Witch Brigade

Chapter 61: Distorted beliefs and mutations

Buddy shook his head: "Those big forces have tried all the methods. It is the limit to be able to distort the belief and cultivate one alone. If the second virtue is selected, then at the moment of completion, except for the first ring Besides, all the other rings will collapse in an instant, and then re-emerge on the path of practicing the Eight Virtues, without exception."

"It turns out that this is the case. If you work hard to superimpose a single virtue to practice the highest ring, if you choose the second path, once you return to the second ring, it is impossible for anyone to make this determination." Quinnes expressed his understanding: "and , And more importantly, because what is built is a distorted belief. If you want to thoroughly implement it and cultivate the true meaning of the belief, theoretically only the Paladin who has completed the seventh ring can be qualified to practice the second belief and morality."

Buddy nodded repeatedly: "It seems that you have also discovered that those who distorted beliefs are not qualified to practice the second morality of belief. Strictly speaking, there is no Paladin in the world. Those people are just distorted Paladins. The demons of the Taoist way. The real Paladin will not join any organization forces, because it will distort their beliefs; nor will they form their own forces, which will corrupt their beliefs. Paladins will always walk alone." This, Buddy's eyes are full of contempt.

  Queens silently, the current secret of the Paladin has been changed and distorted by others. If you have to say it, it can only be called the secret of the Knight, nothing more.

   Just as Quinns was mourning for the Way of the Knight, a sharp scream came from the main hall.

   "Something happened." Quinnes and Buddy looked at each other and hurriedly walked towards the direction of the sound.

When    walked to the main hall, many people were already there.

   "It's a fountain." From a distance, the gurgling blood in Quince's eyes was flowing out of the iron rose stamens, flowing from the seven petals into the spring pool, dyeing the whole pool of spring water blood.

   approached, but it was the voice of an aristocratic woman who had just awakened. Around the spring pond, seven nobles were placed in seven positions, with their heads facing the seven petals of the iron rose. Everyone had a little finger-sized finger hole on their forehead without exception. The white brain pulp mixed with blood and flowed out like life, converged into seven different runes on the edge of the pool, and poured into the pool rock.

   Bennett and Lancelot squatted on the edge of the fountain pond, looking solemnly at the seven runes on the rock. Princess Vannie Cecil stood by the side with her housekeeper and maid, her face as Lancelot as the two.

   Lancelot affirmed: "This is some kind of ritual."

   Bennett: "The ceremony has already started, there is no chance to interrupt it."

  Vanni Cecil: "Minian, can you see what rune this is?"

   Minian was wearing a pair of glasses at this time, staring at the seven runes on the Chi Yan intently. The temperament of the spirit and the maid were quite different: "Your Royal Highness, this, this seems to be an abyss rune."

  Vanni Cecil: "Abyss Rune?!"

   Lancelot: "Minian, are you sure it is the Abyss Rune?"

Minian: "I have seen this in the Royal Library. Some of the abyss runes recorded above are very similar to the seven runes here in construction. I have 70% certainty." This, Minian revealed extremely confident.

   Bennett said suddenly: "If it's an abyss rune... that uninvited **** creature."

   As Bennett uttered his guess, everyone present thought of it almost simultaneously.

  Vannie Cecil asked urgently: "Minian, can you deduce the function of this ceremony?"

   Minian looked awkward, and shook her head: "There is too little information to deduce anything. Damn it, if only you could know the meaning of these seven abyss runes."

   Bennett intervened: "Don't talk about it, I just asked. No one went in or out of Tie Qiangwei's previous entrances."

Lancelot immediately answered: "In other words, except for those extraordinary who have special means, there is a great possibility that that **** creature will be among us, maybe those big merchants, or those nobles, It is more likely to be you and me."

  Vannie Cecil's face was pale. The news she had received before was that the guy had appeared in the dock area. The civilians were the most likely disguise, but in a blink of an eye, she appeared under her nose. She somewhat underestimated this **** creature.

   Butler Wood stepped forward and asked: "Your Royal Highness, do you want to detain everyone and interrogate them one by one?"

Bennett snorted: "It's impossible, not to mention the identities of these big merchants and nobles. Even if they are really deducted, they will not let you interrogate. Half of the filth in Tieg City is related to these guys. Really interrogated, do you want to overthrow the entire Tig?"

  Vanni Cecil nodded. In fact, even if she wanted to do so, it was impossible. The combined power of these nobles and big merchants was not something she could resist as a royal princess.

  Vannie Cecil was silent for a moment, and asked, "Anyone who doubts?"

   Lancelot: "It's a coincidence that those evil spirits appear, it's like..."

   Bennett: "It's like to draw our attention."

  Vannie Cecil: "I thought of this too."

   After taking a deep look at the fountain for the last time, Vannie Cecil led the butlers into the main hall. There was nothing left to dig here.

   Coming to the second floor, Vannie Cecil looked at the busy Royal Guard and Investigation Department through the window, and suddenly asked, "Minian, what do you want to say."

   Minian: "His Royal Highness, although I can't fully interpret the following ceremony, Minian still unravels some useful information."

  Vanni Cecil: "Oh?!"

   Minian: "Although this ritual has already started, the actual operation time is when the next dark moon comes, which is the 15th of this month."

"Dark Moon?" Quinns murmured. As expected, the characters around Vannie Cecil are not simple. After Minian said that she had studied the runes of the abyss, the humble maid entered Quinns' sight. After Vannie Cecil left, Quinnes decisively let Lilia follow.

   The follow-up finishing work lasted for a long time, until the last frightened business man in the early hours of the morning, under the watchful eyes of Quinns and others, took the carriage sent home by the police.

After this trip, all the members of the Investigation Section, including Quinns, were very tired. As for certain plans for the assassin who pretended to be Lance Kelvin, Quinns and William could only temporarily shelve. Up. If such a big thing has happened, it shouldn't be too much attention in a short time.

   At the end of a long day, Tie Qiangwei Mansion fell into calm, but in other places, the dark tide surged due to what happened in the mansion.

   After returning to the branch, Quinns went to rest on his own, while Buddy the shotgun went to report to old Schmidt. If such a big thing happened, it was natural to report to old Schmidt as soon as possible.

Early the next morning, Quinnes got up early. He wanted to go to the headquarters of the Investigation Division, not for anything else, but for the blind pupil. There was no news about the blind pupil from William, but he knew The Headquarters of the Investigation Division has a redemption for the Blind Eye, but I wanted to save the credit for redeeming the Blind Eye, so I didn't rush to exchange it.

  Queens discovered that the credit for the large-scale witch formation arranged by the Church of the Mother of Ten Thousand Snakes had come down, a total of 80 points, plus the remaining credit before, he now has 103 credits in his hand.

  Queens didn't stay at the headquarters for long. After spending 10 credits, Quinnes left. Don’t look at the 10 credits, but the purchasing power is absolutely high~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As for the Tier 1 secret potion that Quinns exchanged before, only 1 credit is only 1 credit. 10 credit for the blind pupil is already considered to be a very high price. Among the extraordinary materials of Tier 1, the blind pupil is very rare.

   After getting the Eye of the Blind, Quinns went to William's alchemy workshop non-stop. In addition to getting the remaining advanced materials, what happened yesterday naturally needs to be discussed with William.

   "No, this is the extraordinary material you want, 50 gold duo coins." William handed the sorted materials to Quinnes.

  Quines took it, and in this way, all the advanced materials for the Observer of Destiny were in hand. Pass the prepared gold duo coins to William.

   "You experienced what happened yesterday, talk about your views on that fountain ceremony." Quinns asked.

  William: "I thought about it all night last night. There is no doubt that 90% of the ceremony was the ghost of the **** creature. As for its purpose, it is impossible to guess at this stage."

  Quines said: "I have news that the true purpose of the ceremony is the 15th of this month, when the dark moon comes, it will be finally completed."

   William: "Dark Moon? Is the eclipse? The news is accurate?"

  Queens replied: "This is inferred by the maid of Vannie Cecil."

   William: "Maid? It seems that Minnie is not a simple maid."

Quinns: "I don't think I will cover this news for too long. There are so many people in Tie Qiangwei Mansion, what happens in the mansion is already on the tables of those big men. With the background of those big powers, It’s not difficult to solve part of the ritual.

   William nodded in agreement, and even the maid who only knew the fur of the abyss runes could interpret some key information, and other organizations would only interpret more.

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