary figure of the Sixth Age, Anders Moynta, knows only a little bit about the origin of the inscription in the book, but in the first sentence of the inscription literature, Anders Moynta The tower wrote the sentence that the inscription is the foundation of everything, and it is mentioned repeatedly in the following text.

The words repeatedly mentioned by a legendary figure, Quinns did not think he was qualified to ignore it, and the facts were true. After Quinns had read the inscriptions in depth, he suddenly realized that the three most popular in the East Continent today The mainstream rune system and many small schools of runes are derived from the inscription literature.

To insist on the relationship between the two, inscriptions are like strokes in Chinese characters, but the foundation is indispensable, while runes are different. It is a Chinese character composed of many strokes. This is the angle between the two. Come to see.

   Then why does this happen? Since inscriptions are the foundation of everything, the existence of runes seems meaningless.

This is to talk about the origin of witchcraft. When witchcraft first appeared, all witchcraft models were constructed based on inscriptions. Just like Quinnes’s engraved 0-ring witchcraft, they were all made of seventeen. A combination of inscriptions. This situation continued for a long time with the development of the occult.

But gradually, with the development of mystery, everyone slowly discovered that after reaching the 3rd level, and then wanting to advance to the 4th level, the complexity of the inscriptions required for the construction of the witchcraft model has increased exponentially, and it is impossible to let The spiritual power of a 3rd ring wizard engraves and solidifies witchcraft on the soul crystal in one go. Even if a wizard develops the computing power of the brain and soul to the limit that can be developed, it is impossible to do. What's more serious is that wanting to build a witchcraft model in the soul space to instantly cast the 2nd and 3rd ring witchcraft has become a luxury.

   At that time, ritual wizards who used ritual secret medicine forcibly advanced to the 4th level were popular. This situation continued for a long time, until a wizard researched out the combined inscription, which is the prototype of the rune, and the rune appeared. From the primitive rune system at the beginning, it gradually developed to the era when a hundred flowers blossomed and multi-rune system coexisted. It only took a short thousand years.

   If the amount of information contained in a single inscription is just a short sentence, then the information contained in the rune is a beautiful article, and the amount of information between the two becomes more apparent with the development of the rune system. As a result, the formerly complicated witchcraft model composed of inscriptions has been greatly simplified. Naturally, intermediate witchcraft has developed rapidly. More and more wizards have embarked on a path that is stronger than ritual wizards.

But in just over a hundred years, the wizards discovered that after reaching the 6th level, the same situation happened. They wanted to continue to build a 7th-level witchcraft model with runes, just like building a 4-level witchcraft model with inscriptions. Become a luxury.

   Everyone has different solutions. Some wizards have followed the old path of ritual wizards, but some wizards have not given up. Following the idea of ​​rune development, they want to take another path.

   And this time, with the experience of rune creation, five hundred years later, finally, the first rune language was created. Then the second and third rune words appeared one after another.

   If you compare runes to beautiful articles, then even the weakest rune language is an excellent novel, a collection of essays, a dictionary, etc. Although each rune language is different, it has a common feature, that is, the meaning contained in each rune language is all-encompassing. Every wizard who comprehends the language of runes is a powerful existence, a powerful existence that is far unmatched by those ritual wizards.

   When it comes to the language of runes, it is inevitable to talk about heraldry. Before the Sixth Age, there was only one type of person who could wear heraldry for his family, and it was those who understood the language of runes. It is also called the heraldic nobleman, and the language of runes is gradually called the god-given heraldry. Yes, a long time ago, the nobility was not comparable to the current wine bag and rice bag.

   People who understand the language of runes are called heraldic nobles because the language of runes is inherited.

   Those who understand the language of runes, the language of runes is inscribed in their souls, and because of this characteristic, the language of runes can be passed down from generation to generation. Therefore, if the descendants of heraldic nobles are awakened, their spirits are born with the words of runes, and the gap between their advantages and ordinary people can be imagined.

Another characteristic of    Rune Language is pictification. Every complete rune language can almost find a similar existence in the multiverse, or some kind of mysterious animal, or some kind of mysterious plant, etc. Therefore, the coat of arms and family coat of arms of the nobility are not randomly obtained. Take the Church of the Mother of Ten Thousand Serpents, which Quinns is familiar with. The emblem of this church is a thousand-headed snake. It is said that the mother of ten thousand snakes became a **** and sublimated into the church's faith coat of arms with her own rune language. The words of the runes engraved by the nobles in the soul are similar to the existence.

   Whether the church's faith emblem is the language of the runes of the **** of the church, Anders Moynta did not give a clear answer in the book, but this answer was generally accepted in the Sixth Age.

   After the Sixth Age, with the loss of some inscriptions, fewer and fewer people can comprehend the language of runes. Gradually, the coat of arms is no longer the patent of the old aristocracy. Some of the new aristocrats began to follow the example of the coat of arms aristocracy and make their own family coat of arms. This trend quickly spread to the entire world and became a common practice.

   So, looking at it now, the nobles at this time are no longer the nobles before the Sixth Age. If you really want to recognize the heraldic aristocracy, you must be proficient in heraldry.

   It's hard to say which is more important between the high-level esoteric and the rune language ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But there is no doubt that spreading the rune language with the secret is almost the most powerful existence among all professionals.

   After understanding this, Quinnes knew that he had no other choice. If he did not want to be a weak ritual wizard, there were only two ways, to find a way to get a rune language, or to comprehend the rune language by himself.

Quinnes also thought about redeeming Rune Language through the Flintstone Library, but after thinking about it for a while, he realized that this would not work, because the worst Rune Language is 7 levels. If you want to exchange it, you must Let yourself advance to the 7th ring first, and then advance to the Sui Ancient Library. Obviously, this is a paradox and an endless loop.

   As for the rune language of other heraldic nobles, he felt it was not as easy as comprehending the rune language by himself. At least he can pass on the complete inscription literature through the Sui Ancient Library, and can exchange the notes of many predecessors who created Rune Language. Under such favorable conditions, if he can't comprehend Rune Language by himself, then he might as well just wash it back. Get home. On the contrary, it is the language of runes that the nobles of heraldry rely on as the core. The degree of danger is absolutely imaginable.

Of course, there is another important reason why Quinns decides to comprehend the language of runes by himself. As a person who comprehends the language of runes by himself, that is, the source of a certain rune language, the power of the language of runes is the most powerful, unlike those patterns. The descendants of Zhang aristocrats, with the passing on from generation to generation, the rune language inscribed in the soul will gradually disappear until it disappears completely after a dozen generations.

   inscription, rune, language of runes, this is a ladder, and the inscription is the most basic and important cornerstone under this ladder. If you want to understand the language of runes, you must understand the meaning of each inscription.

   With this recognition, Quinnes is no longer so enthusiastic about the three major rune systems in the Eastern Continent.

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